
Godly Abilities system In The Apocalypse

The world is in chaos, mankind fighting for dominance Will they prevail or fall. Follow Jake on the quest to bring balance to his home

Bosede_Fadiji · 武侠
2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Godly Abilities System

How would one feel if you wake up finding yourself alive in your room filled with viguor and strength and also completely healed.

It would be weird if suddenly you started hearing voices in your Head and seeing holographic words without questioning it existence. Jake could only wait to hear the system explanation.



That was an interesting piece of information but was not still enough."you said your purpose was to help me then what can you do."Jake asked.

[ By completing quests and mission or, meeting certain criteria you are entitled to receive rewards through a channel of equivalent exchange in which will help you increase your strength and gain Abilities.]

"so you are saying I can gain Abilities and become powerful by completing quests"? Jake asked.

[ Yes. ]

Since the system was like a videogame he would like to try out a few things. "System show me my stats".


[User: Jake lugard]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 1]


[SP: 0]

[Energy: 100]

[Mana: 50]

[Hp: 100]

[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 19]

[Endurance: 24]

[Abilities: The Abilities Of The Ancient Gods ] - LOCKED



[Shop] - LOCKED


"whoa! so cool." Jake was Amazed. The system could analyze, simplify and interpret his capabilities Even to the extent of measuring the amount of mana he has what more couldn't it do. Observing his stats he skipped through somethings and under the Abilities tab he saw the ability 'The abilities of the ancient gods'. "Seems the system is more geared towards evolving me to be a god or something." Jake thought. That aside he couldn't understand what the shop function meant which seems to be locked alongside the Ability and the question marks besides it. The system gave him his answers before he could ask.

[ By doing quests you gain Exp in simpler terms 'experience points' which makes you leveling up and in turn more functions of the system will be unlocked like the shop tab granting you access to it. so with the question marks you saw.]

"Since Most of the functions of the system is locked, show me the quests." To which he got his reply


[Main quest: Reach Level 10]

[Daily quest: Do 50 push-ups

Reward: 5 exp ]

The main quest seems out of reach but in time it would not be as impossible as it looks like while the daily quest may be exercising but not impossible.

Due to the essence called mana on Earth, People are able to perform feats that was deemed nigh impossible before its arrival.

Things like running at 60km/h or lifting boulders wasn't anything special like it was during the old times on Earth. The mana would circulate the body and strengthen the muscles, tendons, bones and even the internal organ from birth. As one grows and develop the more the mana develops the body.

Jake lied on the floor and did the necessary with enthusiasm. 50 push-ups was a piece of cake for him even though his strength was not applaudible. And with Time he completed the quest

[Daily quest: Do 50 push-ups completed]

[5 Exp has been granted]

[An additional 5 Exp has been granted for completing your first quest ]

[Congratulations you have leveled up! ]

[ + 3 stats points has been given for leveling up]

[ An Ability has been unlocked ]

"At Least the system was generous giving me an additional exp" Jake thought out loud.

looking at his stats there were new noticable changes like the next level requirement experience point going up to 20. which means double the effort to level up again.

"And I don't think the system will be that generous, giving me free exp when i levels up next time".

Even more surprising, was him getting an Ability this soon.

[You have unlocked the Ability of the Fire God. Granting you knowledge, comprehension and manipulation over the Fire Ability]

Jake felt a load of information rushing in his head making him have a spliting headache. It was like a mass of information was forcefully imprinted in his brain. 'Arrgh!' Jake groaned. The pain and headache he was feeling increased making him fall on his knees It was like been hit continuously on the head by a sledgehammer. The discomfort and pain made him drenched in sweat after a few seconds.

Who would have thought it would be this painful. He painfully thought. After some seconds later the pain started to recede making him feel the bliss of escaping from a nightmare. The systems voice snapped him out of his bliss.

[ Abilities Of The Ancient Gods]

[Fire Manipulation - You and the fire element are one your knowledge and comprehension are increased. This very Fire Ability is one capable of even killing Gods.

100% increase in physical attack Power when used

80% boost in Strength when used

50% boost in Agility when used

40% boost in Endurance when used ]

"Whoa!, this is just too OP. I Think if I had this Ability earlier my Situation would be have been better when fighting that beast.

Jake still couldn't wrap his mind on what has happened to him today. Just a few hours ago, he was just a normal Hunter thinking of way to at least kill a beast, survive and obtain some power to defend himself. But now, his life was changing from worse to better.

AN:Those who have yet to obtain and learned a skill book will be called HUNTERS.

Thinking about all the possibilities the system could give him he felt like crying and blessings the one responsible for giving him the system. It was just to kill a beast and get a skill book that he almost got himself killed or more precise his Shitty luck. After all he doesn't have a family who could raise him a huge amount of money or has the capability of making the required money in buying a skill book. He was an orphan with no siblings and forgotten relatives and barely fending for himself. It was due to desperation that led him to go on a solo, betting on his luck to at least get a skill book but what Happened was quite the contrary of what I was expecting.

"Dwelling on the past won't get me anywhere, it would only draw me back. I have to move forward and focus on the present.

I have to live my life to the fullest and explore every advantage and possibility the system provides down to the very bit" Jake concluded with determination in his eyes.