
The Gate

"Wow!" Hisui exclaimed excitedly as she looked every direction she could around her.

It was the day after Alex opened the gate between Asora and Earthland, a relatively 'quiet' affair since they were already connected to that world, and the princess was currently walking through the bazaar surrounding the gate with a small escort of guards.

"Princess! Please be aware of your surroundings!" The lead knight, Arcadios, exclaimed nervously, as Hisui was naturally drawing quite a bit of attention to herself. That was only to be expected of course with her dressing like royalty, but having a contingent of Knights in armor following her around and constantly calling her 'princess' didn't help matters.

She didn't pay any mind to the lead knight's concerns though, and Hisui eagerly made her way through the bazaar as she looked at everything around that was new. One stall had fish that she'd never seen before, another had magic accessories, while a different one was selling materials that apparently came from monsters they'd never seen before, complete with an encyclopedia of said monsters for customers to peruse.

Everywhere she went Hisui eagerly examined the alien items, and made certain purchases before tossing the goods into the first thing she had acquired, a spatial storage ring. Naturally the place where she made the most purchases was a certain stall filled with some of the most amazing clothes she had ever seen, though it was staffed by a bulky and intimidating looking man(?) that was dressed in women's clothing, complete with his(?) hair being styled up in pigtails.

Too and fro she went until a new voice called out to her,

"Enjoying yourself princess?" Hisui turned to see none other than Erza Scarlet approaching her, alongside another beautiful woman with her long black hair tied back in a long ponytail, who had an average sized black dog at her side. Preempting either of them, Erza quickly gestured and said,

"Princess Hisui E. Fiore, this is Shizuku Yeagashi, Alex's other knight." Shizuku then bowed at Hisui respectfully while placing her right hand over her chest, and said,

"It is an honor to meet you princess, I hope we can get along from now on." Surprised at Shizuku's behavior, Hisui quickly said,

"You don't need to act so formal to me Shizuku! If anything, I should be the one who is respectful to the two of you, as our saviors from Darius, and my seniors as members of Alex's h-h-harem..." Quieting at the last word, Hisui's face became beet red as she had the realization that the two girls before her would sharing the same man with her, and possibly the same bed.

Surprising her though, both Shizuku and Erza remained resolute in their roles as 'knights', and the former replied,

"Be that as it may, we are still currently acting as Alex's Knights, who are welcoming a member of the royal family of an allied nation to Asora. For the moment at least, we will be acting in accordance with our roles." Hisui's expression twitched very subtly at the duo's behavior, while behind her Arcadios nodded in approval of their dedication to their roles as 'knights'.

As for what they meant by 'welcoming' her, Hisui was currently traveling through the gate in order to spend a few days in Asora before her wedding, so that she could see the alien world for herself and get to know Alex's family and wives. Though she would be staying in Earthland as the future queen of Fiore, that didn't mean that she was going to just ignore the rest of her future husband's family.

So Hisui tried to get to know the two Knights as well as she could as they showed her around the bazaar, while Shizuku's black dog, Jin, padded along at her side(Jin as in 'Jin Sakai' from Ghost of Tsushima, not as in 'Slash Dog' Jin. It was my original choice for his name until I looked up Tobio's, and eventually I just said 'screw it'.)

As they followed her around, Shizuku readily explained everything to Hisui about whatever caught the princess's eye, while also telling her various snippets regarding Asora or Alex in general. However she was unusually quiet when Hisui asked why she didn't seem like a normal knight like Erza or her guards.

This went on until an automated voice announced over the bazaar,

"The express from Asora will be arriving in t-minus ten seconds, nine, eight, seven-"

With the automated voice demanding their attention, every person in the bazaar immediately turned their attention to the giant granite archway. Within the archway was a swirling wall of silvery mist that made up the portal, from which a train suddenly emerged at great speeds the second that the counter reached 'zero'.


The trained rushed upwards into the air without any contact with any kind of track below, where it circled around in a great arc until it faced the archway once more, before silently and gently landing on the ground below. The second the train touched down, a new feminine voice rang out with more personality than the previous one, saying,

"Ladies and gentlemen please make sure that you have all of your belongings and limbs as you disembark, and thank you all for traveling on the Miledi line!" After thanking them, the doors to the train opened as the passengers began to leave, some looking a little green while others seemed excited after the thrill they just had.

As the people continued to disembark, and the voice announced that they'd be leaving in an hour, Hisui looked at it in excitement as she asked,

"Was that train really flying?! How was it doing that?!" As Hisui excitedly continued to ask a ton of questions about the train, Shizuku smiled wryly and was about to tell her about Gravity magic, when a new voice suddenly declared,

"Introducing the wonderful, magnificent, beautiful, and amazing, MILEDI~TAN~💕!" As she cried out her own introduction, none other than Miledi Raisen dropped out of the sky right in the middle of the group, before the blond haired beauty struck a pose.

Seeing Miledi suddenly appear, Shizuku fought back a groan as she said to Hisui,

"This is Miledi, the driver of the train and a master of Gravity magic." The blond then rounded on the princess, and looked her up and down before remarking,

"You're look really proper and refined, don't ya~💕!" As she said that a mischievous smirk showed on her lips as Miledi looked Hisui up and down, to which Arcadios demanded,

"What's that look for?" Miledi's smirk widened as she declared,

"I'm just imagining how miss 'proper and refined' princess will look as she slobbers over her new husband's massive cock~💕!" As she said that Miledi started moving her hands up and down in a provocative gesture, while she used her tongue to prod the inside of her own cheek to indicate something long going in and out of her mouth.

Understandably the Knights became red in the face from anger at her implication regarding their beloved princess, while Hisui turned red for a completely different reason, but before they could say anything Miledi continued,

"Or maybe she'll prefer him being balls deep up her ass until he pours his baby batter into her belly~💕!" She then screwed up her expression before sticking her butt out, and acting as if that was what was happening to her as she released a series of arousing moans.

With more looks being directed at them and the knight's tempers flaring, no one knew what was going to happen next, until Erza's gauntleted fist came down on Miledi's head.

"Stop that!" Erza chided her while raising her fist once again threateningly, while Miledi herself knealt down and rubbed the top of her head while teary eyed.

"Owee..." She uttered while feeling around for the bump that would inevitably form from being hit with metal armor at Erza's strength.

Though she was still rubbing her head, the blond quickly rose to find the Knights glaring at her in fury. Arcadios then placed his hand on the hilt of his sword before growling,

"Apologize for shaming our princess..." In an instant the easy going atmosphere around Miledi vanished, as she responded to the Knights obvious hostility with narrowed eyes,

"Or you'll do what?" Arcadios was about to tell her exactly what the Knights would do to one such as her, but, before he could utter a single word, he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

In response to their aggression a pressure unlike any they'd ever experienced before started radiating from Miledi's petite body, filling the Knights bodies with dread as they fought the urge to either collapse then and there, or turn tail and run. For several seconds nothing happened as the Knights became increasingly fearful towards Miledi, until,


"Owee!" Miledi cried out once again as she immediately released the pressure she had been exerting on the Knights, and knelt down again while rubbing the second bump forming on the top of her head.

"I'm sorry, despite being several millennia old Miledi still likes to act like a child. At times she can even be naughtier than a tree trunk..." Shizuku said while bowing slightly(A.N. And the author wrote after spending the last several days splitting the knottiest wood I've ever seen).

Meanwhile the Knights were gasping for the breath they hadn't realized they were holding, while also trying to calm their racing hearts from the sheer terror they had just experienced. Only a couple, including Arcadios, were capable of doing more than gasping or clutching at their chest, as the knight commander shakily demanded,

"W-what the hell are you!?" When she heard him Miledi looked up from her crouching position, and said indignantly,

"Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm the super cute and amazing Miledi-tan~💕!" Posing cutely to punctuate her words, Miledi then poked her own cheeks with her index fingers to make herself look cuter, while Shizuku and Erza simply sighed.

Eventually Erza said,

"Don't you have to run the train back to Asora soon?" Miledi quickly spun back towards her while pulling out a pocket watch, and said after giving it a quick check,

"I still have a little bit of time left, just long enough to get to know miss princess here!" Then, without further ado, Miledi hooked her arm through the still embarrassed Hisui's and proceeded to lead her away, leaving the Knights to follow along behind them.

After spending a short amount of time being dragged around the bazaar by Miledi, Hisui was then led to the train by the overeager blond who wanted to show off her Gravity magic. Right as the Knights were about to board the train though, she immediately poked her head out of the door, and said,

"You're all dismissed now since your princess is in our hands. Goodbye!" Without waiting for them to answer, Miledi slammed the doors shut in their faces as the train slowly lifted up from the ground, and suddenly took off.

"PRINCESS!" Arcadios shouted in panic as their princess was taken away, not knowing what to tell their king when they returned.

Cackling at the stupefied faces of the Knights, Miledi then turned back towards the interior of the train to make her way to the front, stopping to say hi to each of the people currently riding while they also happily chatted with her.

"You look like you're having more fun than usual today Miledi." One of the passengers said to her with a smile, to which Miledi happily replied,

"Yep! There's the new princess to 'play' with, and she 'had' an entire squadron of Knights to mess with~💕!" The passenger widened her eyes as she glanced towards the green haired princess, who was currently sitting with Erza and Shizuku, before asking,

"Is that the lucky princess who's engaged to the Dragon Emperor?" Miledi nodded excitedly as she effortlessly guided the train towards the portal, and said,

"Yep, I can't wait to see how messed up her refined and proper appearance gets when she finally gets a taste of the mighty dragon dick~💕!" As Miledi started giggling mischievously, the woman blushed slightly while looking away, having also purchased one of the 'Dragon Dick' dildos that some of the girls in Alex's harem were secretly making and selling, which were exact replicas of Alex's own member. (Aika Kiryuu, Suzu, and Momioka Risa from To Love Ru.)

As Miledi happily chatted with the passengers of the train, her favorite pastime after getting her daily dicking from Alex, Hisui was distracted as she watched the gate steadily get closer, her heart racing in anticipation. Slowly the seconds passed as the gate got even closer, the silvery mist swirling like a pool of calm water, before the front of the train plunged into the mist and disappeared.

"Get ready." Shizuku said with a hint of a smile, to which Jin happily barked in reply. Hisui looked at her in confusion, before looking back towards the front of the train and seeing that the wall of mist was rapidly approaching them, even in the train.

Hisui tightly closed her eyes instinctually when the intangible wall approached them, but, feeling nothing, she hesitantly opened them to see an alien world.


The green haired princess was speechless as she beheld the world around her, which was distinctly different from Earthland. The biggest indicator of course was the massive tree dominating the landscape, with its limbs and leaves appearing to hold up the sky itself as clouds moved around them.

Just as shocking though, was the massive dragons and phoenixes dancing through the air peacefully, none of them minding each other besides making room for any that might've been nearby. Amongst them was an even larger pure black dragon that flew through the air with authority and power, with all of the others even going out of their way to make room for it.

"That's Tio, another one of Alex's wives." Shizuku said to her suddenly, startling Hisui from her reverie, before she exclaimed,

"Wait, ones of his wives is a dragon!?" While dragons did exist at one point on Earthland, and possessed intelligence, Hisui couldn't imagine that the ones in Asora had human forms as well. Sensing that there was a bit of confusion there, Shizuku then started to explain some of the specifics regarding the different races that inhabited Asora while they approached the next stop, while Hisui listened intently so that she didn't inadvertently make a mistake.


While Hisui was seeing Asora for the first time, Alex however had just arrived at the Fairy Tail guild to find it almost completely empty, save for Markarov, Mavis and a couple others. The duo looked up when they noticed someone arriving, only to see Alex entering the guild with someone they hadn't met before.

"What's up Alex?" Mavis called out when she saw him, to which Alex said,

"Just came by to talk about a couple things, and to make an introduction." He then gestured to the person behind him, with long purple hair, and orange sleepy looking eyes.

"This is Ingvild Leviathan, one of my wives and the person in charge of musical entertainment in Asora." When he said that the only other people in the guild, Wendy and Sherria(who was visiting Wendy), looked up, while Ingvild quickly approached them.

"Are you the other sky slayers I heard about?! I really wanted to meet you two!" She then dragged the duo of sky slayers away, while Alex shook his head slightly at Ingvild's eagerness to try and recruit them to her peerage.

Leaving them to their own devices, Alex then approached Mavis and Markarov while saying,

"I'll introduce the two of you to her properly later, let's discuss the other matters I came for for now, shall we?" Markarov however watched Ingvild warily as he asked,

"And what does she want with the two of them?" Alex smiled wryly as he explained,

"When she originally met Anne, Ingvild wanted to invite her to join her peerage but was refused, so when she heard about the two other sky slayers here she wanted to try and recruit them." His brow twitching at how Alex and those with him seemed to want to swipe all of his best mages from under him, Markarov only sighed in exasperation as he asked,

"So what else did you come here for today?" Taking a seat on the stool nearest them, Alex said,

"Well I came here to see if you've taken my earlier offer into consideration, regarding a branch of the guild being established in Asora." Markarov sighed again as he produced a slip of paper, and said,

"This is a list of the names of those who showed interest in moving to Asora, for one reason or another." Alex accepted the list and glanced over the names, before his brows rose in surprise to see Mavis's at the very top.

"Are you sure about this Mavis? What about August?" Though she appeared slightly hesitant when Alex mentioned her son, Mavis nodded and said,

"I'm sure. Markarov is the guild master now, even if I've been brought back. Rather than stick around and get in his way, it would be much better to run the branch guild in Asora. As for August, well with the gate we can see each other whenever we want, so it's not that big a deal."

Alex shrugged in response to her explanation, as Mavis did have a point regarding staying out of Markarov's way as he ran the guild, and how she and August could simply see each other whenever they wanted thanks to the gate. He then glanced down at the rest of the list, and was surprised to see the rest of the names below Mavis's.

Not surprising was Lisanna and Elfman's names, as they would obviously want to follow Mirajane, but below theirs was Wendy's, Carla's, Cana's, Bickslow's, and Evergreen's. Surprised at the amount of names, Alex said,

"That's a lot of volunteers..." Markarov nodded and replied,

"I was surprised too, but their desire to go is understandable. Obviously Elfman and Lisanna would want to follow their sister, Wendy and Carla are interested in the Emergency Response team that your wife runs after cooperating with them before, while Bickslow and Evergreen wanted to go along with Freed since he joined miss Rias. I'm not entirely sure why Cana wanted to go though..."

Adopting a look of confusion as he mentioned Cana, Markarov went silent as Alex simply sent the list ahead to one of the girls in Asora, so that they could make the proper preparations for their soon-to-be new residents. He then turned towards Mavis and said,

"Your second guild hall should be ready within a few days, which will also have a set of dorms attached to it for current and future members." Mavis beamed at the information and said excitedly,

"Ok! I can't wait to see it!" Markarov nodded slowly as he simply said,


The trio then began to discuss various this and that's, such as Alex's upcoming wedding, and potential jobs that would open up for Fairy Tail with gate's creation. This went on until the doors to the guild opened, and a mother son duo walked in.

"Um, excuse us." The mother said hesitantly, while the little boy with her looked around in awe. Markarov then jumped off of the bar and walked towards the duo, only being as tall as the little boy, and asked,

"How can Fairy Tail help you miss?" Thinking she came to offer them a job, Markarov put on his best business face as he waited to hear what she wanted them to do. Surprisingly though, the woman seemed hesitant before saying,

"Actually we came to thank you for the help we already received." Tilting his head in confusion, Markarov was about to ask what she was referring to, when the little boy suddenly asked,

"Are you really a Mage?" Markarov smiled widely at the boys question, and, instead of answering directly, shot his arm outwards to the side. Extending and wiggling like a piece of wet noodle, Markarov's hand disappeared into an entirely different place in the guild before snapping back like a rubber band. Within his grasp was a comically large lollipop that he offered to the little boy with a wide smile, as he said,

"Well what do you think?" The boy's eyes were wide as he accepted the lollipop in awe, too stunned for words as he slowly accepted it with shaky hands.

Resisting the urge to laugh at the boy's awe, Markarov then turned towards the woman and asked,

"So what were you saying about wanting to thank us?" The woman first knelt down and wrapped her arms around her awestruck son, before emotionally saying,

"Hargeon. We were regularly terrorized by the Black Collar guild for years. They would abuse us, 'use' us, and regularly terrorize us in any way they felt like. They even took away my son's sight..." The woman then recalled the horrible days after her son had been blinded, listening to him sobbing almost constantly, and knowing that nothing she could've done would have helped.

Immediately Markarov's smile vanished when he heard the woman's story, before he sent a quick glance in Alex's direction to see him shamelessly flirting with Mavis as if both of them were ignorant of what the woman was saying as she told them the story of her son's sight being healed. Though Alex never told him of their actions in Hargeon, it still didn't take Markarov much to connect the dots due to him rescuing Lucy from there before they met.

Now he was stuck with either admitting that they weren't the ones responsible for freeing the people of Hargeon, or taking the credit to avoid the woman learning that they had been lied to. A decision that was made significantly harder when the boy said to him,

"When I grow up, can I be a Fairy Tail Mage too?" Though he didn't want to, Markarov smiled widely as he reached up and pat the young boy's head, and declared,

"Of course! We at Fairy Tail will never turn down an aspiring Mage!" The boy's face morphed into a massive grin as he quickly turned towards his mother and asked,

"Did you hear that mom?! He said I could join them someday!" As the mother congratulated her son, the feeling within Markarov lightened as he then started to suggest types of magics for the boy to try and practice with, and members of the guild who could possibly teach him if they were going to stay in town.

Pretending as if he hadn't heard everything being discussed between Markarov and the duo, Alex smirked as he said to Mavis,

"Looks like the guild won't have to worry about a lack of members in the near future." Mavis nodded in agreement before saying,

"I figured we wouldn't anyways. For future mages the only options available at the moment is to join one of the only five guilds left, or to try and form one of their own. Sadly it'll be a while before any competent mages capable of creating their own guild appear, so until then they'll probably just join one of ours until they become competent enough to do so."

Alex nodded in agreement before taking a long swig of the drink Mavis brought him, draining the mug completely before slamming it back down onto the bar.

"You know, sometimes I do wish I was still able to get drunk..." He said with a bit of melancholy, recalling the time that he had drank with Sirzechs's 'Rook', Surtr Second. He didn't get long to lament the effects his 'Poison Resistance' skill gave him though, when the guild doors suddenly slammed open and both Natsu and Gajeel rushed in.

"Have any of you seen Levy?" Gajeel demanded urgently, panic evident in his expression and voice.

"No, what happened?!" Markarov demanded, worried that something might have happened to one of his brats. As both Gajeel and Natsu showed awkward expressions though, Alex suddenly supplied,

"I'm guessing that she accidentally walked in on you butt-fucking each other and ran off, right?" Naturally, the duo's expressions morphed into sheer panic at someone knowing their secret, which Alex happened to have accidentally stumbled on when he used his 'Domain' to check on them a few days prior.

Ignoring the sputtering denials of his claim, Alex stood and said,

"I guess it's time for me to go and clean up your mess then." He then disappeared due to using Spatial magic before anyone could stop him, reappearing within the female dormitory used by Fairy Tail, Fairy Hills.

As soon as Alex appeared within the dorms he felt a spiritual presence try to force him out, but with a bit of Spirit magic he was easily able to shoo them away. Afterwards Alex then spread his 'Domain' throughout the dorm, quickly locating where Levy was.


"...hic....why Gajeel.....?" Levy sobbed into her pillow as she recalled the scene she had witnessed earlier, which was like something out of the occasional erotic Boys Love novel she'd find.

Instead of the usual forbidden intrigue she'd feel when reading her novels though, Levy could only feel her heart shattering worse than when she saw that woman violating Gajeel as she warped his mind. Tears filling her eyes, she had fled from the duo to quickly make her way back to her room in the dorms.

Now a tidal wave of emotions filled her as she sobbed into her pillow, hurt from Gajeel choosing Natsu over her, betrayal that he never told her about this, and heartbreak from losing the man she had thought she loved in such a way.

Her sobbing continued until she suddenly heard the floor creak behind, making Levy turn around while sniffling to tell whoever it was, presumably someone like Erza, Lucy, or Mirajane, to leave her alone. What she didn't expect to see though was a completely naked Alex slowly advancing towards her, his cock dangling and bouncing between his legs.

"W-w-w-w-what are you doing here?!" She demanded while also trying to back away from him, making Alex smirk as he reached the edge of her bed.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked before slowly crawling onto her mattress.

"The 'Evil Dragon/Devil' is here to completely steal, corrupt, and violate the heartbroken maiden." Levy's heart thundered in her chest as Alex slowly approached her, her mind telling her to run from him while her body refused to listen.

"W-why?" Levy just barely managed to stutter out as he inched ever closer. Alex however just smirked and replied,

"Because you deserve better than to have your heart broken in such a way, and not only am I an expert in making women happy," Alex paused as he finally reached Levy's body, and gently took hold of her chin to make her look at him as he inched ever closer to her. "-but I would also be an embarrassment to consider myself a lustful being if I didn't snatch up such a delectable morsel."

Even if she could speak Levy wouldn't have known what to say to Alex's words, but before she could she found her lips sealed as Alex stole them, while his hand slowly made its way up her leg to find itself within her dress.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts