
The End of the Heeters

With Maki and Oil beside him, Alex returned to the other side of the curtain as his wives finished redressing themselves to watch the next match. This time they were taking things a bit more seriously due to the wager Alex made, though the man himself appeared relaxed as he didn't even dress, and seemed distracted as Gas and Goku entered the arena.

A minute later however, a new figure suddenly appeared in the VIP room that caught everyone else off guard.

Meanwhile Goku and Gas were currently face-to-face with each other for the first time, worsening Gas' mood after seeing the same face that had defeated him more than twenty years prior. The only thing missing was the X shaped scar on the cheek.

Clenching his fists at all of the frustrations he was experiencing that day, Gas decided to take them out on this lookalike before him. Goku however appeared unable to read his opponent's attitude, as he excitedly stated, "Finally! Now I can see what other people in the universe are capable of!"

Goku then extended a hand towards Gas and continued, "I'm Goku, nice to meet ya!" Gas however responded by smacking away Goku's hand while glaring at him with undisguised hostility, making Goku wonder if he'd done something to make him mad or something.

Before he could ask the announcer cried out,


As usual, the list of the numerous arenas began to flash as the light moved between the different locations for nearly a minute, before it began to slow until it finally came to a stop once again as everyone beheld a hellscape featuring an endless sea of corpses, broken war machines, and weapons.


The words were barely out of his mouth when both Goku and Gas were transported to the Battleground, where they were in the only clear space within the seemingly endless sea of death and annihilation.

"FIGHTERS READY?" The announcer asked, prompting Goku and Gas to take their respective stances, before he declared, "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!"

The second the fight started Gas rushed Goku while forming a bladed gauntlet on his hand, learning from his scuffle with Alex, as he snarled as he aimed it directly at Goku's heart,

"I WILL save Elec, and clean the stain from that day!" Goku, not knowing what Gas was talking about, caught the blade of the gauntlet with his hands before it could reach his chest. Surprisingly he was pushed back several feet from the force of Gas' attack, pushing him right to the edge of the ring of cleared space, before he put enough force in his hands to break the blade into pieces.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but let's just enjoy ourselves!" Gas was about to tell Goku to stop talking nonsense, but before he could Goku vanished as he used Instant Transmission to disappear and reappear behind him.

Before gas could even turn around Goku delivered a kick right into his side, sending him flying through the field of weapons, receiving numerous cuts and injuries before finally sliding to a stop.


"Damn it! Get up and hit him back you worthless piece of shit!" Shouted a certain figure in the VIP room, who watched the fight anxiously as he saw his little brother get sent flying lie a rag doll.

"Seeing the brotherly love there Elec." Alex said in a deadpan, before looking down and adding, "Then again, I shouldn't be surprised considering you don't even care about me using your little sister as a sex toy either."

As he said, Alex was watching the fight with his hands on either side of Maki's hips, holding her up in the air as he pumped her cunt up and down his cock even with two of her brothers on either side of him. Elec glanced down at her when Alex said that, before snorting in disgust as he sneered,

"Don't worry, when I come back to life I'll have her passed around like the whore she wants to be." Elec then glanced over Alex's wives before adding with sinister sneer, "Along with your wives and daughters of course."

Surprisingly, Alex didn't react to Elec's taunt as he continued fucking his little sister in front of him. Meanwhile the wives and even Oil looked at him with undisguised scorn in their eyes at Elec's sheer stupidity.

Even Oil and Maki had come to realize how stupid their brother was after spending some time under Alex. Elec had taught them that with enough wealth and knowledge that even the most powerful beings in the universe could be toppled, which was ther plan to take the Frieza empire from the tyrant.

What they had learned from both Alex and Frieza though when the former killed their brother, was that power was an essential necessity when it came to conquering and ruling. Though wealth and Intel did indeed go a long way to ruling, power was needed to protect what was yours, and to take what you wanted. The other two typically came along with it.

The duo had learned that when Alex casually tortured and killed their brother, before sending a group of his combat maids to collect the vast fortune hey had built up over the last several decades.

The Heeters had been amongst the wealthiest group in the entire universe due to their numerous transactions as they literally sold entire planets, and manipulated the economic state of entire galaxies through their assassination and bounty contracts. Yet that entire fortune had been seized from them within a matter of hours, despite being hidden and protected with the best security money could buy, by the servants of a man who appeared completely indifferent when he saw the dozens of zero's that had been added to his own vault afterwards.

With his empire spanning numerous worlds and tens of billions of people, amongst which were kings, powerful monsters, and even gods, the taxes and tributes he received regularly had made Alex's already vast wealth explode in size. And then there was the numerous businesses and territories ran by his wives, which also contributed to the increasing size of his vault.

Unlike other rulers or dragons who hoarded their wealth though , Alex actively looked for ways to get rid of it in the most beneficial manner possible. Not only did he lavishly spoil his wives, lovers, and children(within reason) whenever he got the chance, but Alex also personally funded many of the organizations and projects within Asora such as the Hospital, The Grigori institute, and the Academy. On top of that he would also make numerous anonymous donations to orphanages, schools, hospitals, as well as fund numerous projects to increase quality of life in the various territories he ruled over.

And despite all of that, as well as the usual expenses he paid regularly to Asora's public workers and so on, the actual amount of wealth Alex possessed only seemed to grow without end. Then again, it wasn't that surprising with all of the plunder he and his wives seemed to 'stumble' upon.

But if the Heeters ever found out how much wealth Alex actually possessed, they were liable to keel over from shock in response.

At the current moment however there was only a growing disdain for their eldest brother at his sheer arrogance and ignorance of his current situation. Elec was, of course, still dead, as evidenced by the halo floating above his head, yet ever since hearing about the deal made between Alex and Gas he had been acting as if he were untouchable.

Well, Oil was experiencing the growing disdain, Maki was a little bit more preoccupied with the giant dick rearranging her guts.

She was experiencing firsthand just how skilled Alex was at fucking, as well as the power of Nika as her insides stretched to impossible lengths to accommodate the foreign organ. Not that she was aware of it now, but Alex's girth and length would've destroyed her insides with her short and petite figure without the stretching capabilities of Nika.

The fact that two of her brothers were currently right beside her, and that the third was currently fighting for her 'freedom' completely went over Maki's head.

Back at the fight, Goku and Gas clashed once again with enough force that they created shockwaves that sent many of the weapons and corpses around them flying. In response to the latter conjuring weapons to fight him with, Goku had picked up a spear and removed its sharpened head, leaving him with the shaft to fight with.

"Man, it's been so long since I fought with a staff!" Goku exclaimed with a happy-go-lucky tone, recalling the Power Pole his grandfather had left for him before he died. Though, inwardly Goku was saddened about not having his weapon of choice since it was stronger than the pole he was using now, and could also extend to any length.

Gas on the other hand gritted his teeth in frustration as he and Goku locked their respective weapons against one another, both from how strong this Saiyan was, and his resemblance to that man.

"Damn it..." He swore, before breaking off the stalemate and taking some distance from his opponent.

"What's wrong? Need a breather?" Goku asked with a playful smirk, making Gas even more frustrated as he demanded,

"How?!" Goku however just cocked his head to the side in confusion, before Gas elaborated, "How are you so much stronger than that other Saiyan?!!"

His confusion growing, Goku asked him, "What other Saiyan? You fought a Saiyan before?"

Goku's naivety irritated Gas even more, until he finally blew up as he stated,

"THE SAIYAN THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU WITH A SCAR!" Making an X mark on his cheek, Goku was suddenly hit with realization as he said,

"Ohhhhhh! You mean my dad!"

When he heard that Gas' expression became unnaturally calm as that single word reverberated within his mind, along with his memories of that day where he was defeated.

"I see..." He said while slowly reaching up to the string of sharpened bones that hung on his forehead.

"Is Gas really going to do 'that'!?!" Oil exclaimed when he saw what his little brother was doing, fingering his own matching necklace while he said so.

His exclamation brought Maki back from the pleasure she was feeling as she too fingered the only thing currently on her body, the same necklace that Oil was wearing, while a look showed Alex that Elec had the same one on his waist. And with the eldest of the Heeters smirking victoriously, Alex asked the other two,

"What is 'that'?" Elec ignored Alex as he anxiously awaited what he considered to be his eminent revival, so Maki answered even as Alex continued to move her up and down his cock,

"They're.....restraints on our.......inner natures..... We'll......go berserk without theeeeeeeeeeem!" Crying out the last part as Alex made her climax once again, Maki could barely maintain her consciousness as Alex's expression turned somewhat serious at the revelation.

"So monkey, feeling anxious at this bet yet?" Elec asked cockily, feeling that this fight would be their's once Gas released his inner nature, to which Alex snorted as he replied,

"Your night in Hell didn't make you any smarter I see." Elec's expression turned nasty when he heard that, as he demanded,

"And what exactly makes you say that?" Alex just looked back at him like he was an idiot, before saying bluntly,

"Do you think you're the only ones who can transform?"

Elec's eyes widened when he heard that, before turning his attention back to the match right as a beastial roar echoed.


As the announcer stated, Gas had become significantly taller than he was before while his muscles had bulked up notably, and two long horns framed his face as they came straight down from his temples. Accompanying his transformation though, Gas' eyes had turned completely white, indicating his loss of control as he shot towards his opponent like a furious beast.

Even as his newly powered up opponent charged him though, Goku didn't appear concerned as he activated his own transformation, going straight into SSJ2 as he said, "Don't think you're the only one who can transform!"

Then, despite the great power Gas now possessed, Goku effortlessly grabbed him by the wrists and held the berserker in place, much to everyones amazement.


The announcer cried out as everyone oohed and awed at the spectacle, as the only time they truly saw the power of the transformation was when Alec and Gohan used it the day before. But everyone agreed there was big difference between the two children and Goku, who they didn't know was a mere step away from achieving the SSJ3.

Gas meanwhile couldn't move due to the iron grip Goku used to hold him in place, forcing him to act on instinct as he released wild blasts of energy to try and get away.

Releasing his hold on Gas' wrists, Goku took some distance before using a single hand to deflect all of the blasts coming his way, destroying much of the already ruined battlefield as numerous explosions of energy rang out.

Surprisingly he had a small frown on his face, even as Gas followed up by charging him again, before Goku stated,

"You know, this isn't as fun anymore... It's kinda hard to enjoy a good battle when the guy I'm fighting is so predicable because he can't control himself..." Though his comment caught many of the spectators off guard, they quickly realized what Goku meant as they watched the next several exchanges.

Unlike Ultra Instinct, where ones body moved by itself to flawlessly attack and defend, the current Gas was acting entirely like a beast that had no refinement in its movements whatsoever. Even if his strength was comparable to Goku's, which it wasn't, then Goku still wouldn't have an issue fighting him due to Gas projecting every one of his attacks before he made them.

It was almost too easy for Goku to find openings in Gas' defense to land numerous hits, which was rapidly wearing down his opponent even if it didn't seem like it in his berserk state.

Finally Goku brought the match to an end, as he delivered a powerful hit to Gas that rendered him unconscious, prompting the announcer to begin the countdown that officially ended the match.

"SON GOKU WINS!" The announcer cried out excitedly, as he was also glad to see Goku win after watching the three tournaments he'd participated in before. And with the audience sharing his excitement, Goku returned to the arena while supporting the unconscious Gas until the healers could get to him.

Up in the VIP room though, Elec was in a state of panic and anger as he stated,

"That useless bastard! How dare he lose like that! And in the first round no less!" Even as Elec swore and cursed Gas for his failure, Alex pulled his cock out of Maki and passed her over to one of the girls to take care of while he dealt with the next order of business.

And soon enough Gas, now conscious and wearing his sealing talisman, was brought back into the VIP room to find the very person he had wanted to save waiting for him.

"Elec..." Gas began despairingly, only for Elec to slap him across the face with a look of anger on his face.

"You worthless scum. You have failed ALL OF US!!!" Gas' body shook as Elec yelled at him, with no one paying attention as the next match was announced with it being Caulifla versus Surtr Second.

Gas, not doubting his brother's words for even a second, hung his head in shame and self loathing as he accepted all of the responsibility for their fate.

"It's not Gas' fault though Elec!" Oil stated angrily as he walked up to his brothers, glaring at the eldest of them as he did so. This made Gas look up questioningly while Elec also looked at Oil with surprise before Alex added,

"That's right, the only reason I paid attention to you guys was because Elec started making plans against my family. It's all YOUR fault that I acted Elec." As he said that Alex walked up to them and added in an exasperated voice,

"Also, I'm tired of this pathetic little drama, so let's cut to the chase. Gas, your brother is a delusional piece of shit that would readily throw you away if he got what he wanted, and blames literally anyone but himself for his failures. And Elec, you can kindly fuck off back to Hell now."

As he said that, Alex tapped Elec on the shoulder, forcibly teleporting him back to Hell while also using Spirit magic on him a little to enhance his sense of pain. He then turned back to Gas and said,

"Now then, I'm going to make you my slave alongside Oil and maki, like we agreed, then the two of you are going to find something to do so I can fuck my wives while we watch people beat the shit out of each other in peace. Deal?" Not giving Gas the chance to say anything, Alex quickly branded him with the slave mark before sending both him and Oil out of the VIP room, finally leaving him alone with his wives once again.

"Now, where were we?" Alex asked them as he snapped his fingers, relieving everyone of their clothing even as the next match got under way.


"HAHA! LETS SEE HOW YOU HANDLE THIS LITTLE GIRL!" Surtr boomed shortly after the fight had started, as his size began to increase until he was well over a hundred feet tall.

Even as he stared down at her though, Caulifla didn't appear the slightest bit daunted at the size difference. Instead she sneered up at her opponent,

"Size isn't everything. But sure, I'll play along!" As she said that Caulifla created an orb of light and sent it flying up into the air, where it hovered without doing anything whatsoever.

Surtr didn't do anything as Caulifla made her own preparations, considering himself a gentleman that way, plus it wouldn't be as fun. And his patience was soon rewarded when Caulifla's eyes went wide, before turning a bright red as he body began to grow while sprouting thick fur.


And as the audience cheered to show how excited they were too, Caulifla released an ear shattering roar as she charged Surtr.

"I see Caulifla has pretty good control over her Great Ape form." Alex causally said even as he was plowing Rana before her own match, to which Yuna said,

"I heard that she and the rest of the Saiyans were training to control their Great Ape transformations as well, since apparently one of Sadala's ancestors destroyed the moon for their planet a long time ago." Alex nodded as he recalled what Sadala had told him at the time, which the former king had said was to keep their 'evil' natures in check.

Now that they knew they could learn to control the transformations though, they were all eager to do so alongside their training to achieve the SSJ transformations. And apparently their efforts were already bearing fruit, as Caulifla went toe-to-toe with the man considered to be the 'Ultimate Rook'.

"Who do you think will win?" Yuna asked as she watched the fight anxiously, to which Alex said without any hesitation,


The lack of hesitation in his answer surprised them, especially since Surtr seemed to be holding up well against Caulifla in her Great Ape form, even forcing her to take some distance from him as he belched out a tidal wave of intense flames.

"..." Though she didn't say anything, for not wanting to agree with Alex, Kokoa also felt that there was higher chance of Caulifla winning this match.

"Ahhhhh! Alex is a big softy who only believes in his wives~!" Rikku exclaimed as she clung onto Alex's arm, before he surprised her by saying,

"That's not it. Surtr is way too reckless and hot-headed. Even if he can force Caulifla on the defensive, he's likely to expend the majority of his energy doing so and will quickly tire himself out in the process."

If the girls were surprised at Alex's assessment of the fire giant, that was nothing compared to when, not even a minute later, his assessment was proven true when his attacks began to lag, and Caulifla quickly went on the offensive once the flames around them died down.

With her strength multiplied by ten times in her Great Ape form, Caulifla hammered her fists into Surtr's body with enough force that even the 'Ultimate Rook's' defenses were unable to keep up. And with one last attack in the form of a beam that fired from her mouth at him from point blank, Surtr Second was forced to retire from the match, and Caulifla was declared the winner.

After being returned to arena, Caulifla was showered in the cheers and applause from her fans while Surtr was taken away on a stretcher being carried by ten people. Thankfully, when she was transported back she had been reverted back into her base form, along with the clothes that had been shredded when she transformed.

With the spectacular and showy way in which Caulifla and Surtr fought the applause went on for several minutes so that even the announcer couldn't get a word in, until Caulifla finally left the arena so they could determine the next lineup.




1. Son Goku

2. Bardock

3. Mil-tan

4. Jackie Chun❌

5. Sun Wukong

6. Kimari Ronso❌

7. Rana Linchen

8. Krillin

9. Gas❌

10. Granolah

11. Pikkon

12. Sting Eucliffe

13. Kokoa Shuzen

14. Caulifla

15. Surtr Second❌

16. Heracles ❌

Thanks for reading!

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