

Alex was now on the return train home. There hadn't been much going on after the games finished. There were some medals given to players that did well, but of course Alex didn't get any. Since Ravel was going to move in with them to be close to Alex she had also joined them on the trip home. He was sitting in between Rias and Asia when suddenly Rias spoke up,

"Oh yea, I also had the dorms renovated while we were in the underworld. I don't know what the current layout of the building is, but now the baths a lot larger, there's an indoor pool downstairs, and a training room. Here's also a lot more rooms for anyone that also starts living there." Everyone looked confused but happy at the renovations, but Alex knew that Rias added them because he suggested it. She also put together the hints for more rooms to mean more women living there in the future, but as she already learned her lesson she didn't mind that. Suddenly Koneko walked over to Alex, sat in his lap and kissed his cheek before saying,


Though Alex already decided not to touch her until she got older, he couldn't deny the cuteness just then. There was also quite the reaction from all the girls around the train, as Rias and Akeno didn't think that even Koneko would apparently fall for Alex. Asia looked conflicted though, and Alex knew the things about to happen so he asked her,

"Did you also want to be with me Asia?" She looked shocked that he called her out though, and said shyly,

"Um, I was kinda wanting to. I started to like Alex, but I didn't know what to do about it, and I didn't think I would be able to do the same things as president and Akeno." Alex smiled at her and before she could react, leaned over and kissed her. Asia was surprised and Alex simply said,

"Just because you're not sure about doing those things, doesn't mean you can't say you like me. We can always wait. Let's just be closer for right now." Alex said so because he was somewhat concerned about corrupting Asia. Unlike Xenovia who understands matters between men and women, Asia was completely pure until issei and her friend Aika perverted her. There was also the fact that she was trying to compete with Rias in the beginning. He also let Koneko know his intentions to wait with her like Ravel until she got older. She didn't like it, but agreed to grow up before moving their relationship.

Both girls were in a happy mood for the trip back, and they passed the trip in relative enjoyment. As Alex was getting off the train though, he saw the person he didn't want to waiting for them. Diodora Astaroth was waiting on the platform at the Kuoh town station. He started to approach Asia when he saw her leave the train, but Alex stepped forward instead.

"May I help you?" He asked with hostility behind his smile. Diodora looked confused, as he recalled Alex also being somewhat hostile to him before. But he out on a disgusting smile and said,

"I just wanted to talk with Asia Argento if you don't mind." Alex smirked at him and said,

"If it's about you getting her kicked out of the church, don't worry about it." Diodora flinched, and the girls who had also joined them by now also seemed concerned at the situation. Asia had a look of confusion, and asked,

"Are you the one from that time?" Diodora didn't say anything and revealed the scar on his chest. He then said,

"Even though you left a scar, you saved my life. I believe that it was fate that we met, please become my wife." Everyone except Alex was shocked, and Asia also looked shocked at his sudden proposal. Alex stated laughing, and said,

"Man you got some guts, proposing to another guys girl right in front of him? Do you think I'm not going to say anything?" Diodora looked confused, until Alex leaned over and pressed his lips against Asia's. She as surprised at first, but melted into the kiss, and their tongues started to tangle with each other. There was a small stream of saliva connecting their mouths when they separated, and Asia had a passionate look in her eyes. Alex turned to Diodora and said,

"If you understand now, scram!" Diodora didn't say anything. But gave Asia one last look and left.

Everyone was thinking about the previous incident, and so there wasn't too much excitement to explore the remodeled dorm when they returned. Alex and Rias were cuddling in bed after some sex, and she asked him,

"So why so hostile to Diodora? I noticed it when we were at the meeting, but today as well was unexpected." Alex thought for a moment, before explaining.

"Him getting Asia kicked out of the church wasn't a coincidence, it was intentional. He has a fetish for breaking church girls, and became entranced with her from the moment he first saw her. He found out about her healing being twilight healing, and used it to purposely get her kicked out. Then he planned to pick her up and turn her into his toy, but she was taken by the fallen angels first, then you." When Rias heard his words he face twisted into immediate disgust as she suddenly regretted not taking action against him.

"Hey, is that the face you make while in bed with me?" Alex said suddenly. Rias looked embarrassed, and calmed down. But she couldn't help but to say,

"I want to do something a both him though, if he keeps this up then it might ruin our relationship with heaven, and there's Asia to consider." Alex nodded and said,

"Don't worry, I plan to take care of that bastard soon enough." Rias looked at Alex, and realized that he hadn't told her the whole truth. He hadn't, as he left out the part where Diodora betrayed the alliance and joined the Kaos brigade. He understood somewhat what was going to happen, and didn't want change things so unexpected developments occurred. After this the two eventually got into a better mood, and went back to their previous activities.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts