
Passed first round

It had been a month after Alex's match against Wukong, and he had just finished watching Vali fight against the previous rating games champion, Diehauser Belial. With his victory, the first round of the main rating game matches were over, with the teams moving on being Indra, Sairaorg Bael, Rias Gremory, Alex, Cao Cao, Typhon, Tobio Ikuse, and now Vali Lucifer. The next match would be Indra vs Sairaorg, then Rias vs Alex, Cao Cao vs Typhon, and Tobio vs Vali.

After Vali's match they had gathered once more behind Misty Manor to celebrate those getting through the first round. Even though Rias and Alex were going to be facing each other in battle soon, they wanted to celebrate passing the first round. At the moment Alex was sitting in one of the lawn chairs relaxing, and Rias had taken the popular seat that was his lap, earning a few looks from the other girls. Bikou soon came over and asked,

"So how do you two plan to fight each other? I mean it seems like you'd both be going easy on each other to avoid hurting your lover." Alex laughed at Bikou's words, and said with a naughty grin,

"Maybe I should just have her spend the night before with me in bed, tire her out so it'll be an easy win." Rias had a small look of horror at his words, as she knew fully well Alex could follow through on his threat, and while she would be exhausted he wouldn't even be effected by that much action. Even if she wanted to employ the same tactic, she would have to get every girl in the manor involved, including his own team members, and it more than likely still wouldn't be enough to tire him out. Bikou however said with some annoyance,

"You did the same thing to our team too, I haven't gotten a proper nights sleep for a while since Arthur's room is right next to mine." Hearing his words both of Alex's eyebrows shot up, and he glanced over at Arthur and Elaine, who seemed to hear what they were saying, and surprisingly her cheeks turned a light red with blush. Arthur on the other hand shot Bikou a glare that obviously said to shut up.

Laughing at their interactions, Alex turned his attention towards the few other couples at the party. There was only Kiba and Tosca, and Gasper and Valerie, Sairaorg still hasn't gotten a clue. Though Kiba was spending a lot of time with Tosca, it was obvious they were taking things slow due to Tosca looking so young, even though the two were actually the same age. Alex was glad it seemed to two were sticking together though, as he recalled Kiba being a worrisome existence in the series.

The one he was most concerned with though, was Gasper. The vampire recluse was still in girl form, even around Valerie. He had heard that the two were even taking baths together as two girls, since Gasper refused to go into his guy form. He felt somewhat bad for the little vampire, (though he wasn't so little as a guy anymore) especially since it was his blood that made his body change so drastically. He had experimented it with Elmenhilde before, and all it did was make her both physically and magically stronger, and increased her resistance to sunlight. Because she was a girl to begin with, Elmenhilde experienced no side effects like Gasper except feeling a little unwell afterwards due to the sudden change in power her body had.

Alex was soon brought out of his thoughts however, when Kuroka came to also sit on his lap along with Rias. She ignored the Crimson haired girl's glare, and leaned back into Alex's chest. She then said,

"You know today's fight was really hard nya, maybe I should get a reward tonight." Alex laughed at her words, and replied,

"You want me to reward one of my potential opponents?" Kuroka stuck her tongue out at him and said,

"We're not opponents until we reach the finals, so it should be fine tonight Nyan." Alex smiled at her words, already privately agreeing to invite her to his room later. She then seems to think of something, and asked,

"But don't you have an advantage against the two of us? I mean you can see our status whenever you want." Rias also seemed interested in this conversation, Alex however shook his head, and replied,

"Unless something requires me to do so, I'm not checking your or Rias's status until the games are over, it'll be too unfair otherwise. Besides, where's the fun in knowing your opponents best abilities?" Both girls smiled at his words, while Rias had a twinkle in her eyes from the meeting she had a few weeks prior. The current Governor General after Azazel, Shemhazai, had given some items recently acquired to Rossweise and Xenovia. Rossweise had received a Mistiltienn wand, capable of powering her magic even further; and Xenovia was given the scabbard of Excalibur, said to grant the wielder near invulnerability. She was hoping Alex didn't know about these two items, but also didn't expect that to be the case, so she simply ordered both girls not to mention it until they needed to use them.

Kuroka however was excited for a different reason, as if Alex didn't know the details of her recent growth, then it was a given Grayfia didn't either. If the two teams meet at the final round, she intended to use the chance to try and get back at Grayfia for the times she's spanked her so far. Practically reading on her face what Kuroka was planning, Alex just rolled his eyes, wishing the two would get along better. Though he did have to admit their fights were usually entertaining.

Alex then turned his attention to the other girls he could see, Akeno, Rossweise, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, and Ingvild, and thought about how he would have to face them in only two weeks.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts