

After going a few rounds Alex didn't push the girls too far, since they were still recovering. The exception to this was Kiryuu, who didn't seem to mind even though she spent the entire next day recovering. Several days after their little "feast", Azazel came over and had something to discuss with them.

"There's someone I'm inviting over tomorrow, and I want to make sure none of you have ANY hostility whatsoever." When she heard this Rias narrowed her eyes, and said,

"Judging from the way you're acting I would say they're from the Khaos brigade. The Vali team?" He sighed and said,

"You could say that, the important thing is that NO ONE SHOWS ANY HOSTILITY!" He emphasized again, before taking his leave. After he left Alex noticed that Koneko looked as if she had a fever, and started sweating as he recalled she went into a mating season around this time. He hoped Kuroka would fix her before she tried something drastic. Alex also made sure there were plenty of sweet snacks for Ophis.


The next day Alex made sure he was the one who answers the door when the visitors knocked, and the second he did something black rushed him.

"NYAN! I'm back Alex! Did you miss me?" Kuroka seemed to be trying to smother him as she clung onto him. He hugged her back, as he looked at the ones behind her. There was a young blond girl, wolf, and another young girl dressed in a gothic fashion. He set Kuroka down, and looked at her, while everyone who came to investigate started gaping.

"Nice to see you again Ophis." He said calmly. Rias turns to Azazel who was behind them in rage.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" She then went on to rant for several minutes, until she suddenly took a breath and said,

"You're the one who's been working the hardest for alliances, if you brought her here then there must've been a reason. Explain it." She didn't ask, she ordered him to explain what was going on. He then started talking,

"She essentially has some questions for Alex, and there are other reasons she's here. Since she basically has no ill will besides against great red there's no harm to hear her out." After saying that they all ended up sitting in the living room and Akeno was serving tea. Alex also set out a bowl of sweet snacks in front of Ophis, and sat across from her. She then surprised everyone by simply starting to eat the snacks, before turning to Alex and asked,

"Will Ddraig continue being a heavenly dragon?" Everyone except Alex froze at her question, and he simply said,

"That all depends on the future. I have no intentions to stop being one, but I can't promise I might grow into something more." His answer only made them all even more confused, until his gauntlet appeared and Ddraig also spoke up.

<this guy, I can say honestly he's the most interesting host I've had, and that his growth is unprecedented. I really want to stay with him and see what he'll become.>

Ophis looked questioningly at both the gauntlet and Alex, before saying,

"I want to watch this possessor, and see what it is that Ddraig says is "interesting"." Alex shrugged and said,

"I don't mind as long as you don't cause problems, and as long as Rias doesn't disagree." Rias looked at Alex questioningly, and said,

"If he says he doesn't mind then I won't argue." She agreed. Azazel let out a sigh of relief, and everyone else didn't seem to know how to react. Like this Ophis, Kuroka, Fenrir, and Le Fay started staying there temporarily. The first thing Alex did, was drag Kuroka upstairs for their "reunion", that lasted the entire rest of the day.

That night the two finally emerged from Alex's room, and rejoined the others for dinner. LeFay had a deep blush on her face when she thought about what the two were doing the whole day, and it was obvious from the way Kuroka was slightly hobbling. The rest of the residents however didn't even react, as this was pretty much par for the course by this point. What they didn't know was that Alex had also explained his suspicions about Koneko to Kuroka, and she said that she'll take a look at her later.

The entire time they were at dinner Ophis didn't take her eyes off of Alex, which he pretended not to notice. It was an awkward meal for the others with Ophis and the members of the Vali team there, until Le Fay said to Alex,

"Um, by the way, we saw your fight with Sairaorg and I thought it was really good." She said with slightly shining eyes to Alex. Alex was surprised, as he thought she was mainly attracted by oppai dragon in the series, and said,

"Thank you, so does that mean the rest of Vali team watched as well?" Both Kuroka and Le Fay looked uncomfortable at his question, and said,

"When he saw your fight, Vali was quite surprised and started doing all the training he could to catch up." Alex smiled at her words, and looked forward to the day he and Vali would have their rematch. Ion they finished their dinner, and after their bath Alex returned to his room. Not long after Kuroka entered, and Alex smirked and said,

"What, back for more?" She smiled and replied,

"I would be if you didn't go so hard earlier." He smiled at her words and said,

"Well what else did you expect, I missed you and those daily videos didn't help much." She laughed when he mentioned the videos, but turned serious a moment later.

"I looked at shirone, and she's not in a mating season." Alex was surprised, but when he thought about it her words made sense. Originally Koneko was affected by issei and Rias dating, but Alex and Rias had been for years now, plus he already moved so far in his other relationships as well. He looked at Kuroka curiously and she answered,

"She's in a growth season, in other words a growth spurt."

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts