
Meet the Harem

"Haaaaa..." Moka sighed as she started getting ready for gym class, her mind traveling to several other areas as she thought on what Alex told them that morning.

"Cheer up Moka! I need you in top shape to help me fight this battle!" Kurumu declared as she suddenly appeared wearing nothing but her panties, with her attitude being the complete opposite of the previous day's when she was acting against Moka. Not questioning the reason for Kurumu's change in attitude, Moka just asked,

"How can you be so optimistic? I mean he has a whole harem that he never even told us about..." Kurumu sighed and responded,

"You've known him what, a whole two days? It's not really something people say right when they meet someone. Besides if things go according to plan, I'll be able to seduce darling away from those other women!" As she said this Kurumu put her arms beneath her exposed breasts, emphasizing their size and her meaning even more, as it was painfully obvious to the women around them that Kurumu had the largest breasts amongst them. Moka sighed again and muttered,

"I don't know..." Kurumu groaned at how difficult she was being, and demanded,

"Hey, even I'm mad that I can't have darling all to myself, but I'm putting up with it since I refuse to simply give up and find another guy who's this amazing! Why is it that you find the idea of a harem so repulsive?" Moka suddenly shook her head as she tried to explain defensively,

"It's not that I'm against it, after all my father is a polygamist as well, but I personally never considered the idea of sharing someone myself." When she heard this Kurumu had to nod in agreement as she never considered such as well, except maybe several guys sharing her. Though she was once interested in such things, now that she found her darling such ideas lost their appeal as she now wanted to ensnare him for herself. Leaving Moka to her own devices, Kurumu then started planning various ways to steal Alex for herself, until someone called out that they needed to hurry up and get dressed.


Once school was out Kurumu and Moka went back to their respective rooms quickly, as they awaited Alex's arrival to go and meet his harem. The plan was that when he left for the night Alex would teleport into their rooms to pick them up, before leaving for the mansion the portal was in. Though Kurumu was thinking of having Alex teleport in while she was in a compromising situation to try and seduce him, her plans stalled when he picked up Moka first and brought her to her room as well. As the light from the teleportation vanished, both girls were surprised to find several good looking people with purple hair, dressed in suits, waiting for them in two rows. As they saw Alex and the girls they immediately saluted and shouted,


Moka and Kurumu gaped at the display and evident respect that the R.I.B showed for Alex, even as he simply nodded at them lightly before continuing as if nothing happened.

"Is this normal...?" Moka asked dumbfoundedly while Kurumu muttered,

"Darling is a yakuza boss..." Alex smiled wryly at their comments as they boarded the elevator, and explained as the doors closed,

"I saved their lives when we first met, and back then they were nothing but a bunch of sniveling cowards who were a little good at hiding themselves. Afterwards I gave them a choice, continue on their own and spend the rest of their lives living in fear, or follow me and try to make something of themselves, and now they're some of the greatest assassins that have ever existed." The two girls looked at Alex in admiration at his claims, but Moka couldn't help but think of her father who led the Shuzen family, which was known to be home of some of the greatest assassins in the world. As the elevator descended Alex suddenly held out a couple of coats to the girls before saying, "You might need these, it's a little chilly where we're going." With their confusion growing, the two girls took the coats and quickly put them on even though Alex himself didn't bother. After a few more seconds the elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened to reveal a wall of mist in front of them. Without saying anything, Alex quickly strode forward into the mist before disappearing, prompting the two girls to glance at each other, before hurrying after him.

""Whoa..."" They both muttered when the mist cleared, and a winter wonderland greeted them. They were on the edge of a city that had been covered with a little over a foot of snow, and behind them past the misty portal, was a series of forested mountains that were similarly covered in snow, making them look like something from a postcard. As they took in the breathtaking scenery Alex's voice called out,

"Welcome ladies, to Asora!" They looked at him in amazement as Moka asked,

"What is this place?" Alex's smile grew as he led them down the street and said,

"It's my own personal world, where I bring those who want to live a better and more peaceful life than they could before. Some of those here were oppressed by other nations, others were tired of constant war and fear of terrorists, while a few wanted the adventure that came with exploring new worlds and universes with me." At this point Moka and Kurumu looked at Alex with confusion as they tried to understand what he meant by 'new worlds', which he calmly explained as they slowly walked towards the manor. Though they didn't know everything about him, by the time they reached Misty Manor Moka and Kurumu knew a lot more about Alex and his past than they had that morning. They were so dumbfounded they nearly didn't notice the two women waiting outside the manor for them, one a silver haired maid while the other had long flowing Crimson hair.

"Welcome home Alex, and welcome Moka and Kurumu to Misty Manor, I'm Rias Gremory and this is Grayfia." Though both girls were about to respond to Rias's introduction, they paused unintentionally when they noticed the massive melons mounted to her and Grayfia's chests, that made even Kurumu's seem small in comparison. Both girls felt like spitting blood, but instead managed to get their introductions out before Rias invited them inside the manor. As they followed her Moka turned to Kurumu and tensely muttered,

"How do you plan to "seduce" Alex away now? Hm!?" Kurumu was utterly silent to her question however, as she was still mentally trying to process how someone could have such a large chest. They were swiftly led to one of the manors many lounges, where upon the doors opening Moka and Kurumu saw five other women waiting for them, Kuroka, Yue, Shia, Shizuku, and the obviously pregnant Anne. As Alex already stated that he planned to scout potential peerage members in this world, they had all assumed that these two newcomers would be scouted, and decided to have his existing peerage and main wife meet them first. Feeling as if they were being put on trial, Moka and Kurumu sat on the indicated couch opposite of the one where the other girls were gathered, but when Alex went to enter the room Grayfia blocked his path and said,

"If you don't mind my lord, we would like to talk to them alone." Cocking an eyebrow at her request, Alex shrugged before making his way to each and every girl to give them a kiss, and then saying as he left the room,

"Go easy on them." There were several voices reassuring that they wouldn't be too hard on the two newcomers, but Alex had a hard time believing them as the door closed behind him. He instead put his mind on other things, as he spread his 'Domain' to search for three specific presences before finding them a few floors above him playing. Alex smiled widely as he said with his 'Domain' carrying his voice, "Where are my little monkeys at?!" When they heard his voice the two toddlers squealed excitedly, while Myuu quickly led them to hide as the game of hide and seek began. Meanwhile back in the room where he left Moka and Kurumu, the two girls were nervously drinking some offered tea while enduring the piercing gazes of the others, before Rias finally said,

"You can relax you know, I just want you to tell me a little about yourselves and how you supposedly fell for Alex so quickly." Though Moka tried to mutter that they were just friends, she was quickly drowned out by Kurumu as the latter rose and stated angrily,

"What do you mean by "supposedly"?! Darling saved me from being toyed with by a disgusting creep when I gave him absolutely no reason to consider being nice to me! I even provided him the perfect opportunity to take advantage of me after using my 'Charm' on him several times, yet he refused to do so before even advising me to be careful with my 'Charm'! I can't think of a single person who I should devote myself towards more than him!" Though she was taken aback slightly from the determination in Kurumu's declaration, Rias had a wry smile as she muttered,

"I'll hold you to that." She then turned her attention towards Moka before asking, "and what about you?" Moka fidgeted as everyone suddenly started staring at her, including Kurumu, but she couldn't help but notice one person practically glaring at her, a petite woman with long blonde hair and Crimson eyes. As her eyes met with Yue's, Moka suddenly felt an instinctual urge to submit to her due to Yue's 'Vampire Princess' title; but as this feeling welled up within her, an even stronger feeling surged to the surface telling to never submit to her. With Moka returning her stare and seemingly starting to challenge her, the edges of Yue's lips curled upwards in amusement as she gave the slightest of nods to Rias, who looked surprised at the outcome.

With her title as a 'Vampire Princess' Yue would naturally subdue the vast majority of vampires that she met, similarly to Alex with dragons due to his title as the 'Dragon Emperor'. The same thing had happened with Elmenhilde as, after the laters misgivings of having another vampire around Alex, she had become something of a follower of Yue's as if it was the most natural thing in the world. With Moka refusing to bow to Yue, and even seeming to start challenging her, it proved she was no normal vampire, even if none of them could actually feel any power from her. With all eyes on her after her stare down with Yue, Moka stated,

"We are friends." This earned a lot of raised eyebrows in response as, if she only saw Alex as a 'friend', why go out of her way to meet his harem? Leaving that issue for later, Rias took in a breath before asking,

"So, do either of you even realize what you're asking for by being with Alex? Or even the kind of battles you may have to participate in?" As Alex had yet to explain to them about his goals, or his peerage, the two girls looked at each other with confusion while the rest smiled wryly, before launching into an explanation for them.


After a few hours of playing with his daughters, Alex headed back to the room he had left Moka and Kurumu in as it was almost time for dinner. What he didn't expect was that the moment he opened the doors, a certain light blue haired woman came flying at him as she once again buried his face in her breasts, before crying out,

"Darling please let me into your peerage!" From within her breasts Alex's brow twitched when heard this as, while he was planning to recruit Kurumu to begin with, he wanted to wait a little bit so that she'd have a better idea of what she was getting into before making the commitment. Now that it was all out there however, he could only give a pointed look at the culprits that told her about his peerage once he managed to extract his face from the impossibly soft valley between her mounds. Shaking his head slightly in exasperation, Alex looked at Kurumu and stated,

"Before I say anything I want to be sure, do you truly want to be in my peerage Kurumu? Saying yes means that you'll forever be mine for as long as we live, which could end up being forever." The words weren't even out of his mouth before Kurumu started to vigorously nod her head, her heart entirely set on becoming part of his peerage. While Alex thought she was being a bit hasty, the truth was that Kurumu had thought about it quite a bit ever since Rias explained what a peerage actually was.

Succubi needed love to continue their existence, either through finding their 'destined one', or the more common practice of seducing anyone who caught their eye; and as far as she was concerned, gaining a permanent place at Alex's side as a member of his peerage was the absolute best course of action for her. The way she thought about it was that, as a member of his peerage, she would always be able to fight at his side while growing stronger and earning more of his approval over time, therefore increasing their romantic bonds. Even though she knew she was romanticizing the situation quite a bit, the truth was that she wasn't that far off as she would be at Alex's side more than many of the other girls as a member of his peerage, and would therefore get the chance for more intimate moments with him.

As Kurumu insisted on joining his peerage, Alex glanced around to see that everyone else seemed to surprisingly agree with the idea, which they had also thought about since they met her. Though she lacked several qualities as a direct fighter, succubi were masters of illusions and mental manipulation with their natural looks, capabilities to invade dreams, and the ability to charm any who meet their gaze. These qualities meant that she'd make for a decent back line support, while her claws would make her deadly in close combat as well, should the need arise. Seeing everyone agree, a smile spread on Alex's lips as he summoned one of his 'Pawn' evil pieces, and handed it to the jubilant succubus.

"YAY!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you darling!" Kurumu cried out as she happily accepted Alex's 'Pawn', and activated it like she had been told by the others previously. The second she did so a pair of bat-like wings sprouted from her back(not all too dissimilar to her usual wings), and she excitedly opened her status while everyone watched with wry smiles.


Name: Kurumu Kurono

Race: Succubus

Job: none: 1

Passive Skills:

Seduction: Level 2

Bed Skills: Level 1

Endless Sexual Stamina: Level 1

Superhuman Strength: Level 1

Superhuman Speed: Level 1

Active Skills:

Charm: Level 2

Dream Dive: Level 1

Illusion Magic: Level 1

Aphrodisiac Secretion: Level 1 (A.N. I took out Kurumu's ability to enslave anyone she kisses for life and replaced it with this, as the previous ability didn't really make any sense if she was trying to find a "Destined one". Basically she can turn her saliva, as well as any other of her bodily fluids, into an aphrodisiac since that would help her people seduce others easily instead of directly enslaving them, plus it would make things easier on her from being part of a harem if she didn't accidentally enslave anyone she kissed during bed activities. And P.S. no booby beam.)

Unique Skills:

Pawn Evil Piece


As she saw her skills Kurumu couldn't keep the giddy feeling down very well as it was still a surreal feeling that she essentially just dedicated herself to her darling for life, no matter how long that was. Though there were several questionable skills that would have made anyone else pause, she didn't mind them due to it being somewhat expected as a succubus. The biggest problem was that she wasn't able to have a job yet, but with the rest of the girls promising to help her gain the experience points needed, she wasn't too concerned about it. Meanwhile off to the side, Alex had a wry smile on his face as he looked at Kurumu's 'Endless Sexual Stamina', and 'Bed Skills', realizing that he may had been a little too hasty in making a succubus his servant. Before she could call attention to it however, he quickly got everyone's attention and told them that dinner was almost ready, and that they could examine Kurumu's abilities later in the space-time orb. As they eagerly started leaving for dinner, Alex noticed Moka standing off to the side looking a little depressed as he made his way over and asked,

"What's wrong Moka?" The pink haired girl jumped slightly as he called out to her, before quickly saying,

"Nothing! I'm alright!" Though it was obvious that wasn't the case, Alex didn't pry as he could imagine a few things bothering her after she was most likely cross examined by the others, though the primary cause was probably Kurumu's new role within his peerage. Though that was a part of why she was feeling down, it was also because she could tell that the other girls seemed disappointed in her due to her weakness. For some reason she couldn't bring herself to tell them that her powers were sealed in order to prevent problems, as it almost felt like she was saying she couldn't even control herself in front of them.

Even though they hadn't said anything, the rest of the girls, Yue in particular, couldn't help feeling a little disappointed by how weak Moka seemed as they had been unable to feel any supernatural power from her at all. Though they tried not to show it since Alex stated that she had her own problems, everyone else had been looking forward to seeing a vampire from this world since they were considered top tier monsters that were feared by all. Suspecting the real reason behind Moka's attitude, Alex smiled mischievously as he led her to the dinning room, where everyone was waiting along with his adorable daughters.

After Kurumu and Moka got over the shock of Alex already having two nearly year old daughters, they enjoyed a nice dinner specially made by Akeno and Asia to welcome the two newcomers, showing that the harem life wasn't actually as scary as they originally thought, and was actually more like an exceptionally large family. After they ate the duo thought it was finally time to start winding down after a particularly stressful and eventful day, but they were surprised when everyone started hinting that the night was when things really began. With their imaginations running wild, Alex put Edith and Mai down for bed before gathering those who'd be accompanying him into the space-time orb, and saying goodnight to those who were staying, and entered it to begin his week of training and debauchery.

"This is the space-time orb, where a single day is extended to an entire month, or a single night into a week." As he explained what the orb was after already entering it, the two were gaping in amazement for what felt like the umpteenth time that day as they tried to take in what Alex was saying. After a quick tour around the villa, Alex then popped Kurumu's bubble of spending the next week being lovey-dovey when he said, "Ok, now Kuroka take Kurumu to one of the other orbs to train against some of the monsters and get some experience. Her goal is to get her first job by morning." Though it took a second, Kurumu realized Alex was actually sending her away right off the bat, and clung to his leg desperately as she cried out,

"No darling! Please don't send me away, I want to train with you!" Alex smiled evilly in response with Kurumu's pleas, showing some of his sadistic side before saying,

"Well, maybe spending the entire time fighting monsters wouldn't be good... Kuroka bring her back a day early since she'd also have to do her school work, after all it won't be good if her and Moka became flunkies because of me." Kurumu looked as if she was handed a death sentence as Kuroka chuckled and dragged her away after grabbing one of her ankles, the despairing succubus too stunned to even fight back. Once they left Alex turned his attention towards Moka, and said, "Now for you Moka." The pink haired girl flinched slightly as he called out to her, worried slightly of what Alex planned to have her do, before he reached out and swiped the ornament off of her neck, a silver rosary. With even he himself looking stunned at how easily he removed her rosary, Alex was shocked still for a moment while Moka dumbfoundedly muttered,

"...my rosary...?" Before there was a sudden explosion of supernatural power.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts