"Woah!" Someone muttered when they saw what was ahead of them, as when the light from the teleportation circle faded, everyone found themselves staring at an expansive forest instead of the usual cavern walls. While everyone went to inspect their surroundings in awe and wonder, Alex however was scrutinizing every person there before giving up in frustration as he fought the urge to pull out his glasses. Invalidating the need, suddenly two gunshots rang throughout the air.
Though the fired shots startled everyone, their attention however was focused on how they saw Tio and Rias's heads blown apart as something reddish-brown splattered the area. In a single second killing intent filled the place where they arrived right before Grayfia surged forward to attack the traitor, before Alex intercepted her.
"Wait Grayfia, look at them!" Though she didn't want to see her little sisters head blown to bits, Grayfia reluctantly turned her head and saw Rias's body start turning into a rust colored jelly-like substance before breaking down completely.
"W-what was that?!" She demanded, before Hajime growled,
"Imitations that my magic eye detected, and this one will talk if it knows what's good for it!" Everyone turned towards the person who Hajime was cornering, and saw a cowering Kaori.
"Hajime, what are you doing?" She asked, the fear evident in her voice. Hajime snorted before scowling,
"Don't try to act like her, tell me where Kaori and the others are!" 'Kaori' however looked confused and pleaded,
"I don't know what you're talking about! Please Hajime, it's me-" The imitation was cut off when Hajime apparently lost his patience, and blew off her head when he didn't get any answers. After seeing this Anne asked Alex,
"What now? We don't know where they are or if they're even still alive, do we continue?" Everyone also looked towards Alex while Hajime seemed to be coming to his own conclusions.
"We keep going, the purpose of the labyrinths is to test us, not to immediately kill us. We'll find them eventually." Hajime nodded as he thought the same thing, while everyone else let out sighs of relief at the logic in what Alex said. With Hajime marking the trees as they went, they quickly put the intense first few minutes in the labyrinth behind them.
"The plants here are all amazing!" Anne said out loud as they walked, and she picked some leaves from the mana rich foliage and analyzed them to see that each different leaf had an abundance of properties if one used them right. Going off of this she started collecting any seeds she could in order to try and cultivate them on her own after leaving. Alex then stated,
"I'll start a project to build several greenhouses for your private use in the near future, and I'll have Yasaka show you the youkai's work sometime since they mainly work on the agriculture and food production in Asora. Maybe some plants that get your approval could be planted as well." Anne's eyes started shining as she pictured an entire greenhouse filled with plants just for her, and entire fields that she helped cultivate. She then jumped into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips while saying,
"That would be wonderful, thank you!" Alex smiled at her reaction, before Kuroka tried to peel Anne off of him and stated,
"As much as I'd like to jump in his arms too~Nya, we have some company." Everyone turned the direction she pointed and saw what seemed to be and army of bees surging through the trees to get to them. While everyone got ready to wipe out the entire hive, Alex stated,
"Wait! We should leave these to Shizuku and Shia so that they can farm some exp, and Ryutarou and Suzu can test out their new strength after training the last few days. Plus we don't know where Rias and the others are, we don't want to wipe them out along with the entire forest." After hearing what he had to say, Grayfia, Kuroka, and Yue reluctantly canceled the magic they were about to unleash while Shizuku, Shia, Suzu, and Ryutarou stepped up. However In his haste to start the fight, Ryutarou proudly shouted,
"PROMOTION, ROOK!" Everyone facepalmed or shook their head while, as they expected, nothing happened to him. Ryutarou looked around while confused and asked,
"Uh, what happened?"
"The promotion only works when the king gives you permission, not whenever you want!" Grayfia stated while obviously annoyed, with even Suzu was shaking her head at his ridiculousness. A sudden commotion then caught everyone's attention, as while Ryutarou was goofing around both Shizuku and Shia had already dashed ahead and were slaughtering the giant bees. Shia was swinging her hammer around as if it weighed nothing and was smashing apart the bees as well as the surrounding trees and boulders.
"I'll never understand why you made a bunny with a hammer your rook~Nya..." Kuroka said. Alex snorted and asked,
"Would you rather I made Tio my rook? Then we'd have her with us in every world. At least Shia is cuter in general and will make an effort to not embarrass us in public." Kuroka grimaced at the thought of Tio being Tio everywhere they went, and never getting away from her. Meanwhile Shia overheard what Alex said due to the excellent hearing of her rabbit ears, and had a giant smile on her face as she slaughtered the giant bees. This created an eerie image to counter what Alex just said, as the rabbit girl joyously and brutally slaughtered the monsters with an adorable smile while guts and body parts flew around her. Meanwhile Shizuku had vanished completely due to her heightened speed, and the only signs of her presence was when the giant bees would randomly separate into pieces, along with the occasional tree or rock.
"Regardless, Shizuku is an excellent knight. I would guess that she is quickly closing in on Kiba in terms of speed, though she would lose out to him in terms of versatility due to his 'Sword Birth'." Alex nodded and stated,
"True, but Shizuku exceeds Kiba in terms of sword mastery and discipline, plus she's got a few possible jobs that shows she's got quite a few interesting paths for growth." Grayfia nodded in return to what Alex said, but didn't know what jobs he was talking about for "interesting growth". In comparison Suzu and Ryutarou seemed to be struggling as they slowly but surely worked through the bees, with Ryutarou eliminating one each time it got stopped one Suzu's barrier. No one held it against them however considering they didn't have as much experience as the rest of them.
In this way they systematically moved through the forest with the four of them eliminating any monster they came across, no matter how numerous. The only hiccup was when they encountered a type of monster monkey that could use mimic just like the rust slimes previously. Once it became apparent they were outmatched, one of the monkeys used mimic while a couple more went along with it in order to mess with them mentally, by imitating a completely naked Kaori who was covered in bruises and suspicious white fluids.
"Hajime, help me..." The mimic cried out pitifully, before Hajime snapped and pulled out his rocket launcher to blow up the entire forest. As the sea of flames spread while Hajime continuously launched more rockets and threw more bombs, Alex and everyone else was taking shelter within one of Kuroka's barriers and decided to have lunch while Hajime went wild.
"Let's hope he doesn't get Rias, Tio, or Kaori caught up in his rampage. On the bright side if they're on this floor they should know where to find us now." Alex said nonchalantly while laying down with his head in Anne's lap as she took turns with Kuroka and Yue feeding him. Normally Ryutarou would be extremely jealous from watching them flirt, but instead he was busy keeping his front covered while sitting absentmindedly and muttering,
"So that's what Kaori looks like naked..." Alex chuckled and said,
"Don't let Hajime catch you saying that, he'd definitely kill you for it." Ryutarou glanced at the source of the current raging inferno, and gulped nervously at the truth within Alex's words. And though he didn't say it, Alex was grateful that the monkeys didn't imitate Rias or Tio since he probably would've reacted worse to those who'd seen them naked... ok maybe not Tio since she's probably consider it to be some kind of exhibitionism play or something. They ate lunch for about an hour until Hajime finally started to calm down, by which point that entire sections of the forest had turned into a burned wasteland after Alex snuffed the fire.
"Feel better?" Alex asked as he approached the huffing and puffing Hajime.
"Not another word..." Hajime growled as he fought the urge to try and knock the image of Kaori's naked body from Alex's head, the only thing holding him back from doing so was him knowing he couldn't manage it. There was one good thing about Hajime's rampage though, as they were preparing to leave a small missile homed in on him and latched onto his back.
"GA-BA-GOO!!!" The thing shouted as Hajime spun around suddenly in surprise. While several people tensed as if to leap at the attacker at a moments notice, Hajime froze as the goblin-like creature cling to him as if to immerse itself in his scent.
"Ga-ba-goo! Ga-ba-goo! Ga-ba-goo!" It kept chanting while Hajime struggled to get it off of his back, normally he'd be more aggressive but something was telling him not to attack this creature. When he finally grabbed it and swung it around to look at it face to face, the creature looked ashamed and tried to hide its face behind its hands.
"You are Kaori?" He asked the creature. It nodded dejectedly before Hajime prepared one of his translation artifacts as a necklace to hang around its neck. Everyone listened as Kaori recounted her tales of wandering through the forest after being turned into a monster, before hearing and following the explosions that usually indicated wanton destruction. As she talked with Hajime, Alex heard Grayfia mutter sadly from the side,
"...does this mean Rias is also a goblin right now too?..." As she mentioned this he also could've sworn he saw Kuroka pass a camera to Yue, but he decided to let them be. After Hajime and Kaori reunited they then continued working their way through the forest while keeping an eye out for any strange monsters that might've been Rias or Tio. Eventually they encountered the goblin-turned Rias, who was heart broken that she was now seemingly useless and so ugly. What didn't help was that once they confirmed it was her there was a random flash of light from Yue's camera, while the photographer in question also said,
"...such a good look Rias, maybe we shouldn't turn you back..." This had then set Rias off, as she tackled and started wrestling with Yue, who she was sadly now the same size as.
"I'd hate to say this, but this is pretty entertaining to watch..." Anne muttered to Alex, who couldn't help agreeing as everyone watched the two roll around while punching and kicking each other. He eventually had to break up the fight though, which he did by picking both girls up by the scruff of their necks and separating them. Though she was pouting, Rias's mood was somewhat improved when Alex sat her on his shoulders to ride, though she enjoyed the ride it made her conflicted since she was only getting it due to her current predicament. The group then continued until they happened upon a bizarre scene, to which Shizuku muttered,
"I don't think we need to doubt this one..." Everyone silently nodded in agreement as the scene in front of them unfolded. Currently they were watching an entire group of goblins beating up on a single one that was unresisting, and had a look of ecstasy on its face. Before anyone could react the goblin seemed to notice them, and ran over with its arms spread while shouting,
"GA-BOO!!!" It didn't take a translation to know it was saying 'MASTER!!!', as she rushed directly to Alex. Instead of welcoming Tio with open arms like one would usually do in this situation, Alex instead waited until she got close and kicked the approaching goblin in the head, sending her flying while shouting bits of goblin speech. This time everyone was sure that what was being said was something along the lines of 'THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!'. As the dot disappeared on the horizon, Alex nonchalantly turned towards everyone else and casually said,
"Shall we move on?" No one showed any kind of surprise at his attitude, and were equally casual in replying before leaving the area, leaving behind a group of very confused goblins. They traveled for roughly another hour through the forest until a clearing opened up and everyone could see a massive tree standing all alone in the middle, dwarfing all the surrounding trees and a face carved into its trunk. As they left the surrounding tree line and made their presence known, the tree's face stated,
"If you wish to continue, then you will need to defeat me!" Though most people would despair at facing such an obviously troublesome opponent, a malicious smile spread on Alex's face as he said,
"Leave this one to me, I shouldn't take long." Though a couple people wanted to protest, when they saw his sadistic smile appearing they immediately silenced themselves, while also muttering thanks to no one in particular that Tio wasn't there to see it. Alex then held out one of his hands and summoned a small ball of intense flame, before turning towards the viewers and saying,
"Kuroka, Suzu, you two may want to put some barriers up, it's about to get hot." Both girls didn't waste even a second as they swiftly applied their strongest barriers, just as Alex released his attack from beyond them. The small ball of flame shot forward like a bullet, and exploded once it impacted the tree with a heat and intensity that made Hajime's eyes sparkle, and everyone else sweat as they watched the flames engulf Alex himself outside the barrier. Though Ryutarou and Suzu were momentarily worried, everyone else didn't pay Alex any mind since they'd seen him literally swim in lava before. Instead they were awestruck at the literal sea of flames currently surrounding them from beyond the barriers.
"It's so pretty..." Suzu muttered while several other people nodded in agreement.
"I want to touch it..." Ryutarou muttered absentmindedly, which earned him several looks from the others while Suzu, Kaori, and Shizuku all facepalmed. Eventually the flames did start to clear up, and when they did what was revealed to them was a scorched dead-land of gray and black, with the only living thing they could see being Alex standing alone, naked.
"Quite the 'boom', wouldn't you all say?" He laughed lightheartedly, before Grayfia immediately marched over and seized one of his ears while saying,
"Do you have any idea how stupid that was?!" This was the start of a whole lecture while everyone awkwardly stood to the side and watched a new tree grow in where the old one was, before a giant hole split in the front as if for all of them to enter like before. It surprisingly didn't take long for Grayfia to wrap up her lecture, and Alex casually walked over when it was over while saying,
"Well then, let's go! Tio!" While sounding the go ahead to move forward he had even used the slave mark function to summon Tio, who was passed out and burnt blackish from seemingly getting close enough to be caught up in the earlier explosion. As Alex led the way into the cave, the girls started filing in like normal while Ryutarou and Hajime waited outside until one of them muttered,
"Can you put some clothes on now or something?" To which Alex had seemingly just noticed his own nakedness. Showing once more his good mood from all of the destruction he caused, Alex simply laughed it off before summoning himself new clothes and the two guys finally joined them in the cave, right as another teleportation circle lit up. Alex then turned serious as he thought,
'If I recall right, the next trial is-'
Alex awoke wrapped in comfort and with a slight chill in the air. He sat up and looked around to see himself in his bed and room in Asora, and an incongruous feeling overwhelmed him. Though he couldn't tell what, Alex knew that there was something wrong with the situation as he looked around his room, before his door suddenly opened.
"Good morning and happy birthday!" Rias called out as Ravel filed in behind her. Alex became alert at what she said and asked,
"It's my birthday?" Rias laughed and said,
"Yeah, that's why no one was here last night since we were busy planning for today, and boy do we have a surprise for you." As she spoke Alex realized what the incongruous feeling was as he was used to having someone share his bed every night, and looked up surprised when he heard the sound of clothes rustling. As the two beautiful women stood naked before him, they then seductively crawled forward across his bed before Ravel said,
"For your birthday, we decided to give you a party like no other." As she drew out the last few words, Ravel then sealed his lips with her own before her tongue started dancing across them. After several seconds she separated from him while taking in several deep breaths, only for Rias to instantly reseal them with her own and then start her own form of tongue wrestling. While Rias occupied his mouth, Ravel started digging under the covers until she was once more using her mouth to stimulate him in a different way. Alex groaned as her lips started to slowly but surely work their way down his shaft, breaking the kiss with Rias before she also moved her lips elsewhere. With Ravel's head bobbing up and down in his lap, and Rias's lips/tongue slowly moving around his neck and chest, Alex himself was keeping his hands busy as they unrestrainedly roamed, fondled, and pinched the two girls bodies. This went on until Ravel got him close to climax with her mouth, but then she and Rias stopped what they were doing and moved as if to get into position.
"Now let's move on to the real fun." Rias said, as both girls turned around so that they were facing away from him, and got down on all fours so that Alex had an undivided view of their asses. He unhesitatingly went to Rias first and started rubbing his other head against her burning entrance, making her moan before pleading,
"Stop teasing me already, put it in!" Alex was more than happy to oblige, as he slowly but surely entered the Crimson haired woman, and began the first of several rounds of debauchery. It wasn't even an hour later that Ravel was slowly crawling towards the clothes she had removed earlier, not even trusting her legs to support her weight anymore. She quickly dug through them until she found her small earpiece and said into it,
"Mayday! Send in the first wave of reinforcements!" Though they planned to come in in waves to begin with, Ravel couldn't help embellishing what was happening a little when she looked at the goopy mess between her legs, and when she looked over to see the princess of Gremory being fucked with an expression of exhaustion and ecstasy that would never be allowed to be shown in public. The door opened right as Rias reached her next climax and collapsed onto the bed from exhaustion, and in walked the next group. Standing in a line after filing into the room was Akeno, Rossweisse, Xenovia, Suzu, Asia, and Koneko, who were all either already naked or dressed in a lewd fashion, like Akeno who had ropes tied around her body in a lewd bondage style. Though Alex felt a sense of incongruity once more when he saw the group, it was quickly forgotten when he was surrounded by the soft flesh. This time it was more than an hour later when they were interrupted, by a woman with long black hair, dressed in business attire, and a strict look in her eye.
"Sir, I have misters Barakiel, Sairaorg Bael, Vali Lucifer, and the members of his team downstairs since they all wanted to wish you a....." She then trailed off as it was apparent Alex wasn't paying attention to what she said, and was more focused on pounding Akeno's ass. The woman couldn't help but groan at her boss's attitude, while Ravel stated since she had woken up,
"Ren, I thought we agreed that the "official" party would be tomorrow, and we'd spend today having our own kind of celebration." Ren nodded as she understood that perfectly well, but replied,
"They arrived anyways to wish the boss a 'happy birthday' on his actual birthday. I told them that I would let him know of their arrival." Ravel sighed and muttered,
"Ren, as a secretary its part of your job to send people away when we don't want them. What are we going to do?" Suddenly a new voice said,
"I think we'll have to punish this secretary." Both girls turned to see Alex walking towards them while leaving a satisfied Akeno lying on the bed, a predatory look in his gaze as he looked towards his secretary. Ravel smiled as she stated,
"I'll message Sona to get rid of them, I'll leave it to you to "punish" her in any way you wish." As Ravel turned away to communicate with the others who were waiting, Ren adopted a slightly scared look when she saw the state the rest of the girls were in, looking extremely satisfied while also having unsightly and slovenly expressions.
"W-wait sir, I still have several things I need to attend to, like organizing your party tomorrow-" She didn't get chance to finish whatever else she was about to say, as Alex grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her into a kneeling position in front of him. Though he barely used any strength, Ren found herself unable to go against his action as she found his member directly in front of her face.
"Clean it." Alex ordered, making Ren gulp as she leaned forward to lightly lick the throbbing object. As if all of her resistance vanished after that first lick, she then began to use her tongue to service him with apparent vigor, before eventually she patted her lips and started trying to take the object into her mouth. As he watched her lips close around him and felt her tongue continue to dance around his head, Alex leaned his head back and released a groan from enjoyment. This had to be one of the best days he'd ever had and it was only getting better, if not for the relentless nagging in his head that something was wrong. This feeling had only increased when he was with Koneko and as he looked down on Ren as she blew him, and it was really starting to annoy Alex. As he was supposed to be "punishing" her Alex decided to vent some of his irritation on his secretary, and grabbed her head when she had finally managed to take half his package into her mouth. Ren seemed to know what he was about to do, and glanced up at him with widened eyes right before he thrusted his entire length down her throat. As Ren's lungs tried to intake air, Alex felt her throat tighten around his head before he used his hold on her head to start moving her back and forth, effectively fucking her face. This continued for nearly a minute before Alex felt himself getting closer to climax, and pulled his length out of her mouth. Ren started gasping as she was suddenly able to breath again, though as she looked at Alex there wasn't even a single bit of blame in her eyes.
"Put your hands on the wall." He ordered her, to which Ren simply said,
"Yes sir..." As she stood and dutifully placed both hands on the wall, while Alex approached her extended backside. The sound of ripping cloth penetrated the silence, as Alex literally tore Ren's business skirt from her waist and left only her lacy black panties to cover her modesty. Alex gently traced his fingers over the cloth, making Ren shiver in anticipation before he finally hooked his fingers on the sides and worked them down her legs. With her panties pooled around her ankles there was nothing covering Ren's lower half, which left Alex staring dumbfoundedly at her ass for another reason than admiration.
"To think, that this strict and proper secretary of mine would even have tattoos on her ass... Don't tell me you're actually a real party animal?" As he asked her Alexwas tracing the edges of the hearts on her butt with his finger, continuously making Ren's body tremble as she stuttered,
"N-no I-I'm not! This is- I'm-im-" as she desperately tried to explain away the tattoos, she was suddenly interrupted.
The sound of slapping flesh echoed in the room as Alex's hand collided with Ren's ass cheek.
"Ah!" She let out a muffled cry, before Alex smacked her again right over the tattoos. This continued several times until her ass was almost as red as the hearts, during which Alex was also rubbing his head against Ren's increasingly heated entrance, before he finally thrusted the entire thing in at once. Ren let out a deep moan as her insides were instantly spread and invaded, all while Alex continuously smacked her ass. As Alex started to eagerly fuck the usually strict woman, those that had previously occupied his attention watched with interest as they recovered their stamina, and Ravel told the next group to get ready to come up. The two continued as the minutes slowly ticked by before Alex said,
"I'm almost there, should I give it to you inside?" Having been thoroughly worked over by Alex at this point, Ren could only plead,
"Please give it to me! Please turn this naughty secretary into your personal breeding bitch!" After hearing her beg him, Alex swiftly complied as he thrusted in as deep as he could and pumped her womb full of his white fluids. Ren's entire body froze as climaxes wracked her entire body while her insides continued to squeeze him as if trying to greedily milk the fluids from him. It was apparently so intense that she passed out and nearly collapsed, but Alex caught her and moved her to the bed, along with everyone else.
"And with that I think it's time to move on to the next round." Ravel said suddenly, causing everyone to look up as the door opened and Sona entered along with the female members of her peerage.
The next several hours seemed to blur together as more and more naked bodies appeared on Alex's massive bed. After Sona appeared Ravel's entire peerage made their way up followed by the members of the Vali team of Kuroka, Lavinia, Le Fey, and Elaine. Though Alex was once more plagued by the feeling of wrongness when he was with Kaori, Le Fey, Lavinia, and Elaine, he would soon lose himself once more in his never-ending lust. Next up were groups consisting of Anne, Roygun, Elmenhilde, Ingvild, Valerie, Tosca, Irina, and even Seekvaira. Then there was sister Griselda leading Gabriel's all female card set. After them was Yue, Shia, Tio, Aiko, Liliana, Altina, and Tracy, before the final and most surprising group made their appearance. Taking the lead was Yasaka, and following her was the crowd of Serafall, Gabriel, Grayfia, Remia, Queen Luluaria and the most surprising of all madam Phoenix and Venelana Gremory.
As the sun rose the next morning, roughly a full twenty-four hours after starting his "party", Alex was still awake as his entire bed and parts of the floor was covered with sleeping naked women. Now that everyone had run out of stamina it was quiet, and Alex was taking a moment to think about what was happening. There had been several times in the last day where felt the ongoing sense of wrongness, and now he was trying to figure out the source. He first thought about Kaori, he knew she loved Hajime yet when he recalled how she ended up with him his thoughts said that he was too late to save him in Orcus, and that she ended up with him due to wanting to drown her grief. This created more confusion in his mind as Alex definitely wouldn't have risked Hajime's death since he wanted to recruit him due to his ability to create nearly any tools or weapons possible. Then there was Valerie, his memories told him that she turned to him when Gasper decided to throw away his masculinity, but that also seemed to conflict with what he expected him. Then there was Lavinia, Seekvaira, sister Griselda, and so many others who's inclusion he couldn't understand. Alex then started recalling step by step what had happened since he entered the Arifureta world, and believed he arrived at the source of all of his confusion.
"I'm still in the Haltina Labyrinth, aren't I?" He muttered quietly to no one in particular.
"Maybe, but isn't this life better?" Venelana asked while pressing her naked breasts against his chest. Then an identical face that was framed in Crimson hair instead of brown appeared as she also pressed her breasts against him, before saying,
"Exactly, here you don't need to worry about morals or the opinions of others, and every girl will belong to you. You wouldn't get to do things like this normally." As she finished speaking Rias then leaned over and began making out with her own mother, before the situation between them quickly became more heated. However Alex was deathly silent before muttering,
"No matter how wonderful a dream is it'll always be fake. I'm done here." As he said those words the world seemed to start breaking before he was surrounded by and endless sea of black, and a disembodied voiced murmured,
"Congratulations, you passed."
Alex snorted at the voice before he lost consciousness altogether, and then opened his eyes to find himself in a dark room filled with several coffin-like items made out of amber. As he looked around Alex thought back to what happened in his dream world, and muttered self-mockingly,
"I'm really a piece of shit." Though he wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, the two usual voices in his head spoke up,
'<yes, yes you are>'
Alex wasn't sure, but it felt as if Lauren's voice was particularly icy.
Lauren gripped the wood of her desk so hard that it quickly started cracking under her fingers, both Ddraig and Jenny were silent as they watched her shake with rage.
"I am going out to clear my head, alone!" Neither one said anything as they watched her take out her earpiece and put her tablet down, a clear indication of her desire to leave her work behind while she cooled her head. Lauren stopped on her way out only long enough to turn her environment dial beside the door, turning her backyard into a mountainous landscape with thick curtains of snow falling. She then started making her way through the falling snow down a heated pathway until she found the large pool of hot water at the end of it, not at all minding the snowflakes piling on her head and shoulders. She then started removing her clothes to enter the water while muttering,
"That little bastard- after everything I've don't for him-" The rest of her muttering and curses were cut off however, when she removed her underwear and saw a damp spot in the middle. Disgusted with herself now, she balled up her panties and threw them away before quickly submersing herself in the hot water. She then tried to forget the images that appeared before, but the more she tried to forget the more she thought of them. Though she could have pulled Alex from the projected "ideal world" at any time, he himself wanted to try and do so first to test himself. Now she wished she did things her way after seeing how he projected her to be in there. As the scene of him screwing her replayed in her mind once more she couldn't help but think,
'Would I really act like that?' As she was a "married to her job" type of person she had never actually been with someone throughout her existence, her one attempt in the past resulting in her nearly being severely humiliated if not for Jenny intervening. As she recalled the scene with Alex once more Lauren's body started to heat up and she started rubbing her legs together as if to try and calm herself. Soon her hand started making its way slowly down her body, before it reached its goal between her legs.
A single word escaped her lips in the barest of whispers, but among the falling snowflakes even if someone had been around they wouldn't had heard a thing.