
A Day at the Beach

After his rather intense and lengthy...negotiation with Weiss, Alex debated on what to do for the rest of the day before heading to the next person he planned to visit in the Chatroom.

Ever since he went to conquer the Dungeon in Orario, Alex had been pretty busy with one thing or the other. Like fighting against the gods that had descended to investigate what was happening in the mortal world, dealing with Ares and his allies, and then eliminating the World Government of One Piece.

And then Alex went to Remnant to meet up with Yang and the others, which had been pretty relaxing and stuff, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight up until he went to Atlas.

Alex could be pretty thick skinned, especially as he got older and more powerful. The arrogance and ignorance of those around him just seemed more humorous than irritating at this point. But the treatment Alex received at Atlas had almost even reached the limits of his patience. If he hadn't sensed Winter approaching when she did, then Alex may have taken slightly more...extreme actions on the people and law enforcement of Atlas.

Either way, Alex was ready for a bit of a break.

So after sending an incredibly sore and worn out Weiss to undergo her initiation at Beacon with her new classmates, Alex contemplated how he wanted to spend the day before making a decision. After sending the word out through the Chatroom, Alex proceeded to collect his children along with their mothers, minus Regal and Ravel since they were busy, and headed to Spira.

While the world of Spira had undergone numerous changes ever since Alex restored Zanarkand and established himself as the Dragon Emperor, one place remained more or less the same. Besaid island.

With Kilika island becoming the primary tropical island getaway location for all Spirans, Besaid was practically untouched by advancement and tourism, allowing the locals to live in relative peace in their island paradise.

The only real change was the constant rotation of Valkyries on the island to protect it from fiends, after they proceeded to clear out the entire island to begin with. It was now safe to say that Besaid island was the only place in all of Spira that was completely and utterly fiend free. And if a new fiend spawned on the island, the Valkyries would detect it with the fiend sphere and eliminate it immediately.

It was more accurate to say that the Valkyries stationed there were on a work mandated holiday, instead of actually patrolling and guarding the island.

But that was where Alex was headed with his children, their mothers, and a few others as they planned to spend the day relaxing. Of course there had been a bit of back and forth with Sona about pulling the kids out of school for the day for such a reason, but she relented when Alex promised that they would catch up on their missed schoolwork that night in the space-time orb.

So now Alex was at Besaid beach, along with almost all of his children, sans Regal and his banshee daughters since they couldn't control their screams yet, their mothers, sans Ravel and Sylvanas, most of the girls in his peerage, and a few others like Rikku, Paine, Tio, Irina, Xenovia, ect. Even Hermione had stepped away from her books momentarily to join them.

Of course the residents of Besaid village also joined the group in their day at the beach, with them always being excited to see Yuna while simultaneously checking on how she was doing. And specifically amongst them was Wakka and Lulu, along with their infant son.

"So how's fatherhood treating you Wakka?" Alex asked humorously as Wakka struggled to contain his struggling infant son.

"It's different, ya? Sometimes I feel like fighting fiends is easier than this." Wakka said as the infant boy successfully escaped his lap and began to crawl through the sand.

"It's definitely different, and challenging. But oh so worth it." Alex said while looking out at his own children as they played.

It was just the boys right now, since the girls were all still changing in the tent that had been erected nearby, and they were currently in the process of building a life-sized sand castle. Or maybe a sand fortress was a more accurate way to describe it?

The damn thing stood at ten feet tall at its lowest wall, twenty with the towers they were installing and there was even a damn drawbridge.

Alex was seriously impressed with the ingenuity of his sons, even as he planned to pass some water balloons to his daughter's later. After all, what use was a fortress if one wasn't under siege?

Alex just hoped no one was stupid enough to walk through a water balloon fight between Saiyan children.....

That particular image was driven from Alex's mind as the flap to the tent opened to reveal the girls as they strutted out for the guys to see.

Just about all of the children were dressed in one-piece bathing suits of various designs, while the eldest amongst them were wearing two-piece bathing suits. Myuu was the odd one out amongst them, given she was wearing a bright pink one-piece with a frilly skirt attached.

Seeing as she was pouting and there was a certain gleam in Remia's(Myuu's mother) eyes, Alex was pretty sure Myuu tried something and this was the result when her mother found out. Remia, unfortunately, did not hold the same views regarding her daughter's attempts to 'woo' Alex as he did, but she did have her lines. Alex was prepared to bet that Myuu tried to cross one, and got stuck with such a childish swimsuit because of it.

After the children were Alex's wives accompanied by Lulu, who all looked positively stunning in their own swimsuits.

Normally Alex's wives would vary the swimsuits they'd wear on how much they wanted to earn his attention, some in bikinis, others in one-piece, thongs, and even some themed swimsuits like a school swimsuit. IF they even wore swimsuits at all.

This time however they were all wearing regular swimsuits that, while definitely eye-catching, were nowhere near as risqué as their usual. And then there was Tio.

"This one is here!" Tio declared as she emerged from the tent a minute or so after everyone else, obviously taking her time so none of them could stop her, and wearing only a pair of bandaids to cover the tips of her nipples, and a thin string around her hips that was buried between her lower lips.

The words were barely out of Tio's mouth when Shia, moving so fast that no one had yet turned to see what was going on, pivoted on her foot and slammed her hammer into Tio with enough force that the pervy dragon was sent flying away.

"THANK YOU Very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!"

Alex shook his head in exasperation as Tio flew away, and silently thanked Shia for averting what definitely would have been a crisis, especially with the children here.

"What was that daddy?" Aurora asked Alex cutely.

"Nothing, just Tio being weird again."

"But Tio is ALWAYS weird!" Yuki exclaimed, prompting a series of giggles from the rest of the girls, and making Alex even more thankful that none of them have yet to be influenced by Tio's.....taint.

The thought also made Alex shudder from the realization that, though it may be FAR into the future, Tio would most definitely become a mother herself one day. And Alex was terrified of what she would teach their child when the day came.

Thankfully that day was far, FAR off, so Alex could enjoy moments like this one instead of dwelling on that.

"Can~nya you let us into your castle?" Mai asked her brothers excitedly, while her sisters looked equally excited when they saw what their brothers had been up to.

"NO! No girls allowed!" Alec declared with his arms crossed haughtily, while Ryuuto, Andre and Rito stood on either side of him, the latter not really knowing what was going on, but ready to back up his big brothers.

"That's not fair! We want to play too!" Shuri whined while stamping her feet in a childish tantrum.

"Too bad! I'm king of the castle!" Alec stated, making the girls even angrier at him. Until....


A water balloon hit Alec directly in the face out of nowhere, soaking him in freezing cold water while also splashing his brothers.

"Haha! Take THAT!" Yuki declared as she grabbed two more water balloons from the large tote that appeared near her.

Alec meanwhile expressionlessly wiped the water from his face while looking down at his sisters, before declaring, "THIS MEANS WAR!"

Immediately the girls ran to grab their own water balloons while the boys did the same as another tote appeared within their sand castle, with none of the children questioning where the totes came from, or how they didn't seem to run out of balloons.

Thus began the great water balloon war of Besaid beach, as the girls tried to storm the sand castle while the boys defended it. Of course they could have used their powers as they fought, but apparently there was an unspoken agreement between both sides not to.

"Take this~!" Edith yelled as she threw a balloon, which then destroyed one of the towers that had been painstakingly built by the boys.

"Hey! That was going to be Andre's new room!" Ryuuto declared as he threw a balloon back at her, hitting Edith right in the stomach.

Of course, her place was immediately taken by Yuki and Lizzy, who both immediately returned fire at Ryuuto without any mercy.

Alex was slightly impressed that the boys were able to hold their own so well against the girls, as they were outnumbered by more than three to one with Myuu, Videl, Kale, Bonney and Alice participating, and Regal not being here.

Speaking of Alice, somehow the little girl had managed to produce a minigun that shot water balloons, which she had some of the other girls loading up while she fired it at the sand castle to bring it down.

"Hey Alec~!" Bonney called out, immediately getting the attention of Alex's oldest son as she used her power to look a few years older than she actually was. Not drastically like usual, only a few years.

"Take a look~!" Bonney said as she struck a pose, which stupified Alec as he became completely immobolized. Alex even saw a drop of blood drip from his nose.




Three water ballons hit Alec in the face one after the other in rapid succession, sending him crashing down to the ground backwards with more blood flowing from his nose.

Alex shook his head in exasperation of how easily Alec fell, especially from the little teasing Bonney did to distract him. That in particular exasperated Alex, since they literally bathed together in the nude with everyone every night.

On another note, it appeared as if one of the balloons that hit Alec came from Anna, despite her unwillingness to hurt others. Or perhaps such feelings didn't apply to her big brother?

Either way, Alec was down for the count for the moment, which drastically reduced the boys' manpower. However it also boosted the moral of Ryuuto, Andre and Rito as they fought to avenge their 'fallen' brother.

On the other hand, the girls also fought to press their newfound advantage against the boys, taking down the outer wall to get inside.

"The children look as if they're having so much fun~!" Remia said as she watched them with a warm smile.

"I-is that what they call it?" One of the men from Besaid uttered quietly as he and the others who called the island home watched the children with pale expressions from the viciousness of their 'playing'.

Seeing nothing wrong with how the children were playing, Alex got up to prepare lunch for everyone since they were bound to be hungry soon.

Alex conjured a massive pot with one hand while creating a hole in the sand with the other, before filling said hole with fuel for a large fire. A short while later, Alex had a decent fire going while the pot bubbled on top of it.

Though he had none of the skill and ability of Mikan, Haruna and the others, Alex was still a pretty decent cook as he prepared a stew for everyone present, including those from Besaid.

"Ooh~! Smells good~!" Rikku exclaimed as she came to investigate the smell.

"Secret recipe!" Alex declared jokingly, making Rikku pout playfully until he slapped her on the butt. Of course, Rikku then wiggled her butt at Alex teasingly when she thought no one was looking, only both Lulu and Wakka noticed.

"This Blitzball is really fun!"

"Yeah! We need to teach the rest of the Amazons how to play this!"

Tione and Tiona both declared as they played Blitzball for the first time against the Besaid Aurochs, demolishing the entire team despite only playing with the two of them.

"In a few months there will be a Blitzball tournament in Asora that we have every year. If you can get a team together, then you can enter yourselves." Alex explained, making the twin Amazonians even more excited as they went harder against the unfortunate Aurochs.

"Should I play as well...?" Ais asked while looking to Alex pointedly for an answer.

"Do you want to?" Alex asked her back.


"Not really." The blonde admitted after a moment of contemplation.

She then went to explore Besaid a little bit, as this was the first time she had ever been to another world. Plus, though she didn't know they were all wiped out by the Valkyries, Ais also wanted to see what the fiends of Spira were like as opponents.

Alex smiled wryly as he watched her depart, while also making a mental note to talk to Loki about registering her Familia as a guild of Asora, which would allow them to travel and fight in other worlds to fulfill requests. It was something he thought Ais in particular would enjoy now that she finally attained her vengance against the One Eyed Black Dragon.

As he was making the stew, Alex alternated his attention between the food, the children, and the Chatroom as the girls talked and had various discussions on it. Except right now several of them were posting pictures of themselves wearing swimsuits and at their own respective beaches since they couldn't join Alex and his children on their holiday.

In her own world, Tatsumaki posted a picture of herself in a green one-piece swimsuit that matched her hair, coupled with a pair of sunglasses while she lounged on a beach. Alex just hoped she was only pretending to ignore the massive monster actively destroying the city behind her that had also been captured in the picture...

In the world of Pokemon, Cynthia posted a picture of her lounging at a beach-side villa in a black bikini, which was struggling to contain her bust as she relaxed on a beach chair. Her picture was immediately followed by one from Nemona, who apparently was lounging on a beach as she tanned herself, completely naked. And after her was a pic from Flannery, though she was not near any beaches. Instead, she was currently lounging in the hot springs that Lavaridge town was famous for, with the steam somehow perfectly concealing any details regarding her nude figure to the point that Alex suspected she used some kind of filter on the picture.

Sabrina, of course, didn't post anything to the chatroom.

In the Avatar world though, almost all of the Chatroom members lived at or near one of the northern and southern poles, with the sole exception being Ty Lee in the Fire Nation. However Katara and princess Yue didn't let that stop them as they posted pictures of themselves in their undergarments, the latter at the spiritual oasis that housed the ocean and moon spirit, while the former was laid back on a patch of snow beside the water like it was beach. Suki meanwhile posted a picture of herself along with the other Kiyoshi warriors as they swam in a stream outside their village, both for recreation and endurance training.

Curiously, there was nothing from Ty Lee, who had been strangely silent since the previous day.

After all of them Alex also received either a stream of other pictures of the girls that couldn't join them as they flashed the 'camera' in risqué situations, or them complaining about not being able to join them. Several of the girls from Remnant were particularly vocal about how Alex made them return to school instead of inviting them to the beach as well, after which they were quickly chastized by Glenda.

With so much to divide his attention between, it felt as if the stew was finished in no time at all as he prepared it for serving.

"Lunch is ready! Come and get it!" He cried out to everyone, bringing a halt to the ongoing water balloon war as the kids all agreed to a temporary cease-fire to eat.

Producing a set of stairs so they could serve themselves, Alex handed a bowel to each kid before creating enough for all of the adults as well, along with two BIG barrels of drinks for everyone to choose between. One was alcohol of course, while the other was a barrel of apple juice for the kids and non-drinkers.

After lunch the afternoon was full of all kinds of excitment as they all found one thing or another to do, like swimming in the ocean for those who had not eaten Devil Fruits, or playing beach volleyball. At one point Alex even let Shirahoshi and Rebecca bury him up to his neck in the sand, and sculpt it to make him look like a mermaid.

Alex even produced a couple hundred watermelons for everyone to split and eat, several of which were frozen by Mizore and Tsurara to make the fruit more like sherbert. The children enjoyed those ones quite a bit more than the normal watermelons.

At one point Wakka remarked about how it was strange that no fiends had tried to approach them from the sea, despite the Valkyries clearing all of the ones living on the island. And Alex was tempted to mention how they HAD tried to attack them a few times, he just sensed them coming and used his divinity over the ocean to turn it into a giant blender and shred any fiends that dared to try and come close...

One exception was a massive black dragon that landed on the beach shortly before they had dinner, which made Wakka and the other island residents think it was the return of Bahamaut, while Ais immediately went into kill-mode at the sight of a large black dragon. It took several minutes for Alex to diffuse the situation and explain to Wakka and the others that the dragon was NOT Bahamaut, but Tio returning from wherever Shia had sent her flying that morning.

Thankfully this time Tio was wearing some PROPER swimwear in the form of a black bikini, though Alex still mentally promised to shove an entire line of spiked Blitzballs up her ass later. And naturally the perverted dragon seemed to sense his mere intention, and spent most of the following dinner panting heavily in anticipation.

Speaking of dinner, Alex elected to roast numerous cows and pigs for everyone to eat this time, leaving enough food for the islanders to save and eat for the next several days after they left. And after dinner, they all had massive bowls of ice-cream topped with every possible topping one could think of. Of course Lala insisted on using dark matter seasoning for her own ice-cream.

By the time dessert was over with night was falling, and numerous Spiran stars had started twinkling above them while also reflecting off of the calming ocean waves. So to finish their relaxing day with a 'bang', Alex produced numerous firworks for the kids to light off and enjoy.

They may be super-powered god-like children, but Alex was pleased to see that they still enjoyed something as simple as fireworks.

When the last of the colorful flames died down though, even the oldest amongst the children began to yawn as they tried to fight exhaustion from spending the entire day out in the sun and playing.

"Do you all mind taking them back and putting them down for me?" Alex asked as he passed a tired Edith and Rito to their mothers, Gabriel and Yui respectively.

"Of course."

"Where are you going?"

Yui asked while Gabriel readily accepted, with both children readily clinging to their mothers like little koalas, and buried their faces in their breasts.

"There's something I want to go and check out." Alex told them, and made sure everyone was able to go home safely before turning his attention to the Chatroom.

"Alright then, let's do this~!"

Saying so, Alex activated his newly acquired ability to visit those who were a part of the Chatroom.


"That was an excellent show!" Declared a young woman with sharp features, and black hair that was tied up into a top-knot with two strands framing her face. Not a single hair was out of place on her head.

Dressed in red, she was the very image of regality as she walked through the encampment, where every single person who passed her quickly paid her her due respect.

Walking beside her was another young woman with softer features, and her brown hair tied into a braid. Currently she was wearing a showy outfit that represented the sun, with her flame-like tiara, and dress that was comprised of yellows, oranges, and reds.

"I'm really glad you enjoyed it Azula!" She exclaimed happily, forcing a smile despite the trembling in her hands at the near-death experience she just had.

Yesterday Ty Lee's long-time friend Azula, crown princess of the Fire Nation, had visited her for the first time since Ty Lee had left home to join the circus. And with the circus master wanting to do everything he could to appease the Fire Lord's daughter, the net that Ty Lee usually crossed as part of her act had been set aflame beneath her, while ALL of the most dangerous animals in the circus were set loose at her command.

The reason why Azula readily risked the life of her friend? It was because she thought the regular circus acts were boring.

But that wasn't all.

Ty Lee looked down at Azula's hands with trepidation as her longest friend hold onto her closest companion, the Mime Jr. that she had received through the Chatroom.

Upon seeing the incredibly rare and obviously valuable creature, Azula declared that she wanted it. And as a citizen of the Fire Nation, Ty Lee could not refuse.

Guilt and trepidation filled the usually cheery girl as she watched Mime Jr. shake within the hands of her friend, even more so when she looked up at Ty Lee with a plea in her eyes to be saved. After all, Mime Jr. could sense the emotions of those around them, and Azula terrified her like no other human, or pokemon, she had ever seen!

But Mime Jr. could also feel the fear that Ty Lee was feeling, even more so right now after the most dangerous show she had ever done.

Needless to say that both of them felt terrified for what the future held, Mime Jr. because she could sense the sadistic and cruel nature of Azula, and Ty Lee as she recalled the time Azula first used her fire bending to burn the turtle-ducks that lived in the ponds of the royal palace.

Upon opening the flap to her tent though, any other thoughts in Ty Lee's head vanished when she saw what was waiting for her there.

Her tent usually had only a few things in it due to the consatnt traveling of the circus, a vanity cabinet to prepare for her shows, a chest for her clothes, and a few other items like a bedroll.

NOW however her tent had been vastly expanded well beyond what should have been physically possible, and the interior was filled with small plants that Ty Lee immediately identified as bonsai, a pebble garden, and even a small waterfall that fed a small stream that trickled through the tent before ending in a small pond. And lighting the entire tent were several hunded candles that seemingly floated in mid air.

Under normal circumstances Ty Lee would have fallen completely in love with with the redecoration of her tent, but all of her attention was on the centerpiece.

Laying there, on the comfiest bedroll that Ty Lee had ever seen, was Alex.

He was completely naked, of course, and laying on his side with his head propped up by his hand, obviously waiting for her with a decorated pillow covering his groin.

"Alex...?" Ty Lee uttered in disbelief, to which he smiled widely.

"Who else? I caught your show earlier. It seemed a little dangerous, but you were really-mph!"

Whatever Alex was going to say next was cut off as Ty Lee threw herself at him, wrappig her arms around his neck as she kissed him as passionately as possible. She was so happy to see him that she had momentarily even forgotten about her fear of Azula. Momentarily.

As for the Fire Nation princess.

Azula had been more than a little surprised to find the state of Ty Lee's room so.....changed. But that surprise paled in comparison to the man they had found lounging in the middle of it.

He was immaculate.

There was no other way Azula could think of to describe him as she looked him over from head to toe.

Physically speaking, he was the most beautiful man that Azula had ever seen, and not in a girlish way that made him seem fragile and vulnerable, like a flower. His body appeared as if cut from stone, or even metal as thick muscles covered him from top to bottom.

And there was the way he spoke and carried himself.

Though she had only observed him for a moment, Azula could see the power in his every movement, and could see the confidence in his both his bearing and his voice. It wasn't the cockiness one found in most men who had forgotten their position around her, his bearing perfectly matched someone belonging to royalty.

In a word, he was PERFECT.

Already Azula could see the two of them, hand-in-hand as they ruled over the world as the perfect couple, the future Fire Lord and her consort.

She WANTED him like she had never wanted a man in her life, and Azula knew he would be wasted on Ty Lee.

Mime Jr. shuddered at the malice and contempt radiating from Azula towards Ty Lee at that moment, though it was hidden behind a perfect mask of friendliness as she stepped towards them, pausing only slightly when the pillow shifted to reveal what he was packing underneath. And Azula liked what she saw VERY much.

"Tell me Ty Lee, who's your 'friend'?"

(A.N. Sorry for the delay. I've been alternating between being sick, busy with work, and spending time with my family for the last couple of weeks.)

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts