
God Slayer: The Tale of Humanity's Last Stand

// A System Built to Fight the Gods! // Mankind has existed for hundreds of thousands of years and the time has finally come for them to be judged by the Heavens. After being sentenced to complete annihilation, the planet is to be wiped clean for a new species to take its place. Even while Heaven's might rains down upon the Earth, not all hope is lost. The Queen of the Underworld has sent chosen souls of the damned, dubbed Slayers, from the Underworld to mount humanity's final defense! Reincarnated souls from Hell that are equipped with the all powerful God Core System that allows them to consume the powers of a God to enhance their own to unimaginable lengths. Gear up because it's literal Hell on Earth. [ Author here! If you guys are enjoying the series, please feel free to vote for this work with your powerstones and tickets! This will allow me to publish even more chapters, do special events, and let me know you guys are enjoying it! Also, there is more of a stat involved part of the system that has been introduced in the later chapters(63). Experience isn't visibly tracked until this point - up until then it is still gathered and slayers do grow slightly stronger from fights, but there's no way of knowing how much has been gained until the chapter it's introduced.]

Kenji_Tezuka · 奇幻
177 Chs

Left Behind

Lt. Nickels stared down at his broken arms and tried his best to conceal the pain. But in truth he was doing well by not passing out from the immense agony he was in.

The stranger had such a relaxed composure as he was on one knee in front of him - his face still obscured by the shadow cast by the hood. Even at this close of a distance.

"...Slayers..." Nickels managed to say. He could feel his focus quickly waning and his consciousness slipping. "Why...would you want to know about those...those...cowards?"

The stranger chuckled. He had a slightly deep voice so Nickels at least knew it was a man probably in his 30s or 40s based also on the size of their body. "Trust me friend, I share that sentiment. I'm sure they're off slinking away in the shadows somewhere...but, would you happen to know WHERE that might be?"

Even in his injured state and his foggy mind, Nickels knew that anyone that was looking for the slayers wasn't someone to be taken lightly. And chances are, the only person would be looking for them would be-

"You look like you're really thinking about this one." The stranger said. He reached out and placed a soft hand on Nickel's shoulder. "But I feel like I must warn you," his grip tightened around Nickels shoulder until he could feel his powerful fingers about the puncture into the muscle, "my time, like my patience, is very limited." Nickels gritted his teeth and bared it like everything else. He's a soldier that has seen multiple wars - even this would not be enough to break him.

For the most part Nickels could honestly care less about the slayers. They ran around with their powers and everyone just had to trust that they wouldn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed one morning.

Not to mention they are literally damned souls - Nickels wasn't a very religious person, but working with the underworlds minions just didn't make sense to him really. But, when the Gods come knocking to wipe out all civilization you can't really be picky about your allies.

There was one slayer though that was a bit of an exception for him. One that actually made him believe that maybe...they had some decent character traits after all. And that one person ran off when shit hit the fan.

"Where..they went?" Nickels asked. He could already feel himself fighting to just stay upright at this point. "Let..me...think."


"I'm pretty sure I....I saw them..." Nickels remembered the day he enlisted, way before all of the divine nonsense started. One of the happiest days of his life by far. He never married and didn't have any kids - just a fruitful career marked with achievements. And that alone meant everything to him.

"Where? Where did you see them?" The stranger asked, his grip still tight around his shoulder.

"Yeah..they were...they..." Nickels smiled a little as the memories began to slowly fade from his mind. Jun may have acted cowardly and left all those he swore to protect behind, but he was still his comrade. Even if for a short while. "They...were up your ass I think.."

With that last word, Nickel's head suddenly exploded and sent bits of brain matter everywhere. The stranger's cloak was doused in it as he didn't move an inch from his spot. Nickels body was still being held up by the strangers grip - which he released and allowed the body to slump to the ground lifeless.

"Well, on to the next one then."


Back at training camp, Axel stood in disbelief beside Admin.

While he had been off playing 'get to know each other' with Iris, Jayden had still been hard at work. For hours upon hours he had tirelessly worked at the single goal of achieving the secondary ability of his weapon and did so with purpose. He had underestimated him.

"You can't be serious? JAYDEN got it before I did? This makes zero sense!" Axel said in frustration. He quickly looked to Admin for answers. "Admin, is this legit?!"

"Yes, this is...legit. His system has been updated with the new ability and he's able to call upon it at will."

Axel clinched the handle of his sword tightly. "You're telling me....Jayden, was the first one to do it? Before any of the rest of us? Are you sure you can't double check your source on this one?"

Admin sighed. "I'm literally the source about this. And actually..." She looked over to the far side where Jun sat meditating under a tree she had constructed for him. His sword sat in its sheathe right beside him. "Jun was technically the first to achieve it."

"Wait. Jun can do it too? Jun and Jayden...both...they..." Axel's mind was whirling as it processed the fact that he had been outgunned by not one, but two contracted slayers. Freelancers were supposed to be the dominant slayers.

And yet, the two of them had mastered the next level of their weapon. And he...was trying to master his feelings.

Axel could feel a new threat forming in his head. One he had never experienced before. He now felt like he was being left behind by everyone else.

This is bullshit, Axel thought. I'm supposed to be the one! Not them, ME! I'm the hero. I'm the example. I refuse...to be a supporting character to Jayden of all people. And definitely not Jun.

Axel put his blade across his back and quickly stomped off.

"Axel? Where are you going" Admin called after him.

Axel ignored her and kept stomping through the grass until he reached Iris as she was preparing to go to her solo training prior to Jayden's incident.

Axel looked her in the eyes with a seriousness she wasn't used to from him. "Iris."

"What?" She replied. Axel never approached any of them with questions so it was odd to her that he was suddenly doing so now.

"Are you willing to use the Divine Connection one more time today?"

"But why? You're the one that said you were-"

"I know!" Axel yelled, his voice echoing around the area. The others stopped and looked at the two. "I know. And I really don't want to depend on any of you for anything. But...I think we should go back in."

< Why? You know you don't wanna open that door. I've had plenty of time to tiptoe around inside your thoughts and I know what's behind that door.. >

Fuck you, I'm doing this so I can get this seal and you off my back. Axel thought loudly to his inner roommate. Now sit back and watch me work.

"Then you know what we have to do, right?" said Iris.

"Yeah, I do. We're ending this nostalgia trip today."

Training camp is almost over!

Two part finalie coming up :)

Kenji_Tezukacreators' thoughts