
God Rank Isn't For Me!

This is my first sci-fi fantasy novel. Hope You Like It! Humanity countered another advance civilization. Their friendship quickly turned into war. 50 years after the start of the war. A boy name Wu Chang started his journey to the top!

Lazormenot · 科幻
4 Chs

Potential Test

1st February 2300 in Universal Calendar. A 14 years old orphan boy was staring at the holographic television while sitting in a one-room apartment that the government give. The boy's name is Wu Chang who is about to enter high school. He was watching a history channel talking about the humanity's past.

[Television show]

2000 years ago, humanity started travelling through space. 700 years after humans started travelling through space, they colonized all 8 planets in the solar system and humans made the first Dyson Sphere around the sun to cultivate its energy.

1000 years after conquering the solar system, humanity colonized the whole of the Milky-Way galaxy and built billions of Dyson Spheres. By this time, humanity became the only civilization which has conquered the milky-way galaxy.

Humans found billions of other civilizations. The human wiped most of the civilizations for the planet's resources while they made the civilizations which were spared into tourist attractions.

Human's daily life did not change. The children play games and did what every child did. The adults work in different occupations. 100 years have passed since the humans conquest of the Milky-Way Galaxy. The humans finally made their first contact with the civilization which had conquered the Andromeda galaxy 2.5 million light years away from the Milky-Way galaxy. The civilization was named Guzdur.

They are exactly the same as humans but the only different is that they had more advance technology and they could breathe in space. 50 years after the first contact with the Guzdur, everything turned hostile, and a war started. By this time, humanity had already received the Guzdur's knowledge.

The humans found out that there is an element that they not discovered during their conquest. The element is called Xtreium which lives everywhere around the universe. Xtreium is used to cultivate living organism to high beings. Xtreium does not differ from the ancient energy called chi energy.

The humans made their own ranking system different from the Guzdur because their body configuration were extremely different. There are 13 main ranks for the cultivation of what we call chi control.

They are:

Human Rank (Normal)

Bronze Rank

Silver Rank

Gold Rank

Lunar Rank

Nation Rank

Planetary Rank

Star Rank

Nova Rank

Solar Rank

Demi-God Rank

God Rank

Absolute God Rank

There have only been 2 Absolute God Rank in the entire history. One of them is human, and the other is a guzdur.

[After the show]

"Wow, I want to be an absolute god rank!" Wu Chang said with glittering eyes staring at the holographic screen.

Wu Chang was about to enter high school and was finally going to start his cultivation journey. Before entering high school, students needed to test their potential. Today was the day for Wu Chang's test.

The test was in two hours. Wu Chang was confident that he would do good, so he was not nervous. Wu Chang was alone with no family, so his material needs would come only from the government, so he expected little.

Before he went out to the test site, he took out an old book from the back of his closet. The book was a gift from his parents before they passed away. He always brings the book to every important event because he considers it as his lucky charm.

He took it out, and he put it inside his bag. While he was putting the book, the cover cut his finger and blood dripped down onto the book. He put the book into his bag and covered his wound with a bandage.

He galloped out to catch the train to the test site. While running towards the train station, the book inside his bag started glowing red. Wu Chang did not notice because he was busy worrying about being late.

5 minutes passed, and the book went back to normal. Nobody noticed the book glowing on the way to the train station.

Wu Chang arrived at the train station and went onto the train to the test site. While on the train, Wu Chang lost consciousness. He forced himself to stay awake, but after a few minutes he fell asleep.

*Ding Dong*

The train bell ring showing that it had arrived at its destination.

"Ah… Where am I!" Wu Chang woke up from the loud bell. He quickly checked his location and thankfully he arrived at the test site.

When he got off the train, he instantly saw a giant school as big as a country. He went inside and found millions of students taking the test.

"It's gigantic!" Wu Chang exclaimed.

He looked up at the sign and saw a big signboard at the entrance.

"Millennium High School"

"Wait, isn't this one of the top 5 high school in the galaxy!" It surprised Wu Chang. He thought that only allowed students and teacher could enter this school.

'I guess this high school does the test.' He excitedly shouted in his mind.

Wu Chang followed the students and went to the gymnasium. When he got there, he saw a middle age man sitting and scanning the student's ID.

"What a long line!" Wu Chang was excited and also mad because it was going to take a long time.

After 2 hours of waiting behind thousands of people, it was finally Wu Chang's turn. Wu Chang took out his phone and the middle age man scanned his id.

After they identified Wu Chang ID, he quickly went inside the gymnasium. The middle age man assigned him to test room 201.

Wu Chang walked around and finally reached test room 201. He went inside and saw a beautiful woman in her early 30s sitting crossed leg. It was almost as if she was intentionally asking him to look.

Wu Chang's body started heating, but he quickly controlled it. He knew he would not fall for a puny trick.

The teacher smiled and brought him to the test tube. Wu Chang followed and went inside the test tube.

After Wu Chang was inside, the teacher pressed a button and a light appeared, scanning Wu Chang's body. After the scan was over, he went outside. He galloped to the screen to see what he got but was quickly rejected away by the teacher.

Before Wu Chang came out of the test tube, the teacher saw a surprising number on the screen.


Wu Chang's Potential:! ERROR!

My first chapter! Hope you all like it.

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