

higher content for 14 years How people become billionaires Daniel thought: Will I ever be rich to be able to go into a store and buy what I want? Will I ever be able to give my family a better life? Will I ever stop starving? Daniel's story begins when he was 15 years old at school, where it all started in a simple joke ended in a tragedy. Was it a tragedy or was it a blessing? We will find out in the course of history, mathematics is simple as everyone knows write current books, and sometimes a book on Parallel World but this time I want to change the book's concept a little, this will be the one that will give me more work I will try to write at least each chapter 2000 to 3000 words will not be easy, but the chapters will also be every other day, all my books I write in my head at the time I am writing I am thinking of the plot what can happen what's around that table has something special? When Aladdin rubbed the lamp, did he expect a gene to come out? Was alibaba and the 300 thieves true? There will be many, but one thing I can say you dream only depends on you. I dreamed of traveling the world, I managed to travel the world to know Japan to know China which is a beautiful country to know the United States to know England, I knew the land of my grandparents Italy to know the culture of Turkey so I can tell you Stop dreaming not dreaming because one day maybe a dream of yours comes true, there is a saying that the one who does not dream does not live, are you alive? then dream. come dream with me live dreams joys sadness smiles emotions I don't say that in the book but in real life be someone different get out of the chair show what you can do, i'll be waiting for you in your dreams!

DanielBR · 都市
21 Chs

ending the dungeon, making a servant, going to another world

Daniel Now I would like to walk 53 Let's see what we find along the way I know your old owner called me soul shredders, but I'll call you reaper Why will you reap everything in front of me my enemies those who perished before the your weapon and your blood will be your reaper nutrients, from that moment on you are the reaper this is your name Daniel so cut your hand on the blade and made a blood pact from today you belong to me and I belong to you I will never cheat and you will never betray me i will never defer and you will never hurt me [master didn't need to do this you hurt yourself] needed reaper for you to know oh seriously i'm serious i'm angry with my enemies,

[enemy of the masters, my enemies will be Do not worry master, I will reap their lives with greater pleasure] this

is how my friend speaks while walking they talked above all about her former owner What happened if she could speak like that? the ones she couldn't talk about Daniela really understood why her former owner is unique and he also wouldn't want anyone to know about her so he accepted her particularity Arriving at floor 53 Daniel saw a Naga bonethis is going to be one of those old days right reaper [master her weak point cutting the skull] So let's do it, Naga moved quickly towards Daniel like a snake but he was not a fool either He just let her come when you got close to him he cut her in half with the reaper literally then took the skull that was cut in half and smashed it with her hand, [master got a new skill for you Bone regeneration, I like this skill will be very useful in the future, {Congratulations your Pou 5 lightweight earned more than 10,000 points of skill Daniel wasn't even using it but a skill point for his status because each level I paid raised his stats tremendously that he couldn't even If you recognize yourself, I have to thank this God who sent me here. Daniel said before going up to the next level and went up to floor 99 where he killed the earth dragon, {Congratulations you Upou 10 light, you won 10,000 points of skill}

Daniel was very happy as he has never been before Is God looking at me today Daniel asked this question to himself but already knowing the answer because it was very good when everything happened the way it had to be, I know which one is the last monster Are we going to place a reaping bet? [America I will lose I know you will speak red dragon I will also go What's the use of making a bet] It

is right to do what nothing would be more appealing to a red dragon is the so-called elder dragon but since we have to fight against him at least he is strong, [careful master he is three times stronger than that dragon this is the least i'm deducing]

thanks for the warning, reaper was going very thirsty to the pot, when opening the door We were dragon lying on the ground when Daniel did the dragon just lift his head and snort another mortal wanting to be God?

I think you made a mistake sir dragon I am already immortal a god a demon I still haven't decided yet could you help me?

Are you serious? Am I here, my status? Please show me.

But that $ #% & # is this You are twice as strong as me, I think you are even stronger than Hades The last time I came back with him he lost but there is that guy is maniac for fighting Daniel was exchanging a bigger idea with dragon.

how can I get out of this maze here without killing you?

Has as? Make me your servant. I think I heard you wrong if I told you to make me a servant?

You heard right, Daniel then said I swear I didn't smoke anything today to hear this, reaper, did you hear that too? [.........] reaper are you there? [................] then Daniel shouted at that reaper hour are you there? [I'm sorry, but I was like that, you know, not knowing what to think, this is the first time I've seen an ancient dragon wanting to be someone's servant. He's here because he didn't accept being Zeus's servant]

Is that why you're here? Yes, that boring old man wanted to ride me.

Ah got it, and how do I make this pact there that you said Oh this is simple blood blood your blood mine makes the circle Drop blood I say You are my master You Daniel says you are my servant and

that is it that I missed something like that God couldn't take your blood and force you to say it Ah this is simple it has to be said willingly I understand now a reason why everyone gets angry with me, but a God makes me angry , do you have a problem with that the dragon asked?

I am not shitting and walking to Zeus that he explodes there.

let's do it fast because i have class you have to take a test before the semester is over here for five months now, Daniel then cut the dragon's hand off with a pinch on his finger made a blood wheel and spoke the words each, as soon as the circle shone a door at the bottom opened.

Before Daniel went on, the dragon then said, oh before I forget, don't you want to take that there? next to the wall there were piles and piles of weapons gold coins platinum coin everything that is kind of currency even money from his world had, Daniel wasn't in a bag to see everything he got he threw everything in his Dimensional chest because now he had one how he could do any magic was simple.

Now can we go away Daniel asked or dragon? Can we But it will be strange that you walking with a dragon on your planet can I give you a clue? speaks? You have the magic of teleportation because you killed a cue back there, you know, by sending 88? Yes I have Why? teleport to any planet over there with the moon? But then you're not going to breathe? Oh, I forgot that. Daniel then slapped his forehead, How about Daniel then said a magical planet? It may be, do you know any Daniel asked? I know, so the dragon touched Daniel's forehead and showed him where he wanted to be, at this moment Daniel opened the portal and passed him along with the dragon, the air here is more pure, right? [master is more pure because there is no industry] I know that, do what you know. Would my mother Richard like to live here? There are still three more weeks, right, how about I take a walk around? So dragon of this if you go straight there you will find the capital I think you will like this city before you register with the guild so you don't pay tax every time you enter the city, dragon taught Daniel was Hilário.

So as always thought wings were born on Daniel's back, so bring one asked: Can you not fly? Are you immortal or have you forgotten it? it is not that I always wanted to have wings to fly (pun with Red Bull) (Sponsor Red Bull we are there).

Alright then I'll be going anything just send me a telepathic message that I'm here to help you Daniel Dias and the dragon, Relax here no one bothers me there is no one stronger than in this world, I have already detected the strongest person in this world taking you away of course, let's not put it like this he is an ant I am a dog you are a dragon understand more or less the dimension of strength? I understand, I didn't need to explain it like that, if I punch him, he'll see blood dust. Daniel asked?

If there is any blood left, right? truth. I'm going to enjoy the scenery, do whatever you want I'll be back in two weeks just to see you really, to know how you are, you need something too, Okay then until 2 weeks from now.

Daniel So I'm going straight to the city It took another 5 hours of flight. If I were walking it would take 50 days walking with a cart.

[master your outfit Change, as you have the ability to transform, this is soft for you, Daniel then created a gothic outfit with a very chic overcoat Daniel then walked 10 minutes to the gate the soldier said loudly the first time here ? because I never saw you. Yes, I am from the North, "because everyone is from the North when they go to another world"

Ah, did I understand the guild card? I just have you that I lost in combat by killing a troll so Daniel pulled the head of the troll from his warehouse, oh well then, but it is 20 pieces of bronze to enter Daniel So as if he was touching his jacket he took a bag of money because he already had mentally separated Platinum gold, silver and bronze and money from the land, Daniel then gave a silver coin to the guard and asked where was the guild and a good inn?

Before the guard delivered change Daniel Dias can stay I just need this information, Okay You could have this information for free Why would anyone tell you, Estalagem de Nobre or Estalagem de nobre? Noble please my body needs a comfortable bed After this fight.

Alright you will go straight you will arrive at the square There you will find the adventurers' guild register exit it you will go to the left you will see a gate is the second area of ​​the Nobles show your guild card inform that you want to stay in a Noble Inn No problem they can already earn well. I understood thanks for the information Daniel then followed the path that the guard said.

when he approached the guild he saw the building is immense about five floors It looks like they were medieval castles, Daniel then jumped the door and inside that smell of alcohol for Daniel was no surprise that he read a lot about Light Novel Isekai was better time, it was his most favorite manga.

Daniel found the receptionist she was half human and half cat had cat ears and Rabo de Gato is cute, Daniel almost felt like squeezing her ears but he held back the temptation not knowing how the criteria are here in this world that will squeeze an ear of a person is marriage.

Daniel then approached the counter and said that he would like to register because I lost my card there I would like to sell some items it is at the counter next please, okay thank you Daniel so you went to the next counter would you like to sell some items? Okay. Some big monster Daniel then shook his head in confirmation and made a sign of silence with his finger, the man at the time understood what Daniel meant, please come here in the background. Could it be here Daniel asked? yes please, Daniel took everything from the dragon of the earth to the Goblin, which should have about 100 Goblins, Sorry to ask my lord where did you get this whole house? close to the city. my god we have to warn the king immediately there was a dragon from the land a naga he was reporting that there were class s monsters next city no one had noticed.

I will count everything madam please come back tomorrow and one more thing: the guild card can be made now, all right then.

Daniel then went back to the counter, I want to make the card now can you? yes please put your hand on top of this stone, it will measure the strength of you determine your guild card and how far you can go example you can start in the F ranking with elevation up to rank A this is an example ok Sir? That's fine no problem.

Daniel then put his hand on top of the Stone, it shone for 5 seconds, that IS a platinum card, The receptionist could not stand it and shouted ancard S.

How is the status and current it at the end so it is better not to hinder the reading


(An immortal is as if

was it a god or a demon he didn't

is controlled by no one does not

gets older and can travel through

Worlds with a simple thought

by universes.)

Name of the Soul-Eater Weapon (But daniel calls it a reaper)

Name: Daniel

Level: 150

Age: 20 years

Strength: 49550

Dexterity: 49550 (Agility)

Intelligence: 49700

Aim from a distance with a 2 Km Sniper rifle

20050 fight (almost all types of master level fighting)

hand-to-hand combat 19500

hearing: 10600

smell: 12670

taste: 12670

vision: 12800 (Equivalent to seeing

in the mind at 10,000 (MAXIMO) meters away)

Can create angel wings 4 pairs

XP: 85950/99050

skill points: 1,505,900

Shopping: Products for sale

Full Body Healing Item


Shopping: Products for sale

Full Body Healing Item


Absolution of skills at no cost.

Skill acquired breathing under

water or land.

Detect conditions (around them, including threats, living things)


Advanced precision


Immunity to sleep

Stop the time

Back in time

Time travel.

Immunity to Contamination

Immunity to Diseases

Immunity to Toxins

Magic Resistance

Super Resistance

Suppression of Pain

Pressure Resistance

Thermal Resistance

Unbreakable Bones


Flying Powers (won from Dragon)

Breath of life

It can give life back and even take

part of life leaving the person in a coma

or passed out


DanielBRcreators' thoughts