
God on Earth.

400 years ago, the world changed. Magic and Dungeons appeared. 384 years later, someone with God Magic was born. This is his slice of life story of him interacting with people while fighting monsters along his way. Or, it was going to be. This story will be about him finding his self while exploring new things. *Warning* The Mc is Bisexual. No need for any further explanation. *Another Warning* The sex might go into details at one point. If they do, you could skip them as they add little to the actual plot.

qu3n_ · 科幻
84 Chs

Character List.


Daemon Suzuki(Mc.)-God Magic.(Gives user power of any and all things.) Laid back and wants to live a normal life..... At first.

Old man- Switch Magic.(Able to switch two non living objects with each other.) Not much is known about him besides the fact that he gives out 'Jobs' to people.

Charles Blake- Fire Magic.(Self explanatory.) Abuser and all around, smiles. Thinks of himself as good, when everyone in power knows his true self.

Sarah Fye- Wind Magic.(Self explanatory.) Acts dazed and weird. Loves to eat meat.

Lily Suzuki- Water Magic. (Self explanatory.) Can come off as snobby, when in reality, shes the opposite. Lives with her brother, Daemon, and is her whole world.

Sylvia Silver- Ice Magic.(Sub element of water. Able to freeze water and make ice. Can produce ice without water too.) Loves Daemon and wants to protect him.

Lucifer Star- Photographic Memory Magic.(Hippocampus is tripled, making his memory fluent.) Quiet, feminine guy who likes old rap music. Loves Daemon.

?Infinity?- ??? Magic.(N/A) Information not provided.

Aquatic Knight- Water breather Magic. (Can breathe infinitely under the water.) Guy who can't form his own opinion and agrees with the masses.

Dark Cloak- Picture Magic(Able to create painting from his imagination. Usually monsters however.) Suicidal guy who doesn't commit.

Phantom- Phantom magic.(Can do things that ghost do.) Black guy who came from Africa to America with a change of heart.

Acier Cloth- Metal Magic(Can manipulate metals.) Light-skinned woman who's in love with Daemon. Doesn't peruse him through words, but with her body.

Kazuma Suzuki- Limiter Magic.(Able to half anything, including power or human anatomy itself.) Man with power who is never home for his children.

Lucy Suzuki- Beauty Magic.(Able to sway any form of being, giving her immense power.) Woman with power who is never home for her children.

Sebastian Jewels- Energy Magic.(Able to use energy around him as power.) Low magic power guy with goals of protecting his cousin and getting stronger.

Hannah Kite- Age magic.(Able to age or De-Age any thing.) Small girl with no notable goals.

Yumi- Ice Magic.(Like Sylvia except colder.) Snake turned into a Lamia after Daemon resurrects her.

Yu- ??? Magic.(N/A) Daughter of Yumi and Daemon. Twin of Mi.

Mi- ??? Magic.(N/A) Daughter of Yumi and Daemon. Twin of Yu.

Murasaki Jane- Law Magic. (Able to manipulate Law, meaning 'If I clap, you die'). Racist girl who loves Daemon. Lazy attire as well.

Hestia- ??? Magic. (N/A) Magic doll made by Daemon to serve Murasaki. Doesn't talk and hates her creator.

Kate ???- ??? Magic. (N/A) Spy for a secret organization who wants Daemon powers. Was the flight attendant.

Immeasurable- Body Strengthening Magic.(Able to strengthen his body to broken limits.) Skinny man who's active in the field. Likes to give thanks to his fans and loves justice.

Midori Izushi- Body Strengthening Magic( Same as Immeasurable, but way, way, way weaker.) Girl with green hair and green eyes who attends M.H. Has a crush on someone.

Kaiyo Boom- Explsoion Magic.(Able to create sparks of flames and ignite them from her hands or feet.(Prefers hands.)) Enraged girl who respects Daemon for being strong and dislikes Midori for being weak.

Luke King- Anti Magic.(Can cut magic with his sword.) Carries a long sword on his back and wears a necklace representing an Ox.

Richard Nixon- Eye Lazer.(Can shot red beams out his eyes.) Elegant boy who sees you.

Ed Henry- Speed Magic.(Can move faster than a car when needed.) Uptight buff boy who follows rules.

Junko sid- Sound Magic(Can manipulate and produce sounds.) Teenaged girl who can't take a hit.

Hitomi Stone- Invisibility Magic.(Can turn invisible and has minor light manipulation.) Quiet girl that wants to makes friends starting this year.

Kora Tear- Creation Magic. (By breaking down things and rebuilding them, she can produce almost anything.) Rich girl who admires Daemon for her boost in confidence.

Ivory yamazaki- Nerve Magic.(Can manipulate the nervous system of any organism.) Slut who sells her body for money.

Shino Hausmann- Insect Magic.(Can manipluate insects to do his bidding.) Reserved man who likes to be alone and do his own things in his own time.

Jacob Lange- Weapon Creation Magic.(Able to make weapons of the things he hurt himself with.) Military's boy who finds pleasure in shooting a sniper.

Mayumi akamai- Flower magic.(Able to manipulate and use flowers.) Sick girl with dreams of curing herself.

Todo Myers- Blood lightning Magic.(Manipulates blood in his body to give a lightning effect. Same properties as normal magic, just red.) Crazed boy who enjoys a fight. Dazed when no fight is present.

Teo and Mars Newman- Portal Magic.(By using grey spaces, they can teleport. Must've been at the location before goingsomewhere.) Brothers who love each other.

Yoko Iko- Chakra Magic.(Able to use a certain magic that manipulates natural law and produces other elements.) Shy girl who wants Daemon to recognize her.

Gabriel Wentworth- Wing Magic.(Able to produce white wings to fly like an angel.) Pervert that fears Daemon from being able to take any woman.

Haori Gate- Black hole magic.(Able to produce black holes by shaping space/time.) Cheery woman who loves teaching kids.

Saruby- Ice and Fire Magic.(Able to produce ice and fire.) Two beings into one that forms a new concious.

Christie Hays- Power over 9.(Nine powers depriving from the Ruler of Titan, Impenetrable Titan, Future Titan, Animal Titan, Endurace Titan, God of Destruction Titan, Hardening Titan, Mobulity Titan, and Creation Titan.) Woman who values the people over her own self.


More characters will be added. I did miss a few I think, but I only mentioned their hair color and stuff. Nothing of importance.