
The Last Torture

[@*&#(*@# Trial Cleared]

When I heard those string of words the only feeling I feel was "What would happen to me now? But I cant extensively explain those words if I don't go back to the first time I cleared one of the trials of this sick game and though my memories are a bit foggy... actually I will tell you why this was truly a psychological nightmare...

When I first heard those words [1st Trial Cleared] it was over 30 minutes after it popped up because the shock of what happened in that trial overshadowed the ability to feel any of my senses which was justifiable considering the last thing I remembered was picking up an innocent-looking piece of glass but suddenly I get transmigrated into the body of that person, if I remember correctly was named Ryan Coltis but moving on from that I suddenly got cheated on and felt the emotional turmoil that somebody who actually got cheated on would feel at least to an extent...

But to properly describe the torture I experienced in these so-called "trials" is not something that one could ever comprehend but to get a view on this let me tell you what would be worse, physical torture or mental torture? A good chunk of people would choose physical torture but a decent chunk of people would choose mental torture, but why is the opinion so divided? Well the people that choose physical torture have probably watched a lot of horror movies involving torture for one and one good example of a movie that makes people fear pain would be that movie "Saw"

But truthfully an intelligent being will only ever feel true pain when they go through mental torture because physical torture is something everybody experiences maybe from labor or getting whipped by a parental figure but people only truly feel pain when a mental attribute takes over such as stress or another condition similar to stress and even in movies where those people get tortured do feel pain that pain would be 1000x worse if someone they love like a girlfriend or even worse a family figure gets tortured in front of your eyes...

But nobody can ever truly force those types of feelings where you would rather get tortured than that person because humans are naturally greedy and selfish people which is why family is so important because no matter what your relationship with your family will be pure but what if there was a human or biological creature that is able to force those types of feelings....?

Well at first this type of power seems like something straight out of a rom-com or something like forcing someone to love you like love potions but this is one of the most dangerous powers that one can imagine because no matter who or what they are a person that is an intelligent being will be able to be influenced by emotions and bonds so you're able to practically enslave anyone using more conventional methods sure, but it would be a type of slavery...

A type of this slavery would be making yourself look like a person that represents justice and anything that goes against you is evil no matter how selfless that person is because when someone thinks you are truly pure and can do no wrong if you do any wrong there brains trick them to ignore that wrongdoing...

For example, have you ever wondered why politicians cared so much about their image sometimes even more than the politics that is supposed to be their job...well the one and the only reason they care so much that if you project this image onto the world of someone that understands you the person who said politician is addressing will support the politician because your brain automatically associates that person with someone that is good and serves justice so when they inevitably screw up you look past it.

And if you don't believe that let me tell you the tale of Gandhi, a man who used non-violent methods to help end British rule of India and created the philosophy that India mainly uses of Truth and Non-violence that inspired countless future peacemakers to make their mark on the world but even someone like that was rumored to be a pedophile...but is he known for that, of course not because the public thought of him as this peaceful person so even if he was a pedophile something a normal person would wear as a title for the rest of his life nobody would care if Gahndi was a pedophile.

Not even going that far of a pedophile even people like BTS do the same thing which is largely the reason why the BTS army exists and from what I remember I do not have a fond memory of their fanbase for the sole reason that their fan base loves them so much and thinks there perfect but that's just a mask developed by the company to make more people love the band because at the end of the day they're still human.

But stopping that side rant and going back to why manipulating how people feel of you is one of the most powerful powers humanly possible is because humans are social creatures, but you have probably heard that one before but just as much they are social creatures they also are just as judgemental like any person would want to befriend a rich person and not even going through social status that our society has made we automatically judge people based on how attractive they are because no matter who you are nobody can truthfully deny that because even if somebody was the worlds nicest person and loved you with all their heart if they were the ugliest person you would never even think of marrying them because that is just a sort of side effect of being a social animal...

So imagine if you could make anyone feel good about you and unconsciously trusting you even if they themselves don't know that it would be no exaggeration to say that that you could rule the world because you could make everyone trust you and think that you could do no wrong and smash all possible attempts at a revolution from going on TV and using your powers to make sure no one rebels but that is just one thing someone with that power can do but what if this type of power actually appeared....?

Well, I have this type of power though not of the supernatural nature but from sheer experience alone which may sound stupid at first but let me explain why I remember all of this, first of all, I won't fool myself because that will never lead to anything good but I would 100% be broken right now and pretty much be a vegetable because of some of the messed up things I went through and the sheer amount of time I had to go through it which is the reason why this is the cruelest game possible because not only am I not able to forget any of the experiences I have seen but some higher being made it so I could never go insane or kill myself and trust me I have tried 100's of times but all the time the clock goes back and I still have to experience what psychological torture and I experienced all the cruelty any human or a human that's practically an animal could muster...

This brings me to my "powers" but from the power, your thinking about my "power" is more of an extremely diluted power which just means that instead of being able to instantaneously change how someone feels about me I am still able to change how people feel about me from wanting to kill me even if they have to die to go to have the mindset to die for me, so just from that you can imagine the horrible things I experienced.

And if you still somehow do not understand what I experienced to put it in simple words I repeated a cycle in which different events happen in different pov's which range from going to the victims pov's ranging from the victim to a serial killer and experiencing everything they experienced probably messed up my personality but I'm not going to do anything about it anyway so whatever.

While thinking these useless thoughts I suddenly heard the noise that I am oh so familiar with but instead of reading the similar message of x amount of number trial commencing I read something that left me more confused than shocked but at that moment I had one thought

"This is probably going to be something important because every time I blackout and feel ominous something big happens" When I repeated the words that this message displayed which made me infinitely curious.

[You Have Inherited The Position Of "God Of Psychology"]