
God Of Life(Greek Mythology)

How a man reincarnated in Greek Mythology as the God of Life. Let's see how he can change the demise of Greek Mythology from the main character. Warning: This is a fanfiction. Dimension: My three beautiful wives are vampire AU. Word Count every Chapter: Around 2000-2200 word

Kikunoyu · 作品衍生
6 Chs

Hades, God of the Underworld and Poseidon, God of the Sea

After Phanes save Hera from falling from the esophagus of Kronos. As the time passed she also got along with everyone, Although she still has the arrogance of a queen as this is the aspect of a born to be queen of the gods.

Hera has a beautiful long white hair and irresistible charm of a queen.

Currently, Hera and Demeter still always bickered with each other and Hestia always the one who stop the fight if things goes too far.

At first after she was save by Phanes. She always look contempt to Hestia and Demeter except Phanes. She thinks that she was above them in both beauty and strength.

But when she saw the power of Hestia she reduce her contempt and poured it all to Demeter.

She also always compete to her for the attention of Phanes. After she was saved by Phanes and looking at his handsome face Hera immediately fall in love.

Phanes has no prejudice about it having another sister of his as his wife. But how could he let a discord happen in his harem of goddesses.

So he began to teach hera a lesson to get along with everyone if she wants to be with him.

So after that she began to lower her prejudice on her sisters for the sake of Phanes.

Phanes can see that although Hera still has a arrogance and pride of a queen and always bickered with Demeter. She doesn't notice that after spending a long time with them.

She start to get along with them it's just in a different way and a sense of belonging of a family affected her.

Hestia also noticed this and smile happily. As the Goddess of home and family it's impossible for her not to notice it.

Hera also began to train with Hestia and Demeter with the guidance of Phanes. She also still didn't awaken her main divinity like demeter. Her main divinity are Marriage and Childbirth but she still train with them with both physical and combat aspect.

Phanes also teach her how to use her divine power. Although Demeter and Hera still can't access their major divinity, they can still use their own divine power as god.

Phanes teach them like shapeshifting, divine barrier, physical enhancement and etc. Using the divine power.

Demeter was now more proffecient by using her divine power than hera.

Demeter smile smugly to Hera that looks so cute to Phanes.

"Hmph" Hera noticing her smug face snorted.

Phanes and Hestia looked at each other and chuckled by their antics.

Time Passed.

Phanes was lying on the floor with hestia laying on his chest, while Hera and Demeter are laying on his right and left arms.

Hestia while lying on phanes chest looked up to Phanes.

"Brother, how long do we stay here?" Hestia asked in a low voice.

"It won't be long" Phanes replied while caressing the hair of Hera and Demeter.

"Brother, Do you think we can defeat father after getting out here?" Demeter look at phanes and asked.

"Hmph, I swear I will make him suffer for swallowing us." Hera gritted her teeth and full of anger while saying this.

Phanes smiled kindly at hera and continued to caress her to calm her anger.

"I don't know" Phanes shook his head but continued by saying.

"But I will make sure we will win" Phanes eyes was full resolution.

"Um.. We will help you brother" Demeter said with a determinion.

Both Hestia and Hera also nodded with resolute look on their eyes.

Phanes smiled and hugged them tighly.


Time Passed.

Both Hades and Poseidon also has been born and they also have been swallowed by kronos.

The first one to be born is Hades.

Hades has a black hair and black eyes he also have a mascular physique. After meeting him. He always have a stern looking face and rarely communicated with them.

Although, he always look stern but he really cared for his other siblings. Hades always look up to phanes because he save him.

Phanes teach hades a various things like how to properly used his own divine power. He also teach him martial arts and how to improved his own divine power.

Hades is more proffecient in using his divine power than learning martial arts.

Unlike Demeter and Hera, Hades awaken his major divinity of wealth and treasure. He can create out of thin air any treasure he deemed as treasure.

The next one is Poseidon.

Compared to Hades who is more proffecient in using divine power. Poseidon is more adept and talented in Martial Arts. Poseidon also awaken his major divinity of water just like Phanes and Hades.

Phanes always spar with Poseidon, Although Poseidon always got beaten up after their spar because of the difference in both martial arts proffeciency and physical strength.

*boom* *boom*

Phanes use his elbow to hit poseidon in the back as he tried to tackled Phanes.

"Nice try brother, better do next time" Phanes smirked while playing with poseidon.

"Brother, I really want to punch your smug expression" Poseidon said with a irration in his voice.

"But you can't right" Phanes smiled while playing with his hair.

"Ugh" Poseidon grumble by the fact he said is the truth.

Phanes raised his hands then snap his finger.

The space around them began to compress to a smaller space, as Hestia, Demeter, Hera and Hades came to view.

When they spar for training Phanes use his Space divinity to stretched the space around them so the others will not be affected by the aftermath of the fight.

Hestia, Demeter and Hera surround Phanes while Hades just stood on the corner.

"Brother, your divinity of space was so amazing. You can easily make a large space around us." Hestia said while clinging to the right arm of Phanes.

"Yeah, unlike someone who only know how to use brute force." Hera said with a mocking expression while taking a glance at poseidon.

"That's right, compared to Big brother and Hades. Poseidon control on his divinity is too minuscule." Demeter added.

"Hmph" Poseidon snorted.

"You don't know how hard it to control my divinity in this place. " Poseidon gnashed his teeth.

Sensing his resentment towards Kronos. Phanes console him.

"Don't worry, Poseidon, our revenge on our father is near."

"We will make sure that he will suffer and regret that he swallowed us." 

Phanes said with a turbulent emotion as he remembered the plea of her mother when Kronos swallowed them.

Everyone solemnly nodded.

'Just you wait,' Phanes swears in his heart, looking above with a hidden killing intent in his eyes.


Rhea, after giving birth to Poseidon and being swallowed again by Kronos, has finally reached her limit.

She confronted him, but in the end, she couldn't defeat him. She didn't even manage to injure him in the slightest.

In the 4,577,988th year of the Kronos Calendar, after the era of the Titans.

Rhea is pregnant again with her seventh child. 

She is afraid that Kronos will swallow her child again. Rhea seeks Gaia, the mother earth, to save her child from Kronos. 

Gaia answered her plea and decided to help her. She instructed her to switch her child with a rock covered by a cloth imbued with her magic to deceive Kronos. 

Time Passed.

Rhea was finally giving birth to her seventh child.

In the Queen's Chamber

A thunderous cry from the baby could be heard inside. Rhea, looking at her seventh child, couldn't help but smile warmly. Then a determined and resolute look appeared in her eyes.

Placing her child in a casket and then picking up the rock covered by a cloth imbued with Gaia's divine power.

Rhea immediately ran outside the Queen's chamber, going to Mount Ida on concrete for her child's safety.

Arriving at Mount Ida, Rhea entrusted her child's safety to a beautiful nymph named Adastreia and a she-goat named Amaltheia.

Arriving at Mount Ida, Rhea entrusted her child's safety to a beautiful nymph named Adrastrea and a she-goat named Amalthea.

"Please take care of him for me." Rhea said with a plea in her eyes. Her negative emotions are affecting her surroundings.

"Don't worry, My Queen, we will take care of him to be a healthy young man," Amalthea said.

"My Queen, what is his name?" Adrastea asked.

Rhea contemplated for a moment, then she said.

"His name will be Zeus."


A muscular young man was running around to hunt a deer on Mount Ida. This young man has a muscular body with long white hair and sky blue eyes. His name is Zeus, the seventh child of Kronos and Rhea.

Ever since the incident of Gaia's instruction to Rhea to switch his child to a rock covered in cloth imbued with Gaia's divine power, Zeus has been raised by Adrastea and Amalthea on Mount Ida of crete.

Rhea also visits Zeus from time to time; she wanted to witness Zeus growing up because she didn't see her other children grow up with her own eyes.

Adrastea taught Zeus a lot of things, like hunting and fighting, including his origin, how his other siblings have been swallowed by their father, and how his mother, Rhea, switched him with a rock covered in cloth just to save him. While Amalthea provided Zeus with his basic needs when he was still a baby, like breastmilk, and his food when he reached his early adolescence stage.

Now that Zeus has reached his late adolescence, from now on, it's his responsibility to hunt their own food.

Ever since zeus learned kronos tyranny and his hobby of eating his own children. Zeus swear that he will overthrow him from his throne.

After killing a deer, Zeus sits under a tree near the ocean. He is waiting for someone he knows.

"Zeus!!" A beautiful voice reached his ear.

Turning his head to the ocean. He saw a beautiful woman with long oceanic hair, clear blue pupils, big boobs, white skin, and long white legs. She is Metis, the Titan Goddess of Wisdom, the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. 

Oceanus is one of the twelve primordial titans—the primordial titan of the sea.

"Metis." Zeus immediately ran to welcome Metis.

"Zeus, I finally got this poison from my father. This poison can't kill Kronos, but he will surerly vomit your siblings after drinking this." Metis said while holding a transparent poison.

"With the help of your other siblings, it will help us greatly to overthrow your father from his throne," Metis said excitedly.

 "Great, thank you, Metis," Zeus said excitedly while holding the poison.

"I will immediately inform Adrastea, Amalthea, and my mother." Zeus immediately ran away without saying goodbye to Metis.

"Take care, Zeus!!" Metis shouted.

Zeus finally reached the top of Mount Ida, where they reside. After seeing Adrastea and Amalthea, he explains to them his plan for saving his other siblings.

"Zeus, it's too dangerous; you don't know how strong the king of all titans is," Adrastea anxiously said.

"That's right, Zeus, Kronos didn't become the king of the titans in vain. His little bit of power can already destroy you," Amalthea worriedly said.

"Don't worry, I know I'm not match with my father, but I will only use this poison for him to vomit my other siblings. Then we will run away immediately," Zeus explained.

 "Then, let's first wait for your mother's decision after explaining it to her," Adrastea advised.

"Um," Zeus nodded.

After a while, Rhea came to Mount Ida to visit his son. 

Seeing her mother, Zeus immediately came to her and explained his plan for saving his other siblings.

Hearing his son's plan, Rhea got an idea.

"Your father will hold a banquet tomorrow, and many mortals will give a gift to him. Son, it's your chance to save your other siblings. If you pretend to be a mortal and give him a wine with this poison, you will surely succeed." Rhea explained.

Following his mother's plan, Zeus started to prepare. Rhea, help him cover his divine aura from a god to a mortal; with this, Kronos will surely not get suspicious.

After that, Rhea said goodbye to Zeus, as Kronos would get suspicious because of her absence.

The next day, the banquet began, and all the nymphs began to perform dances, sing, etc. All twelve primordial titans are present, except Oceanus. He was too busy to govern the ocean.

A lot of mortals form a line to give a gift to the great king of all titans, Kronos. Among them was Zeus, disguising himself and waiting for the great opportunity to save his siblings.

Inside of Kronos.

Sensing the start of the banquet outside, Phanes couldn't help but get excited.

"It's almost time." 

(To be Continued)