
Blood Blade [II]

"What settlement?"

Seeing the expression on elder Wang Xiu's face, Blood Blade's face wrinkled into a frown.

"Don't worry, I've told you already. It wasn't for combat. Not at all. Since I have no dispute with you before, why would I pick up a fight with you? Not that I can't pick up fight with you. It's just that, you have something that I really need, Wang Xiu."

"I do?"

Elder Cao Wang Xiu asked in surprise. She wondered what she could have to prompt Blood -Blade's search for her.

"Yes. The Soul-forged orb of Light-Caller. I know you have it before you came here. And I intentionally made you use the Light-Caller seal just to be absolutely certain." 

He gazed at her with dead seriousness.

"I have searched different planets, looked far and wide for this, Wang Xiu. The many hardships and dangers I've faced looking for it, you don't want to know."