
Find Adika III

"Sounds like quite the handful, But I suppose that's what makes teaching interesting, wouldn't you say?"

"Exactly," Alex agreed, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie with this potential antagonist. Maybe the future has change.

"So, you're a teacher now, are you?" Exquatil then asked, his gaze turning curious.

"Oh, no, not exactly, I graduated a while back. Actually, I'm considered a bit of a hero these days, a leader you could say." He puffed out his chest slightly, trying to appear confident.

Exquatil's surprise was genuine this time. "A hero? You must be quite accomplished then. But what brings you here, to the Elven Glen? Shouldn't a hero of your stature be amongst your own people?"

Linda, sensing the tension building, intervened. "Well, is here looking for someone. A man named Adika."