
God hunter system : The punisher

In a world filled with monsters and demons, hunters are the ones who protect humans from the relentless attacks of these creatures. They are admired and respected in society and have access to any service. At least almost all of them. Fanel is a hunter considered the weakest and is therefore despised and mistreated by all. Despite his strength of will, his physical weakness and lack of talent persist. But during a mission in a dungeon, he receives an unexpected offer from the system, thus obtaining a unique ability: the God Hand. This faculty not only gives him phenomenal power but also allows him to become the most powerful hunter. But the system has a condition to this power, Fanel will have to punish other hunters who have turned away from their role as hunters to exploit normal humans Fanel must now navigate this dangerous world as the self-proclaimed enforcer of justice. He will not only have to fight monsters and demons but also hunters while hiding the identity of the famous punisher he now embodies.

Seiji_Shura · 奇幻
6 Chs

God's hand

[ Congratulations master. You have just unlocked the God and ultimate skill. The system will now explain what it is and all the parameters of this skill]

Fanel gulped. He would never have imagined in his life, being able to obtain such a privilege.

He who was always the last, whose power made him ashamed, ranked last as well as his power, he will obtain the supreme power. It can't be a dream, can it?

"No, it is indeed the reality dear chosen one Fanel"

Fanel sighed. This God, Kamisama, doesn't listen to anyone. He has already told him not to interfere in his head but he does as he pleases.

"Yes, I'm like that. What's the point of having the means if it's not to use it?"

Fanel proved him right. It is because they have the power that the powerful can use them as they wish.

Use it or abuse it.

Between the two, the limit is thin. How do you keep a cool head when you have so much power in your possession? And would he be able to? He who has always been belittled and humiliated, will he be able to keep control and not be seduced by this too-great power which also implies great influence?

He huffed at his thoughts as behind, Kamisama had put his fan in front of his face and gave him a look that was both cold and calculating.

It sounded like he was waiting for something.

Fanel turned to Kamisama who regained his cheerful expression before sighing.

"Kamisama, why me? Is it because I was the weakest? Or just because I was so pitiful that you took compassion on me"

Even though he had already accepted this power, he didn't understand why Kamisama allowed him such an honor.

"Kukuku, I understand your confusion but just know one thing, it wasn't me who chose you. On this one, I was only following the choices of the system that chose you to own the God-hand".

Fanel just nodded as the system window opened in front of him with God's hand explanation.

[ System: God's hand. Denominative: ultimate power]

Fanel held his breath at this impressive presentation.

[Master, please confirm that you accept God's hand]

Fanel swallowed heavily before turning to find Kamisama waving at him to confirm the order. He swallowed again before raising a shaking hand to the window in front of him and confirming the validation.

Right after he did, the window started presenting several other windows at an incredible speed as only Fanel's pupils moved as they went.

It took more than ten minutes and when the system finally stopped scrolling windows, Fanel felt like he had run a hundred meters.

In just ten minutes, he had assimilated a hundred pieces of information. He felt like his brain had tripled in size and was going to pass out soon as his head felt heavier than usual.

"It's only an impression"

He turned, his face pale and livid to look at Kamisama as the latter walked in front of him.

" I mean, the head which is heavy, of course. But the impression that the brain has tripled in size is also false except for one detail, it is not the mass of your brain which has increased but its capacity ".

"I…I don't understand."

Kamisama smiled before lightly slapping his fan on Fanel's forehead.

"The God's hand is an ultimate power that allows its owner to awaken and develop his intellectual but also physical abilities, look"

Kamisama indicated his reflection against the wall and Fanel thought he had a stroke. There, in front of him, stood a man he guessed to be him but yet, everything implied that it was not. Not only his height but also his shape was different. Not to mention the features of his face which seemed more mature and lively, he looked like a completely different person except that his eyes and his hair had kept the same shades.

" It's me?"

" Of course "

Fanel approached the reflection before caressing his face. It was him, he closed his eyes trying to collect the information he got from the system.

The God hand can improve the skills and abilities of an individual but not only, it also evolves the basic powers of its user which in his case gave this result.

"I would never have thought that my regeneration power, which I found so insignificant, could evolve so much and give this kind of results"

Fanel heard Kamisama snicker.

"The God hand and the Heal Point are two antipodes, the strongest and the weakest. But when combined, these two powers can create sparks"

Fanel smiled, clenching his fist, all that power in him. He never thought he would have so many.

"You will have time to learn all the shapes of your power afterward. Move on to the most important point."

Fanel sensed that Kamisama had gotten serious and he opened the window for the God hand goal in his case.

[ Mission: Punisher. Master: Fanel. Ultimate skill: God's hand.]

God's hand will be used to punish hunters who have strayed from the right path and use their powers to exploit humans.

[Manifestations: Curse on Their Souls and Bodies]

The master, having obtained the authorization of the supreme authority, will be able to inflict a sentence on the hunters who deserve it.

The master is free to assess the extent of the judge's actions at his convenience.

[Curse on hunter abilities, this in a short duration]

[Physical Curse and Mental Alteration]

[Ultimate Revelation and Change]

All these curses will be used specifically according to the master's choices and the seriousness of the action committed. The master will only act to justly punish the wrongdoers and bring them back to the right path.

Fanel sighed, these curses seem simple but when he thinks about putting them into practice, it becomes very complex. Especially the last Curse. Revelation? Will hunters today be responsive to this power?

He shook before wondering if he would be able to act with fairness and justice in the face of the vermin that the hunters have become.

"Oh, I almost forgot my dear chosen one Fanel, I'm going to add a condition to your mission."

Fanel frowned at Kamisama's serious tone before nodding.

"You are formally and strictly forbidden to take a life. Whatever the reasons."