

I placed a few cloth on top of the wet and muddy grass, still drenched in rainwater. I take a quick look back at the girls, fast asleep, before finally laying on the makeshift bed. It felt cold, and wet, like floating on the water, soothing to be honest. Get some rest, I still need to wake up early tomorrow. With those words, I close my eyes, throwing away all that frustration temporarily and slept. Maybe dream will bring some peace to me.



Hell fucking no.

"Where the hell." I woke up, again in another dimension. It was a weird glitch out world. Seems like everything just stopped. Some item's molecule were shift out of placed. But I remember this place, the place I've spent the eternity of my mere existence in. Where I rest, slept, ate, work.

My office

But inside the room were two other man. One of them is Alex, but the other, make me question my mere existence. The man taken my seat, is someone else.

Who looked exactly like me, but is not me.

He let out a smirk, slapping a pile of paperwork toward Alex's face, before telling him to get out of the room.

Alex bowed, his eyes filled with tear. "Alex!" I shouted for his name, but he just ignored my scream, exiting the office. The "me" stood up from the chair and let out a stretch, before letting out a smirk. This is not a dream, this is not fake. I am here, while I am reincarnated, I am into a new body, but not a new soul. This is the reason I am able to see all of this in the dream state.

Someone had sabotaged my reincarnation, took over my place, and currently he is in full control of the realm.

This is not good.

I need to get back.

But how!!

How, how, how, HOW!!!

Just when I am about to burst thinking, I am awoke once more by a slight tug. Oh come on whatever.

"Rey!" Someone slapped my cheek softly. I open my eyes, it was Aiko, and boy oh boy was it a view from down here. "You okay? Why are you shouting?" She asked, concern. I sit up, staring at the sky. It was a little brighter than before, dews started to form on the trees, it must've been minutes till the sun will rise.

"Nothing." I push her away, acting cold, cause I am just as heartless like that. "Get packing, we will be moving once the sun rises." She nodded, I could see her mouth open a bit, hesitating to say something. "You are still mad at me?" The moment I turn my head around, I heard she asked. "No, I am sorry." I sure as hell owe her that. If not for her, I wouldn't make it till today, twice. "I know you are jelly, just keep it low alright." I patted her by the head and smiled before headed into the hut, waking the rest up, while she start making breakfast.

"So where are you deciding to head to?" During breakfast, I asked Raven. She is wearing one of Selina's outfit, a purple gown with simple wine red strips. She nibbled on the baked potato and shook her head. She had no idea. I can't blame her, practically she got in all of this because of me. "How about she join us?" Selina grab her by the shoulder and suggestion, this two girl of the same kind seem to get along real quick.

I take a quick glimpse at Aiko, she didn't seem thrilled, and yet didn't seem mad at the idea either. She saw me staring at her, and quickly turn around. I stare at the two again, thoughts filled my brain. Having an additional member in the trip is already a fuss, worse if she is also wanted with the bounty on her head. But again, we can ditch her here… I look at the two again, with those god fucking dammit puppy eyes. Before finally face palming with a sign:
