Sizing up his own soul world felt weird because Jason wasn't even aware of what his soul world really looked like.
Everything was enveloped in a golden hue and an uncountable number of elements floated around the world. Though he was already aware of the presence of elements, he didn't even know what some of them meant.
Jason knew that elemental variations and so on existed, but he'd never heard of someone having a few rarer elements in their soul world.
Maybe it was confidential or a personal matter that nobody revealed, but it was the first time for him to feel weird while looking at his own soul world.
'What the hell is this? Or what am I?' Jason asked… He was curious about himself. Not only did he possess special eyes but also an extremely unique soul world which was definitely a rarity.
He wasn't scared of himself, but he was aware that some classmates feared him and his abilities, even though he did nothing to hurt them intentionally.