
Goblin King System

My name is Yousuke Shigekatsu. I am a swamp goblin who only wants to live out his life in peace, growing vegetables from my tiny makeshift garden.

PetililPearl · 奇幻
4 Chs

Chapter 4 Unfair Skill System

I recovered my wooden stick from the ground and held it in my left hand. I thrust the wooden branch firmly into the earth below to keep it in place so it won't stray away from my demon body. I didn't know what I wanted to do next after regaining the ability to walk appropriately again with my new swamp goblin legs.

I couldn't decide if I wanted to make new clothes for my hairless body or go rummaging in the dark forest for edible food to eat to replenish my monster core. So I won't run out of demon power and die from using too much of my demon magic to treat my crippled goblin body.

It was a difficult choice to make when you're a solo player with nothing to do but lose time and fretting about monsters wandering through the dense undergrowth next to my campsite.

"Crap; I needed to make up my mind now! If don't I'm going to become lunch for those gaint beast wandering the woods or these tiny bugs crawling around my feet!" Then, I said with an agitated expression on my goblin face, trying to come to terms with my next action plan.

"If only I had a magical smartphone with unlimited internet access that could connect my modern world to this isekai world.

I could purchase anything I want from my world, like clothing and food, by using skill points by defeating weak monsters in the demon forest. Living off the lands like overpowered MC with a super cheat skill they've got from being reincarnated, I've read about harem novels and observed many pirated anime websites.

Suddenly remembered that I wasn't technically alone. I did have a super cheat of my own, the Dungeon Master System that came with the goblin body I've was reborn into, and it was ready to respond to any of my outrageous whims.

"Hey, Dungeon Master, is there anything I could do without wasting too much mana from the monster core?" I asked, hoping to get an answer from the Dungeon Master System.

[Yousuke Shigekatsu must perform the following task to develop the Demon Race kingdom.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu's first task is to master Craftsmanship skills, creating proper clothing to conceal and protect the vital organs. ]

[Yousuke Shigekatsu's second task is to master the art of flame-making outdoors without the use of sorcery by learning the Survivalist skill.]

[Yousuke Shigematsu's third task is to master the Class Woodsman to create shelter and equipment from the plant, earth, and ore-based element.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu's fourth task is to master the Refinement magic "Cleanse" to purify illness, cruse, or contamination from members or domain you captured.]

[Yousuke Shigekatsu can earn all skill, class, and spell utilizing the Dungeon Point System by accessing Dungeon Master System.]

Dungeon Point System!? I don't remember seeing any point system appearing in my profile. I said with a bewildered look on my face by what the Dungeon Master explained while guiding me to my assignment next. I needed to survive in the Demon swamp.

"Dungeon Master, do you think you can add that column to my profile so I can improve the number of Dungeon points that I've achieved so far through leveling up.

[ Confirmed. Yousuke Shingekatsu shall accumulate the Dungeon Point system from the leveling up! In addition, inherent Skill Integrity.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu's entitled to regulate Dungeon Point System through Integrity Skill.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu's has 3,0075 Dungeon Point.]

Abruptly, I felt a slight chill run down my goblin back, a pang of unexpected guilt hanging over my shoulder. Something in my goblin mind told me that I screwed up big time, changing my status. But I have yet realized the blunder I made by tampering with the Dungeon Master System.

"Alright, now that have control over Dungeon Point System. I can now learn some of the skills to survive in the Demon Swamp.

I said confidently, getting ready to build my excellent demon empire. However, fate had other plans for me instead of letting me develop my new home.

[Attention. Attention. Attention. Survivalist skill needed to develop Integrity LVL 1 to Integrity LVL 2!]

[Please exchange 5000 Dungeon Point to unlock Survivalist.]

Hey, what do you mean you have to give up 3,000 points to level up one skill? I shout angrily, hearing that outrageous scam. I didn't want to waste my Dungeon Points on a suspicious gift I know little about, and I wasn't going to throw all my points away on an expensive skill I can away purchase later once I've earned more points.

" Hey Dungeon Master, pick another skill that uses fewer dungeon points. I said hesitantly, pleading it would give me something less cheap that won't ruin my chance of survival.

[Please exchange 500 points to unlock Passive Skill Craftmanship.]

That appears much better than Survivalist skill, and it won't take away much of my Dungeon Points, I thought confidently, ready to make my decision.

"Alright, I will purchase the Craftsmanship Skill! Dungeon Master, exchange 500 point from my Dungeon Point System."

[Confirmed 500 Dungeon points deducted from Yousuke Shingekatsu's Dungeon Point System.]

[ Yousuke Shingekatsu's has 4,5000 Dungeon Point remaining.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu's has unlocked the passive skill Craftmanship LVL 1.]

[Craftmanship LVL 1 has opened 6 Rank Classes.]

[Yousuke has obtained Carpenter LVL 1, Weaver LVL 1, Tailor LVL 1, Producer LVL 1, Welder LVL 1, and Innovator LVL1 Class Rank.]

[Dungeon Quests promptly updated.]

Dungeon Quest Number 1: Harvest Wolf Milkweed from Demon Forest

Objective: Gathered 50 strands of Wolf Milkweed Grass from Demon Forest

Reward: 25 XP, 50 Strands of WolfMilkweed Grass

Dungeon Quest Number 2: Weave Wolf Milkweed Component into Clothing

Objective: Weave together Wolf Milkweed Grass into Wolf Milkweed Skirt

Reward: 50 XP, 1 WolfMilkweed Skirt, 10 Wisdom Stat point

Dungeon Quest 3: Consume Milkweed Grass from Demon

Objective: Devoured Wolf Milkweed to Recover Health points and Increase Stamina, Appetite, Immunity stat point.

Reward: 85 XP, Stamina, Appetite, Immunity, Stat point increase by 1!

After listening to the Dungeon Master's introduction felt a little trouble with the Dungeon Quest collecting Wolf Milkweed in the Demon Forest. Mostly, I was concerned about being attack by a monster in the Demon forest while gathering Wolf Milkweed.

I keep ignoring the realization that this is not a virtual game where players can save their progress in a safe zone and repeatedly try the course until they overcome the fantasy stage. I remember working tirelessly on a single-stage trying to find a rare item, then ended up getting attacked unexpectedly by a strong monster emerging where the system's inventors deliberately placed the thing.

"Hey, Dungeon Master will I survive collecting Wolf Milkweed in the Demon Forest, I asked with a concerned expression of despair on my face.

[Anzayle completed. Yousuke has a 1 % probability of survival Demon forest without proper equipment and Survivalist Skill to compete for the quest for the gathering Wolf Milkweed grass from the dense forest. Without Survialialist Skill, predators will discover Yousuke quickly and kill goblin players without being much force.

I didn't have a chance in the world without using Surivalialist Skill. I should've known better than to think of walking into the dark forest carelessly without preparing myself for the dangerous beast and a dungeon trap occupying the Demon forest floor. Instead, I waited for an outsider like me to make a simple-minded mistake getting kill off quickly Demon swamp.

"Hey Dungeon Master, can you convert my remaining Dungeon point to Surivialialist Skill. I said with a stern voice to make up for my mistake made earlier due to my self-indulgent decision.

[Acknowledge. Yousuke will convert all remaining Dungeon points to Survivalist Skill!]

[Confirmed 4500 Dungeon points deducted from Yousuke Shingekatsu's Dungeon Point System.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu's has unlocked the passive skill Survivalist Skill LVL 1.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu will transfer the remaining 1,500 Dungeon points into Survivalist Skill to upgrade Survivalist Skill LVL 1 to Survivalist Skill LVL 2.]

[Yousuke Shingekatsu's has unlocked the passive skill Survivalist Skill LVL 2.]

[ Yousuke Shingekatsu's has 00000 Dungeon Point remaining.]

[Survivalist Skill LVL 1 has opened 6 Rank Classes.]

[Yousuke has obtained Adventurer LVL 1, 1, Ranger LVL 1, Miner LVL 1, Explorer LVL 1, and Hermit LVL1, Hunter LVL 1, and Witch Doctor LVL 1 Class Rank.]

[Yousuke has enhanced Adventurer LVL 2, 1, Ranger LVL 2, Miner LVL 2, Explorer LVL 2, and Hermit LVL2, Hunter LVL 2, and Witch Doctor LVL 2 Class Rank.]

Wait, Did mean use up all my Dungeon point on Survivalist! But it was too late to take it back to my Dungeon Points. So I'm permanently stuck with Survivalist and Craftmanship Skill.

Forget it. Let's go collect Wolf Milkweed grasses and go hunt for some food. I snarled as walk off into the dark forest with a gloomy expression on my goblin face.

A few minutes passed since I left the campsite, and I was still searching for Wolf Milkweed Grass. I randomly puck any long grass I saw from the ground and asked the Dungeon Master if this was the plant I was looking to harvest tri make my clothes.

Hey, Dungeon Master, is this Wolf Milkweed Grass?

Incorrect material. Yousuke has collected patch Moonglow Grass x1. Moonglow Grass can use the Herb to turn into a healing potion. Do you want to add this Herb to your Dimensional Storage? N/y

Yes' go on, and Moonglow Grass to my Dimensional Storage, I said confidently without a second thought. It might come in handy someday when wanting to sync potion for myself, if ever in any danger.

[Moonglow Grasses stored to Dimensional Storage.]

Okay, there is no way I can search this whole forest weird grass! The only way I can find it is with one of my cheat skills. I thought seriously, knowing that I'm running out of time when magic about to run low.

Hey Dungeon Master, is their skill I can use to find Wolf Milkweed Grass a lot faster?

[Yes. Player's must register to job class Botanitst to activate the Greenary Marker skill to identify specific plants within the Dungeon area.]

Dungeon Master, I want you to equip job class Botanist to my occupation Porfilfe and began Greenery Marker skill.

Confirmed; Botanist LVL 1 and Greenery Marker skill.

Suddenly, a map of the forest appeared in Yousuke's head.

It shows where the following material was on the virtual map with an exclamation icon mark the whereabouts of the plant Yousuke's looking for on the world map near the lake of sorrow. The place where I flee from an hour ago.

Wait, I have to go back to the place that almost killed me when I arrived in Otros.

Fuck; this world is trying to kill me! But I need those damn weeds to level up and survive in this monster's world.

Hey, Dungeon Master, there a way I can get weed safe without being poisoned by the Black Acid slime again.

Answers. The player must defeat and consume the Black Slime monster core to gain unique [Poison Shield].

Poison Shield LVL neutralized the poison attack abilities of Dark monsters and decreased the chance of getting poisoning from a weak monster poison attack.

So all I need to do is find a slime monster and bash its brain in and eat it afterward.

Suddenly I saw something crawling along the ground. It was a black slime. I was no bigger than a tennis ball as it drags its gelatin body across the ground consume grass around it. It was a level 4 monster. But it didn't seem strong at all. But I know couldn't waste this chance; let it escape. I suddenly jump out of hiding and attack the creature with my wooden stick. I smash it in with my club repeatedly as it let out an alien scream that shocks me as I kept stabbing the monster slime with my club. The slime attacks back by shooting a piece of its body at me as its health dwindles by the contrast stabbing. The slime got into my boy and burned my skin. But know if giving up, I would die. At the second, raise club use my strength struck with a might blow struck the slime monster a second time as it exploded leaving a trail of black mud and purple stone. After the battle, I grabbed the slime stone off the ground and held it in my hand—it like a purple grape, painted with green spots all over orb shape body. So the is a monster core. Now I have to eat this thing to seize its ability. I processed to eat the gem. I crush it with my monster fangs. I heard it crack under the pressure of my sharp teeth and swallow it a small piece but by until there nothing life in my mouth.

Sudden I gain the slime power and the ability to be immune to the poisonous gas. Now that I withstand poison, I started to look around the lake for rare grass to make my clothes and avoid any other slime monsters. I found the rare grass near the riverbed and went over to pick the blue plant from the soil as I began harvesting all of the material needed to take back to my campsite. I store it away in my infinite storage system to take as much back as possible, so I won't have to make a second detour back to the lake. There were many slime monsters around the river bed, but they didn't seem interested in me. But their level was far higher than the slime I fought earlier. They were like cattle grazing on the material found the around lake of sorrow which was dead, magical beast corpse monster that wonders to close to the lake and die from the poison gas leaking out. I should've mentioned that earlier, but I didn't want to see the dismembered body of the monster lying around the lakebed and the slime devour it before my eyes.

After collecting all the grass need from the lake, I decided to head back to my campsite. I empty the grass from my storage boxes, place it in the center of the course to the lake the amount of material collected and begin making my clothes.

Alright, DM, activate tailor skill and weave together a grass skirt to cover my low body. Failed. The item you request cannot be generated. Alternatively, the player must design the item to improve one job skill and item detail. Wait, so I have to create my own outfits and equipment so you can imitate off me. Affirmative, all job skills and must be obtained with the player's ingenuity. You son of bitch! Fine, I'll do it myself, I said as grab a bundle of grass and started twisting the stem together into a knot. Suddenly, hear the DM leveling my instructor skill. Instructor skill has gained 50 effort points, Instructor Lvl 1 evolve into Instructor Lvl 2, and knot tying attack has been learned through player Instructor skill. Weaver Lvl 1 evolve to Weaver Lvl 2.

You are now able to weave fabric double the effort need without depleting stamina. After, hearing that my hand began to move a lot fast the usual. After, I finish making the belt for the waist of my body. I decided to try the straw rift to see if it would fit my waist before making the drape conceal my lower body. It was straw rift loose around my waistline and nearly dangling from my belly button.

This will not work. It was dangling from my butt and not staying on my waist. So I said as I took the straw band of my body and went back to adjusting the straw braiding. I bite off the noose with my sharp fang and before tieing the straw rope again. I measure it around my waistline, making sure that it would fit and leaving enough room to move around. Once I had the correct length on the straw rope, I tied it around my waist, leaving enough room to move around and take off whenever I needed to clean my body or fix my outfit if it was damaged. Good, it fit like a glove! Now, I need to add more straw to makes drapes to finish my grass skirt. I took the straw rope belt off, and I begin adding more straw around the ring of the band from the mounds swamp grass I secured from the lake of sorrow and attach it to the rope band. I start resembling the Indigenous tribe dress I would see in documentary movies. Finally, after much need time, my Straw tribal skirt was complete. Suddenly the dungeon master spoke aloud from my mind.

Item created by the player has been equipped to lower torso. Please give this matter a name to be preserved within the inventory record. I was surprised by the command given by the dungeon master. So this item doesn't exist for monsters species. But I was quite excited to name my own outfit and get labeled as my brand of clothing. Okay, the outfit is called Goblin Straw Skirt! I know it not original, but it gets the point across. Then, without warning, a brash noise enters my ear. The God of Knowledge and Winemaking Adir, the Moonless Gaint, has given you his favor and blessing for your effort of creating a new element within the world. The Player will receive 500 Dungeon point for his creation and The God of Knowledge and Winemaking blessing Composer.

You will create any object your heart desires, depending on the knowledge you've required from your memory. So as long as I have a concept of the object I want, I should make it with the material around me. But, of course, there were other gods by side Vladis in this world but shouldn't let my guard just because he gave me an awesome gift and blessing from doing something simple making tool from plants. But I'm not naked anymore, and now I can start working on making some tools for hunting and house to protect me from the magical beast living in the area. Suddenly there hear rustling in the grass as I was distracting by gifts from the god Adir, and without warning, I felt a slight strike against my head as I topple to the ground. I felt my whole body screaming in pain as I begin to blackout from the blow to the head. I wonder who attack from behind. Was it a magical beast? No, it couldn't be beast. It would kill me already. No, it had to be a person or something. " Look, Goblin, we found Rock! But he has no food but grass over his weak body. Stupid thief, you pay for stealing food from Chief nest, Goblin! Gnirk, what should you do with the thief? We should kill him and chop up into pieces and feed him to human bitches back cave, Goblin! Blubtuld said, pulling over his shoulder his club splatter in Yousuke blood. No, we will take him back Home to Nest so the king will punish him. I look up with my eyes and saw five goblin holding clubs wearing skin loincloth around their waist, and the leader Gnirk hold a rusted sword wearing metal armor and loincloth. He was much large than the other two, but he was intimidating. They were talking about food I stole and that my name was a rock. And all expect for Gnirk of the were lvl 30 to 35. Gnirk towered over them as lvl 55 and many titles under his belt. This shitty world is unfair to me. Second, I later passed out due to my head-injured, but the Dungeon master system first aids me while I slept it off while they carried me back to the lair they said I came from. A moment later, I woke up on the cold floor of the goblin cave with blood still draining from injuring I got from that goblin Blutuld. However, when I look down, I notice that my Goblin Straw skirt was missing. Does bastard removed my clothes and left my nake body out to die in the cave. Suddenly I hear squabbling in the background and see two Goblin fight over something in the far corner of the room. They were tugging on the outfit I made as they fought over it like a toy truck. Let go of my cloth. It is mind, Cung! No, I saw it. First, you took it from me when to pee. Asshole, you stole it from the brother rock when he was sleeping. So but he already dead anyway! He is going to become food for the humans. The king kills him at the feast. Two the were my half brothers Cung and Brecs. Cung was a heavy goblin with a fat belly, and Brecs was a skinny Goblin with long legs. Their level was similar to mine; both of them were Level 2 and one week old. Yet there speaking like a normal teenage adult.

I decide to stand up and get two goblins' attention. I decided to act like the bad guy and scare Cung and Brecs into handing back my things. Hey, asshole, where the hell is my clothes and food! I said angrily as I glare at them with murderous eyes. Cung and Brecs look at me with a stunned look of fear on their face. What did you think I was dead or something, and you took my clothes off my body. You asshole have a lot of nerve stealing clothes and bring back to the dirty cave. I'm going to kill both of you. I said, grinning my teeth together. And putting on a show for the two stooges. What the hell are you talking about Rock, were the ones who give you orders, asshole, and be good little boy shut your dirty trap. You already lost our food when ran out here like a weak baby into the forest, and after told you keep the guard busy while fuck the human women in the breeding room. Because who told the guard where we were, we can get breeder with the women in the adult nest. So that was their game they made rock get into trouble, so they fool around and eat food from the storage room. Right now, really angry about what they did! But I know need their help in order to survive in this goblin cave and get back to my campsite. Wait maybe if pretend to be a bad guy they would see me indifferent. I act weak in front of them they won't leave me alone and I'm good as dead when the feast starts. I stood up from the ground and walk over the Cung and got into his face. Did you tell the guard stole the food so you can go fuck their wives in the slut hole? Yes, I did punk what going to about! Thank you, asking piggy, I swung my fist into Cung's face knocking him to the ground with ease thanks to memories of taking boxing class back in high school. I knew he won't get up right away but, had to make sure won't get in my way beating Beces. Now let me tell you something Beces I don't remember you give me an order to take food! What I remember is you guys asking me to bring home some food. Beces look with anger and tried to punch me. But avoid his attack and punch him in the stomach. Suddenly the two came to the moment later, they were shocked to see me sating there eating the food they took from storage, and crazy brother pig out. What should we do Cung? I don't remember Rock being this strong!? Yeah! Rock never hit us before, it like he went insane or something. But if want to live we got to do what this guy said or we are dead. Cunng and Beces put thoseon . I don't want to see your tiny dick waving in my face! As throw them two straw skirts on the floor I made with my weaver skill while eating dry animal meat.

We should do what he said, I don't want to die! Yeah, that's not are dumb rock whoever that this guy is freakin monster.

Alright, me introduce myself my name Rock! I'm am Demon King from another world who ruled entire planet where human and monster feared and praised me as their heavenly King.

Even do it's a damn lie I have keep these in lie up if want to escape this damn cave alive.

The rock you know is dead now, and don't want more blood on my hands expected the assholes who attack me.

If you are Demon king? How did get turn into a goblin? Bee asked with confused expression.

Good question Bee, because wanted to become goblin to avoid damn hero of light and the gods of this world.

in my world goblin rule over the human and other monster race. But damn human and continue to cause communion for my people to live peacefully. We goblin advance so much in technology and magic. We given up need for living in caves and hording women breeding more goblin king.