
Glass to drink from

When everyone thinks you are a homosexual except you what do you do? It's especially not fair when they send you to a homosexual camp where you find out a few new things and tricks. Will you be able to see things as they are or will you reject it religiously?

Sasha_Kandy · LGBT+
3 Chs


It was a bright day which was unusual for Nature Valley. It was always quite gloomy and to say the least kinda dark. Anyway I was walking to cheerleading from my way to dance. I realized that I needed to change so I walked to my best friend. Her name was Diane Smith she was quite the beauty. Long brown hair and green eyes. But she was no cheerleader if you asked me. She dances like a fish on land. "Hey Diane hitting the showers too" I asked her. She rolled her eyes but wrapped her arms around me drowning me in her boobs. "Ha silly Kandy no I'm going to soccer practice but thanks for worrying about my hygiene " she said frankly. Then she proceeded to walk away waving at me. Yeah I know our friendship is weird because we are in a since both fake but that's what keeps us close to each other. Anyway I start walking again as I make it to the showers. It was a fairly straightforward process really. I would start getting undressed and then happened to see the other female cheerleaders getting dressed too. I mean they are really curvy and fit but I can't seem to look pass them. Like Blossom for example she has a round flat stomach and b cup boobs, while April has a more definite stomach shape and a big butt. And I often don't compare myself to others but I couldn't help but to everytime I see them.

"Okay girls let's start our cheers" say coach Michael. Girls start moving to the left then the right. Legs are up in the air and then it's time for the lifting to start. " It's your turn to be thrown in the air" said April. "Um no it's actually Blossom's turn" I state. She nods her head and then we proceed. Every girl on the cheer team has bright pink and orange on. The outfits we wear are in my opinion just borderline skimpy but I'm not complaining. When I see my teammates getting thrown in the air I can't help but think this is what cheerleading is all about. And so we keep practicing until it's exactly 4 AM. Then we start packing to leave. We all go back to our lockers. When I finally get to my locker Diane is at her locker too. "How was cheerleading anything new"she vaguely asked me. I side eye her then get back to my locker. "Nope nothing new except for the cheers" I say to her flatly. She then turns to face me. She let's out a breath of air before talking. "I have to say something about this behavior of yours " she says serious. I look at her partly confused. "What in the world do you mean " I ask her. She then proceeded to open both of our lockers." Look you have way to many pictures of almost naked women in your locker, compared to other girls in the school that's weird " Diane states. I roll my eyes at her. " And what is that supposed to mean "I ask sorta offended. " You don't like being around your boyfriend and you look at other females in a type of way. Even your parents notice and with that said I think you might be a homosexual " Diane says. "Oh my goodness I'm not I can't even believe your even saying that " I respond. She shakes her head and puts her hands on her hips. "Look when you get home everyone you know is gonna say the same thing, I just wanted to prepare you " Diane said before walking away. I stood there frozen. Did everyone really think I'm a homosexual? I rub my fingers through my brown hair with pink stripes on it in frustration.

This has got to be a joke right. Like I'm dating a boy and were both happily dating for 2 years now. So how come I'm being questioned now?