

        In 'Glance,' love and fate collide in a story of second chances. Follow Zavier, a man scarred by betrayal, as he finds unexpected love with Tessa. But Tessa's heart is divided between the man who saved her and her departed best friend. In this emotional rollercoaster, 'Glance' explores the power of forgiveness, redemption, and the unbreakable bonds of the heart. Dive into a tale of love's twists and turns that will keep you turning pages until the very end On a misty, moonlit night, Zavier found himself on the edge of destiny. Beneath the canopy of stars, he stood overlooking a tranquil lake, its waters mirroring the shimmering night sky. In that serenity, his thoughts were consumed by one memory—a single glance. It was the glance that had ignited a fire in his heart, the moment he met Tessa. In that gaze, he found not just a reflection of his own longing but also a promise of a love deeper than any he had known. Little did he realize that this glance would become the first chapter of a love story written in the language of whispered secrets and stolen kisses. As he breathed in the fragrant night air, Zavier made a vow to himself—to cherish and protect this love, to build a life with Tessa that would forever be a testament to the power of that one enchanting glance.

Blue_Beauty7 · 都市
27 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Zavier smiled widely at her answer. He did think that she would go for the truth. But she said 'dare' so he would give her something in his favor. Zavier didn't think for a long time and said, "I dare you to stick to me for three hours straight"

Tessa was too stunned to speak for a while. "That's absurd", she said as soon as she found her voice. 

"$5000", Cassie said and Tessa gave up. She got up from her seat and sat beside Zavier while giving him a bad look.


"You look beautiful", Zavier complimented but he got no response.

"I said you look beautiful", he repeated but still got no response. Cassie spinned the bottle once more. This time, it was the turn of Tessa and a guy.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth", Tessa replied. She had wanted to be the one to ask but the cap of the bottle faced the boy not her. 

"Are you a virgin?", the guy asked and that question made many eyes fixed on her.

"Yes", Tessa replied and some noises were made after hearing her answer. 

👥 Impossible

👥 That's a lie

👥 She's too beautiful to be a virgin bro.

Zavier smiled secretly when he heard that. 

"So, you're a virgin?", he asked.

"Yes. What's so bad about it? Is it strange?", Tessa asked.

"I bet that you're gonna be the sweetest", Zavier said and she kept a blank face. The game went on till Cassie's announced:

"This is the last round. After this, we're gonna play another game. Alright?"

👥 Sounds good

For the last time, it was a famous playboy named Greg and Tessa. Tessa rubbed her hands on her laps when she saw her partner. She grew nervous and Zavier placed his left palm on hers to make her calm. 

She looked at him and he gave her a small smile. Tessa was glad that she was the one asking the question this time. 

"Truth or dare?", she asked and he replied with dare. 

"I dare you to walk up to your crush and tell him/her the best pick up line that you know"

Greg got up and slowly walked up to Tessa. "You're so beautiful babe", he began. "But my dick just died. Can I bury it in your ass?"

"Woah!!", the people shouted after hearing Greg's pick up line. Tessa blushed while Greg winked at her. 

"Can I have your digits?", he asked her.

"Oh please", Cassie interrupted, dragging her gown a little lower to her thigh. "You can go and meet her after the games", she concluded and he went back to his seat. 

The next was bottle flipping. Zavier wasn't really staying in a place. He was everywhere but Tessa didn't have any other choice than to comply with his dare. 

"Can't you stay put in a place?", She finally voiced out when she couldn't take it any longer. She was supporting her upper body on her knees through her hands. 

"Are you tired?", Zavier asked.

"Yes", Tessa replied and stood up straight when she saw Greg approaching. 

"Hey", Greg said, fishing out his phone from his pocket. "I didn't get your number the other time. Please input your number", he handed his phone to her. Tessa collected the phone from the green eyed boy. 

She was already typing her number when Zavier seized the phone. 

"What do you think you're doing, Zavier?", Greg asked, annoyed and roughly grabbed his phone from Zavier. Greg stretched out the phone once more to Tessa. Zavier pushed Tessa away and Greg landed a punch on Zavier's face. 

Zavier returned the punch and they started fighting. In the process of fighting, Greg's phone got smashed roughly to the ground. The screen was badly cracked. It took a lot of manpower to separate the two from throwing any more punches at each other. 

They stared at each other in hate as Tessa bit her lips when she locked gaze with Zavier. This is all her fault. But what should she do then? Zavier took her hand and left the scene angrily.

There was a small cut by his lips. His face looked a little stained with blood. He suddenly grabbed her hand and walked into a room. He left her hand and entered the bathroom. He rinsed his face and removed his shirt. He then wiped his face with a small towel.

He still looked angry so Tessa asked him, "Are you still mad at me?" He didn't reply to her and got a white shirt to wear. 

"You should treat your wound", She spoke again. She came to where he was buttoning his shirt and repeated his words, "I said you should treat your wound"

"How the hell are you a virgin?", he suddenly inquired out of the blues. She was taken aback by his question.


"Do you go about giving random guys your number?", he further asked.

"No", Tessa replied. "He did ask for it"

"Should I treat your wound?" Tessa asked. He got some medical kit and gave it to her. He then sat on the bed waiting to be treated. 

"This will sting a bit", she warned and began wiping the face of the cut with cotton wool dipped into methylated spirit. He didn't flinch at all so she repeated the process. She was engrossed in what she was doing so much that she didn't realize that Zavier was staring at her face all along. 

"What?", She asked when she finally noticed that he was staring at her face.

"Why are you so pretty?", Zavier asked her.

"What do you mean?", she asked.

"You're so pretty", he replied and she scoffed.

"I-I'm..", She licked her lips to regain her sanity. Suddenly, Zavier made her sit on his lap as she gasped in shock. His hands were snaked around her waist. 

"I just discovered that you make my heart race", he said. Tessa didn't talk because she never was. "Why aren't you saying anything?", he asked, raising her chin a little higher. 

"W…What should I say?", she asked him and tried to put a plaster on the cut near his lower lip. 

"Stop. Look at me Tessa", Zavier ordered as she blinked many times and licked her lips. 

"Don't you like me?", he asked chuckling.

"No", Tessa replied and he scoffed.

"Liar", he said.

"Can I kiss you?", he asked.



"I have a boyfriend"

"Liar", he said and she smiled. 

"Fuck", he cursed. "Sorry but I gotta do this", he said and leaned in to kiss her. Her hand went to his shirt as her grip on it tightened a little bit as their lips got introduced to each other. Zavier tried to deepen the kiss and found out that she's a good kisser. 

"Are you single?", he asked.

"Yes", she replied.

"Will you be my girlfriend?", he asked softly and she immediately declined.

Just then, a blonde haired boy entered the room. "Zavier? Should I send the three million dollars to your savings?", Orlando asked. 

'Three million dollars', Tessa thought and made to stand but Zavier held her down. She buried her face in his chest. She was damn shy that she was seen in that position by someone. 

"Haven't you heard of privacy asshole?", Zavier asked, annoyed with Orlando's presence. 

"Sorry for that Tessa", Orlando said. 

"Send it to my savings", Zavier replied. Orlando still stood there and Zavier was annoyed.

"What the hell are you waiting for?", he asked. 

"Chill. I just want to see her face", Orlando replied.

"Leave", Zavier ordered and Orlando laughed.

"Chill man. I'm leaving", Orlando threw his hand into the air and left after teasing them. 

"You smell nice", Zavier complimented as he touched her hair.

"I'm sorry", he said softly.

"For what?", Tessa asked.

"For doing a lot of bad things to you. For making you cry", he said and she smiled.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo!", Tessa exclaimed suddenly. She just saw a tattoo on his third finger.

"Oh this. This is my mother's name - Susan", he said.

"It's pretty", she muttered.

"You're prettier", he said as their lips connected once again. 

********************** ***********************

"We are to meet Mr. Rodriguez in some minutes. Are you okay?", Raymond asked Vivian as they waited in a lounge for their business client.

"I'm fine", Vivian replied and smiled. Raymond nodded and got busy on his phone. 


A fat young man walked to their direction and stretched his hand to Raymond for a handshake. 

'Buen día señor rodríguez", Raymond greeted in Spanish. (Good day Mr. Rodriguez)

The man nodded in confirmation and smiled at him. He looked at Vivian and also stretched out his hand for a handshake. 

"Guau. No me gustan mucho los negros pero eres hermosa", he smiled widely and Vivian laughed. (Wow, I don't really like blacks but you're gorgeous)

"Gracias Señor", Vivian appreciated. (Thank you sir)

Raymond cleared his throat on seeing the intimacy between the two. 

"Creo que estamos aquí por negocios", Raymond said sternly. (I believe we're here for business) His voice has been switched to that of a professional. 

Mr. Rodriguez was a jewelry designer and a renowned own at that. He refused to fly to America so Raymond had no choice than to set up a meeting with him in his home country, Spain. 

"Serán trece millones de dólares Sr. Raymond", Mr. Rodriguez concluded on the price. He just said that he would collect thirteen million dollars. Vivian was shocked and made to bargain when Raymond spoke, "I'll have my assistant wire the money to you before night fall"

The man looked confused and looked at Vivian who then translated, "Haré que mi asistente te transfiera el dinero antes de que caiga la noche"

The man's face lit up at the news. He looked happy but concealed it. He looked at Vivian who smiled at him. 

"¿Algo más Sr. Raymond?", Mr. Rodriguez asked and Raymond shook his head negatively. 

"Entonces terminemos el día. Fue agradable hacer negocios con usted", Mr. Rodriguez said and shook hands with Raymond and Vivian. He gave Vivian his card who accepted it with a smile on her face. 

The man left the lounge and Vivian sat down tiredly. Her phone began ringing. She saw it was a video call and rejected the call without looking at the caller ID. 

"Why did you collect the card? Are you thinking of leaving my company?", Raymond asked after some time. 

"Actually yes but very soon", Vivian replied. Raymond didn't say anything but he wasn't happy on hearing the news. 

"Why?", he asked.

"Nowadays, I don't like my job", Vivian said. "And I've been away from home for sometime now", she concluded.

"Oh that? What if I give you two weeks off? What about a month?", Raymond suggested and she stared at him. What is her boss becoming lately? When she first arrived at his company. 

He was so cold and mean to her. Always telling her to re-print documents. Re-read speechs, run meaningless errands to get on her nerve and even ban her from drinking coffee. She hated him to the core but overnight things changed. 

He became caring and considerate. She liked this version of him but lately she realized that she can't continue doing this. She has to go and live her life. She has to go out and meet people and who knows she might meet her life partner. She ain't getting any older. 

"How about you tell me why you want to leave?", Raymond asked.

"I would like to get married soon", she replied and he stared at her. 

"Sir? I mean Raymond, why are you not saying anything?", Vivian asked when she noticed that he has been quiet for too long.

"Thats…. That's good news. Y-you should get married. But have….have you seen the right man?", he asked and she responded negatively.

"Oh", he mouthed and said nothing after that. "How about you spending two more months at my company before leaving?", he asked her and she said it was too long. 

"C'mon Vivian. Just two months. It's gonna take eternity to replace someone like you", Raymond declared and she gave in. Just two months and she's out of his company, surroundings and environment. 


Jun ho dragged Tessa to the studio to record a song with another artiste. It was V from a korean band named BTS. Tessa shrieked in excitement when she saw him in real life. One of the benefits she enjoy from being Jun ho's closest friend is that she get to meet many famous people. 

She met Central cee during one of Jun ho's tour in London. She met Taylor swift also. She had shrieked out as well and used Jun ho's phone to take a lot of photos. She almost fainted when she was Song Joong Ki in person. 

She almost got invited to his house but Jun ho spoiled the excitement by rejecting his enticing offer. Right now, V was sitting on a stool and watched Jun ho sing. It was a sad song and everyone wasn't looking that excited except Tessa. 

She ignored Ryan who was calling her and focused on V.

"I need to use the toilet Tessa", Ryan said again but Tessa's ears were not functioning then. It was there for decoration and nothing else for her gaze were fixed on V. V caught her staring at him and smiled at her.

She held her chest and finally faced Ryan. She took him to the toilet and waited for him to be through before going to buy some snacks for him. 

********************** ********************

In a secluded space, a fight between two gangs broke out because of money. Some amount of money and substance got stolen by black dragon at the last meeting. Unfortunately, CCTV camera recorded the action of the member of the black dragon when he was stealing it.

The black dragon said not to touch their member because they would like to discipline him themselves but the sevens grew hot and disagreed saying they will do the Job themselves. 

A fight broke out among them because of that. "It's twenty fucking million bastard? You should have turned a blind eye to it", the leader of the gang said to Drake.

"Your mother should havd turned a blind eye to your pregnancy then you won't be here asshole", Drake replied and got a punch in his stomach.

"Son of a bitch!!", the leader cocked his gun and pointed it at Drake's head threatening to blow it off when Drake stabbed his shoe with his pocket knife.