
Chapter 1:Intro.....

A teenage boy named Ken, dark brown hair,brown eyes with pale skin.Surrounded by ancient greek brown hard covered books. Him sitting on an old rusty looking chair inside his steel walled basement.

A bloody right hand rushes through pieces of papers in minutes. Vicious sounds in the background speak in his mind"LISTEN"the deranged sounds speak the same word over and over. The boy starts violently pulling on his hair with his left hand and the right hand won't stop sketching the images inside his head.

Blind creatures with spikey twigs coming out of thier backs. Razer sharp claws with teeth that can rip through flesh in seconds.

As he is sat on the rusty chair one of the creatures from his mind out of nowhere breaks the wall in front of ken and lunges toward him throght the wall and grabs kens neck, before the monster could snap kens throught.

He intsantly wakes up in a panic and tries to grasp for air with his hands waving all around.

He then stops and looks around just to findout what he was seeing was all a dream. He sighs "what a shit dream".

Ken lifts his blanket off of him and looks at his digital clock.

'7:30'.....aw shit,I'm late.

Ken rushes to the bathroom and takes a quick 2minute shower. As he gets out the shower he notices a suit cover hung on the kitchen door nob. Inside lies his new shool uniform and outside the cover lies a note:

Had to rush off to work,

take the subway to school...

its departs at 8:00 okay

P.S you're walking home


love:antie jasmin

He unzips the cover and finds a black and white blazer, white shirt, black pants and since shoes can be your own choice, he goes with his pitch black nikkie air•forces.

He quickly dresses up and looks at his phone for the time


He bolts through the door and uses his athletic lean body to parkour through every obsticle in his way. He jumps over the railings that are a few meters away from his door, after he lands the jump he stops, he puts one leg behind him. He bends the front leg, straightens the back leg and closes his eyes and faces the floor.

After a couple of seconds he slowly opens his eyes then opens a small gap between his lips thus mist start to exit his mouth.....he then starts to run past people like crazy then he notices a kid wearing the same uniform getting bullied near the train subway.....he starts to contemplate whether to risk being late or to just get to the train.....he looks at the kid,"meh he'll make it"

He starts walking slowly as he is very close to the train with 3 minutes to spare. A bunch of kids with the same outfit start to enter the train in a hurry as it was about to depart. Ken notices the rush so he starts walking quickly then forces himself into the train.

"Everybody please stay clear from the doors as it will be moving soon" the conductor of the train speaks through his microphone .

Ken starts to wonder if the kid he saw a couple of minutes ago actually made it. Then out of the blue the kid Ken saw previously tried rushing to the train with all the energy he had in his body. The students in the train start to point and laugh at the kid.

The train doors start to slowly close but Ken puts his hand between the doors waiting for the black haired, brown skinned, and bright yellow eyed kid. The other students stop laughing and all stare at Ken then one of the students in the back yells"Ay newbie.....you're ruining the JOKE!

Ken ignores them and waits for the kid.

The kid finally enters the train all wounded and bloody. Ken asks"are you okay".

the kid answers"uhm not really, ah my neck"

Ken removes his hand from the doors and drives it through the air towards the kid, the kid flinches then realizes that he is only offering a handshake. After realizing he apologizes and shakes kens hand.

The doors close and the train starts moving.

"I'm Spaz by the way" the kid speaks, ken takes a pause then also introduces himself"Well I'm Ken, nice to meet you spaz".

As the train arrives at the school, the conductor speaks through his microphone"if you kids would look at the left, it is the destination you've all been waiting for.

The train stops, opens its doors then all students get off the train.

They arrive at the school.