
Gia Corp.

Jake, a 15 year old normal and slightly grumpy teenager with an abnormal fixation on (material high) a legal type of narcotic that gives you a 'high' while connected to neuro visual net (or N. V. N for short). Yes the worlds first cyber reality program. Where he meets a strange girl named "001" . Though he's never met her outside of N. V. N His life as a shut-in slowly begins to change as he continues his online meetings with 001. But not before getting worse. (Science fiction, romance, slice of life, action and erogé). Copyright 2014 | All rights reserved.

Amitabha_Vardha · 科幻
20 Chs

Chapter Fifteen.

I came to with a start. I was in my own body again!

Quickly I scrambled from the chair, my breathing was hard and Ginger was nowhere in sight.

Suddenly the door to the room burst inwards and a S.W.A.T team pooled in pointing high powered rifles and bright lights at me.

I was surrounded.




Bright lights lit the small white room. It had a metal table and a chair at each end.

One of which I was occupying now and from the other sat a man in a suit, who'd entered the room locked the door and sat then proceeded to stare at me.

The hand cuffs weren't tight but I could feel it as it marked my skin.

Minutes pasted and he said nothing.

Finally, as I decided to break the silence, he slammed a folder on the table startling me in the process.

It wasn't a paper display, it was just plain old paper.

Slowly he opened it and started "Jake Wright," he took a breath then read "guilty of cyber terrorism, arson, 6 counts of murder on the first degree, murder with intent, breaking and entering, destruction of property, attacking a government agency... The list goes on," he looked up from the folder at me. "The way I see it kid, you're already on death row so tell you what, your gonna tell me what I wanna know and I'll see if I can get you off the 'list' ."

I glared at him, I was still numb from my augmented reality experience. "I didn't do it," I tried.

"Bullshit!" He yelled slamming his fist against the table once again.

"We caught you in the act! Your little charade a couple days ago where you got some poor girl to make yourself seem like a bystander who was drawn into tho mess that you yourself had created. The same time you assassinated the mid Atlantic united nation's senator."

"I... I didn't do it, please believe me." I begged. "I'm innocent."

He stated back at me with cold eyes, "a murderer like you has no right to ask me to believe them."

This conversation was pointless, this man, is bent on getting only answers that he wants, he won't believe me... He won't believe the truth...

My throat suddenly felt dry as I finally realized my situation in full.

I was set up, I'm going to die....

I'm going to be executed like a criminal...

I could feel fresh perspiration roll from my forehead, and the man's voice zone out.

The only sound I could hear was a faint ringing, and in audible muttering in the back ground.


I don't...want to die...

A couple minutes had passed and the detective or police or who ever he was had left.

Suddenly the lights flickered, and the room became dark. It was a while before I realized what happened.

I don't know how, but I had somehow linked-in to the building's network.

My senses dulled and I was washed with nausea.

W-what's going on?

If this was infact me linking in, then something must have gone wrong because my mind was still not completely synced with the network.

I could see, video feeds messages dispatch requests and other encrypted data but I was still able to see my surroundings even though it was a faint depiction of my reality.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized who was now looking at me from the corner of the room.


"Hey there sweetie," she stated with a highly seductive smile "seems like you're in a bind want me to help you out?"


Preview of the next chapters.

I never though the world I lived in could be so... Corrupted. That gia corp. the leader in technological advancements could ever be the dark hand behind the government.


The building shook "don't you get it?" Ginger asked "the world you know is a fake!"


"Make me yours!" Ginger stated smiling. I couldn't help but be wary of that smile, but aside from that I wanted her body and after tonight nothing will stop me from making her mine over and over again.


"WHY?!" 001 asked, tears rolling down her cheeks "Why would you do that?"


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