
topic about diamond or me

hiroto : woh trupti your cat also waired like you,

kai : yah cause dimond are diffrent in coal mines,

hiroto :huh, i like diamond

kai :but i love diamond,

me : excuse me, but i want to see the diamond,

kai :trupti i think somthing is burning into kitchen

me : oh my god my curry

get burn, i run into kitchen,

😈cat, :girl give me food its order

me : come into kitchen

after that i get into kitchen,

kai : dont dare to get close to her

you brock her heart,

hiroto : but i live in her

kai get angry and get into kitchen

and saw me crying on floor

he saw around and notice that curry get burn,

he come towards me, and huge me from back,

kai : dont cry trupti we can make ramen noodles for eat,

but i make my curry with very hard

my full attention but it get burn my hard work get destroyed,

and suddenly we two heared glass broking sound, we turn back,

kai brock the huge,

me : h.. hiroto,

hiroto : trupti come with me,

he come towards me and grab my hand and take me into living room kai follow back me,

and amanojaku also come into room, he sit near to me, and start to wipe my tears

hiroto : lets order some food

todays treat is my, lets order what you want,

kai : then two chicken fride noddles and order some food for you

hiroto : i am not asking you,

trupti you say that,

me : kai is right, lets order for both of us,

hiroto : okey then two fried chicken noodles and two stakes,

after that we order food and they two put front of me