
Ch 39 Water Fight! Garp vs Leo

(Not an actual water fight.)

Luffy's bounty celebration kicked off fantastically and a bunch of strangers had joined in.

Leo was relaxing by the pool, some speakers beside him playing some music from his old world. He had danced around with the girls a bit and had fun, but quickly got annoyed, because random women started asking him to dance with them.

So, to avoid a massacre, he left the dancing to the others. It wasn't really his thing anyways.

While the party was happening, Leo decided to make a clone and sent it to talk to Franky.


Once created, the clone jumped up and made his way to Franky's workshop.

When he made it there, he walked in casually and shouted to Franky.

C.Leo - "Yo, Franky! It's Leo, I've got something to talk to you about."

After a few seconds, Franky walked into sight and when he saw Leo, his eyes widened in surprise.

Franky - "Leo? What is it?"

C.Leo - "Nothing, just thought I would come see if you need a hand."

Franky raised an eyebrow.

Franky - "You know how to make a ship? I thought your crew didn't have a shipwright?"

C.Leo - "Part of my ability allows me to take the knowledge of the people I've killed. Those CP9 dickheads were still good at their undercover jobs."

Franky - "Oh. Well, sure. Follow me."

Being guided in by Franky, Leo was shown the blueprints and they got to work. They worked in silence for awhile, but Franky had a question nagging on his mind.

Franky - "So, why are you really here?"

C.Leo - "Well, I also figured that I would tell you what the crew would like on the ship, and... To make sure you will join the crew."

Franky - "What are you talking about? I'm staying here and that's that."

C.Leo - "Even with a 66 Million Berry bounty?"

Franky - "Ha! Like that would frighten me!"

C.Leo - "Yeah, it might not frighten you, but the same can't be said about the people that care for you? I can already feel their concern for you, and yours for them."

Franky - "... Tch. You already know I won't leave, so knock it off."

C.Leo - "I also know why you don't want to leave, but you shouldn't feel guilty for Tom's death. As someone that's died before, believe me, that man wouldn't want this for you. His last wish was for you to live and achieve your dream, but you can't do that by staying here all your life. I mean, I wish that was how I could have died, but I died with hatred in my heart instead..."

Franky stopped what he was doing and looked down, a shadow being cast over his face. Unnoticeably, tears began flowing down his face.

C.Leo - "And if you ever feel like coming back, then I can help you do it at anytime."

Franky - "Ya damn bastard... Fine, I'll join Straw Hat's crew."

The clone grinned as he continued working.

Franky wiped his tears and got back to work as well.


During the creation, the clone offered some ideas for improvement, for example; Making the storage area smaller, because Leo is basically the best storage around. Adding some Seastone on the bottom of the ship, letting it freely move through the Calmbelt. And then, making a hidden system of metal, so that he could infuse it with Hellfire and strengthen, but not damage the ship.


- A while later, back at the party -

It was later into the afternoon and the celebration was still going strong.

Luffy was in a food coma. Zoro was drunk. Sanji was simping. And Chopper was fawned over while he ate cotton candy.

Usopp had wandered off at some point.

Leo and the girls were sitting together, while he used the Calm Calm fruit to let them talk without distraction.

Currently, they were watching as Sanji flirting with some scantily dressed girls.

Reiju - "I can't believe Sanji became such a..."

Nami - "Dumbass?"

Leo - "Simp?"

Robin - "Pig?"

Anna - "Sleeze?"

Mary - "Weirdo?"

Reiju - "Uhh. Yeah... You were all strangely prepared for that."

Leo - "If he learned to tone it down, he might actually succeed in getting a girl... Those girls just want to use him, they're radiating malice."

He sneered at them and took a drink of a beer.

Robin - "Don't you think we should help him?"

Leo - "Nope. It's not our problem. He may even learn his lesson."

Reiju - "You don't seem to like my brother very much, but less so those women."

Nami looked at her, then at Leo.

Nami - "Does she not know?"

Reiju was looked confused.

Reiju - "Know what?"

Leo - "Well, I did read your mind, so I guess it's only fair to let you know."

He telepathically sent Reiju his death info.

Reiju - "Wow! That feels weird. So, what was it like to die."

She completely overlooked the point, so he and the others stared at her blankly.

Leo - "Well, the physical pain wasn't much, but my psychological state overwhelmed everything. Something like this..."

Without warning, he released an immense amount of rage that only they could feel.

The girls were struck with fear, which is when he stopped the rage. Leo grinned cheekily.

Leo - "Hehehe. You look like frightened deer."

Nami grabbed a cushion and angrily threw it at Leo's face.

Nami - "Why would you do that!?"

Leo let the cushion hit him and laughed.

Leo - "Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist."

Reiju coughed and shakily raised a questioned.

Reiju - "W-was it really that bad...?"

Looking at her seriously, he answered.

Leo - "Of course not."

She sighed with relief, but then he continued.

Leo - "It was way worse than that. My power was given because I was unable to pass on. The amount of rage I had then, was enough to corrupt the soul of a good person, and that only frightened you. Just imagine if I released that much towards you."

Nami - "He's not lying. When Robin was taken the other day, it was way worse."

Mary - "Mhm! Even me and Anna felt that."

Reiju licked her lips and smiled playfully.

Reiju - "Well... I kind of want to see that now..."

Leo rolled his eyes at her and sarcastically replied.

Leo - "Oh, sure. Next time I go into a homicidal rage, I'll make sure to invite you."

Reiju - "*Chuckle* I look forward to it."

The rest of the group mirthfully shook their head.

They continued talking for a long time and at some point, Usopp returned to the party and was nervously glancing at Leo, who was ignoring him.

After continously glancing towards Leo, Usopp finally gathered up his nerves and walked over to him.

When he got there, he shakily stood to the side while Leo ignored him. He gulped and then spoke up.

Usopp - "L-Leo! I'm sorry for how I acted towards you."

The girls looked at him curiously, while Leo just side eyed him.

Usopp - "... I-I want to ask you... Will you please train me!? I want to change and become a strong man, someone Kaya can be proud of when I return."

Leo turned his head and looked at him seriously.

Leo - "Fine. For two months I'll send you somewhere and you have to train like your life depends on it. If you even think of backing out midway, I'll stop the training and you'll never speak to me again. And do remember, I can read your mind."

Usopp - "*Gulp*... O-okay. I agree!"

Leo stared at him for a moment, then snapped his fingers, opening a portal to his dimension.

Leo - "Go through that portal and your training starts."

Usopp nervously looked at the portal, then took a step. But then, Leo spoke again.

Leo - "But! It will be painful and deadly, but I'll keep you alive. If you slack off, things get harder and more painful."

Usopp looked down and shook unsteadily, then looked at the portal with determination and walked in, the portal closing behind him.

Leo made a clone and sent it inside the dimension.

The girls looked at Leo, as he casually took a drink of cola.

Nami - "So... Is he really going to be gone for two months?"

Leo - "For him? Yes. For us, it'll be around 30 minutes."

Reiju - "Wait, what?"

Rather than giving a descriptive answer, he decides to give the short one.

Leo - "I have a private space where I can manipulate time a bit."

Reiju - "O-kay?..."

She tilted her head in confusion, but accepted his answer.


Inside the dimension, Usopp had just stepped through the portal and instantly heard the roars of beast, while feeling as if he was being pushed to the ground and was x2 heavier. (A/N: K, seriously. Is it "x2" or "2x"???)

The clone that was made, was in the sky, looking down at Usopp. He telepathically sent him some info.

One of the things sent, was that there was different areas, with varying intensities of gravity. There were many beasts living in these different areas, so he had to be careful of where he goes. Also, if he spends to much time in a safe environment, he will be transported somewhere dangerous, so that he will have to adapt, become stronger and braver.

Things weren't too bad however, everyday, for a few hours, there would be a safe spot made in random places with Angel Flames. He can use it to heal himself and take a rest, without watching over his shoulder every second. But, if he tries taking them advantage, they'll stop appearing as frequently or in more difficult places to find.

And as a bonus, Leo gave him the details to train the Rokushiki skills. Though, there was also instructions to get to the basic level in all of them.

Usopp was thankful for these things, but he wasn't given much time to think, as a tiger jumped out and he started running for his life.


The clone watched for two months, as Usopp ran around and tried to stay alive. For the first few days, he was working out to get used to the gravity and setting traps to get food.

After those few days, he started looking around, checking trees and plants, searching for materials to use as ammo or even make a new slingshot from.

As he became stronger, he got more confident and began actively hunting for food. He also started practicing the Rokushiki.

With his new-found confidence, he got overconfident and picked a fight he couldn't win, so the clone waited till he almost died and then transported him to a safe point. Though, as a punishment, he was sent somewhere with higher gravity.

This was essentially how the two months went by. If he ever got hurt doing something stupid, he was helped, but was left with some scars to act as a reminder.

When the two months had past, the clone appeared close to Usopp and clapped his hands, getting his attention.

C.Leo - "Okay, congratulations. You successfully completed the training and even got to the advanced level of some of the Rokushiki, so well done. If you're ready, I'll send you back?"

Usopp was silent for awhile, but then he dropped to his knees and threw his hand in the air.

Usopp - "YEESSSSS!!"

Once he was done, the clone opened a portal below Usopp and dispelled himself.


When Usopp fell into the portal, he came out of another one and was sent into right into the pool.

He was in dire need of bath anyways.

Everybody at the party, looked at the sudden interruption and laughed.

Leo threw a bit of fire at the pool and heated it up.

Usopp jumped out of the pool and shook himself a bit. When Leo and the others in the crew saw him, they were surprised to see him looking more mature and muscular.

Usopp coughed up some water.

Usopp - "Goddammit! Haven't I suffered enough!?"

Leo - "Just because you suffered, doesn't mean I want to. You just went two months without a bath dumbass."

Usopp - "... Fair enough. I'm going to go get new clothes."

He then turned and walked away, leaving a trail of soggy foot prints.

While he left, the party continued going. But, it was getting late and Leo didn't feel like staying up for no reason, so he and the girls decided to go to bed. Leo had to use the Calm Calm fruit to make their rooms silent.


When morning came, Leo went to stretch as he yawned, but was unable to. It would seem that the girls had snuck their way into his bed while he slept.

Reiju had also joined them for some reason, but she seems like the mischievous type, so she probably saw the others do it and joined in.

Leo began thinking of a way to get up, when a mischievous idea surfaced in his mind.

While keeping his lips tightly shut, he made an explosion in his mouth, startling the girls awake.

The girls jumped up frantically, falling off the bed, before getting their feet and prepared to fight. But then, they heard sniggering coming from behind them and turned around.

When they saw Leo holding his mouth, trying to suppress his laughter and with smoke escaping through his hand, they realised what was going on.

Nami got mad and started throwing stuff at him.

Nami - "Goddammit Leo!! Why would you do that!?"

Leo started laughing as the thrown stuff bounced off him. Seeing him laughing at her, Nami stopped throwing stuff and pouted frustratedly.

His laughter slowly died down and he telekinetically pulled Nami towards him, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Giving her a peck on the lips, he grinned a little.

Leo - "I apologise. I just couldn't help myself."

Nami turned her head to the side, as she continued to pout.

Nami - "Hmph! You better not do it again!"

He smiled cheekily and replied.

Leo - "No promises~"

She turned and glared at him.

Nami - "I'm serious here."

Raising an eyebrow, he smirked at her.

Leo - "Oh? And what if I do it again?"

Then, without warning, he flipped them over and pinned Nami to the bed, his face only a couple of inches away from hers.

Leo - "So~? What will you do~?"

Nami's face turned red because of their positions, but she also enjoyed it. Their relationship hadn't been very physically intimate, mainly because of Leo taking things slow, so his sudden assertiveness was a nice surprise.

Acting on her instincts, she wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him.

Leo was surprised, but didn't hesitate to kiss her back.

And just like that, what was supposed to be teasing, turned into a makeout session.

As they continued to kiss, they were getting into the mood and they started taking things further.

Leo's hands made their way down from her waist. One onto her ass and the other on her thigh. Nami moaned from the sudden groping, which allowed Leo to insert his tongue into her mouth, initiating a battle between their tongues.

While the two of them were getting busy, the other four girls were stood on the sidelines and watching.

Robin was biting her thumbnail, jealously and flusteredly staring at them.

Anna was barely holding herself back from jumping in and joining the fun. Mary on the other hand, was covering her red face, but peeking through her fingers.

And Reiju was blushing a little bit, but mostly, she was astounded that they had just forgotten about everything and started sucking on each others tongues.

As much as she enjoyed the show, Reiju was concerned that they would actually start doing 'it', so she coughed into her hand.

Hearing the disruptive cough, Leo and Nami froze mid-kiss, before he backed away and created a bridge of saliva.

They both looked at each other and blushed a little. Leo then got off of the bed and helped Nami up.

Leo - "*Cough* Sorry, I got a little carried away."

Nami - "N-no. I liked it..."

She hugged him, shyly burying her head in his chest. He stroked her hair and looked at the others with a wry smile.

Leo - "Um, I'm sorry if that was uncomfortable for you..."

With that, Anna's restraint gave out and she pounced toward him. Leo held his hand out and grabbed her by her head, holding her at a distance as she flailed her arms.

Anna - "I want a kiss toooo~!!!"

Leo, with mock disappointment, shook his head.

Leo - "And you were doing so well..."

The others giggled at their comedic show, while Anna continued trying to get a kiss.


After the bedroom display, the six of them left the room and went to get some breakfast.

While they were eating, Robin raised a questioned.

Robin - "Leo, weren't you supposed to go talk to the Snake Empress?"

Leo stopped eating midway and looked at her.

Leo - "... I almost forgot about that... I guess I'll do that when I'm done eating. Thanks for the reminder."

He winked at her.

Robin - "*Chuckles* No problem. Though, maybe you can "thank me," the same way you "thanked" Nami earlier. Darling~"

Leo grinned flirtatiously.

Leo - "If that's what you really~ want. Dear~"

Robin blushed a little and pouted, causing the other four girls to giggle, while Leo smiled in amusement.


When they were all done eating, they were sitting and talking while they let their stomachs settle.

Leo noticed that Reiju was dazedly staring at a wall.

Leo - "Hey, Reiju. Are you okay?"

Reiju - "Huh?"

She shook her head lightly and looked at him.

Reiju - "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Leo - "Are you okay?"

Rieju - "Oh. Yes, I'm okay... But, I was thinking about my mother..."

Leo - "You want me to revive her?"

Reiju hesitated a bit, but eventually nodded.

Leo - "But...?"

Reiju - "I'm afraid of what she might think of me..."

Leo, and the girls, quietened down and looked at her. Leo sighed and slouched into his chair, then ran his hand through his hair.

Leo - "Y'know, I've felt like that. I still feel like that, but we can't change the past. You have done some bad stuff, but that sin falls on your fathers shoulders in my eyes. And as for how your mother will feel about you... She was willing to die to keep her children safe, I don't imagine her being capable of hating you or even disliking you. You have the opportunity to see her, so I advise taking a leap of faith."

She nodded and looked down at the table, thinking over the matter.

The conversation seemed to give Nami an epiphany, as she looked at Robin.

Nami - "I just thought. Isn't there anyone you want revived, Robin?"

Robin looked at her and gave a thin smile.

Robin - "Not really. I never had much of a relationship with my mother, and I have come to terms with my loss."

Nami - "... If you say so..."

She didn't seem to believe Robin, but also didn't want to pester her.

Leo - "... Well, I should probably portal over to Amazon Lily. Any of you want to come?"

Nami - "Sure. Should we go see if the guys want to join?"

Robin - "I'm afraid that isn't allowed. Amazon Lily has rules against allowing men on the island."

Mary - "Then why is Leo allowed?"

They looked at Leo.

Leo - "Technically, I shouldn't be, but I "subtly" threaten the whole islands population when someone challenged Hancocks decision to let me be there."

They blankly stared at him.

Girls - "Of course you did..."

Leo - "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, let's get going."

While wave his hand dismissively, he stood up and opened a portal to Amazon Lily, then walked through it.


Arriving in the Palace thrown room, he expected to find a prideful beauty, but was met with a depressing, empty room.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion. Meanwhile, the girls had followed him through the portal and were looking around in amazement.

Leo released his Observation Haki to find Hancock. His eyes widened in surprise from something he found, but decided to focus on one thing at a time.

He started speed walking out of the thrown room and towards Hancocks room. The girls didn't know what was happening, so they followed him.

It didn't take long to arrive at a room with a couple of women standing guard. They saw Leo and ran over.

Girl - "Lord Leo! The Snake Princess will be so happy that you have returned."

Girl2 - "Yes! She has become terribly sick and this will surely improve her mood."

Like some of the Empress's before her, Hancock was stricken by their deadly lovesickness.

Leo - "Yeah, sorry girls, but I need to see her quickly."

Walking straight into the room, Leo saw Hancock in her bed with doctors to the side of her. Sandersonia and Marigold were on either side of her.

Leo sighed and then called out to them.

Leo - "Hancock! How are you doing?"

In an instant, Hancock disappeared from her sickbed and was standing in front of him.

Hancock - "Leo! Your finally here!"

Everyone looked at her, the corner of their mouths twitching.

Everyone - 'What the hell...?'

Leo started patting her head, causing her to blush and squeal in happiness.

Leo - "I'm gone a day and you start worrying everyone."

She looked down at her feet.

Hancock - "I'm sorry..."

Leo - "It's okay. But hey, at least you're okay."

Hearing his care for her, Hancock looked up and was about to jump at him, but from the corner of her eye, she saw some unknown women approaching.

Nami - "Leo, why did you run off all of a sudden."

Leo - "Well, I jus-"

He was about to reply, but his sight was suddenly blocked, as Hancock stood between him and the girls, pointing at them with her chin held high.

Hancock - "Who are you!? How dare you brazenly talk to MY Leo!!?"

The girls all raised an eyebrow questioningly. Though Reiju had an amused smile, expecting a fun show.

Nami - "Excuse me? I'm Leo's GIRLFRIEND, why wouldn't I talk MY Leo?"

Hearing that Leo had a girlfriend, Hancock felt her world shatter around her. She clutched her chest and fell to her knees.

Hancock - 'How could this be... My darling has been taken from me...'

Robin then pitched in while chuckling.

Robin - "Hey, I am also his girlfriend. So, he is my Leo as well."

Then Mary started hopping up and down, waving one hand in the air.

Mary - "Ooh, ooh! Me too! Me too! Leo is mine too!"

Anna skipped right past stating her claim and latched directly onto him.

Anna - "Mine."

At this point, Hancock looked as if the life had been drain from her, as she was lying on the floor and crying.

Hancock - 'Why am I still here... Just to suffer...'

As she was in the midst of her crisis, she realised that she might still have a chance.

Hancock - '*Gasp* If darling accepts all of them, then he will also accept me!'

With renewed life, she got to her feet and weakly walked over to Leo, grabbed his coat and tearfully looked at him.

Hancock - "Leo... Will you take me as well?"

Leo - "Uhh..."

Being thrust in to this awkward position, Leo began cursing his clone for putting him in this situation.

He glanced at Nami and saw her holding her head in exasperation. Wiping Hancocks tears away, Leo sighed and looked at her.

Leo - "Let's go sit down, then we can talk it over, okay."

She nodded and let go of his coat. Coughing into her hand, she composed herself.

Hancock - "Very well then, I will have a room prepared."

She then walked away, followed by some attendants.

Sandersonia and Marigold, who had followed their sister when they heard Leo, were standing to the side.

Leo looked at them with a wry smile.

Leo - "Well, that was a tiresome start to the day... How are the both of you doing?"

Sandersonia - "*Giggles* Big Sis gave us a bit of a scare in the beginning, and then Gloriosa told us what was wrong."

Marigold - "But, you are here now, so everything will be okay."

Leo laughed and shook his head lightly.

Leo - "Nice to know you have so much faith in me."

Marigold - "It would be strange if we didn't. You helped us and didn't even ask for anything in return. If we couldn't put or faith in you-"

Sandersonia - "Then who could we put our faith in?"

They both smiled at him sweetly, a look of complete trust within their eyes

Seeing the way the two sisters were looking at Leo, Nami and the other girls gave each other a knowing look, before nodding and looking at the sisters.

Nami - "Hey, Sandersonia and Marigold, right? Me and the girls wanna take a look around, would you mind showing us?"

Sandersonia looked towards Nami and smiled accommodatingly.

Sandersonia - "Of course, we don't mind."

Marigold - "Will you be joining us, Leo?"

Leo looked at Nami and saw that she was planning something, so he was thinking he should, but there was something he wanted to do.

Leo - "No, sorry. I need to do something, but I'll catch up with you all later."

Marigold - "Okay."

Sandersonia - "Well, we'll see you later."

Sandersonia waved and started leading the others on a tour.

Leo waved them off, then made a portal to the outside of the Village and went through it.


In the jungle outside of the Village, Leo came out of his portal and started walking around a little, just enjoying the nature.

Eventually, he made his way to a specific area he wanted to be at and then started to burrow straight down, filling in the area above him as he went.

He went down for a dozen miles and still wasn't where he wanted to be. When he used his Haki earlier, he found a large cavern a few hundred miles below Amazon Lily and there was something interesting there.

So, with a long way to go, Leo just occupied his mind.

Leo - 'I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole! Diggy, diggy hole! Diggy diggy hole!'

After a minute had passed, he finally got far enough down and into the cavern.

In the cavern, Leo found two things. The first, was a black and green egg, the size of an ostrich egg. And the second, was a Devil Fruit, sitting on a small platform.

The Devil Fruit was a Zoan and gave off an incredibly strong aura, so it was likely a Mythical Zoan. It gave off a chilling and deadly intimidation, but it just made him more interested.

He had a feeling he knew what it would be and all he had to do to know if he was right, was consume it.

So, he did.

And it was... The Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Basilisk!

< Mid Mortal - 17% > (17,000 tons if you forgot.)

Leo - "Ha... Haha.... Hahahahahaha!!! This is fucking awesome!"

Because of the power boost and abilities, he started laughing like a mad-man. So... Basically the usual for him.

The abilities were; An Intimidation effect, Paralysing Gaze, Deadly Venom and Petrifying Gaze. And those are just the most useful abilities.

He was also pretty happy, because he has another type of prehensile tongue, and can easily dislocate his jaw like a snake. He could already dislocate his jaw, but not as easily as he can now.

When he was done laughing, he looked to the egg.

By some miracle, there was something alive inside it, though it was in a stasis.

It was incredibly strange, because the cave seemed to be inaccessible by normal means and had no signs of being intruded upon before.

He walked over and picked the egg up. Feeling the surface, it felt like scales.

Observing the egg, Leo couldn't help but to notice its auras similarities to the Basilisk Devil Fruit.

Thinking about where the egg is or more specifically, where it was under, Leo thought about how all the women on Amazon Lily have snakes.

Leo - "I guess having a pet would be cool."

Using the same method they use on Amazon Lily, he started infusing his Haki into the egg and surprisingly, the stasis instantly broke and the creature in the egg began sucking up huge amounts of Haki. Fortunately, his Haki or his Will, is in infinite and will never run dry, so it's just a matter of quality, which is constantly improving.

Thinking that the process could take awhile, he went into his dimension, where the passage of time was less of an issue.


After five day, about four minutes outside, the egg started rocking and then cracked.

The egg burst apart, revealing a cute baby snake. Even though it was almost a metre long.

It was a greenish-black, with emerald green eyes. There were two rows of spines going along its back and its tail splits into two. From his own Basilisk transformation knowledge, he knows that the spines can be soft or razor-sharp, and the tails can be use as whips and needles at the same time.

The baby Basilisk let out an adorable yawn, then looked at Leo and tilted it's head.

Leo scratched the snakes chin a bit and it stuck its chin out for more. He continued scratching its chin and it start to make cute hissing sounds, and surprisingly close its eyes.

Why a snake has eyelids, is a complete mystery...

Leo - "You are just adorable. I wonder what I should call you...? I wonder what gender are you?"

He decide to use his Observation Haki and easily discovered it was a girl.

Leo - "Well, that answers that question. Now you just need a name."

She looked at him and tilted her head again.

Leo - "Well, we will figure it out later."

Leo placed her on his shoulder and she wrapped around his neck.

He then opened a portal and went through it, going back to the Palace.

Using Haki, he searched for the girls and headed their way.

- Back to when the girls went on their tour -

Sandersonia and Marigold were leading the girls around the Palace, and they quickly ended up at the room that Hancock was in.

Seeing the perfect opportunity, Nami got everyone to sit down.

Nami - "So, it is pretty obvious that you three have fallen for Leo."

Boa Sisters - "Huh!?"

At the sudden straightforwardness, the three of them blushed and became shy.

Hancock - "I admit, I love him and don't want to live without him. But, I don't understand why you think my sisters-"

Before she finished her sentence, she turned to her sisters and saw them covering their faces from embarrassment.

Sandersonia - "We're sorry Big Sis... We also love Leo..."

Marigold - "Sorry Big Sister."

Hancock looked at them and then hugged them.

Hancock - "It's okay. Leo is the only acceptable man for you to be with. The rest of them don't hold a candle to his greatness!"

Sandersonia and Marigold hugged their big sister, grateful that she was so understanding.

Anna - "Damn right! Leo's the greatest!"

The three sisters looked at Anna blankly, their heartfelt moment being destroyed.

Hancock - "Who are all of you exactly?"

Robin - "Oh, that's right, we never got introduced. Well..."

One by one, the girls introduced themselves to the others.

After they exchanged names, they began getting to know each other. More specifically, Nami had started a discussion about Leo's situation, had come to an agreement and was now building the groups relationship. Because Leo doesn't have enough girlfriends yet...

Speaking of Leo, Hancock was wondering where he was.

Hancock - "Where is Leo? Shouldn't he be here..."

A forlorn expression was on her face, making the others smiled awkwardly at how dramatic she was being.

Fortunately, that was also when one of Leo's portals appeared in the room and Leo walked out of it.

Leo - "Miss me?"

They all looked at Leo happily, but then Nami put a finger on her chin, looking up thoughtfully, before clapping her hands together and smiling with her eyes closed, delivering a brutal reply.

Nami - "Nope!"

Leo clutched his chest and acted as though he was hurt.

Leo - "Gah! My own girlfriend doesn't miss me when I'm gone..."

He pretended to cry and sniffled.

Leo - "And I was going to give her a gift as well..."

The girls giggled at his performance.

Nami - "*Giggling* Okay, okay. Settle down, I did miss you really."

He chuckled and stopped pretending to be upset, as he walked over an kissed her.

That was when the Basilisk around his neck, lifted its head and looked around, making the girls gasp in surprise.

Robin - "Oh my! What a cute snake, where did you get it from?"

The Basilisk's tongue flickered out, as she smelled the unfamiliar scents. Scratching her chin, Leo answered the question.

Leo - "I found her egg and a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, a few hundred miles beneath Amazon Lily, in a cave."

Hancock and her sisters were surprised to hear that there was such a place below their island.

Hancock - "Do you know what animal the fruit is? And how did she hatch? She must have been there for centuries, she shouldn't be alive."

Leo - "The fruit was a Basilisk. In fact, I believe she is actually a Basilisk. But, to answer your second question, I used the same method you use on the island and infused my Haki into her."

Robin - "How is it possible for a Basilisk to be alive?"

Leo - "Well, all Devil Fruits have souls, Zoans in particular have a Will. If you think about it, they have to come from somewhere. And, there are Fruits with time related abilities, so that might explain how she was there."

While he was talking the Basilisk started rubbing her head against his cheek. The girls were internally gushing at the adorableness.

Robin - "So, what did you name her?"

Leo - "I haven't thought about it much, but I guess I'll call her Naga."

He and Nami took a seat, and he got down to the reason he was there.

Leo - "Anyways, don't we have something to discuss?"

Nami - "Oh, no need! I already settle it!"

Leo - "Oh, oka-wait! How...?"

He looked at her suspiciously, because she was calmly smiling. In his experience, that meant she was being sly about something.

She laughed at his suspicion.

Nami - "Calm down. We have already talked about it. These three like you and likely won't move on..."

She gestured at the Boa sisters, making them blush at being exposed.

Nami - "But, I know you won't just accept them, without getting to know them, so you basically just have to leave a clone here to do that."

Leo - "While that is a good idea, I won't use clones for that type of thing. If I don't build and maintain the relationship myself, then there shouldn't be one."

He stared at them determinedly. They all blushed, thinking that his way of thinking was rather romantic. Even Reiju wasn't an exception.

Nami - "*Cough* W-well... What if you made frequent visits?"

She looked towards the Boa sisters.

Nami - "Would that be okay with you three?"

Hancock looked sad, but replied.

Hancock - "I would prefer to have him be here all the time, but I suppose it is fair..."

The other two nodded in agreement.

Nami nodded and looked back to Leo.

Nami - "There you have it!"

Leo sighed, before smiling at Nami lovingly.

Leo - "Okay. Thank you for sorting everything out for me."

He then leaned over to her and held her chin, kissing her.

Leo - "Though, I think you deserve a reward~"

Smiling at her flirtatiously, he winked. In response to his flirting, she gave her own flirtatious smile.

Nami - "I look forward to it~"

She kissed him and then licked her lips seductively.

Meanwhile, the others were feeling like they had been forgotten and became jealous, so they shouted at them.


Leo and Nami looked at the others, seeing anger and jealousy on their faces.

Leo and Nami - "Uhh. Hahaha... Sorry."

With their apology, the girls settled down, but still maintained discontent expressions. Leo sighed and decided to sit down, ending up spending most the day with them all to appease them.

After a little while, Nami remembered that Leo said something about a gift.

Nami - "I just remembered, you said you had a gift for me, what is it?"

Seeing excitement in her eyes, Leo grinned and held his hand out.

Leo - "Give me your hand please."

She was confused, but did as he said.

The moment Leo had her hand in his, he held it and started manipulating his own soul energy, making it start flowing into Nami's own soul, stimulating the Lightning Logia Devil Fruit power at the same time.

With the stimulation, Black Lightning appeared around Leo's arm and flowed over to Nami's, turning into Gold Lightning in the process.

A few seconds passed and then the lightning died down, leaving surprised faces. While Leo was excited that he was successful.

Leo - "Haha! It worked! Awesome!"

The girls looked at Leo in confusion.

Nami - "What did you do exactly."

He was confused a moment, thinking she should already know, but then realised that she didn't receive the inherit knowledge, like a Devil Fruit gives. To resolve the problem, he sent her the required knowledge and explained to the group.

Leo - "I shared the abilities of the Rumble Rumble fruit, a Lightning Logia."

Robin - "You can do that!?"

Leo - "It took awhile to figure it out and I wasn't sure it would work, but my efforts paid off."

Nami lifted her hand and made lightning circulate around her fingers.

Nami - "Woah..."

Reiju - "Can you do that with anyone."

Reiju curiously stared at the lightning on Nami's fingers. Leo shook her head and replied.

Leo - "No. It requires me to have a certain connection to the person. The romantic kind..."

Reiju nodded in understanding.

Leo looked outside and stood up.

Leo - "We should probably head back. We did kind of leave without saying anything."

Robin - "You're right."

Nami - "Uhuh..."

Nami simply nodded along, distractedly watching the lightning dance on her fingers.

Hancock - "You're leaving...?"

Looking Hancock and her sisters, Leo saw them with sad expressions. He went over and stroked their heads.

Leo - "I'll come visit you regularly, so don't be sad. But, just incase, here..."

He made three bracelets for them.

Leo - "If you are in need of urgent help, break these and I'll come straight away. Or, if I'm gone too long, you can use it to get me to come over."

Smiling at them, he saw their expressions brighten as he handed the bracelets to them.

Leo - "I'll come back in a few days, so I'll see you then."

With that said, the girls stood up and said their goodbyes. Opening a portal, Leo waited for the girls to go through, then gave a final goodbye and went through it himself.


When they got back to Water 7, Nami wanted to test her new powers, so Leo went out of the city with her and they trained together.

Once the day was almost over, they returned to the hotel and ate with everyone, before going to bed.


It is the fifth and final day of their mini vacation, and on this day, the clone that was assisting Franky dispelled, letting Leo know that the ship was finished.

So, when everyone was up and had eaten, Leo decided to take them somewhere.

Leo - "Alright guys, there is something to show you all. So, if you have your stuff, we can go."

After he received confirmation, he lead them out of the city and to the edge of the Island, where Franky and his subordinates were waiting for them, along with Iceberg. Behind them, was something hidden with a large sheet.

Franky - "You guys are finally here!"

Crew - "Franky!? What are you doing here?"

Rather than answering their question, he looked at Leo.

Franky - "You didn't tell them?"

Leo - "Nah, that wouldn't be any fun. Let it be a surprise."

Franku nodded and looked at Luffy.

Franky - "Hey, Straw Hat. You said your crew doesn't have a shipwright yet, right?"

Luffy nodded.

Luffy - "Yup... Wait! Do you want to join my crew!?"

Franky - "That's right. I can't really stay anymore and Leo managed to convince me to join you guys."

As Franky spoke, his subordinates were crying for their boss's departure. He had already said his goodbye, but they wanted to see him off.

Luffy - "Cool. Welcome to the crew!"

Franky - "Thanks. Anyways, we aren't very good pirates without a ship, so..."

Franky turned around, walked over and grabbed the sheet, then with one swift motion, pulled it off and revealed the ship below it.

Franky - "This is it! My ship of Dreams, the Thousand Sunny!!"

The crew marveled at the new ship, before racing to get on it and look around. It was pretty much the same as the Thousand Sunny from Canon, but a bit bigger. There was also the addition of two metal railings, covered with black leather, on both sides of the steering wheel(Helm).

Luffy - "This is so cool!!!"

Standing on top of the crow's nest/observatory, Luffy shouted excitedly.

After looking around, they all went out onto the deck and looked at Franky curiously.

Nami - "How did you know what we would like?"

Franky - "Leo told me and helped make the ship."

Leo - "Even added a surprise to be used in emergencies."

Luffy - "Well, what are we waiting for!? Let's go!!"

All the Crew - "Right!"

Following the captain's orders, they ran around, preparing the ship and set sail.

As they were leaving, Franky's subordinates started shouting farewells and wishing for his safety, but that was disturbed by an explosion.

Out of nowhere, a cannonball was thrown and it hit Leo right in the face. Naga was woke up as well.

After being hit, Leo ran over to the railing and started angrily shouting.

Leo - "What the hell, Old Man!?"

Some distance away, there was a Marine ship on the water. Standing at the front, was Garp, boisterously laughing.

Garp - "Hahaha!!! You didn't expecting me to just let you go like that, did you!?"

Leo - "Fuck you! You hit me in the face!"

Garp stopped laughing and also started angrily shouting.

Garp - "What was that you brat! Who do you think you're swearing at!!?"

Leo made a cannonball in his hand and shouted back.

Leo - "I said; "Fuck you!" You Old Man!"

He then threw the cannonball at Garp, who narrowly dodged.

Garp - "Fuck me!? Fuck you!!"

Garp picked up another cannonball and threw it. Leo backhanded the cannonball away.

Leo - "No, fuck you!!"

He made another cannonball and threw it, to which, Garp coated his hand with Haki and backhanded it.

Garp - "No! Fuck you!!"

He threw another.

Leo - "NO! FUCK YOU!!"

Garp - "FUCK YOU!!!"

Leo - "FUCK YOU!!!..."

With a constant back and forth, the two of them continued throwing cannonballs at each other.

Meanwhile, the crew and the Marines were watching the two overpowered individuals. They had no idea what to do, as they couldn't get involved with a battle between the two monsters.

In reality, the two of them were just messing around. Leo wasn't using his full power and Garp knew he couldn't beat Leo anyways.

After throwing a ridiculous amount of cannonballs, Garp stopped and shouted at him.

Garp - "Enough, you damn brat! Take this!!"

Out of nowhere, Garp pulled out a giant ball and chain, launching it at Leo.

Leo - "Oh, you wanna go! I can do that to!!"

Leo created a giant cannonball, x5 bigger than Garps, then threw it with telekinesis.

The two balls clashed and Garps was knocked away.

Garp and all the Marines on his ship, had their eyes buldge out and mouths open in shock.

Seeing the humongous cannonball approaching, everyone on the Marine ship jumped over the side.

The cannonball hit the front of the ship, destroying it, but then disappeared.

The Marines surfaced from below the ocean, staring in shock and confusion, but then heard laughter.

Leo - "Hahaha! I win! Suck it, Old Man!!"

Garp started grumbling.

Garp - "Stupid brat... I'm too old for this shit..."

Leo dusted himself off and turned around, being met by deadpan expressions.

Leo - "What? He started it."

They all sighed and walked away, leaving him there alone, with his arms spread out.

Leo - "What? What...?"

Naga looked at him and comforted him by nuzzling against his cheek.

Leo - "*Sigh* Thank Naga..."


While Leo was being comforted by Naga, Franky showed the crew around the ship and demonstrated one the ships features.

The "Coup de Burst", a cola powered propulsion, that sent the ship flying a kilometre through the air.

When the ship landed back in the sea, they simply travelled using the sails. By this point Leo decide to take a nap.

After awhile, the others found a barrel floating in the ocean. It said it was a treasure offering, so they brought it aboard and opened it...

As a result, a signal flare shot out, causing Leo to wake up.

There was some urgency get going incase of an attack, but then things got worse, as Nami felt a storm coming.

Leo got up and helped with getting the ship moving, but the wind turned against them, so they had to raise the sails. Luckily, Franky had given the ship cola powered paddles.


Eventually, things calmed down and the storm stopped. However, there was a thick fog all around them.

Franky walked over, while adjusting his sunglasses.

Franky - "Looks like we've drifted into 'that' area..."

Nami - "What area?"

Franky - "This area is famous... The sea of ghosts, 'Florian Triangle', also known as 'The Demons Triangle'."

All of them turned their head and looked at Leo, who opened his mouth speechlessly. He looked around, searching for someone to defend him, but got nothing.

Leo - "I didn't even do anything here..."

He wallowed at their mercilessness and they laughed at him.

They would have continued laughing, but suddenly, the sound of music and a strange laugh was heard.

??? - "Yohohoho."

The laughter continued and out of the fog, a large ship appeared. The crew rigidly turned and then shouted in unison.

Crew - "A GHOST SHIP!!!"

As the ship passed by, they looked up and saw a skeleton with an afro, singing. Thanks to Leo's presense, they weren't as surprised, but Luffy still wanted to go aboard and see who it was.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji ended up going aboard.


A few minutes after boarding the mysterious ship, they returned to the Thousand Sunny, along with the skeleton, who was introduced as Brook.

Leo decided to fuck with him and sank into Darkness, coming back up behind Brook. Turning into his Ghost Rider form, he tapped on Brook's shoulder.

Brook - "Yes? What can I do fo-"

Brook turned around and saw a flaming skull in front of him.

GR Leo - "Boo!"

Brooks jaw dropped and then he screamed in fright.

Brook - "AAHHHHHHHHHH-!!!"

To Leo's surprise, he had scared Brook so much that he fainted mid scream and then feel backward.

An awkward silence ensued after that.

GR Leo - "... Oops."


After some time had passed, Brook regained consciousness and got an explanation about Leo.

Brook - "Yohoho! Who would have thought, that I would someday see a fellow skeleton walking about."

Leo - "Yeah, nice to meet you."

Brook then talked with the crew a bit, about how he became I living skeleton and his life before dying. It was also discovered that he didn't possess a shadow or reflection.

When asked about it, he explained that it was stolen by someone years ago, but that didn't bring him down too much.

Brook - "What a marvelous day! Meeting so many people, after all these years of being alone. Only being rocked back and forth by the waves. If I had any tears, I would cry in happiness."

Everyone felt sympathy for Brook, having to be alone for so long.

Brook then looked at Luffy.

Brook - "You asked me to join your crew, correct?"

Luffy - "That's right!"

Brook - "I'm sorry, but I must refuse."

Luffy - "Whaaat? Why?"

Brook - "I explained earlier that my shadow was stolen. Because of that, I can no longer be in the sun or I will turn to ash. So, I can not join you, as it will only be a matter of time before the sun destroys me."

Luffy - "Then, who is this guy? I'll beat him up and get your shadow back for you."

Brook - "Thank you, but I can not ask you to put your life at risk for me."

Franky - "Is this guy really that strong?"

Sanji - "Not like it will matter, considering Leo is here."

Luffy - "No way! Leo isn't allowed to fight before me!"

Leo - 'I didn't even ask to...'

Brook - "At any rate, let us sing! We must celebrate this chance encounter! I am a rather skilled with instruments, you know! Back on the pirate ship, I was the ships musician."

Hearing that he was a musician, only made Luffy want him to join the crew even more.

Brook - "Yohoho! Let me start with a boatman's song!"

Before he could start playing, a ghost came through the wall and Brook got scared.

Brook - "GYAAAAAHH!"

The other were confused, but then turned and saw the ghost as well.

Crew - "A GHOST!!!"

Leo on the other hand, walked over and grabbed it by the head with his bare hand. The moment he touched it, he felt a slight connection and looked through its eyes, seeing a girl with pink twintails, with a shocked expression.

He smirked savagely and his eye shone murderously. Then, his jaw unhinged and his tongue extended out.

The pink haired girl watched with horror, as her ghost was consumed by Leo.

The crew was shocked to see him literally eat a ghost, even though they knew he could eat souls.

When he had finished eating the ghost, he wiped his mouth and smirked.

Leo - "Not bad. Though, it is a shame it doesn't give me any strength."

Crew- "... What the hell was that!"

Leo turned to them.

Leo - "Just a light snack. Though, you all should be careful of them, they have the power to cause severe depression."

He of course knew this from Canon, but also because he just gained that ability as well.

Before anything more could be said, the ship began shaking. Running outside, they saw a giant mouth-like gate that just shut in front of the ship.

They ran to the back of the ship and saw an island floating there.

Brook - "What luck! Not only did I meet such wonderful people, but my dearest wish has come true. You must break through that gate in order to escape. I am overjoyed for having met you and hope to meet again some day."

Brook then jumped off the ship and started running across the water.

Despite what Brook said, Luffy had no intentions to leave and instead, had the ship head straight to shore.

Luffy - "Alright, let's go exploring. And Leo! No fighting strong guys before us."

Leo raised his hand in surrender.

Leo - "Okay, okay. I won't fight if I don't have to. But, if any of you do have trouble, break these."

He shot some fire towards all of their wrists and made bracelets on them.

Crew - "Got it."

With that done, they their adventure on the ghost island had begun.

(My snake recently died, so I decided to commemorate her through Naga.)

Thanks for reading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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