
Welcome to Jurassic Park!

"What do you mean we need to expand the league and the other groups? I think we're doing just fine." The Flash said to Sean who with him was Talbot Ross and Sam.

"Really then where the hell were all of you during the Nanomite crisis?" Sam asked making Flash sulk.

"Uh let me rephrase that for him." Sean said making Sam roll his eyes. "You guys cant be everywhere at once and now that Cobra is out in the open no doubt working with HYDRA we've got our hands full." Sean said.

"Not full enough for you to be taking a vacation." Flash said making Sean scoff.

"Hey incase you forgot I practically run the entire world I think I'm allowed to have a few days off along with most of us here." Sean said.

"Lets say we decide to expand who exactly would fit the bill?" Banner asked.

"Well we've got a long list to start thats for sure. The Green Arrow the Atom Black Canary Huntress Atom Smasher the list goes on." Talbot said.

"Plus other Riders have been appearing a lot the last few weeks." Ross said.

"We also have to consider the need for backup in the event this Thanos or Darkseid appear." Batman said.

"Theres that to." Sean said.

"I know a few green lantern that could make the time to come to this sector and help us out." Green Lantern said.

"What about the Transformers? They did say they owed us." HawkGirl said.

"We can try. I can set up communications when we get back." Sean said.

"What about the Titans?" Batman asked.

"Construction will be finished by the time we get back. We asked Starfire and her sister to lead the group since they've got the most experience in leading." Sean said.

"We can settle all this later right now we've got a plane to catch." Cathrine said.


"I must say when I figured you'd invite a few of your friends I didn't think it would be this many." John Hammond said seeing Talbot and his wife and Son along with Ross and his daughter and Sam with his daughter Lois and Lucy and a few of the heroes from the league the avengers the defenders and other heroes.

"Considering we've been going non stop the past few months we all needed a break." Talbot said as his son looked out the window of the aircraft from Global Tech.

"So whats so special about this new theme park of yours? No offense but all Theme parks are all practically the same." Lois said making him chuckle.

"Oh trust me my dear this is no ordinary theme park." John said.

"Obviously. Why else would we need to come all the way out here." Tony said.

"Safety precautions for whats here I assure you...There it is." John said as the island came into view.

"Nice." Sean said as his sisters looked out the window.

"Now how did you manage to afford this place?" Cathrine asked.

"Don't forget I own my own company just like he does. We bought the place a few years ago and turned it into my life's long dream." John said.

"Wow." The twins said.

"Girls you might want to strap in. Bad wind shears. We have to drop pretty fast. Hold on, this will be a little thrilling." John said as the Pelican shook a little making some of them nearly fall out of their seats.

"Ugh. Next time warn us ahead of time." Sean said strapping his sisters in along with himself before they landed.

"Well that was fun." Reznov said as they got out.

"Whats wth the jeeps?" Sean asked seeing the few Jeeps with a dinosaur fossil on the doors that said Jurassic Park. (Kinda spoils the surprise when you see it already at this point)

"Jurassic Park?" Diana said confused.

"Ok now I'm really curious." Sean said as they all got on the jeeps and drove off to where ever John was taking them.

"John your really starting to confuse me here. What is this place?" Cathrine asked.

"Cathrine if theres one thing our family is known for is surprising people including ourselves." John said.

"True but your not telling us something." Cathrine said making him laugh.

"Lets just say I'm sure the twins will be begging their big brother to keep coming back here for the rest of their lives." John said.

"How come you never told us you were the Grandson of a successful CEO?" Lois asked.

"Wasn't it in my file?" Sean asked her.

"You don't have a file. The US cant afford its greatest weapons designer to be well known to its enemies so all your personal intel was redacted." Sam said.

"I didn't ask for that nor did I approve of any of that." Sean said slightly annoyed making him chuckle.

"Of course you didn't. The President was the one who authorized that." Sam said making Sean sigh in annoyance.

"Whatever." Sean said before they came to a stop still in the middle of nowhere on the island. "Hey what gives?" Sean asked before turning to his right and widened his eyes.

"I still don't see what the big deal is with this place..." Lois said.

"Uh guys." Sean tried to say.

"Personally I think its a good thing to be away from the office after months of hell." Ross said.

"Guys." Sean tried to say again.

"This place almost..." Diana tried to say.

"HEY MORONS!" Sean yelled.

"What?" Talbot said before looking to where Sean was looking along with the others and widened their eyes in disbelief.

"No way." Cathrine said making John chuckle.

In front of all of them was a real living breathing Dinosaur. Four legs grey skin and a really long neck bellowing.

Sean and his Grandmother got out of the Jeeps and walked to it still looking shocked.

"You...You got to be kidding me a real dinosaur." Sean said amazed while smiling.

"Yeah." Cathrine smiled while nodding. John chuckled as he walked towards them with the twins.

"Being a genius really runs in the family on both sides doesn't it?" Reznov asked.

"Yeah no kidding." Talbot said while his son was gobsmacked.

"The Rule book is going to tear up on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply. They're completely wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature." Sean said amazed.

"This thing doesn't live in a swamp." Cathrine said still smiling.

"What is this a what Brachiosaurus. 25-27 foot neck?" Sean asked his grandfather.

"Actually 30." John said.

"30 feet." Sean said laughing before the Brachiosaurs bellowed before standing on two feet to get to the tallest branch to eat before stomping back down.

"This really changes things big time." Tony said amazed.

"How fast is it?" Sean asked.

"Well, we clocked the T-Rex at 32 miles an hour." John said surprising them.

"T-Rex? You have a T-Rex?" Cathrine asked.

"Uh huh." John said before Sean placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Say again?" Sean asked wanting to make sure he heard that right.

"We have a T-rex." John said making Sean sigh before feeling weak in the knees.

"Easy honey." Cathrine said as he sat down with the twins along with Diana as the others approached.

"Oh my dear boy. Welcome to Jurassic park." John said before more bellowing was heard making them all look to see a large heard of herbivores in a lake of different species.

"They actually move in herds. They really do move in herds." Sean said before John sat down next to his grandchildren. "Gramps how did you do all this?" Sean asked making him smile.

"I'll show you." John said.


The group soon arrived at a facility and walked in seeing a perfect fossil version of a T-Rex eating another dinosaur.

"When you said this was a completely different kind of theme park you really weren't kidding." Lois said.

"Obviously." Lucy said.

"The most advanced amusement park in the entire world, incorporating all the latest technologies from Global tech to other companies except from Luthor industries." John said.

"Clearly." Sean said.

"And I'm not talking just about rides. Everybody has rides. No we have made living Biological attractions so astounding that they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet and others if past events are any indications." John said making Sean and a few others laugh.

"Cant argue with that." Sean said.

"Looks like fossil fields are out of a job." Talbot said.

"I highly doubt that." Reznov said before they took a seat in some room big enough for all of them.

"Here what I don't get. How the hell was he able to breed or clone all these things? You've said so yourself that the DNA sequence was missing a few genetic codes." Talbot said.

"We must have missed something." Sean as John started a presentation as to all this came to be using fossilized DNA from Mosquitos in Amber and filling the gaps with the DNA of a frog in order to complete the code.

"Oh so thats what we were missing." Sally said making John chuckle.

"Great minds think alike though different reasons." John said making Sean chuckle before the tour moved around showing a room of scientists and one of which Sean and Sally knew.

"Whoa wait a second how do you stop this thing?" Sean asked.

"Sorry its kind of a ride." John said before Sean and Reznov managed to pull the bars off so they could move into the other room.

"And he has your impatient attitude." Cathrine joked making him chuckle before they moved into the other room as well.

"Henry." Sean said getting the attention of the leading scientist on the island making said person smile.

"Well if it isn't my youngest graduate college students." Henry said.

"Long time no see." Sally said.

"Oh I almost forgot that you two were this old biology students before he came here." John said.

Sean and Sally looked to see a machine rotating Ostrich sized eggs.

"Rotating the eggs to give them all an even temperature smart." Sean said before seeing one of them beginning to hatch.

"Oh perfect timing I was hoping they would hatch before tonight." Henry said.

"Henry why didn't you tell me? I insist on being here when their born." John said before the egg fully hatched with a newborn Dinosaur.

"Wow." Lois said looking at the newborn.

"I've been present for the birth of every creature on this island." John said.

"Clearly not the ones breed in the wild though." Sally said.

"Actually Sally they cant breed in the wild safety precaution is our top priority." Henry said.

"What? What do you mean they cant breed?" Sean asked.

"Well all the Dinosaurs in the park are Female. And thanks to the notes you used in some of your old projects I made sure to use a perfect frog source of DNA since like you said some west African frogs can change genders depending on the environment." Henry said.

"Wait so how do you know they're all female? What do you guys do just go out and..." Reznov tried to say.

"Ah don't even say it with the kids around." Sean warned him.

"Oh whoops." Reznov said.

"We control their chromosomes its really not that difficult." Henry said.

"True everything is naturally female in development it just needs certain hormones in order to make the right change on male or female." Sally said.

"Thats right. We simply deny them that so we can control the population factor." Henry said.

Sean took hold of the new born Dinosaur and looked at it in curiosity.

"Henry what species is this?" Sean asked.

"Velociraptor." Henry said slightly alarming Sean and Sally.

"You bred raptors here?" Sally asked.

"Is there a problem?" Henry asked.

"You do recall in our studious the evidence of how intelligent they were." Sean said making him chuckle.

"I see you haven't been slacking off while running a company." Henry said.


A loud screeching noise was heard inside a large area meant to contain the raptors.

"Now before you all set out into the park I've had lunch prepared so you all can..." John tried to say.

"Gramps what are they doing?" Sean asked as a cow was lifted over the containment cell.

"Uh girls you might want to close your eyes and cover your ears." John said.

"Oh god come on." Sean said as the cow was lifted down and not 3 seconds later loud screeching sounds were heard along with the sound so flesh being ripped off.

"Good god." Sam said in disbelief.

"Ew." The Twins and George Talbot said.

"Ugh nasty." Sean said.

"They should all be destroyed." A male Australian accent said.

"Ah allow me to introduce you to Robert Muldoon. My game Warden from Kenya. Bit of an alarmist, but knows more about raptors than anyone." John said.

"Whats their growth rate?" Sally asked.

"They're lethal at eight months, and I do mean lethal. I've hunted most things that can hunt you, but the way these things move." Robert said.

"Fast for a Biped?" Sean asked.

"Cheetah speed actually. Fifty, sixty miles per hour if they ever got out in the open. And they're astonishing jumpers." Robert said.

"We already knew that from simulations in the lab." Sally said.

"How intelligent are they exactly?" Sean asked.

"They show extreme intelligence. Even problem solving intelligence." Robert said.

"Sounds like a Military asset if you ask me." Sam said.

"Daddy." Lois said slightly annoyed.

"What?" Sam said.

"Trust me you really don't want these things working in the field. Especially the big one in there." Robert said.

"Let me guess the Alpha?" Sean asked.

"She made herself that. We bred eight originally but when she came in, she took over the pride and killed all but two of the others." Robert said. "That one, when she looks at you, you can see she's working things out. Thats why we have to feed them like this." Robert said.

"What she attacked the fences to find a weak spot and get out?" Sally asked.

"Right on the mark. They never attack the same place twice. They remember everything like a damn computer." Robert said before the lift that had the cow in it came back empty not even any bones.

"Damn." Reznov said.

"Well I'm hungry now." Sean said.

"Pass." The twins said.


The group was in the diner of the facility enjoying good food from every corner of the globe.

"None of the attractions are fully ready yet but with your help perhaps we can be fully open in about half a year or less." John said.

"Along with getting people here even faster with all the portals we have ready." Sean said.

"That to." John said.

"With the amount of success this place will get when it opens you might need to consider to open a second park." Lois said.

"How many of these Dinosaurs do you have so far?" Sally asked.

"Well we're still getting many new DNA samples every few months so we still have a ways to go before we have them all." John said.

Diana looked like she wanted to say something but kept it to herself but Sean saw it.

"Something wrong Diana?" Sean asked.

"I'm sorry but seeing all this while it is exciting I feel like your all taking advantage of these creatures that have been extinct long before mankind." Diana said.

"I assure you my dear we take great care of these creatures and not all of them will be on the park. There is a second island called site B where many roam free away from Man's world I know for a fact that not all of them should be used for an attraction just for amusement. We take great pride in this theme park and making sure its attractions are well taken care of." John said.

"I think I have a solution to ease her worries. Why don't we all go and see the rest of the park? We've only seen like three species of Dinosaurs here so its only fair we see the rest." Sean said.

"I was actually about to suggest that myself." John said.


"Impressive." Sean said seeing some green colored vehicles that had an electric track to keep the vehicles moving.

"Hey cuz!" A young boy said making him turn around and smile seeing ten year old boy and a 13 year old girl.

"Hey Timmy!" Sean said pulling his cousin into a headlock messing up his hair.

"Hey Sean." The Teenage girl said.

"Hey Lex long time no see. I didn't expect to see you two here." Sean said.

"I wanted the whole family to enjoy this." John said.

"Actually if you don't mind me and Cathrine would like to stay here with you to see how this works. Give a few inputs and all." Sean said.

"Of course." John said.

"Your not coming with us?" Timmy asked.

"Sorry man but I like to see the full tour when the park fully opens. Besides we're staying here for a few days so I'm not going anywhere for a while." Sean said.

"Ok cool." Timmy said getting in with the Twins.

"He's been looking forward to seeing you again since the whole alien invasion in New York." Lex said smiling making him chuckle.

"Ah don't worry I'll spend time with him later this weekend. Its good to see you all again." Sean said as she got in with the Twins with Diana.

"Alright lets go." Cathrine said as the others drove off.

"Nice." Sean said seeing the security room.

"It could be a little more advanced." Cathrine said.

"Oh it will this is just a test." John said.

"Hey check it out." Sean said seeing the Camera showing a group of Dinosaurs called Dilophosaurus at least three of them.

"Impressive." Cathrine said.

"Ah shit." One of the technicians named Ray said.

"Whats wrong?" Sean asked.

"Nothing to conceding just the vehicle headlights are on and not responding." Ray said.

"You've got the basic issues of any ordinary theme park." Sean said amused making John sigh before walking toward one of his workers.

"Denis, our lives are in your hands and you have butter fingers?" John asked not happy making said man laugh scornfully.

"Theres something about this guy I don't like." Sean whispered to his grandmother making her nod.

"That makes two of us." Cathrine said.

"I will not get thrown into another financial debate with you Denis I really will not." John said as they argued. Sean also spotted a can of shaving cream on his desk but something didn't seem right.

John walked away from Denis just as Sean walked up to him.

"Something I can help you with?" Denis asked before Sean took the can making his eyes widen. "What the hell are you?" Denis tried to say before Sean shook the can and frowned at him.

"Hey Gramps." Sean said getting his grandparents attention.

"Yes what is it?" John asked before Sean opened the can reveling it to be able to contain certain items.

"I think you should be even more grateful I came here." Sean said making his eyes widen in shock.

"What is that?" John asked making Denis look nervous.

"This is a container that I'm assuming could hold the Embryos of the Dinosaurs on the island that you already have. This is some serious spy gear." Sean said before grinning at Denis who looked fearful. "You want to know why no one fucks with me in my company and family?" Sean asked before stabbing a knife in his knee making Denis scream in pain. "Anyone who puts my family in danger tend to...Disappear or worse." Sean said.

"Thats enough. Lets wait till the others get back." John said.

"Very well." Sean said before knocking Denis out. "My advise you might want to do more accurate background checks when hiring people here gramps." Sean said before taking the knife out.


"Figures even here our jobs follow us." Talbot said as Sam and Ross interrogated Denis.

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to help prevent anymore security breaches here." John said.

"Do you really need to ask?" Sean asked amused.

"Who would hire him for this?" Diana asked.

"Competitive companies. Foreign countries. Anyone really." Talbot said before Sam and Ross came out.

"Bastard wanted the Embryos to breed them for weapons of war against the UN." Sam said.

"HYDRA?" Sean asked.

"No just enemy nations." Ross said.

"In any case I believe we should provide some extra security for this place. Hell seems like a good place to come to for some R&R every now and then." Sam said.

"The Tour was pretty good you really missed out." Lois said to Sean who smirked.

"Well be thankful I did otherwise who knows what might have happened." Sean said.

Days later

"Well that was fun." Sean said as he and Diana walked back to his office. Spending a few days on the island seeing the various Dinosaurs was a great way to relax and was looking forward to when the Park opened fully.

As they walked in they saw that Raiden was in the office along with a few familiar faces from the Mortal Kombat Tournament.

"Erza? Naruko? Nami? Sean said surprised making the first smile.

"Its been awhile." Erza said.

"Yeah been a few months. What brings you to EarthRealm?" Sean asked.

"There is a crisis in the Realm of Elemantia." Raiden said.

"What sort of Crisis?" Diana asked.

"Elementia is dying. In a matter of weeks it will destroy itself and the Elder gods cannot prevent this. However there is an alternative solution." Raiden said.

"You want to merge their realm with Earth Realm don't you." Sean said.

"Correct. Outworld can no longer merge with the other realms. However the elder Gods have allowed both realms to merge in order to save them from dying." Raiden said.

"Why is Elementia dying?" Diana asked.

"I am unsure. Erza was able to enter EarthRealm and tell me of the crisis before it was to late." Raiden said.

"We believe that someone poisoned the realm to make this occur but who we don't know." Erza said.

Sean sighed before looking back at them.

"Well thankfully I've mapped out their realm and its not that big like Earth. Let me see something." Sean said pulling up a hologram of Earth. "Ok right here is a perfect spot to place the entire landmass of their realm in Earth Realm." Sean said showing it to be in Europe.

"So you will allow this then?" Erza asked.

"Thankfully since the landmass in the area would have no negative effect to our world no one will be effected by this so yes. I will have Talbot and Ross inform the UN of this since at least this way no one will be confused or threatened by this development." Sean said.


"You've got to be kidding me why the hell would we agree to this?" Sam asked.

"Uh cause its the right thing to do plus it helps solve one of our problems." Sean said.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"He means our lack of heroes. These people have a multiple amount of abilities and would be considered allies for their help protecting the world they now share." Talbot said.

"I already asked them and they said they would without question. Sam if we don't do this millions of people will die and that blood is on our hands." Sean said making Sam sigh seeing his point.

"How do we know that their problem doesn't become ours?" Sam asked.

"Earth Realm is different then Elementia. Its basically the center of the realms for a reason. Whatever is effecting their realm will never effect ours like ever." Sean said.

"Ok then. How long will this take?" Sam asked.

"About a day give or take." Sean said.