
Revenge of the Fallen

Sean slowly woke up from his bed and smiled when he saw Sam Byrne naked next to him. It's been a couple weeks since the end of the Locust war in the other Universe. The gears had fully set up on Earth Prime waiting for their earth to be fully repaired from the 17 year long war.

Sean was about to get up when he was pulled back down by Sam.

"Not leaving me already are you love?" Sam asked making him chuckle and faced her before kissing her making her moan.

"Sorry Sam but..." Sean tried to say before he heard Junior beginning to cry in the next room making him get up and put on his boxers before heading into his son's room only to find Miya holding him calming him down. "You have a natural gift when it comes to kids." Sean said making her giggle. The Reason Diana wasn't doing this was she was on mission right now and wouldn't be back till tonight.

"Well I enjoy kids." Miya said as Junior cooed in her arms making her smile at him.

"Hey Sean." Turok said entering the room.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"Lane just called he needs us at the office theres be another development in SixShots minions on Earth." Turok said making Sean sigh. SixShot had gathered a small army of rogue Transformers called the Terrorcons. Apparently ShockBlast was killed during the battle for the all spark while SixShot used the Protoforms incase of things going sideways.

"Figures." Sean said as Sam came out in a blue robe.

"Not entirely unexpected since you did ruin his plans." Sam said.

"I know Sam. Alright lets get dressed and ready since I'm sure this is going to get ugly." Sean said.


In China Shanghai reports of a Terrorcon have been confirmed by reliable sources. Megatron and Optimus were leading the strike team known as Nest a group Global tech created for such events when dealing with Rogue Transformers that follow SixShot and ShockBlast should he ever return somehow.

"Sir area has been fully evacuated." One of the soldiers said on the comms.

"Roger that lets begin the operation. Remember if possible take him alive so we can interrogate him." Lane said.

"Roger that." Dom said as he and Delta squad moved in to assist.

"I've got a reading right here." Baird said getting a thermal reading on one of the construction vehicles before it transformed and smashed its fists on the ground forcing the soldiers back.

"AW FUCK!" Marcus yelled.

"Requesting fire mission!" Sargent Forge yelled on the comms.

"Gunships on station. Roll in hot!" Lane said as Republic Gunships arrived and fired at the giant Terrorcon.

"Wait a second." Baird said seeing a second Energon reading. "Damnit! We've got a second Terrorcon here." Baird said as a silver car drove off.

"Arcee! Take him down." Marcus said.

"I'm on it." Arcee said chasing the rogue transformer but her weapons weren't having much of an effect.

"Bring in Sideswipe!" Cole yelled as the Autobot came in and transformed rolling towards his enemy.

"Clear a path." Sideswipe said attacking his enemy and cut him in half. "Damn I'm good." Sideswipe said.

The larger Terrorcon was rolling down the highway that thankfully was empty from the evacuation.

"Big bosses are needed." Cole said.

"Roger that. Megatron you and Optimus are up." Lane said.

"Understood." Megatron said as he transformed and flew towards the enemy while carrying Prime with him.

"Autobots and Decepticons we're in pursuit." Optimus said as Megatron transformed and both attacked the large rogue transformer.

"Pull over." Megatron said firing at his legs making him crash into an abandoned factory. The others soon arrived.

"Punk-ass traitor." Iron Hide said.

"Any last words?" Optimus said.

"This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again." The Terrorcon said.

"The hell does that mean?" Marcus asked.

"Not today." Megatron said blasting him in the head.


"Nice work everyone." Sean said as the troops came back to base in Diego Garcia.

"Now this kind of work I like better then the war against the Locust." Cole said.

"Yeah well don't get to comfortable since I'm sure the Dark Rider saved a few of them." Sean said.

"Great." Baird said annoyed.

"So what was with that the Fallen shall rise again thing?" Jace asked.

"Origin unknown. The only history of our race was recorded on the All spark but its used to rebuild our home planet and bring new life to Cybertron." Optimus said.

"With only a small shard being held here on the base." Sean said.

"So why not use it to find out what he was talking about?" Sam asked.

"The Shard is to be used as a last resort in the event one of us is nearly killed in battle." Optimus said.

Unknown to them the bases systems were being hacked to listen to all this.

"Terrorcons we have located the shard." A Terrorcon in space said.

"Get that shard so ShockBlast can be revived." SixShot said.


"The shard has been stolen by Terrorcons." Megatron said.

"Yeah but how did they know about it?" Lane asked.

"Sir our systems were hacked." A soldier said showing the intel.

"I can think of one thing SixShot wants to use that thing for. He intends to bring ShockBlast back from the dead." Sean said before an alert came up showing ShockBlast who's body was in the Atlantic ocean being brought back thanks to Terrorcons using the shard to bring him back before he bolted out of the water.

"Jesus Christ." Tom said with his hands behind his head.

"I want us at full alert anything relating to them is to be directly reported to me or high commanding officers." Sean said.


ShockBlast flew to a moon where his brother was waiting for him.

"Six-Shot I'm back." Shockblast said.

"Welcome back brother." Six-Shot said.

"What took you so long?" ShockBlast asked.

"Earth has been experiencing some rather difficult situations that would have made things more annoying to revive you. But never mind that now. He's waiting for you." Six-Shot said making ShockBlast nod and approached their master.

"My master, I failed you on Earth. The All Spark is in the hands of our enemies and without it our war to conquer Cybertron and Earth is lost." ShockBlast said turning to his master who was the one known as the Fallen who was attached to cables keeping him alive.

"You both have much to learn, my disciples. The Cube was merely a vessel. Its power, its knowledge, can never be destroyed. It can only transform." The fallen said.

"How is that possible?" ShockBlast asked.

"The Human who defeated you has unknowingly absorbed ancient knowledge into his mind. The key to winning this war now lies within his mind." The Fallen said.

"Well, then, Let me strip the very flesh from his body!" ShockBlast said.

"And you will, my apprentice, in time. For millennia, I have dreamed of my return to that wretched planet where I was once betrayed by the primes I called my brothers. Only a prime can prime can defeat me, and now, only one remains." The Fallen said.

"Optimus. He and Megatron have allied with the boy." ShockBlast said.

"Then the boy will lead us to him and revenge will be ours." The Fallen said.

"Yes." ShockBlast said before Six-Shot approached.

"The boy will not escape us. We have him in our sights." Six-Shot said carrying a smaller transformer. "Without more Energon our hatchlings will keep dying." Six-Shot said.

Back on Earth

"Ok ShockBlast is back so that another enemy of ours added to the list again." Sean said.

"I'm more concerned about this Fallen character. The Terrorcon yesterday seemed pretty convinced he was unbeatable." Lane said.

"Nothing is unbeatable just hard to kill." Sean said.

"Look for now theres nothing we can do. We're just going to have to wait till something comes up." Tom said.

"Yeah yeah." Sean said leaving his office to head home in his car. As he was walking to his car he bumped into Musubi and a new Sekirei who just woke up. Uzume the veiled Sekirei number 10.

"So whats the big deal about this ShockBlast Guy?" Uzume asked as Sean drives his car.

"ShockBlast is one of the two leaders of the Terrorcons with his brother Six-Shot being second." Sean said before a grappling hook entered through the top of the car.

"What the!" Uzume yelled as they were lifted into the air.

"Oh come on!" Sean yelled as they were lifted to an abandoned factory before being dropped and the girls screamed. The car soon crashed into the factory before being sliced open by Six-Shot.

"Remember us?" Six-Shot asked.

"Yeah fuck you." Sean said as ShockBlast appeared behind him startling the girls.

"Come here boy." ShockBlast said making Sean do so.

"I don't know what you want but leave them out of this." Sean said.

"SHUT UP!" ShockBlast yelled throwing him down hard making Sean groan in pain and glared at ShockBlast who grabbed his arms. "Yes it feels good to grab you flesh!" ShockBlast said.

"Fuck you!" Sean yelled trying to get free.

"Doctor examine this scum." ShockBlast said as a smaller Terrorcon walked on Sean's chest.

"Easy or hard way." The Doctor said sending a slim covered Terrorcon into his mouth making Sean gag.

"Ew gross." Uzume said.

The little transformer soon came out of his mouth and the doctor grabbed it and transferred the data it collected showing odd symbols.

"What the?" Sean said.

"Yes. These symbols will lead us to the energy source." ShockBlast said.

"What Energon source?" Sean asked.

"We must have the brain on the table!" The Doctor said.

"Yeah I don't think so." Sean said as Optimus and Megatron burst through the walls attacking Six-Shot and ShockBlast.

"Sean!" Optimus said transforming into his vehicle form while Megatron did the same getting the girls back to base to get back up. Optimus drived off to the Forest area before transforming back and threw Sean to safety who landed on his feet. "Hide, Sean!" Optimus said fighting against ShockBlast who was losing terribly.

"Terrorcons!" ShockBlast yelled as Six-Shot and another Terrorcon appeared.

"Come here boy!" Six-Shot said chasing after him as Sean ran while Optimus tried to hold them off.

Back at base Megatron gathered every Transformer he could and rushed to Optimus's location.

"There is another source of Energon hidden on this planet. The Boy could lead us to it!" ShockBlast said blasting Optimus back. "Is the future of our race not worth a single human Life?" ShockBlast questioned.

"You'll never stop at one." Optimus said before two blades came out of his arms. "I'll take you all on!" Optimus yelled fighting them all more skilled then before killing the unnamed Terrorcon while knocking out Six-Shot. "Sean, Where are you?" Optimus asked only for ShockBlast to stab him in the back. "NO!" Optimus yelled.

"Your so weak!" ShockBlast said before blasting him in his spark before pulling out.

"No." Sean said in disbelief.

Up in space the Fallen had sensed the fall of the last prime.

"The Last prime is dead." The Fallen said.

Sean looked at Optimus as he was dying.

"Sean, Run. Run." Optimus said before the last of his life faded and Sean did as he asked running towards the good Transformers.

"AutoBots and Decepticons attack!" Megatron yelled as they blasted at ShockBlast and Six-Shot as they flew away. "Cowards." Megatron said before seeing the fallen corpse of Prime. "No." Megatron said sadly.

"They're going to pay for this Megatron." Sean said.


Sean slammed his fists on his desk.

"Goddamnit!" Sean yelled.

"Easy son." Tom said.

"I just don't get it. What was this all about? ShockBlast said there was another source of energon on Earth but I don't think he was talking about the mines." Sean said.

"Could it be possible that the Transformers visited Earth without knowing it?" Shepherd asked.

"When I was being used as a lab rat this Terrorcon started showing ancient symbols that looked to be from Cybertron. I wonder." Sean said.

"What is it?" Lane asked.

"I think It's possible I might have unknowingly absorbed ancient knowledge from the AllSpark during the first encounter we had with ShockBlast." Sean said.

"You think you might have some intel to give us some insight on what they're after?" Tom asked.

"If so I know one way to get that intel." Sean said.

Down in the labs.

"You wish for me to use the psychic patch to see what data was absorbed into your mind?" Shockwave asked surprised even for him.

"The Terrorcons are after something and I think in my mind lies the key to what that is." Sean said.

"Perhaps but nevertheless for humans it is a dangerous procedure." Shockwave said.

"You forget Shockwave Sean is no ordinary human and has survived worse. Proceed." Megatron said.

"Very well." Shockwave said linking the device to the back of Sean's head before transferring the data into the terminal. "Hmmm. Interesting. Your assumption was correct. The AllSpark did indeed transfer knowledge into your mind. Transformers arrived on this planet long before the current generation." Shockwave said.

"I'm assuming for different reasons." Tom said.

"Indeed. This was during the original generation of primes. Seven in total using a machine to harvest energon by destroying suns." Shockwave said.

"Whoa wait a minute what do you mean destroy suns?" Sean asked.

"Using the energy from the sun they would have created vast amounts of energon. However they had one rule never destroy a planet with life. However one of them went against this rule." Shockwave said.

"Would this Prime be known as the Fallen?" Sean asked.

"Indeed and he wanted to kill the human race by turning on that machine. However the other primes during that era stole a key and made a tomb using their own bodies. The Key was known as the Matrix of Leadership. Only a prime can defeat the fallen and without Optimus I fear our success is downsized." Shockwave said.

"Wait this Matrix can activate this machine could it be used to reactivate Optimus?" Sean asked.

"It was never designed for that but its an energy like no other. If anything can bring Optimus back it's the Matrix." Shockwave said.

"Where did the primes during that era hide the matrix?" Sean asked.

"Unknown the only hint to their location is called the daggers tip." Shockwave said.

"Wait Daggers tip? Thats a star alignment." Sean said.

"Where at?" Reznov asked.

"In Egypt." Sean said.

"So whats the plan?" Marcus asked.


"Alright I want Nest at these coordinates with Optimus and to guard him while me and a few others go and get that Matrix. Marcus you and Delta are with Nest." Sean said.

"Copy that." Marcus said.

"I contacted our allies for support if needed." Lane said.

"Right. Sally activate the ground bridge." Sean said.

"Got it." Sally said as the ground bridge opened.

"Alright lets go find that Matrix." Sean said as he, Reznov, Julia, Soap and Price ran through the portal while the others were transported to a small village in Egypt.

Sean and his group landed in front of an ancient like palace.

"Nice place." Reznov said as they got inside.

"Archeologists have already been here before theres nothing here." Julia said.

"Don't be so sure. If theres one thing I've learned is that..." Sean said before punching a painting on the wall making a hole and Cybertronian metal was seen. "Nothing is ever as it seems." Sean said.

"I've got this." Reznov said slicing the metal apart enough for them all to fit inside.

"The tomb of the Primes." Price said.

"Guys." Julia said seeing a rather unique object in one of the hands.

"The Matrix." Sean said taking hold of it before it fell apart into a thousand tiny pieces.

"Thousands of years turned to dust." Soap said.

"Nope I'm not accepting this." Sean said getting a bag out of his jacket and put it all inside.

"Kruger how do you know its going to work now?" Reznov asked.

"I just do. I have faith." Sean said.

"Sally we need transportation." Price said on the comms.

"Copy that." Sally said sending them some dirt bikes.

"Alright lets roll." Sean said.

With the Nest team

"Hey Marcus check this out." Dom said using the scope to see out in this distance seeing a jet with a weird black pattern on it.

"Terrorcon Tattoos." Marcus said before said Terrorcon activated something. "The hell was that? Anyone copy?" Marcus said getting negative feedback from the others in range making him growl. "Goddamn EMP burst. Our Comms are fucked." Marcus said.

"How the hell are we supposed to contact command now?" Baird asked.

"We're just going to have to hope they'll send in a drone to look for us soon." Marcus said.

"Hey I see the kid. Four clicks out on Dirt bikes." Dizzy said.

"Send up a flare." Marcus said getting Cole to do just that.

Sean and his group traveled to Marcus's location when they saw the flare.

"There they are." Soap said.

Back at command

"Can someone tell me why the hell Sargent Fenix and his group haven't reported back yet?" Lane asked.

"We've used every frequency sir no one is responding." A soldier said.

"Something isn't right. Send in a predator to give us feedback and see if you can contact my son and inform him of the situation." Tom said.

Back with the others

Sean and his group continued to drive to the others in hopes of reviving Optimus when they saw ShockBlast land on one of the pyramids along with Six-Shot.

"ShockBlast I just saw the body of Prime here with us." Six-Shot said.

"The boy must have the Matrix. We cannot let him reach Optimus!" ShockBlast said as Six-Shot took off. "Terrorcons! Begin our assault!" ShockBlast yelled as Terrorcons appeared from the sky landing near the Nest team.

"Oh crap this isn't good." Dom said seeing a small army of Terrorcons.

"Alright Listen up we need defensive formations around the area. IronHide see if you and a few others can find Sean and get them back here faster." Marcus said.

"Will do." IronHide said getting a few others to follow him.

"Megatron you're leading the forward assault group." Marcus said.

"With Pleasure. StarScream you'll be leading the air defensive." Megatron said.

"Understood." StarScream said leading a few air born Transformers with him.

Sean and his group continued to drive towards Nest's location before they saw a group of Terrorcons beginning to combine together into a large monster.

"What the hell is that?" Soap asked.

"Just like the Combaticons when they make Bruticus." Sean said as the giant transformer made its way towards one of the Pyramids.

"How much you want to bet the machine that destroys suns is in that?" Reznov asked.

"Marcus we've got a problem here. Marcus?" Sean called on the comms but only got static. "Damnit. Terrorcons have jammed the comms theres no way we can contact Marcus and Nest." Sean said.

"We'll just have to make way towards them." Price said as they continued to drive towards the others.

Back at command

"Predator 01 making approach sir." A soldier said to Tom.

"Put it on the main screen." Lane said as they got visual of Nest fighting off against a large number of Terrorcons. "Shit! It's a trick." Lane said.

"Commence Operation Firestrom. Send everyone." Tom said.

"Republic and Covenant forces are awaiting orders sir." A soldier said.

"Send them to these coordinates tell them we need feat on the ground ASAP." Eiling said.

Back in Egypt

Sean and his group of their Dirt bikes ran towards Marcus's location fighting off the Terrorcons that got in the way.

"Sean!" Ironhide yelled.

"IronHide!" Sean yelled as they ran towards him.

"Optimus is by the Pillars." IronHide said.

"Alright lets go." Sean said.

The Giant Transformer known as Devastator was sucking up all the rock on the Pyramid to clear way for the Machine to activate once the matrix was inserted into it.

Soon enough Nest got its Reinforcements.

"Sargent Fenix!" An Arc trooper known as Captain Rex yelled approaching Marcus.

"Rex figured you'd get involve in this mess." Dom said making Rex chuckle.

"You know me I love a good fight. I just got off with IronHide. Sean is on his way here should be a few more minutes till they arrive." Rex said.

"About time." Baird said as they laid down cover fire.

Sean and the others rushed to the others.

"Over there!" Dizzy yelled as Sean came into view along with his group and IronHide.

"The hell took you so long." Marcus said.

"Wheres Optimus?" Sean asked.

"Over there." Marcus said before an explosion went by next to them knocking some of them out. While Sean was knocked out he found himself in some strange area.

"What is this?" Sean asked.

"We have been watching you Sean Ashburn Kruger. For a long, long time." A voice said before six Transformers approached him showing they were the original Primes.

"You have fought for both Optimus and our entire race with Courage and with sacrifice the virtues of a leader. A leader worthy of our secret. The Matrix of Leadership is not found, it is earned. Return now to Optimus. Merge the Matrix with his spark. It is, and always has been, your destiny." One of the original primes said before a bright light engulfed the area.

"Kruger wake up!" Reznov yelled getting him up just as the dust formed into the Matrix of Leadership.

"Whoa." Baird said surprised before Sean picked it up and made his way to Optimus before getting on his chest.

"Time to wake up Prime." Sean said stabbing Optimus in the chest with the Matrix of Leadership making Optimus let out a noise before his eyes opened and started coughing up the sand before Sean jumped off him as he began to sit up.

"Boy, you returned for me." Optimus said.

"Welcome back Optimus." Megatron said before the Fallen appeared and knocked the down.

"My Matrix." The Fallen said taking the Matrix and vanished.

"Fuck! Optimus get up!" Sean yelled.

"Get up Prime!" IronHide said.

Devastator was destroyed thanks to a group of Jedi StarFighters however it was to late since most of the machine was uncovered now. ShockBlast and Six-Shot were at the machine when the Fallen arrived.

"Fallen my master." ShockBlast said.

"My brothers could not stop me from this. Yes, Now I claim your sun." The fallen said.

"I am to weak to fight right now." Optimus said.

"Not for long." Sean said jumping on his shoulder and infused his power with his making Optimus feel stronger then before. "Sally bring out the prototype air equipment. It's time to see if it can merge with Optimus." Sean said on the comms.

"On it." Sally said sending it to them and it merged with Optimus.

"Lets roll." Optimus said as they took off.

"Fire Mission on top of the Pyramid!" Marcus yelled as they all rushed to the Pyramid.

The Fallen was getting ready to fire the weapon when Optimus dashed into him and fired at the weapon destroying it saving the planet before they landed on the ground.

"DIE LIKE YOUR BROTHERS!" The Fallen yelled attacking them.

"They were your brothers to." Optimus said fighting back and had the edge due to the new equipment and the power boost Sean was giving him before ShockBlast dashed into them making the Fallen crash into a wall before Optimus took hold of ShockBlast's cannon arm and used it against him destroying half his face before blasting him out the wall.

"Six-Shot!" ShockBlast yelled.

Optimus and Sean soon resumed their battle with the Fallen and were gaining the upper hand.

"You picked the wrong Planet." Optimus said using his staff against him. "Give me your face." Optimus said using the staff to remove the front of his face before shoving his fist into his chest destroying his spark. "We rise, You fall." Optimus said as the Fallen fell down dead.

"No, no." ShockBlast said in disbelief.

"Not to call you a coward brother but sometimes cowards do survive." Six-Shot said.

"This isn't over." ShockBlast said as they took off.

Soon enough the battle was over and everyone was heading back to the US on a helicarrier.

Optimus approached Sean who was at the edge of the carrier.

"Thank you Sean for saving my life." Optimus said making Sean smile.

"Think nothing of it Optimus you would have done the same for me." Sean said getting him to nod.


Sean smiled as he held his son in his arms with Diana at his side. Junior giggled at his father as he held him in the air.

"This is the best part about coming home from a hard day at work." Sean said making Diana smile as he held them close.

"So what do you think will happen next?" Diana asked.

"It's anyones guess really." Sean said as they sat down.