
Jurassic World

Sean slowly woke up from his bed seeing both Diana and Karai next to him in the nude making him smirk before looking out his window seeing the new and improved Jurassic Park now named Jurassic world.

After 2 weeks in space he decided to put in another vacation while also spending some time with the family.

Of course all the girls in his ever growing harem welcomed him back in their own way.

Sean soon heard the sounds of Junior waking up and quickly put on some shorts before picking him up.

"Easy son." Sean said making his son yawn before laughing.

"He really missed you." Diana said dressed in a blue robe before taking her son in her arms making him smile before yawning.

"Yeah he, Kicker and Takami." Sean said referring to his youngest children right now. "I better get going. I promised Henry I would help out in the labs today." Sean said getting dressed before he kissed her making her smile before he kissed his son's head making him yawn in his sleep.


"Ah there you are." Henry said as Sean entered the lab.

"You do know they call it a vacation for a reason right?" Sean asked amused making him chuckle.

"Yes, I'm fully aware. In any even I have something to show you." Henry said showing him around the lab. "Due to our alliance with the Republic who are allied with Komino who are the currently the most advanced species in genetics our progress has tripled in the last year. However your grandfather believes that something new should be added to the park. Something unexpected." Henry said.

"Like what? Giant Alien species?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"Nothing so drastic. Hybrids." Henry said making him frown. "Something wrong?" Henry asked.

"Uh no. I've just had my fill of Hybrids 12 years ago on Sharks tooth island." Sean said not saying anything about being a Hybrid himself with his Forerunner DNA.

"Oh right I forgot." Henry said remembering that story. "Well this is completely different and it will certainly not try to replace the human race as that Creature did." Henry said.

"Well, what is it exactly?" Sean asked.

"I call it the Indominus Rex. The base gene as you can guess is from the T Rex. The other is Velociraptor." Henry said.

"Isn't that a little dangerous? We're talking about a merged Dinosaur that has the DNA of the two most feared predators of all time." Sean said.

"Normally I would agree but he seems to act well behaved." Henry said.

"He? I thought all the Dinosaurs were female?" Sean asked.

"Yes, well, since it's basically the only one of its kind we didn't really need to bother with the natural made gender this time." Henry said.

"Where is it?" Sean asked.

"I'll show you." Henry said leading him to a portal before both appeared outside a paddock.

"Oh so this is why this was built." Sean said remembering this.

"We needed to make sure it would be well contained. The walls itself are reinforced with perfectly refined Titanium. Of course if we had any Vibranium it would be even more safe but Ultron used up all that was left years ago." Henry said not knowing that for a fact there was much more than what Ultron took.

"Right." Sean said as they entered the viewing deck.

"Now just to...Whoa!" Henry said in surprise seeing the Giant Hybrid looking directly at them from the other side of the glass. Unlike the T Rex this Hybrid had white skin and had longer arms fully capable of grabbing its prey.

"Has he done that before?" Sean asked stepping forward and the Dinosaur just looked directly at him.

"No, He's never done this before...How strange." Henry said in surprise as the Indominus continuously followed Sean's movements. "He certainly seems to like you." Henry said.

"I think I know why." Sean said going down to the bottom door.

"What are you doing?" Henry asked in concern before Sean entered the paddock where the Indominus got down lower before sniffing him and purred before lowered itself down more enough for Sean to climb on its neck before it raised up again.

"Ha! So the stories were actually true. Legend has it that certain animals will choose a Ghost Rider as a partner. In my case your first Hybrid." Sean said laughing.

"Astonishing. I never imagined the Indominus would be so willing to accept a human as its master." Henry said.

"Nature has a funny way of doing things. Look at me for example. I absolutely hate violence and yet here I am leading an alliance against the Dark Rider and many other threats both old and new." Sean said.

"True but then again I'm sure you would be doing those things anyway." Henry said.

"Maybe. I wonder how Turok will take this." Sean said knowing his younger brother would flip when he saw this new Dinosaur.


On the other side of the island a Pig was running away from something and the sounds of fast feet approached the pig.

"Hold!" A voice said making the creatures stop chasing the pig as it went to safety. The creatures that were following it were four Velociraptors each with a different skin texture. "Hey!" A voice yelled making them look up and saw Turok with a clicker in hand in order to communicate with them.

"Ok eyes on me!" Turok said using the clicker and got the attention of three of the four. "Blue!" Turok said making her look at him and snarled. "Knock it off." Turok said before another growled at him. "Charlie come on man." Turok said before they calmed down. "Good. Now follow me." Turok said leading them somewhere else before getting to a bucket of dead mice and rats. "Ok girls it's feeding time?" Turok said throwing three of them mice before getting one big rat. "Blue this is for you." Turok said throwing it to her and she swallowed it whole. "Go!" Turok said making them run off.

"Well, done Turok." Roland said very impressed.

"Yeah and this is without using that connection." Turok said.

"Hey kid." A man known as Hoskins said. Hoskins was one of Sean's security advisors due to his time in the military. "I was starting to think your brother had a little to much faith in ya. But, damn, you got them eating out of your palm." Hoskins said impressed.

"Well, I have a way with animals. Whats up?" Turok asked making him get serious.

"A field test." Hoskins said making him sigh and walk away. "Hey. I just seen they can respond to commands. You need to talk to your brother and get this research on its feet." Hoskins said.

"Trust me you don't want to do that. I'm the only one who can control them." Turok said.

"Exactly. Imagine what would happen if you train others to do what you do." Hoskins said.

"No I mean only I can. I'm part of a tribe that has a very special connection to nature." Turok said.

"Well, then get other tribe members to help out." Hoskins said.

"I can't...I'm the only one left." Turok said going down to adjust the equipment.

"What does he mean he's the only one left?" Hoskins asked Roland making him sigh.

"You heard of the town Hope?" Roland asked.

"Of course I did. Whats does that...Oh." Hoskins said in realization. "He was there?" Hoskins asked.

"And the only survivor. Best not to bring that up with him since thats a sore subject with him." Roland said walking away.

"No shit." Hoskins said before walking to Turok. "Sorry about that kid." Hoskins said.

"Don't worry about it. Look I get why you want to use the Raptors for the Military. I think it would also decrease casualties. But you can never control nature like that. Dogs and Dolphins are one thing. But them? No, you would need years if not decades of training to do that." Turok said.

"Years we don't have. We might have finally found a weakness to the Dark Rider but still. His power and number of followers are growing." Hoskins said.

"True. But now his chain of command is messed up which gives us time. Doom and Ultron are dead with the former giving us intel on base sites and plans he had. Now we just need to kill those Like Makarov, Shredder and the Locust queen." Turok said before he stopped and faced to right.

"What?" Hoskins asked confused.

"Something isn't right." Turok said.

Inside the Park the Civilians were all held captive by the Regime.

"Damn!" Sean said in anger seeing the monitors.

"They must have found a way past the security grid." Henry said.

"Hey Sean." Turok said on the Radio.

"Yeah?" Sean answered.

"We got problems." Turok said.

"Tell me something I don't know. The Regime got past the security grid. I have an asset that can help but I need backup." Sean said.

"I'm on my way." Turok said.

"Wait you can't just take the Indominus into battle. We haven't even performed tests on him yet." Henry said.

"You want a test heres your test. We don't have time to argue. Theres at least over 20,000 people being held hostage by the Regime." Sean said opening the gate. "Lets go boy." Sean said as the Indominus snarled before rushing out the gate.

"Oh dear." Henry said before rushing to the monitors. "I'll keep an eye on the civilians." Henry said on the coms.

"Copy that." Sean said as they rushed to the park.

Inside the park a group of Locust had the Civilians in groups to keep an eye on them.

However soon they heard roaring sounds approaching which confused them.

"So he's arrived." Makarov said readying his weapon before Sean and the Indominus rushed out into the open. "What the!" Makarov yelled as the Indominus charged right at them smashing most of the Locust and slashed them.

"YEEEHAAAW!" Sean yelled as his partner did a Number on the Locust.

"So you want to play do you?" Makarov said before pressing a button and a portal appeared before a rather large Brumak came out and smacked the Indominus into a building making it roar before it was held down.

"Come on!" Sean said.

"I've been looking forward to this." Makarov said.

(Insert Quaritch down from Avatar. You'll need to look it up on Youtube since It's not on iTunes. At least I don't think it is)

"Still holding a grudge for losing the third world war?" Sean asked mocking him making him frown.

"I know he said that he would be the one to kill you...But I don't think he will mind if I wound you a little." Makarov said aiming his shotgun at him only for the ground to shake. "What?" Makarob said before looking up front.

Shockingly a group of Triceratops rushed at the Regime.

"No!" Makarov yelled as the Dinosaurs killed most of his troops with ease before suddenly.

The group of Raptors rushed at the Large Brumak and due to their tiny size they were able to avoid its hands.

"Henry unlock Paddock nine." Sean said.

"Are you out of your mind?" Henry asked in shock.

"Trust me." Sean said making him sigh before doing so and inside the Paddock was a T Rex before it roared and charged at the Brumak as did the Indominus.

With the combined efforts of every Dinosaur on the island they were able to push the Regime back along with Makarov who had no choice but to retreat.

"What just happened?" Henry asked at a loss for words.

"Nature has an order. A power to restore balance." Sean said petting his partner who purred a little. "Heh. I wonder how the girls will react to you as a pet?" Sean said amused.

(end song here)


"You have got to be kidding me." Sally said seeing the large Hybrid in the front yard resting after the journey home.

"You're not seriously considering keeping this thing as a pet are you?" Regina asked in shock.

"Why not? It chose me as a partner so why can't I keep it here?" Sean asked.

"But it's...a freaking dinosaur." Alexis said.

"And I'm a ghost Rider who has Forerunner DNA inside him." Sean said.

"Ugh. I give up." Sally said.

"Ah don't worry you'll get used to him." Sean said amused.