
Genshin: Teyvat's Wandering Demon

A teenager who was close to finishing high school died in an accident. Waking up in the world of Teyvat, he finds himself with a unique set of powers. *Hey there, I don't own anything other than the story. The MC will have a demons powers but not in an OP type of way. So rest assured, its not some OP mc at the start type of story. ........ That's it, enjoy!!*

SadGetti · 漫画同人
28 Chs

5. Mondstadt: New Normal #2

Tayden stepped out of Mondstadt's gates, the warm morning sun bathing the landscape in a golden hue. He unfurled the map Katheryne had given him, studying the area around Mondstadt for the best location to gather Sweet Flowers. His eyes settled on Starfell Lake, a serene spot surrounded by greenery. It seemed like the perfect place to start.

"Alright, Starfell Lake it is," he murmured to himself, folding the map back up. He noted that he would have to pass through the Whispering Woods to reach the lake. The name alone sent a small shiver down his spine, but he pushed the feeling aside and set off.

The path through the woods was quiet, with only the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze. As Tayden walked, his thoughts drifted between the beauty of this world and the strange powers coursing through his veins. He had a long way to go before he could control those abilities, but today's mission was simple: gather Sweet Flowers, nothing more.

After a short while, Tayden spotted a patch of grass off the main path. Nestled there, in a neat triangle, were three bright, delicate flowers.

"Well, that's convenient," a small smile tugging at his lips. He bent down and plucked the first two flowers easily. As he reached for the third, something strange caught his eye. The dirt beneath him began to shift.

Tayden paused, staring at the ground, but before he could fully comprehend what was happening, the earth erupted. A large, fiery flower-like creature burst from the soil, its sudden appearance sending Tayden flying backward. He hit the ground with a thud, the wind knocked out of him.

"I JUST WANTED A PEACEFUL ADVENTURE!", his voice echoing through the woods. He scrambled to his feet, eyes locked on the creature—this strange, fiery plant that now stood between him and his goal. It glowed bright red, and Tayden could see it charging up some kind of attack.

"Oh, come on—" he muttered, barely finishing the sentence before diving to the side as a volley of fireballs shot in his direction. He rolled to avoid the blasts, feeling the heat sear the air around him. "Okay, dodged that one—OW!" He yelped as he accidentally stepped into a patch of burning grass, singeing his boot. Before he could react further, another fireball whizzed past his head, forcing him to duck and roll again.

The assault continued, and Tayden found himself in a desperate dance, dodging the relentless attacks while trying to keep his wits about him. "Why… won't… you… stop?!" he groaned between breaths, narrowly avoiding another fiery explosion.

Finally, the creature seemed to pause, its energy spent for the moment. Tayden saw his chance. He closed his eyes and focused, "Switch on!" he commanded himself and switched into demon mode, feeling the familiar surge of power as his body became lighter, faster.

With a burst of speed, Tayden lunged at the fiery creature, landing a solid punch that sent it tumbling backward. "Take this!" he shouted, landing another blow. "And this! You stupid—" punch "—flower!" Each hit was more forceful than the last, and for a moment, it seemed like he might actually have the upper hand.

But just as Tayden was about to deliver a final strike, the creature spun violently, knocking him back and burning his stomach in the process. The pain was sharp, but he could already feel the wound starting to heal. Not wasting a moment, Tayden grabbed a nearby rock, his hands trembling with adrenaline.

He tackled the creature, pinning it to the ground with his weight. With a desperate growl, he began smashing the rock into its head repeatedly. Each strike echoed through the clearing, the rock growing hotter in his hand as the creature's fiery core started to die out. Finally, with one last swing, the head of the creature crumpled under the impact, and it lay still, its glow fading to nothing.

Panting, Tayden dropped the rock and collapsed onto the grass, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. His hand reeked of burning leaves, and he winced at the smell. "If a flower can give me this much trouble," he muttered, staring up at the sky, "then I've got a lot of work to do."


Tayden arrived at Starfell Lake, the serene waters offering a welcome contrast to the chaos of the Whispering Woods. The lake's surface was crystal clear, reflecting the sky like a mirror. Fish darted beneath the water's surface, and birds chirped happily at the water's edge, oblivious to the battle he had just endured.

In the center of the lake, perched on a small island, stood a Statue of the Seven, dedicated to the Anemo Archon, Barbatos. The statue was majestic, its wings spread as if ready to take flight.

Setting his things down on the shore, Tayden stripped off his shirt and waded into the cool water. The swim to the island was refreshing, washing away the dirt and sweat from his earlier encounter. As he approached the statue, its grandeur became even more apparent. Standing before it, Tayden felt a sense of awe.

"Seeing this up close is… different," he thought, reaching out to touch the statue's smooth surface. There was something otherworldly about it, something that made him feel connected to this land in a way he couldn't quite explain.

After a few moments, Tayden decided it was time to continue his mission. He swam back to the shore, dried off, and redressed before setting off to find more Sweet Flowers.

The search took him across the fields surrounding the lake. As he walked, he stumbled upon various treasures—clusters of Sweet Flowers (he made sure to be on guard when picking each of them), a tree bearing ripe fruit (though one bite revealed an unwelcome worm, 'GROSS!'), and even a few chests hidden among the bushes. One chest, in particular, contained some mora and, surprisingly, a rusty old sword. Tayden's eyes lit up as he held the weapon in his hands, marveling at its weight and balance despite its age.

"An actual sword!" he exclaimed, swinging it through the air a few times. He grinned, imagining himself as a warrior, though he quickly reminded himself that he was far from mastering any sort of combat. Still, it felt good to have a weapon, even if it was just a rusty blade.

With his bag now heavier and his collection of Sweet Flowers nearly complete, Tayden set off to find the last few flowers, his spirits lifted by the simple joy of his discoveries.

Tayden returned to Mondstadt, his mission accomplished. He made his way to the Adventurers' Guild, where Katheryne greeted him with her usual calm demeanor.

"I've finished the commission," Tayden said, placing the Sweet Flowers on the counter.

Katheryne paused for a moment, as if processing the information, before smiling and handing him a pouch. "Thank you for completing the commission. Your reward is 2,700 mora."

Tayden accepted the pouch, weighing it in his hand. He had no idea how much mora was actually worth, but the weight of the coins felt satisfying. "So this is my first paycheck… sort of. A pretty good feeling."

Katheryne then bowed slightly, her voice carrying a formal tone. "Ad Astra Abyssosque!"

Tayden hesitated, unsure of the meaning, but mimicked the phrase. As he walked away, he couldn't help but smile at the small victory. He had completed his first task as an adventurer, and it felt good.

Back at his temporary home, Tayden stored his belongings and changed into fresh clothes. He thought about taking a bath but realised that he had no idea as to how people bathed here. As he pondered how people in Mondstadt managed to bathe, a knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. Opening it, he found Eula standing there, her usual stoic expression softening slightly as she greeted him.

"Eula," Tayden said with a smile, "what's up?"

"I wanted to inform you that you need to report to the Knights of Favonius headquarters in ten days for an update on your situation," Eula replied.

"Thanks for the heads-up," Tayden said, though he couldn't help but feel a knot of anxiety forming in his stomach. The thought of facing Lisa again made him shiver.

Eula studied him for a moment before asking, "What do you plan on doing today?"

Tayden's face lit up as he shared his news. "I just finished my first commission after becoming an adventurer!"

Eula's eyes narrowed slightly, though not unkindly. "Amber mentioned that she helped you join the Adventurers' Guild. Congratulations."

"Thanks," Tayden replied, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I was thinking of doing some exercise next to get stronger. Actually," he had an idea forming, "could you help me come up with an exercise plan?"

Eula seemed taken aback by his request. "My training routines are intense, even by Knights' standards," she warned.

Tayden clasped his hands together, his determination shining through. "Please, Eula! I want to get stronger, and I know you're the best person to help me train!"

Eula blinked in surprise at Tayden's sudden display of enthusiasm. For a moment, she seemed flustered, but quickly regained her composure. "Why do you want to get stronger all of a sudden?" 

"Well i want to get stronger! If I'm going to survive in this world, I can't rely on luck or sheer willpower alone. I need to be stronger—physically and mentally."

Eula studied him for a long moment, as if weighing his words. Then, with a deep breath, she nodded. "Very well, I'll help you. But I warn you, my training will push you to your limits."

Tayden's face broke into a wide grin. "Thank you, Eula! You're the best!"

Eula's face hardened slightly, and she crossed her arms over her chest. "So you did think lowly of me before? Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!"

Tayden panicked, waving his arms frantically. "That's not what I meant!"

After a moment, Eula then returned to her usual stern demeanor. "We'll begin the training just before sunset. I still have duties to attend to. I'll come to your place when I'm done."

Tayden nodded gratefully. "Thanks again, Eula. Do you want any kind of compensation in return?"

Eula shook her head, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "You're still under investigation, and I've been assigned to watch over you when I can. What kind of Knight would I be if I let the person I'm in charge of get hurt because he was too weak?" Her tone was firm, but the concern in her eyes betrayed her softer intentions.

With that, Eula turned and left, leaving Tayden with a sense of anticipation for the evening's training. To pass the time, he decided to take on a few more easy commissions from the Adventurers' Guild.


As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows over Mondstadt, Tayden found himself sitting on the grass outside the city with Eula standing in front of him.

Eula, her expression stern as ever. "Ready to begin?" she asked, holding a piece of paper out to him.

Tayden took the paper and scanned it, his eyes widening in shock. The workout plan outlined an absurdly demanding routine—20 laps around Mondstadt's lake, a series of push-ups, sit-ups, log carries, and other exercises that would leave most people crawling on the ground.

"You said you wanted to get stronger, right? This is what it takes!" Eula said with a smirk, turning her hand into a fist in front of her. "Now let's begin! Follow my pace, and we'll start with 20 laps around the lake."

Tayden looked at her like she was insane. "Twenty laps?" he sputtered, his eyes wide in disbelief. But before he could protest further, Eula's firm hand gripped his, effortlessly pulling him to his feet.

"Start running!" she commanded, a smile playing on her lips that sent a clear message: there was no backing out now.

The first few minutes weren't too bad. Tayden paced himself, trying to conserve energy, but it didn't take long for the strain to set in. His legs began to burn as they circled the lake, the cool evening air doing little to soothe the growing ache in his muscles. Eula, meanwhile, was running effortlessly ahead, barely breaking a sweat.

"Keep up!" she called over her shoulder, her voice as steady as if she were discussing the weather.

"Easy… for you… to say…" Tayden panted, already regretting every life choice that had led him to this moment.

After what felt like an eternity, Tayden's legs started to wobble. He could see Eula's silhouette ahead, practically gliding over the ground, while he felt like he was dragging himself through quicksand. His lungs burned with every breath, and sweat poured down his face, blurring his vision. Just as he was about to give up, Eula's voice cut through the haze.

"No slacking!" she barked, not even bothering to look back.

"I'm… not… slacking…" Tayden gasped out, though his body begged to differ.

As they neared the end of the first lap, Tayden's mind started to wander. His thoughts drifted to simpler times, like the moment just a few hours ago when he was peacefully gathering Sweet Flowers. He longed to go back to that, but Eula's relentless pace dragged him back to reality.

When they reached the second lap, Tayden's vision started to blur. He stumbled over a rock, catching himself just before he face-planted into the ground. "Why… are there… so many… rocks?" he wheezed, as if the universe itself was conspiring against him.

By the third lap, Tayden was convinced that this was some form of medieval torture. He could hear Eula ahead, still as composed as ever, which only fueled his frustration. Then he decided to get serious, he switched into demon mode. Instantly, he felt his body lighten, his speed increasing. "Finally!" he thought, gritting his teeth as he closed the distance between them.

But then, as if sensing his advantage, Eula merely glanced back and smirked. Without missing a beat, she picked up her pace, effortlessly pulling ahead once more.

"Oh, come on!" Tayden groaned. The gap between them widened, and no matter how hard he pushed, Eula remained just out of reach.

By the fifth lap, Tayden's demon mode already vanished, his body protesting the unnatural strain. 'Turning to demon mode for cardio was NOT a good idea!' He pushed himself harder, but it was no use. His energy reserves were depleted, and his legs finally gave out. He collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily, every muscle in his body screaming for mercy.

Eula was beside him in an instant, not even out of breath. "No time to rest. Get up!" she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.

Tayden groaned, rolling onto his back. "I think… I've… died…" he muttered weakly, staring up at the sky.

"Nonsense," Eula replied, not unkindly. "You've only just begun."

Before Tayden could protest, Eula hauled him back to his feet, her grip firm but not harsh. The next part of the routine began, and Tayden soon found himself doing push-ups, his arms trembling under the strain. Eula counted each one aloud, her voice a mix of encouragement and challenge.

A mysterious figure watched from a distance, hidden in the shadows. The figure chuckled softly, observing the training session. "Classic Eula, always taking things to the extreme," the figure mused, eyes narrowing as they locked onto Tayden. "Now, Tayden, are you an ally or another threat to Mondstadt's peace?"

"Fifty-nine, sixty, sixty-one… You can do better than that, Tayden!"

"Sixty-two… and that's my limit," Tayden grunted, barely managing to push himself up once more.

"Seventy more to go!" Eula declared, her tone far too cheerful for Tayden's liking.


After the push-ups came sit-ups, and Tayden's core screamed in protest. Each time he managed to lift himself up, he was greeted by Eula's unyielding stare, as if daring him to give up. By the time they moved on to carrying logs, Tayden was certain he was hallucinating. The log felt like it weighed a ton, and every step was a battle against gravity.

"Come on, Tayden, move those legs!" Eula urged, as if he wasn't already on the verge of collapse.

"I… am… moving… them!" he gasped out, his vision swimming as he hauled the log across the field.

"Pick up the pace! Five more times!" Eula's voice was relentless.

Tayden gritted his teeth and pushed forward, one agonizing step at a time. Each lap felt longer than the last, his muscles protesting every movement. By the time he reached the end, his arms were jelly, and he dropped the log with a heavy thud.

"Good job," Eula said, nodding approvingly. "Now, get ready for the next set."

"Next set?!" Tayden's eyes widened in horror. "There's more?!"

Eula didn't respond, but the glint in her eyes told him everything he needed to know. The rest of the workout continued in a similar fashion—running drills, more push-ups, even a set of lunges while holding a huge rock that left Tayden questioning his life choices. Throughout it all, Eula remained steadfast, pushing Tayden to his absolute limits.

As they neared the end of the session, Tayden found himself doing pull-ups on a low-hanging branch. His arms shook with effort, and sweat dripped down his face, blurring his vision. Eula stood nearby, counting each pull-up with a critical eye.

"Seventeen… eighteen…"

"I… can't… feel… my… arms…" Tayden groaned, barely managing to pull himself up again.

"Two more!" Eula encouraged, her voice firm but supportive.

Tayden gritted his teeth and pushed through the pain, forcing his body to complete the final two pull-ups. When he finally dropped to the ground, his arms were like lead, his body a trembling mess.

As he lay there, panting and utterly spent, Eula looked down at him, her expression softening. "Impressive," she said, a hint of admiration in her voice. "I didn't expect you to last this long."

Tayden managed a weak laugh, his breath still ragged. "Thanks… I think…"

"Though," Eula added, smirking slightly, "I did make it easier since it's your first day."

Tayden's head shot up, his eyes wide with disbelief. "THAT WAS THE TONED-DOWN VERSION?!"

Eula nodded, her smirk growing. "Of course. You said you wanted to get stronger, didn't you?"

Tayden sighed, letting his head fall back onto the grass. "I'm going to die," he muttered, too exhausted to even move.

"You will NOT be dying under my watch!" Eula declared, her tone as firm as ever.

Tayden chuckled weakly and looked up at her, his gaze softening. "I'm joking, Eula. Thanks for pushing me."

Eula nodded, satisfied. "Good. Now, let's head back to Mondstadt. You need to recover, and I have more duties to attend to."

As they walked back to the city, Tayden couldn't help but smile. Despite the grueling workout, he felt a sense of accomplishment. More importantly, he felt like he was beginning to understand Eula—a woman who, despite her tough exterior, was someone he could trust and rely on. As they exchanged light-hearted banter on the way back, Tayden couldn't help but think that he had made a true friend today.

As the gates of Mondstadt loomed ahead, Tayden looked over at Eula, a small smile playing on his lips. "You know," he said, his voice light, "I might actually survive your training after all."

Eula glanced at him, her expression unreadable. "We'll see," she replied, but there was a hint of warmth in her tone.

And with that, they walked through the gates, the day's challenges behind them, but with many more ahead.

The next nine days passed in a blur of routine and hard work as Tayden settled into his new life in Mondstadt. Each morning, he would wake up to the soft light filtering through the window of his temporary home, the familiar sounds of the city just beginning to stir.

Tayden would start his day by looking at himself in the mirror, his reflection a reminder of how far he had come—and how far he still had to go." Alright, Tayden," he'd say to his reflection, "you've got this. Just one step at a time. Let's make today count."

Once dressed, Tayden would head out into the bustling streets of Mondstadt, ready to take on the commissions that awaited him. These tasks varied, but each one brought him closer to the people of Mondstadt, slowly but surely integrating him into their world.

In one such commission, Tayden was tasked with finding a woman's lost cat. The job sounded simple enough—until he realized just how elusive the feline could be. Tayden was seen running around Mondstadt, asking anyone and everyone if they had seen the missing pet.

"Have you seen a black cat with white paws?" Tayden asked a shopkeeper, who pointed him in the direction of the city's rooftops.

It wasn't long before Tayden spotted the cat lounging on a high ledge, watching the world below with a smug expression. "There you are," Tayden muttered as he climbed up to retrieve the animal. But the cat, apparently unimpressed by his efforts, greeted him with a flurry of hisses and scratches.

"Ouch! Come on, I'm trying to help you!" Tayden winced, pulling his hand back only to have the cat swipe at him again. By the time he managed to get the cat down and back to its owner, his arms were covered in scratches 'even though i can heal this it still STINGS!'.

As soon as the cat was back in its owner's arms, however, it transformed into the picture of sweetness—purring and rubbing affectionately against the woman's cheek. Tayden could only stare in disbelief. "Seriously?" he muttered under his breath as the woman thanked him profusely.

"Thank you so much! She's usually so sweet, I don't know what got into her," the woman said, completely unaware of the cat's earlier behavior.

Tayden forced a smile. "Yeah, no problem," he replied, eyeing the cat warily as it curled up on the woman's shoulder like an innocent kitten. "Glad I could help."

This scene repeated itself in various forms over the next several days. Tayden found himself delivering packages, helping a farmer in the outskirts, and even escorting a group of children safely through the city. Each commission brought him into contact with different aspects of Mondstadt life, and slowly, he began to recognize the faces of those around him. He shared brief conversations, learned names, and found himself greeted with nods and smiles as he passed by.

But it wasn't just the commissions that filled his days. Every evening, just before sunset, Tayden would meet Eula for their now-routine training sessions. The sessions were grueling, as Eula continued to push him to his limits—and then some. They ran laps around the lake and lifted logs that seemed to grow heavier by the day.

"Come on, Tayden, you're not giving up now, are you?" Eula would call out, her voice as commanding as ever.

Tayden, drenched in sweat and gasping for air, would push himself up from the ground. "Of course not!" he'd reply, though his voice often lacked the confidence he tried to project.

The training sessions were just as grueling as the first. Eula's demanding routines pushed Tayden to his limits and beyond. They would start with laps around Mondstadt's lake, the pace so relentless that Tayden often found himself trailing behind, gasping for breath. "Faster!" , her voice carrying over the wind, and Tayden would dig deep, pushing himself to keep up.

The laps were followed by strength exercises—push-ups, sit-ups, and log carries that left Tayden's muscles screaming in protest. Eula never let him rest for long, though, always there with a firm word or a guiding hand to pull him back to his feet. "You wanted this," she'd remind him, "so prove you can handle it."

Despite the intensity, the sessions were not without their moments of levity. Eula, for all her sternness, had a way of teasing Tayden when he least expected it. After one particularly brutal set of push-ups, she remarked with a smirk, "I didn't realize you could make that many faces while exercising."

Tayden, face pressed into the dirt, could only groan in response, though he couldn't help the small grin that tugged at his lips.

As the days passed, Tayden found himself growing stronger, his endurance increasing, his movements becoming more fluid. But more importantly, he and Eula were beginning to form a bond. There were moments during their training when they would pause to catch their breath, and the conversation would turn light—Eula sharing stories of her own rigorous training, or Tayden recalling something funny from his commissions.

The banter was easy, the friendship genuine. Tayden found himself looking forward to these sessions, not just for the physical challenge, but for the chance to spend time with someone who, despite her tough exterior, he was beginning to consider a friend.

Finally, on the morning of the tenth day, Tayden woke up with a sense of foreboding. The routine of the past week had been intense but familiar. Today, however, there was something different in the air.

As he finished getting ready, there was a knock at the door. Tayden opened it to find Eula standing there, her expression serious but calm.

"It's time to go to the Knights' headquarters," she said, her voice steady.

Tayden blinked, the realization dawning on him. 'Oh yeah… I forgot about that ', forcing a nervous smile.

Eula noticed the shift in his demeanor and gave him a reassuring nod. "Don't worry. Just be yourself."

Tayden nodded back, appreciating the subtle encouragement. The two of them set off towards the headquarters, walking side by side through the familiar streets of Mondstadt. The city was alive with its usual hustle and bustle, but Tayden couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety building in his chest.


*Authors note

Hello there, just wanted to clarify that the reason that Tayden is able to even do really extreme workouts like that is because even though he needs to switch into demon mode, he is still a demon with regeneration and he is able to recover his body faster than it normally would take and because of that, he can do more workouts!

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Ook this one took a little longer than i expected but it was worth it!

Please enjoy and give me some reviews if you want so i know what to improve!

SadGetticreators' thoughts