
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

Shonpufi · 游戏
79 Chs

Interlude 6-Destiny is thicker than blood

After Asuna and Violet helped the puking Mitsuri they redirected their attention to Rex once more.

"Ugh I'm going to have to clean up the vomit now, wait!, Asuna clean it up with your hydro vision" 

"I'm not cleaning it up with my vision, get up and do it yourself"

"Aw come on, please, pretty please?" Asked Mitsuri with a pleading expression.

Asuna sighed at her sister pleading and picket up the vomit within a hydro ball and threw it out the window. 

she didn't want to do it but the stench of the vomit that filled the room was too much for her.

Rex on the side chuckled at their antics it reminded him of when he argued with Kana in his younger days.

"Alright now that I have told you a bit about Father, it is now your turn to tell me what he has been doing all these years," said Rex as he looked at them attentively.

The three girls nodded and started talking about their lives with Meliodas up until now.

*One long talk later*


"It seems like Father hasn't changed," said Rex with a smile.

from what Rex deduced from their story, it seemed his father didn't stop picking up kids and raising them. But what made him frown was what Meliodas had said to them.

"Great changes will come, and there is nothing you can do to stop it"

Besides picking up talented children and raising them, Meliodas had another habit.

A very bad one.

Preparing in advance for disasters and not telling anyone about them. they only realized what had happened most of the time until and after it did occur.

It happened a lot during the Archon war and even in his supposed death/disappearance, he managed to create a safe place for Adepti and humans during the cataclysm.

In the beginning, they didn't know why he had made such a place but since the cataclysm had stuck. they realized that it was all according to plan. Or as he would say.

'All according to keikaku'

Rex also noticed that Meliodas still gave them great items even though they had been living in the countryside this whole time.

To give his own daughter a power that could turn people into stone if they lie is something only he could give away so easily and something that he had never seen his father possess before.

As he was in deep thought breaking down the information he was given the door of their private room was opened.

soon two people walked in.

One was a woman with long black hair and green eyes. The aura that she emmited was a calm one yet gave off a dangerous feeling. As if a predator was teaching and analyzing you from a distance, waiting to pounce.

The other woman was the complete opposite of the first one.

She wasnt tall and had short silver hair, she also had green eyes. The feeling that she gave of was one of a timid rabbit.

"Rex, Avalon got word from Merlin that Father is back. He even picked up a new batch of sisters for us" said the woman, but she then realized there was more than one person in the room.

She smiled and said "but it seems like your already one step ahead of me" she looked towards the trio and introduced herself. "It's nice to meet the three of you, my name is Brunhilde Pendragon your elder sister and Avalon's head Valkyrie. And this is Göll my best friend and personal assistant".

Hearing her sudden introduction Göll spoke" I-its nice to meet you" she gave a little bow.

Brunhilde on the side sighed as her friend still acts so timidly. Göll has been by her side all this time and she has never changed.

"It's nice to meet you I'm Asuna Pendragon"

"It's nice to meet you to, I am Violet Pendragon'"

"Nice to meetcha I'm Mitsuri Pendragon!" Introduced Mitsuri with a smile

Brunhilde smiled at them since it reminded her of her own time with the sisters she had grown up with. "I'm guessing this isn't all of you?" She asked suddenly.

The trio was surprised by her question but nodded in confirmation "yup there's two missing, Artoria Pendragon and Esdeath Pendragon. Father sent them to Inazuma for training"

Brunhilde's eyes shot wide in surprise "what, he sent them to Inazuma!. Does he even know about the sakou decree, and the war that's happening there!" Exclaimed Brunhilde in surprise and frustration.

"yes he did in fact he told them especially to not come into contact with the Raiden Shogun" answers Violet.

Brunhilde sighed as she heard her response. Those two girls might not get into contact with the Raiden shogun directly. But with the whole war going on. There is no way that they won't get involved.

"Rex, you should contact Musashi and tell her to take care of the two while they are over in inazuma. She should take good care of them" asked Brunhilde.

"Don't worry I will contact her later and ask her to protect them. And perhaps she could spar and train a bit with them." Answered Rex.

Brunhilde nodded in aknowledgement and was about to speak until Rex tarot card started to vibrate.

Rex and Brunhilde had their eyes wide in surprise. There are only 22 of those cards in existence. They were given to each member of the Tarot card by Meliodas himself.

The cards themselves have magic circles and runes drawn on the by Meliodas giving the cards multiple uses including communication from afar via the card.

But the thing is that it has become increasingly rare that someone from the 22 use the cards communication feature. Usually it is used for emergencies or urgent calls.

Rex laid the card on the table and injected some of his Adeptal energy into he card.

[... It's been 2000 years since we last talked son] spoke a voice from the card

[I wonder howuch you've changed since then. I bet your wearing an all brown suit that screams 'im the Geo Archon'. It's like trying to find a stand user in a crowd]

Rex winced as his comment 'should I change my wardrobe a bit' tought Rex as his clothes only consisted of the same brown suit.

[I'm also guessing that you've met your new sisters ,treat them nicely oki. Well back to the main point... Il be coming by soon, brobaby but the rite of descension so prepare some snacks for me when I arrive. Also please don't tell the rest that I'm back, il come and find them myselves and I also don't want them to make a big deal out of it alright. And I love you son, il see you till then.] Leaving those last words Meliodas cut of the connection.

"..." (Everyone)

"Soooo... Your not going to tell the others?" Asked Brunhilde.

"No, I am I think that-" before Rex could finish his excuse brunhilde spoke.

"The slipper"

With those two words Rex face went white in fear and started to shake violently until he calmed down a few seconds later. His PTSD kicked in after hearing the name of the weapon even gods feared... The slipper. And the one and only person to master that dangerous weapon was his father, Meliodas.

He returned to his composed self and said "I believe that the other deserve to know. Il take it as revenge since he didn't even say goodby properly when he disappeared after beating the evil gods" Answered Rex with a sageley face but he just wanted to get back at his father.

Rex once again injected his Adpetal energy intitnhe card, activating the call feautures of the card

[The Magician(I):

The High Priestess(II):

The Empress(III):

The Hierophant(V):

The Chariot(VII):


The Hermit(IX):Hey Rex, did something happen?, you don't usually use the cards features"

Wheel of Fortune(X):


The Hanged Man(XII):



The Devil(XV):

The Tower(XVI):

The Star(XVII):

The Moon(XVIII):


The Sun(XIX):

The World(XXI):]

"yes, it something important Uncle Merlin... Father is back" answered Rex, he couldn't help but let a grin out form his usual stoic face.

[The Magician(I): I knew already, in fact, I already sent a message to brunhilde back in Avalon.

The High Priestess(II): So the Captain is back?

The Empress(III): Eh, Dad is back?, Really?!

The Hierophant(V): Big brother Melodas is back?

The Chariot(VII):Ehhhhhh!, the captain is back yay!

Strength(VIII): hoh, so the captain has returned?

The Hermit(IX): oh that, I knew already a while ago. I sensed his connection to my return not so long ago. I just thought that he might be busy with another plan of his so I waited until he contacted me again

Wheel of Fortune(X): So the cap is back?, good I hope he comes soon so that I can show him one of my newest inventions hehehe!

Justice(XI): So uncle has returned, it seems like il have to ask Neuvillete for vacation leave.

The Hanged Man(XII): Heh, took him long enough. Can't wait to have another cook-off with him. ill show him that my cooking has become better throughout these years. 

Death(XIII): Meliodas has returned, it's good that he wasn't really dead. In fact I think he would have a harder time attempting to die than fighting all the gods and wining.

Temperance(XIV): So he has returned... i wonder how much he has changed.

The Devil(XV): Eh?... Master is back!, hehehehe I still have the free lap pillow tickets he gave me that I never got to use. I'm going to cash them in as soon as he comes.

The Tower(XVI): Big bro is back?, il come by soon. I just need to deal wth some company problems here in Fontain.

The Star(XVII): Good, now we can decide who is the strongest!

The Moon(XVIII):So teacher has returned, ill come by soon. I still need to get some paperwork done here at Hogwarts.

Judgment(XX): so he has the nerve to come back so casually after he disappeared?. Looks like il have to teach him a lesson.

The Sun(XIX):So father has returned?. Hahaha good, now il sho- wait, damit don't take the card!.

Gurarara so father has returned ey

The World(XXI):captain came back!, I'm coming back to Liyue this instant]

Rex smiled at the enthusiasm of his old comrades. "Yes he has returned. And as family shouldn't we give him a warm welcome after being gone for so long" asked Rex with a amused tone.

Everyone went quiet as soon as they heard his proposal but only one word was spoken in that silence.

"I'm in!!!" (Everyone)