
Chapter 3

Desdemona had woke up today with gleeful anticipation, throwing her bed sheets aside she trotted to her wardrobe and rummaged through it trying to find the brown shorts and white short sleeved shirt she had prepared the day before. "In the name of Bar….."she said before cutting herself off in frustration "Where the hell are they?", she went to and fro in her wardrobe some times opening and closing the same compartments as if doing it a second or third time would make her lost clothes magically appear. Throwing her hands in the air in exasperation she closed the wardrobe and saw her reflection stare back at her on the mirror attached to its door.

Giving herself a stern look she asked her reflection "Where are they?", They were right there when I checked last night she thought to herself, "Were they now? And don't you lie to me did you actually check?", No, I didn't but just hear me out, hear me out Ok. Desdemona waited for herself to justify herself, Never mind I got nothing, "Idiot,I knew I should have never trusted you.". Just then there came a knock on the door, "Come in"said Desdemona as the door slowly opened. A woman dressed in a maid's attire came into the room and addressed her "Is something the matter my lady? I heard a disturbance coming from your room as I passed by has someone displeased you?.".

"Nothing is wrong I was just talking to this fool."answered Desdemona as she gestured to the mirror, looking at where she pointed the maid give a single nod "I see, then I shall return to my duties."she said as she retreated out of the room. "What's with all the formality?Did the head maid give you a scolding?","Kind of, she said I had to work on my etiquette since you aristocrats do love your etiquette.",Desdemona chuckled"That we do, that we most certainly do but as tedious as it is it has a certain majesty to it you have to admit.", "If that majesty comes at the cost of my throat I think I would pass thank you very much. But honestly the fact that you people still talk like this astounds me,*tsk I should probably get back into character now or its going to be a hassle to do it later. Martha will probably give me an ear full if I make another slip up.".

The maid closed the door behind her as she exited the room leaving Desdemona alone still wondering where her clothes were, looking back at the mirror with her hazel eyes she saw her normal smooth black hair was a mess while her white night gown clung to her slender figure making it look one in the same with her fair skin. You forgot to ask where your cloths were said her reflection, sighing to herself she rushed to the door and opened it, seeing the maid just about to take the stair down she called to her. "Lania have you seen the cloths I arranged in my wardrobe last night?", the maid turned hearing her name called"Oh, those were taken by the head maid my lady. She had thought that one of us mistakenly put it in your wardrobe since she deemed it unfit to be worn by a noble lady in the city.".

"Well tell her to have it brought back up to my room and while you are at it have some breakfast prepared for me as well.", "As you say my lady."said Lania as she made her way down the stairs. Desdemona retired back to her room and made her way to her personal bath room with its marble floors, a big tub and silver decorated sink. It was ruffly a quarter of the size of her bedroom which was spacious in itself sporting a larger bed, a ornately decorated desk, a comically large wardrobe, some paintings that she liked which would hang about her as she slept. Opening the water on the sink Desdemona went through the motions of washing her face and brushing her teeth after that was done she readied a hot bath for herself in the tub.

Removing her night gown she proceeded to then submerge herself momentarily in the warm water of the tub, relishing the sensation for a few more moments she surfaced while breathing heavily. "Ahh yes that is the stuff."she said to no one in particular, washing herself all over Desdemona soon stepped out of the tub resolving not to stay a moment longer in it no matter how relaxing it felt. Rapping herself in the towel hanging always at the ready by the tub, she made her way back to her bedroom all the while drying herself along the way. Looking yet again at her reflection Desdemona thought to herself Better, for a moment my hair looked like Othello's. Seriously when I told him he would look better with longer hair I should have probably added that he should also take care of it. As she finished drying herself up there came a knock on the door, "Come in"she said. Opening the door the maid Lania stepped inside carrying the cloths Desdemona had prepared the night before neatly folded in a basket with an unmistakable smile on her face."The head maid wishes to inform you that she is terribly sorry for having taken your chosen cloths my lady. And wants you to know she takes full responsibility for this error."the satisfaction on Lania's face was all to apparent for her to hid, she was enjoying every bit of her boss's apparent folly.

Not that surprising since Martha came from nobility though her house was a minor one thought Des they were still prone to the snobbery which most nobles shared. Usually nobles wouldn't take a job like Martha did as the head maid and steward of another house, but being head maid and steward to one of the founding clans of Mondstadt such as the Imunlaukr clan was an opportunity to a house as minor as Martha's. In this position she would be able to mingle with prominent noble families such as the Lawrence, Gunnhildr and Ragnvindr clans, though it would be as a servant she would still be able to gain valuable insight into the workings of the upper most echelons of Mondstadt's society. Martha must have realized that by taking the cloths chosen by the daughter of the current head of the Imunlaukr clan and deeming them unfit for a noble woman to wear in the city that she was indirectly implying that Desdemona was not a well mannered lady which could only be seen as an insult.

Ahh the trappings of aristocracy she thought Martha must be having a heart attack right now. "Tell her to think nothing of it and to simply not make the same mistake again."said Desdemona as Lania laid the cloths beside her bed, "I shall my lady and I know she will take your words to heart.". Desdemona then went about dressing herself after Lania had left, checking herself one last time in the mirror Desdemona nodded in approval affirming her choice of cloths for the day I was right to pick this for today, its doesn't restrain my movements and I can feel the wind better when gliding. Finally leaving her room Desdemona made the width of the hallway lined with doors leading to other bedrooms and offices to the stairs at the end. Quickly going down the stairs holding the ornate handle of the stairs made of oak wood Desdemona reached the bottom and walked a few steps before entering the wide expanse of the dinning room.

Arranged on the table of the dinning room was a delicious looking tea break pancake accompanied by a glass of apple cider bought from Angel's Share no doubt. The Ragnvinder clan's chock hold on the beverages of Mondstadt had made the clan obscenely rich under the current head Diluc Ragnvinder who owned Dawn winery. Gorging herself on the meal Desdemona made sure to finish the tea break pancake before moving on to drink the glass of apple cider, "Ahhh thank the Lord Barbatos for Angel Share"she said as she finished the last drop of apple cider clearing enjoying the taste. Using her fork to make a click on the glass Desdemona waited for a second until seemingly out of no where came a maid "You summoned my lady?"she said politely, "Yes, I have just finished my breakfast so you may clean the table and notify my father that I will be out in the city today when he comes back.".

As the maid made to pick up the plate and glass she informed Desdemona"My lady your father is still in the apartments entertaining a guest in the living room.", "A guest?What kind of guest?","A merchant by the look of him my lady but I could be wrong.". Desdemona considered for a moment then said"I will inform my father of my leave and get a look at this supposed merchant myself, while you simply see to the table."the maid nodded and left carrying the plate and empty glass. After cleaning her lips and fingers with a napkin Desdemona left the dinning room and headed for the living room passing by paintings of Mondstadt's history or rather her clans perception of its history, one showed her ancestor Imunlaukr founder of the clan survive the disaster that befell Sal Vindagnyr, another showed the death of a young man who was head of the Imunlaukr clan during the uprising against Decarabian it showed the young clan leader charge the tyrant god sword in hand being impaled by a spear guided by the god of storm.

As Desdemona came closer to the leaving room she saw one of her clan's humbler paintings which showed the survivors of old Mondstadt come out of their windy prison to see the Lord Barbatos swipe the land with his winds and make them fertile, the people with tears in their eyes knelt before him foremost among them were the surviving members of the Imunlauk clan. Finally as she rounded the corner into the living room she saw the last painting just above the couch her father was sitting on, it showed a young woman who was the niece of then clan leader during Vennessa's rebellion holding off a dozen rebels by a narrow pass which was somewhere in Mondstadt. The young woman her dress stained with the blood of the rebels she had killed or injured and was torn up by combat was striking a fighting stance as the rebels around her looked at her in dismay but she wasn't paying attention to them, her gaze was fixed in front of her where Vennessa herself was fast approaching. The painting that continued this scene was back in the Imunlaukr country estate hanging just behind the statue of their clans founder,it depicted the result of the impending duel shown in the painting Desdemona was looking at.

It showed the young niece of the clan head and Vennessa covered in wounds in the final moment of their duel as Vennessa plunged her blade into the chest of her opponent. "Ahh your are awake dear, I would like you to meet my most respected guest here."said her father, stealing her eyes from the painting she gazed at her father momentarily as he sat dressed in a silvery white top with black pants, he looked younger than his age with only bits of white appearing in his hair. Broad shouldered and will built her father sported a small beard which connected with his mustache bolstering the equestrian features of his face. Opposite him was seated a man almost as old as her father given the white in his black hair who had his back to her and was getting up to greet her when she was addressed.

When the man finally turned and gave a bow in greetings Desdemona saw that his skin was tanned and his face was round from what she could tell and he was dressed in a purple top and gray pants both of which looked of Fontine making. "Good morning to you mistress Desdemona, your father has been accommodating me with tales of your exploits. Mastery of the sword at such a young age isn't something most people can boost of but the Imunlaukr is reputed to have such young proteges for a 1,000 years now so I think I should not be to surprised.", "I thank you for your praise sir but I wouldn't exactly call that an exploit worth mentioning since anyone with the well and time could accomplish the same.". The man nodded in approval"Words that ring true my lady and let me correct my previous mistake and introduce myself properly I am Aban Domenico.", "Pleased to meet you Mr Domenico.".

"The pleasure is all mine my lady."said the man and sat himself back on his chair, "You haven't meet Mr Domenico personal but he was the one who brought all that fabric and cloths from Fontine back when the city was still on locked down. I remember you loving a particular white dress I bought from him."said Desdemona's father. "I see, than I guess I should be thanking you for that dress as well Mr Domenico.", "You are most welcome my lady. I will see to it that you get your pick of our new imports from Sumeru, many dresses, perfumes and jewels for you to chose from and if you wish for a custom make then I can arrange to have the fabrics and ingredients made individually available.", "You are too kind sir but I am not one to indulge in extravagant fashion. Though I most certainly took a liking to that dress my father bought, our family prefers practicality to looks.".

Desdemona's father nodded in approval at her remark but Aban countered with another offer"I understand that the Imunlaukr clan values feats of arms above all else and arms of quality I can readily provide.". Desdemona raising an eyebrow asked"Do you sell weapons as well sir Domenico?", "Not so my lady I am no expert in the matter but I do sell quality ores that can be made into weapons, this is actually what I was discussing with your father just a few moments ago before you graced us with your presence my lady.". Desdemona looked to her father for confirmation which he gave by saying "Mr Domenico had just received a permit from the Tenryou commission in Inazuma this morning stating that he could trade freely beyond the port of Rituo. He and I were just discussing the price for the ores of Orobashi found on Yashiori Island.".

"Orobashi? Is it a region of Yashiori?"Her father shook his head"It is the name of a god slain by the Electro Archon during the Archon war. The tenryou commission had been mining the corpse of the god which I hear was a large serpent for minerals and more importantly for us strong ore to make weapons.That is why I called Mr Domenico here as soon as I heard the news and again I wish to apologize Mr Domenico for calling you here at such an early hour it seems I was so excited that I forgot my manners.". Aban gave a simple nod saying soon after"It is not a problem Lord Brabantio, I too was surprised upon getting the letter. I was just on my way to settle a dispute when it reached me and if I was being honest I was even more surprised when your summons reached me not a moment after that.". Lord Brabantio shrugged"I keep myself will informed and it just so happened that one of my old students had seen the letter arrive at Mondstadt the previous night. The Knights of Favonius thought it best to deliver the letter the following morning since most of the Knights had gone home for the night, so when I heard you were up and about this morning I sent for you.".

"I see, then my lord must be quite eager to get his hands on the ore as soon as possible?"inquired Aban. "Naturally, I am an Imunlaukr after all and I think our reputation speaks for itself."answered Brabantio, "Then I have a certain condition to add my lord.", "And what would that be Mr Domenico?", "It is quite the request I would be asking of you my lord and I am not sure you would feel comfortable with it considering your station.". "I will be the judge of that my good sir and could you hold that though for a moment please, Desdemona don't you think it better to sit down dear?", "Sorry father but I was going to leave just now and I thought it best to tell you first and Niea had told me you had a guest so I came to greet them before I left." said Desdemona before turning to Aban and saying "Apologize for leaving so soon Mr Domenico but I have a previously planned engagement to attend to today.".

"It is not a problem my lady I wish you a good day.". Saying farewell to both her father and Aban Desdemona exited the apartment hearing the sounds of the two men scheming as she closed the door behind her, she hadn't expected her father to have a guest this early in the morning but given the reason for the visit she wasn't too surprised. Dismissing the encounter Desdemona walked by other apartment doors then down a flight of stairs and saw the reception desk of the apartment. Since notability mostly stayed in these luxury apartments when in Mondstadt the staff had been trained to be discreet something which Desdemona appreciated when she approached the receptionist at the desk.

Dressed in a plain brown vest on a white buttoned shirt the man behind the desk gave Desdemona a polite smile when he saw her coming. "How may I help you today my lady?"he asked as she finally reached the desk, "I had entrusted a certain item to this desk last night when I came back in. The man I gave it to said it would be kept safe until I asked back for it.", "You would be right my lady all things given to this desk will be safely returned if ever asked for.", "Good then I would like that item back if you would please, the box number is 148.","One moment please."said the receptionist as he went to the door just behind his desk whereon he disappeared from view.

A few moments later the man returned with a box in hand and gave it to Desdemona, "Thank you sir"she said, "You are most welcome my lady."said the receptionist as polite as ever. Carrying the box in one hand Desdemona made her way outside and walked through the streets to where she would meet her friends before going up to the cathedral. They had all decided to meet at the wind mill closest to the east wall the day before all except Othello that is, he had said he would sleep till lunch time if he could since he had just gotten a month and half vacation from his apprenticeship. Not that she could blame him she would also sleep like a corpse if she got rest from being Marjorie's apprentice, if there ever was a woman who can strip you of all the Mora you have it would be Marjorie.

Learning from her would no doubt prove difficult she thought as she moved through the streets, when she made her way up a few stairs the click and clack of the box reminded her to hold it more carefully. Though she knew that the thing in the box wouldn't break that easily it nonetheless reassured her to hold the box firmly. Her seemingly baseless anxiety was justified however since the prices of commodities all over Tevyat had skyrocketed after the sudden death of the Geo Archon. Everyone started hording their Mora when they heard the news since it was the Geo Archon who made all the Mora in the world and with his death there would be no more of it. Desdemona remembered the look on her father's face when he was told the Geo Archon had died it was one of pure terror, upon hearing the news he called for a general inventory check throughout all of the clan's holdings to see how much Mora they had with them. Once that was done Lord Brabantio had ordered them collected and held in secure safes throughout Mondstadt and other holdings abroad.

As shocked and dismayed as the other nations of Tevyat were at the death of the Geo Archon they also saw an opportunity, Liyue had had unquestioned economic supremacy over all of Tevyat for as far as anyone could remember but with the Geo Archon dead and no one else there to produce Mora the number of Mora around the world will continue to decrease until there is non left. Liyue for now still had the largest reserves of Mora in the world held securely within the golden house but these state of affairs wouldn't last long, her mother had told her as much. She recalled the conversation she had with her mother when she returned from a gala. There had been much more foreigners in the gala than had every been seen in any other gala the aristocracy held said her mother, people from Sumeru, Fontain, Liyue, Nathan, Snezhnayan and some from Inazuma even though the Sakoku decree was still in effect at the time.

Her mother told her that some of them had already started experimenting with new forms of currency. "What do all this people want from Mondstadt that they would come to the gala?"Des had asked her mother, with a smile that oozed of pride her mother answered "Well our land is the land of freedom is it not? They want certain rights to experiment their new currencies on some of the nobles estates and lands. Since our government and economy are very loose the damage to us should the new currencies fail is negligible. And if one of these experiments should succeed we will be the first to ripe the rewards.". Desdemona smiled recalling the glee on her mothers face that day, her happiness being less for the hopeful success of the new currencies and more for chance to rub it in the face of the people of Liyue. But presently Desdemona's attention was caught by some noise she heard coming from behind her and turned to see where it was coming from, the noise she noticed was coming from Angel share which she had passed just moments ago. She saw a couple of men and women come out of the tavern who were clearly inebriated and were singing along with what looked to her to be either a short man or a young boy dressed elegantly in green and white attire head to foot.

Upon looking closer she released it was the infamous bard she kept hearing about though she couldn't quite remember the name of, her father had told her he would one day invite the bard over for a private performance and maybe even have him give her a few lessons. His name is enti wasn't it maybe venny? Come on father had said his name at least a dozen times she thought to herself as she struggled to remember. There was now a crowed gathered around the bard and his companions from the tavern and she could just faintly hear what he was singing from where she stood,"…..and came over to this land. I found a home and many friends. And some that I love dear, be jabbers!I'll stick to them like bricks..."was all she heard before it became an incoherent jumble.

As she turned to leave for the windmill to the east wall however she saw the crowd lift up the bard with their hands and carry him aloft, evidently the song had ended and she got a got a good look of the bard as he was being carried. He looked like a young boy an image which was only diminished by the fact that he was carrying a large wine bottle on one hand while carrying his harp with the other. He was in a good and merry mood no doubt but knowing him by reputation she wasn't sure if it was the wine he was happy about or the song. He is talented I will give him that no doubt one of these days I will see him in a ball or gala or some other high class event.she thought and turned away from the bard and crowd continuing on her way to the mill she was to not far now.

She could see the mill closest to the eastern wall clearly, the light breeze turning its wind mill ever so slightly. As she finally got to its base she saw her friends already gathered there chatting with each other, Roderigo as always noticed her first and waved. Dressed in a light green sleeveless shirt and shorts Roderigo stood out from the group who also all wore shirts and shorts of many varieties at her suggestion. Iago noticing Roderigo waving turned around to look at Desdemona approach,he was also wearing shorts and a shirt but his was a short sleeved one while his shorts reached to his knees and both were colored gray. Finally reaching the base of the mill and joining the 2 she could finally see their faces more clearly, Roderigo's wide cheekbones made the smile he gave her look like a suppressed laugh ready to burst but she could always tell his mood by the movement of his pale blue eyes though she couldn't do that at the moment since his red curly hair was in the way, he was the same height as her and had an overall normal bodily frame.

Beside him stood Iago standing a bit taller than both Roderigo and Desdemona his oblong face making him look taller still, often the rest of them would joke about his features saying things like"why the long face?"to which he would reply "Mourning your sense of humor."he had never been in lack for wits as he has been for hair but not the hair on his head mind you which was black and thick but on his face since he had been longing to grow a bread but hadn't succeeded as of yet. Slightly leaner than Roderigo Iago looked a bit imposing looking down at Desdemona with his brown eyes but if it ever came to a fight she knew she could make short work of him. "Did everyone get together? Cause if we are going to do this we better do it quick while there aren't many people in the streets."said Desdemona.

"Yeah, the rest of the guys are just around the corner adjusting their wind gliders and I also brought yours though gods know why you left it with me."answered Roderigo, "Hey Rod there aren't any corners on a cylindrical windmill you know."said Iago giggling.". Roderigo turned to Iago with an annoyed expression which looked like he was saying Drop it please, it must have been something they were talking about before she arrived thought Des. Picking up a bag from below which Des hadn't noticed Rod passed it on to her gesturing for her to get ready for the glide, which she did while also adding a little surprise.