
Genius of the leaf

Ryuu Uchiha, a young shinobi who has a rare bloodline of both Uchiha and Uzumaki goes through many tragedies. He lost his memories of his previous life but only retained the memories of his favourite anime world, Naruto, his previous memories are sealed and he can only recall things in a familiar situation. Ryuu is adopted by his father's greatest friend and rival Sakumo Hatake and he later learns of a secret power hidden within his body. (I don't own any naruto verse characters and stuff I only own my oc and some side characters and custom jutsus and powers) enjoy. Also, the first couple of chapters were not that good cause it was my first time but I edited them later.

The_Hollow · 漫画同人
217 Chs

Leaving The Anbu Black Ops

Shortly after receiving their names, Ryuu teleported to Sakumo's office. He entered the room, accompanied by Kakashi, and both of them kneeled before Sakumo.

"Follow me," Sakumo instructed, and Ryuu and Kakashi nodded in unison, following Sakumo to the rooftop.

As they reached the rooftop, the dawn was breaking, casting a warm glow across the sky. Sakumo stood in front of them with his hands behind his back, ready to address them.

"Now that everything has settled down, and we have handled the Uchiha clan situation, we have restored peace," Sakumo began.

"It's time to remove your masks."

Ryuu and Kakashi simultaneously removed their masks, revealing their faces to Sakumo.

Sakumo smiled at them warmly. "Kakashi told me about your encounter with Hanzo and Yuri," he said, his voice filled with understanding.

Ryuu nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Yes, technically, we met them, but they were just reanimations. They were not the real Hanzo and Yuri," he replied.

Sakumo's smile remained. "I'm glad you had the chance to meet them, even if it was in that form. You have both endured so much."

Ryuu's gaze shifted downward, his thoughts filled with the weight of his past.

"I am releasing both of you from the ANBU Black Ops," Sakumo announced, his words carrying a sense of liberation.

Ryuu and Kakashi looked up, their expressions filled with surprise.

"Kakashi's journey in the Anbu was meant to help him confront his inner darkness and find solace. Having you by his side has been instrumental in that process," Sakumo explained. "As for you, Ryuu, your experiences with darkness made you resilient to its effects. This made you a valuable and obvious option for this."

Sakumo continued, "Kakashi, you will become a Jōnin teacher. There are exceptional recruits this year, and if not them, the future holds great promise.

Ryuu, you will also become a Jōnin teacher, but with your unique approach. You mentioned a division for elite members, and I support your vision. They will serve Konoha with the same dedication."

Ryuu nodded in agreement. "Yes, I want to provide these children with an opportunity to reclaim what they have lost due to Danzo's influence."

Sakumo's smile grew wider. "In addition to that, I grant you the authority to choose the missions you accept, as long as you fulfill your responsibilities as Jōnin," he said, recognizing Ryuu's desire for autonomy.

Ryuu looked up at Sakumo, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, a sense of relief washing over him.

With that, Sakumo walked past them, heading back into his office. Ryuu and Kakashi were left alone on the rooftop, the wind gently rustling their hair.

"It's all over, huh?" Kakashi said, breaking the silence.

Ryuu nodded, a mix of emotions swirling within him. "Yes, it's time to build anew."

Kakashi looked at him. "Do you have a name in mind for your new organization? Unless you plan to keep the Foundation," he asked.

Ryuu shook his head, a determined expression on his face. "No chance! I'm working on it," he replied.

Scratching his head, Ryuu chuckled, making Kakashi chuckle as well.

"Good luck then. A name is the foundation of someone's character, or in this case, the structure of something new."

Ryuu extended his hand, curling it into a fist. "See you tomorrow, brother," he said.

Kakashi tapped his fist against Ryuu's with a smile. "Yeah," he replied.

With a final exchange, they both vanished in a blur, heading their separate ways, each filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

As it was getting late and the sun was almost completely down, Ryuu was picking up items from the market until...

"Look out!"

A small kid bumped into him, causing everything he had bought to fall to the ground. The kid had short white shaggy hair, a giant scar across his eye, and a single glove on his right hand.

Before Ryuu could react, he heard a man's voice yelling after the kid, brandishing a belt in his hand.

Ryuu looked at the frightened kid, and his eyes widened. Sensing the fear in the child, he kneeled.

"Masaru, is it?" Ryuu asked, to which the kid nodded.

"You're Ryuu-sama, a god..."

Ryuu shook his head gently. "No, I'm just a man." He reached out and took Masaru's trembling hand. "Are you hurt? You have scars."

Masaru quickly pulled his hand back, fear evident in his eyes. "Please forgive me, Ryuu-sama!" he pleaded, immediately helping Ryuu pick up the items that had fallen.

Meanwhile, the man continued to berate Masaru, swinging his belt threateningly. Ryuu's eyes narrowed at the sight.

"Masaru, who is this man?" Ryuu asked, his grip tightening on Masaru's hand.

"I'm that brat's father! What of it?!" the man spat defiantly.

Ryuu's expression hardened as he tightened his grip even further. "You were about to use that belt on him?"

The man hesitated, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Well, yeah! The stupid brat won't listen to me!" he retorted.

Ryuu frowned deeply, his grip unwavering. "What kind of grown man resorts to using force against a child? Don't you have even the slightest bit of humanity? You should be ashamed."

The old man's eyes widened as he recognized who he was talking to. "Ryuu-sama..."

"I don't take kindly to people who abuse children. Apologize and make sure you never do it again," Ryuu demanded, his voice firm.

"I... apologize?" the man stammered, finally realizing the error of his ways.

"That's right. You have humiliated your son, so I'll humiliate you," Ryuu declared, finally releasing his grip on Masaru's hand, which sizzled slightly from Ryuu's power.

"No, it's okay. He doesn't have to do that. He's just drunk, that's all," Masaru interjected, standing protectively in front of Ryuu. 'This child fears his father's anger more than me…' Ryuu shook his head,

Ryuu's anger subsided, and he kneeled, whispering to Masaru. "If he ever lays even a finger on you again, feel free to call me. I'll make sure he loses his hand in exchange." With that, Ryuu picked up his things and walked away.

"One more thing."

Before leaving, he turned back to face Masaru. Flames began floating toward the boy, enveloping him in their warmth. The flames healed Masaru, causing the scar on his face and other scars on his body to disappear.

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

Leave a comment if you'd like, I always love to see what you all like about the story and what you don't. Your feedback helps me improve.

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