
Genius in the Shadows: A Deadly Game

The story revolves around the protagonist, Nathan. He enrolled at one of the most prestigious school in his country with one thing on mind, Revenge. But one twist of fate change Nathan's plan. His school was involved on a death game, with only one theme "Survival of the fittest". Now every students have one thing on their minds and that is to Survive this hellish game no matter what!

PiGg34 · 都市
16 Chs

The Math wizard

The face of the four students was confused and shocked.

While Jhane didn't stop answering, she was focused on the problem and didn't care about her surrounding.

"Did we messed up?" Ian asked.

Brent stood up and approached the host quickly.

He looked at the host and said

" Can I take look at the paper he gave to you?"

The host looked back to Brent, stare straight into his eyes.

"I don't really care. But give it back, okay?" The host handed the paper to Brent.

Brent checked the paper then went back to his seat. After looking at the paper, he gave it to CJ who was sitting next to him.

CJ looked at the equation on the board and then he analyzed the answer on the paper.

He felt astonished by the given answer.

He looked down then said " We're done"

Ian then pulled the paper out of CJ's hands.

"I don't know math very good but I think he got it right. I think we're done here." Ian spoke

" It's okay we can fix this, can you tell me what's the exact equation that was given?" Nathan asked Ian.

"You got a paper there? Because this equation is long." Ian spoke.

Nathan didn't get any paper, but he said to Ian the opposite.

"Yes I got a piece of paper here" Nathan answered.

"Okay this is the equation, 9x9²×45x248y(x)³√467² you got that?" Ian spoke slowly.

Nathan closed his eyes and didn't answer for a while trying to solve the equation, then he realizes something and quickly opened his eyes.

"Can you tell me what's written on the paper?" Nathan quickly asked.

"What's the hurry? Okay he answered

379934388x⁵y" Ian replied.

After hearing this Nathan started laughing,

"That dumb lazy host messed up, don't worry that answer is wrong. I hope Jhane noticed and won't do the same thing."

Nathan happily spoke.

After Nathan finished talking, Jhane suddenly stood up and approached the host and slowly handed her paper.

Upon checking the paper, the host looked at Jhane and said " Your answer is right and perfect but the other team finished first."

"The other team's answer is wrong. You can properly check it again." Ian stood up and spoke without any doubt.

" What? Neil you dumb mother of pearl I said do it properly" one of the member looked and yelled to the student who answered the equation.

"Don't worry it's flawless. Just trust me" Neil tapped the chest of the student who yelled.

"Shut up! Your hurting my ears. Just give me the other team's paper. Let me compare and check it again" the host's voice was so loud that the arguing stopped.

After Ian gave the paper to the host, he analyzed the answers thoroughly.

All of the students sat down and zipped their mouths. They're waiting for the host to make the final announcement.

The host sighed and then stood up after checking the papers.

"I messed up. I apologize for doing something stupid. The second section's answer is right. The section five's answer is lacking a point in the sequence 8.8, that's where they got their answer wrong. You can check the paper if you want." The host handed the papers back to the section five's team.

Neil quickly grabbed the papers out of the host's hand. After comparing their answers he awkwardly smile and looked at their leader.

" I forgot to put the point. Hehehe" Neil looked at their leader.

The face of their leader starting to turn red because of anger. Then he walked out of the room without saying any words.

The other members followed their leader's footsteps, but before Neil walk out of the room he looked at Jhane and said

" I'll see you again, and next time I won't forget the point."

After everyone on the other team leave, Ian approached Jhane.

"You did great boss" Ian smiled.

" I will properly announce that the section that succeed this level is the second section." Said by the host.

After hearing what was announced, they started celebrating and giving Jhane high fives.

" Ugh quite down, and leave this room right away." The host yawned.

They looked at each other and smiled, then quietly walked out.

Out of happiness, Ian jumped so high that the device in his ear falls off. Then he picked it up without anyone noticing it.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you guys go ahead without me" Ian spoke.

Then he ran off towards the bathroom. Upon arriving at the bathroom, he looked at the mirror and tryna put the device slowly.

"Hello,hello are you there" Ian touched his ear while talking.

"I knew it. You're talking to someone." Junlee suddenly spoke.

Ian was shocked when he saw Junlee suddenly came out.

"Hello? What happened there? Is everything okay?" A worried tone coming from Nathan.

Ian didn't say a single word. Junlee slowly locked the door and approached Ian.

" Are you gonna answer me? Are you giving our information to other groups?"

Junlee aggressively grabbed Ian's collar.

Ian grabbed Junlee's wrist and pushed it away. Then he put his right hand into Junlee's left shoulder.

"It's okay I'm not that guy. The guy I was talking to this whole time is Nathan. I ask him to help us out." Ian explained.

Junlee's face started to light up and then he smiled.

"I'm really sorry, I acted without thinking." Junlee covered his face out of embarrassment.

After Ian explained everything they went out of the bathroom and gathered up with the rest of the members.

They sat around quitely in a bench trying to gather their emotions and thoughts.

Then upon relaxing their minds, Jhane's phone rang.

"Hello" Jhane answers.

The whole team waited the phone call to end. And you can see the excitement mixed with nervousness on their faces.

After talking to the phone, Jhane hung up.

"What's the news?" CJ asked.

"Our teacher just gave the location for were the next level be held." Jhane spoke

"Where?" CJ answered quickly.

"Pick up your bags cause we're going to the Library." Jhane spoke.