
Genius in the Shadows: A Deadly Game

The story revolves around the protagonist, Nathan. He enrolled at one of the most prestigious school in his country with one thing on mind, Revenge. But one twist of fate change Nathan's plan. His school was involved on a death game, with only one theme "Survival of the fittest". Now every students have one thing on their minds and that is to Survive this hellish game no matter what!

PiGg34 · 都市
16 Chs


Everyone celebrated their victory, laughing from their stomachs and smiling genuinely.

They went silent as they enter this gloomy and dark room. Their eyes wandered around hoping to find something helpful, but the room was blinding dark.

"Don't touch anything." Jhane said as she hears her voice echoed across the whole room. After some doubtful steps everyone stopped.

Everyone felt uneased as they felt the chilling breeze around. Then all of the sudden the whole room lit up.

They all covered their eyes as it was blinded by the shining light, as they become comfortable of the light, everyone's eyes opened.

Their soul was mesmerized on what they saw.

The whole room was filled with foods from the deck of the room to the ceiling.

It was mountains of edibles.

Others quickly ran and jumped towards the food, then slowly consumed everything they can.

"Something's not right" Nathan whispered as he observed the whole room.

"You're too tense, let's just eat" Ian giggled as he slowly walk towards the food.

Nathan carefully checked the foods he was about to eat, while others ate as if there's no tomorrow.

After sometime, they all stopped eating as they already consumed half of the food.

"I'm stuffed" Cristoff mumbled "I don't think I can move anymore"

"Me too" someone replied.

Before they can even properly rest and digest, a huge text was seen on the wall.


Nathan and Ian looked at each other as they're slowly stood up.

Cristoff on the other hand pointed at Marque "You, help me get up" he yelled.

Marque turned away and walked towards the other door.

"Mother-" Angrily said by Cristoff with a scratchy voice. "Let me help you" Reno extend his arm to Cristoff then pull him up.

Everyone walked towards the other door waiting for what's about to happen. Everyone felt nervous but more confident than the last time.

They all faced the door and waited there to open it. Then a sound by a working clogs was heard.

Everyone opened their eyes widely and watched what's awaiting outside through the widening gap of the door.

"What's this?"

"Is these real?"

"Are we free?"

Everyone wondered as they stares at a dessert surrounding them.

Others quickly ran and hugged the sands and jumped all over them.

While Nathan and Marque just stood near the door and observing everything.

Then Ian and Jhane looked back to call Nathan, but they went silent as they saw how huge the stablishment they were trapped in before.

Everyone gathered at the middle and just stares at the building right in front of them. The building was composed by cement that was full of mosses and cracks.

"...12 floors" Ian suddenly spoke while pointing at the top of the building.

"You think there are others that are trapped like us?" Jhane said with a shaking voice.

Everyone continued to stare at the building.

Then a voice from far away caught everyone's attention. It seems like a boy was running fast towards them from the right side of the building.

The boy's voice was loud enough to get their attentions but the message was unclear. Everyone slowly walked towards the boy, and looked at him from far away.

As the boy slowly closed the gap, everyone was still confused.

"Run! Run!" This time the boy was clearly heard.

"Run?" Ian was confused.

Then in a sudden the door behind them closed. Everyone felt shivers through their bones.

"Damn it! I said run!" The boy was close enough for everyone to his worried face.

"What's that?" Jhane asked as she noticed something behind the boy

"Is that Lazer?"

Then everyone also saw what Jhane saw. A red line Lazer was approaching the boy from behind.

"Run! Run!" This time it was Nathan that shouted. He extended his hand at the boy while running towards him.

The boy ran with all his might, but a ground planted stone tripped his foot.

His face was planted on the ground, then he looked at them as he slowly lift up his head.

"Help me!" The boy shouted while crying and reaching out his hand.

Before Nathan got too closed at the boy, he stopped.

Others didn't take any unnecessary movement and just watched what was about to happen.

Then the red Lazer touched the boy's feet before he can even stand up.

"Help me! Help me! Help me!" The boy shouted with agonizing voice.

Upon further observation, everyone noticed that every body part that got touched by the Lazer will get burned and turned into crisp.

The boy continue to squirm like a worm and trying to escape death. But everything he did was put in vain, his shirt became ashes and got blown in the wind.

Traumatized expression was carved into

his face before it all turned into charcoal.

Everyone was shocked and can't believe what they just saw, all there is the smell of burnt ashes.

Before they can even comprehend the horror they just witnessed, the Lazer continue to move towards them.

Nathan quickly ran towards the others and warned them "Run! Run!" He yelled.

Then everyone without hesitation ran.

After a few steps, two of them stopped.

It was Cristoff and Vincent.

"I'm still full, I can't run."Cristoff said while touching his stomach. "My stomach hurts."

"Just ran!" Ian turned back and shouted.

Cristoff then took a deep breath and continue to ran with a wobbly feet.

Everyone continued to run as they know it was necessary to survive. As they continue, everyone got tired and began to run slower.

But the Lazer didn't slow down.

And everyone noticed it so they gave their all might to run more faster.

Ian was drenched in sweat and out of breath but he continue to ran until...

Someone grabbed his shirt from behind and falls down, he looked back and it was Cristoff on the ground.

"I can't do it." He puked until he was out of energy.

"Stand up! Hurry!" Ian extended his hand towards Cristoff.

Then Cristoff grabbed his hand and slowly stood up, but his right foot slipped!

Then his whole body fell on the ground, Ian approached him and grabbed his right hand.

Before he can even stand up, the Lazer touched his right foot "It hurts! Help me!" He agonized in pain.

Ian's conscience was split in two.

Should I help him or leave him? Ian wondered.

Cristoff aggressively grabbed Ian's hand while crying. The Lazer continue to move, it was half way in Cristoff's body.

"Let go!" Ian shouted while pulling his hand.

"Don't leave me" Cristoff looked him in the eyes.

The Lazer continue to moved until it reaches Cristoff's head.

Upon witnessing it, Ian began to vomit.

He pulled his hand strongly but Cristoff's hand is still attached to his body.

Everytime Ian moved so is Cristoff's body.

After some time, the Lazer reaches Ian's hand. And his voice calling for help echoes everywhere.