
Genius in the Shadows: A Deadly Game

The story revolves around the protagonist, Nathan. He enrolled at one of the most prestigious school in his country with one thing on mind, Revenge. But one twist of fate change Nathan's plan. His school was involved on a death game, with only one theme "Survival of the fittest". Now every students have one thing on their minds and that is to Survive this hellish game no matter what!

PiGg34 · 都市
16 Chs

Cj and Jhane Shane

After the host greeted the participants he explained the rules of the tournament

" The tournament is base on your intelligence, so every round there are elimination of sections. Until only two sections remain, the section that soon be declared as champion will go against the champions in every grade level in the tournament next month. And as you already noticed, this room only have two sections, it means only one of the team here can move up to the next level . And remember Cheating will mean Instant disqualification. Now let's start."

The host explained.

After hearing that cheating will not be tolerated, Ian felt nervous and uneasy.

Nathan was amazed by the device that Jhane gave because he can hear what the host was saying clearly.

"Don't worry no one will notice if you just keep your cool" Nathan encouraged Ian.

"The round one of the tournament is simple. Choose one representative of your group and come here at front."

After hearing what the host said, the teams begun to huddle.

"You heard that right? So who's the chosen one?" Brent asked everyone in the group.

Everyone looked at each other, until Jhane spoke.

"I think we should pick Ian on this one"

Everyone looked at Ian, doubt can be seen on their faces.

Ian awkwardly smiled.

"Nah I don't think this wimp can handle that much pressure." A cocky tone coming from CJ.

" I should be the one that will represent y'all. Even if you don't trust me, I trust myself." CJ spoke with full of confidence.

" I think he can do this. So everyone agree on this?" Brent asked.

Everyone nodded their head as answered to the question.

After choosing CJ the group broke their huddle and went back to their proper chairs.

Then the two representative went to the front, near the host.

"Oh we got a boy versus a girl matchup. This is gonna be interesting" the host grinned.

" We only have one test on this level. The fastest one to answer the test wins." said by the host while handing out the test papers to CJ and the other contestant.

The girl grinned while looking at the test paper, on the other hand CJ looked shocked.

"The two of you are given an hour to answer this test. Timer starts now." the host set the timer.

The girl quickly began to answer her test paper.

On the other hand CJ slowly sat down and closed his eyes.

After a short period of time CJ began to answer the test.

The whole room went silent.

" Do you know what are the questions in the test paper?" Nathan asked Ian.

"No one knows except the two and the host" Ian replied quietly.

10 minutes passed, and the expressions on the faces of the contestants changed.

The girl felt uneasy and begun to sweat.

Biting her nails rapidly and scratching her hair aggressively.

CJ on the other hand calmly answers the questions.

After 20 minutes have passed, CJ stood up and gave his test paper to the host.

"He's done" said by Ian.

On the other side of the device, Nathan grinned.

"He won" Nathan replied.

After receiving the test paper, the host stopped the timer.

"Wait there are plenty of time left." The girl spoke.

"So?" The host faced the girl. Then starting to rip CJ's test paper.

"He ripped it" Ian was shocked and confused at the same time.

After hearing what happened, Nathan laugh so hard that Ian's ear began to hurt.

" I said the first one to finish wins. And since he was the first one to finish then that means he won" the host stated.

All of the students was shocked by what happened. But CJ started laughing.

"I knew it from the start that's why I volunteered" CJ spoke while laughing.

"So I announce, the winner of this level is the Second Section." the host yelled.

CJ approach the girl and her team, and started to let his tongue out.

"Better luck next time dumb baby"

Cj mocked the opposing team then started walking away.

The second section's team started smiling and giving CJ high fives.

" Wow this is easy, I think we're going straight to the championship " Ian talked to Nathan.

"Don't be too comfortable " Nathan replied

After the first level ended the participants left the room in silence.

"Yo CJ about the test earlier, what are the questions that was given?" Brent asked CJ while everyone is walking.

"Well it only have one sentence in the test paper and it's not even a question. The sentence said Draw the periodic table in order from high to low base on their scientific numbers." CJ stated.

While CJ was explaining, the other four stopped walking and they looked at CJ.

"So what did you put as your answer?" Ian asked CJ.

CJ then stopped walking and grinned.

"It's easy so I answered it perfectly"

The other four was shocked, and after hearing what CJ said Nathan smiled.

"I knew it" Nathan thought.

After staring at CJ for a while, they started walking again.

After the participants leave the room, the host of the level one picked up and checked CJ's answer.

Upon seeing what the student wrote in the test paper the host was shocked.

So the host approached one of the teacher that is present in the room.

"Yo I have something interesting to show you." the host handed the ripped test paper to the other teacher.

The teacher started to assemble the pieces like a puzzle, then the teacher laughed.

" Oh we got a contender other than the first section this year ha. What's his name again?" the teacher asked.

"I think it was Carl John or CJ" the host answered.

" Well he's from the second section so it's not a surprise that he got the perfect answers." Said by the teacher while looking at the test paper.

After that the bell rang, the second section's representative entered another room.

After they opened the door a loud ruckus and the noise of arguing people welcomed them.

"What's with all the noise?" Nathan asked.

"It's coming from the other students. I think they're arguing about something."

Ian silently answered while still being confused about what's going on.

Then the five awkwardly sat down in silence while looking at the other students still arguing.

"You know what shut up, you're not the boss so just keep quiet." A student raise his voice.

"Quite down everyone, I'm going to say something now." a cold voice coming from the new host.

"The level two of this tournament is like the level one. We need one representative each group to answer the equation on the board." the host slowly write down the equation.

After a short period of time the host was done. Then he slowly sat down in the corner and covered his face in a towel.

" Wake me up if your done answering and I'm going to check if it's right. Remember coaching and cheating means instant disqualification. There are no time limit. You may start now." Explained by the host.

After huddling up, the representative of the other group started to answer the equation in a piece of paper.

"So who will be representing us?" Jhane asked.

"I think it should be you this time. You're our boss you know" CJ jokingly said.

"Okay I accept it, I also love mathematics. But I hope I can answer it perfectly." After saying, Jhane started to stand up and started writing in a piece of paper.

" Go team leader you got this. Don't let us down, no pressure though." CJ yelled.

"Quite down" the host spoke.

Because of the teacher's scolding, the students went silent and was focusing on the problem.

"What's the problem all about?" Nathan asked Ian through the device.

"It's about an equation on mathematics."Ian answered quickly.

Junlee looked at Ian wondering who's his talking to.

"Jhane's gonna win for sure." Nathan replied.

After a short period of time someone approached and woke up the teacher.

"I'm done"says the student.

After analyzing and checking the paper, the teacher stood up.

"We have a winner. The section 5 answered the question perfectly." The host announced.

The opposing team celebrated their success while the four students of second section was shocked about what happened.