

Michael opens his eyes to the dim light of an abandoned alleyway; his nose is hit with a the moldy scent of old walls. He sits up, weirdly unbalanced, just to find a few strands of black hair blocking his view. He brushes the hair out of his view and looks down, just to see his light blue shirt protrude from his chest. After raising both hands in front of him, he can see them being thinner than before he died, before looking at his body further, he speaks out so he can hear his new voice. "Voice test, ohh, that's a nice voice," A little surprised at his new sweet, clear, and light voice. His focus moves down his body, he can feel a weird feeling in his groin, it's a feeling that feels half full and half open. After placing a hand on his crotch, instead of a dick, through his knee long dark blue skirt, he can feel a flat surface, with a point that can be opened, a tingle spreads out from there and he stifles a moan, he pulls his hand back. "Hahh, I guess I really became a girl," He moves a hand up to his chest and cups a feel, a sensitive feeling spreads from the boob he touched, he quickly removes his hand. "Yep, it's confirmed, I'm a girl." He says out loud so he can get used to his new voice.

He stands up with a little difficulty, finding his viewpoint lower than he's used to. He starts walking around with unsecure steps, while mumbling to himself to get used to the voice. "If I became a girl, then the other wishes should be fulfilled as well," He tries to focus within himself while thinking of a sub-space, he quickly finds his intent brought down to his heart, where it's then transported to a blank 2x2x2 meter space. A stack of bread and some dried foods are in one corner, a simplistic sword that's about 1.1 meters, with three quarters being blade and one quarter for the handle, is standing alone besides them, a pouch lays beside it, a simplistic black purse besides the money (284 coins in copper, 95 larger copper coins, and 8 silver coins of the same size as the first copper coins), and lastly some books are stacked in a corner.

He grabs the purse together with a few coins, so he can pull things out without it looking weird, before exiting the sub space and standing up with surprising ease. He puts the strap of the purse over his shoulder, and it ends up between his breasts, pushing his shirt in a little, making them more defined. "This is really weird to see from a first-person perspective." He mutters to himself, before starting to walk around while talking, so he can get used to his body and voice. After walking around and talking a bit, with a few trips. He finds himself more or less adapted to his new body and voice. Feeling prepared to go at it, he exits the bad smelling alley, just to find the opening disappear behind him, after he exits into the main streets. "Huh, it seems that god placed me in a special area, so I could adapt to my body."

A street radiating with life lies before him, smells of food and sweat fills the air, together with an orange glint, from the sun that prepares to set.

He walks down the street with a smile, while also looking at the different stalls, some selling a little of everything, others, different kinds of food. While approaching a stall selling different skewers, he brushes some of his hair away from his face and sighs before mumbling. "I didn't think about the hair when I made my request, but I'll get used to it. Just another challenge, just like I wanted."

After walking up to it and waiting in line, he looks at the owner and asks. "Mr, What's your best-selling product?" The owner gives him a quick look and answers with a smile. "That will be my Lizard Skewers then, they sell like a dream. I can recommend buying five for one big copper, the normal price for one is 25 copper coins. What do you think miss?" He smiles widely as a shout comes from the queue. "Hey Gustav, why does she get a discount?!"

His smile freezes and a tick appear at his right eye. "Don't think about what he just said." Is said to Michael. A bit weirded out by being called miss, he quickly thinks about it, after deciding that saving money until he knows the full value would be the smartest, but also wanting to taste this world's cuisine, he decides what to do. "I'll just take two thank you." He takes one big coin out of the purse and places it on the desk. The owner takes them with a half-wry smile and hands back five copper coins with a 10 on them. "Here you go miss." The owner says while also handing two skewers over to Michael, while Michael puts the coin into his purse and receives the skewers with a smile.

While walking away from the stall, a person in the queue, while shaking his head, says. "You don't know what deal you just missed out on." Before forgetting about Michael once again.

Walking down the street, Michael takes a bite of one the first skewer and is surprised about how good it tastes. "Wow, I had hoped it be good, but this is better than I had expected." He says to himself, while continuing to walk down the street.

The sun is slowing going down in the horizon, casting the street in an orange light. While enjoying the beautiful view of the street, he spots a crowd forming and a scream sounds out, then another one, and another one. So he decides to approach the crowd and see what's going on. He moves in between the people of the crowd, making a little ruckus it's quickly forgotten about by those he walked past.

When he gets close enough, the view of a kid being beaten up by what appears to be a furious 17 year old man, a woman looking the same age as him stand by his side, looking at it with a small smile. Michael pokes a guy besides him and asks. "What's going on? Why is the kid being beaten down." "Well, you see," The man begins explaining. "The kid tripped and spilled water on the young master's leg, he then started beating up the kid in front of everyone." "I'm new here, so I don't know what young master you're talking about, mind explaining it to me?" Michael asks while thinking of a way to stop this. "He's the young master of the Zhao family, and he has already managed to achieve core refining stage 2." The man explains with a smile. "Oh okay, thanks for explaining." "No problem missy, always glad to share the joy of watching Travis ruin his family's reputation." The man says, before returning his full focus to the beatdown.

After thinking for a few seconds, Michael concludes on how to hopefully stop the beatdown. So, he walks up to Travis, drawing the attention of everyone. Whispers could be heard from the crowd. "Someone is stepping up." "This girl must be really strong or insane, no one has ever gotten away with stopping the young master." "Maybe she's looking to work under him?" "Let's follow her when she leaves." And more conversations of the same kind were happening throughout the crowd.

Travis stops beating the kid and looks at Michael. "Do you want something peasant? I'm kinda in the middle of something." He says in a frustrated tone, while dusting off his blue t-shirt. "I actually do, I want to know if you're really giving him a beating because he spilled some water on your leg." Michael calmly states, brushing some hair away that had gotten in his face.

Having looked at Michael for a little time, Travis is captivated when he brushes the hair to the side, and in an abrasive kind of defensive tone says. "Yes he did, that little fool spilled water on the left leg of my shorts, so I gave him a fitting punishment." He gestures to a nearly dry spot on his shorts. "*Sigh*, so, you're saying that because a little kid tripped and spilled water on you, you decide that beating him up, which might have him die afterwards, is the correct choice of action?" Michael asks with a sigh. As if it's the most natural thing in the world, Travis answers with. "Yeah, that's the obvious choice, why should I allow him to go unpunished for dirtying me? The people even adore me for it." He says while gesturing to the big crowd.

"First of all, the people don't adore you, they enjoy seeing you ruin the reputation of your family; second, he didn't dirty your clothes, he just hit your leg, not your crotch, with some water, which evaporates after a few minutes while the sun's up," Michael points at the spot on the shorts, which is nearly gone. "Thirdly, it was just an accident, no need to ruin the kid because of it, just have him apologize." Michael finishes his explanation of the stupid situation.

Travis is taken aback and struggles mentally for a minute before he half-confidently says. "I'm not sure you're correct, but in honor of you stepping up to face this young master, I'll give you the benefit of doubt and stop beating him up. Consider it an honor to have influenced my decision." Though he appeared confident at the start, it was quickly visible to everyone, that he just wanted to get away from the logic after his brain short-circuited. He runs away quickly, pushing the crowd out of his way, the girl that was with him hurriedly follows.

The crowd disperses and Michael looks around to see if an inn is visible from where he's standing right now. The kid, who had sneaked away while Travis was thinking, approaches him carefully. "Uhm… excuse me miss," The kid then bowed deeply. "Thank you so much for saving me." Blood drips down onto the street from his nose. Putting his hand on the kid's head, Michael softly says. "Don't worry about it, it was the right thing to do. You can just pay me back by pointing me in the direction of the nearest inn." The kid looks up and gives his best smile, which is a little hard with a broken lip. "Alright, follow me." He starts walking back the direction Michael had come from but waits for said person to follow along.

After following the kid for around 20 minutes, they arrive at the inn. "Thanks kid, have this," He pulls out a 10-copper coin and hands it to the kid, who gratefully receives it and pockets it with a smile. "Thank you miss, have a good evening." "You too." Michael responds while the kid disappears into the crowd.

He enters the inn and finds its clean, wooden interior really nice to look at. At the reception he finds a nice-looking lady. "Can I get a room for a week?" He asks with a smile, and the lady responds with a bright smile. "Of course, miss, that will be 50 copper per day, minus one due to week buy discount. Breakfast is 20 copper per day and dinner is 30, no discount for either of them." He thinks a little, and quickly decides that getting food here will allow him to get more training done, so he hands over 6 big copper coins, having figured out the exchange rate between copper at the street merchant. "I'll take the breakfast and dinner as well, but no dinner tonight." "Alright miss, here is your room key, the rooms are to my right. Breakfast is from 6 am to 9 am and dinner is 6 pm to 10 pm," The lady says with a smile. "Thank you and have a good night." He walks towards the rooms, hearing the lady respond. "You too, I wish you a good night's sleep."

He enters the room numbered 64, and a cozy room unfolds before him. Not caring much for the room right now, he walks over to the bed so he can get some sleep and regain the mental energy from being transported to a whole new world. He starts to undress, the shirt moving over his breasts makes him remember their existence, he does his best to ignore the unusual feeling and removes the rest of his clothing, leaving him in a simple pair of underwear. He takes a good look at himself, though it may be a little narcissistic, he finds his new body to be quite beautiful, even compared to some of the beauties of earth. After brushing his teeth, he goes to bed and tries to fall asleep. A feeling of laying on something hard appears after half a minute, he spends a few minutes moving around, trying to fall asleep. His sleepy mind then realizes that it's the clasp of the bra, so he takes it off and tries to fall asleep once again. This time strands of hair irritate him, so he does his best to move them away from his face, he finally manages to fall asleep a few minutes later.

If anyone are interested, I've made a discord server where I don't mind talking about chapters and my progress with them.


I finally got the first chapter made, sometimes I may release the chapters faster than this, sometimes it may take longe, it all depends on my irl life and mood. Please do comment your thoughts on the chapter, I like critique on my writing. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Emilbkscreators' thoughts