
Chapter 13 Chu Shanhe

Before long, the banquet officially began.

The sound of the violin and chords ceased, and the entire hall quieted down. Everyone stopped chatting and turned their heads toward the long staircase in the center of the hall.

Chu Shanhe was seen descending the staircase with a smile, lifting his glass and looking around:

"Welcome, everyone! Today, luminaries of science and talents of the business world have all gathered here, truly adding splendor to my humble abode! Hahahaha..."

Thunderous applause erupted in the hall.

Lin Xian had previously only seen Chu Shanhe's back, which was very broad, and this was the first opportunity to see Chu Shanhe's face.

His gaze was piercing, and his square face bore sharp and distinct features. Had this face belonged to his youth... it would have been considered the standard of handsomeness.

Even though Chu Shanhe was well into his fifties, he still emanated vitality. His smile, while gentle, couldn't hide an awe-inspiring charisma that made people hold their breath.

As the applause died down, Chu Shanhe slowly made his way to the center of the hall.

His voice resonated powerfully, echoing with a robust spirit:

"For many years, I have believed that science and technology are the primary productive forces! The lifestyle we enjoy today and the prosperity and strength of our nation are all inseparable from the development of science and technology! They could not have been achieved without the arduous struggle and diligent efforts of scientific researchers!"

"I believe that the development of any industry cannot be separated from the support of science and technology. Those scientists who labor in obscurity, researching day and night, are the heroes we most need to respect and admire!"

"People like me, with limited talent and learning... have simply reaped the dividends of the era, and were fortunate enough to establish a foothold in Donghai City. When it comes to contributions to society and to the nation, I can't hold a candle to the scientists!"

"This is also the purpose of today's scientific fundraising banquet! I hope that all the young business talents here will also pay more attention to the development of the scientific field! To contribute to the soaring development of our nation's science and technology!"

"I will not say much more—"

Chu Shanhe put down his glass and raised his right index finger high:

"Shanhe Corporation! Donates one hundred million yuan to the Donghai City Science Development Fund!"

The whole place was astounded.

One hundred million yuan to start with.

The Chairman Chu Shanhe's gesture was truly grand.

After the initial shock, thunderous applause followed immediately, with praises resounding all around.

However, it wasn't over yet.

As the applause subsided, Chu Shanhe picked up the microphone again and said with a smile:

"What I said earlier was just to make a statement on behalf of the corporation, not enough to express my personal admiration for scientific researchers."

"Now, I will make a personal donation! Another one hundred million yuan!"

The hall was electrified in an instant!

Two hundred million yuan!

Chu Shanhe started with two hundred million yuan!

He pushed the atmosphere to its climax immediately!

The young entrepreneurs below... were all clapping excitedly, their eyes filled with admiration.

It was evident that Chu Shanhe's status and prestige in Donghai were peerless and elicited genuine respect and heartfelt admiration from others.


Applause continued without end.

It was then that Lin Xian noticed Professor Xu Yun, who had earlier been too proud to concern himself with worldly matters, was now clapping excitedly, with a look of reverence in his eyes.

This was quite surprising to Lin Xian.

"That Professor Xu Yun seems to admire Chu Shanhe a lot," Lin Xian whispered.

Zhao Yingjun shook her head with a smile:

"What man wouldn't want to be like Chu Shanhe?"

"However, Professor Xu giving such face to Chu Shanhe has other reasons. The words Chu Shanhe just spoke weren't just lip service; over the years, he has been very supportive of scientific research in China."

"Investing in research institutes, establishing scholarships, supporting impoverished students, funding more obscure scientific projects, assisting overseas Chinese scientists to return home... he has truly done a lot of tangible things for the scientific enterprise in China. Therefore, Chu Shanhe enjoys high prestige and a good reputation within the scientific community, and many academicians have praised him publicly."

"For so many years, Professor Xu's research hasn't shown any progress… who do you think has been funding him all this time?"

So that was it.

Now Lin Xian understood.

He had felt earlier that Professor Xu Yun seemed out of place at this type of banquet, it appeared he had come to this drastically mismatched event to show face for Chu Shanhe.


Having heard what Zhao Yingjun said earlier, the deeds Chu Shanhe had done could indeed be considered acts of great chivalry.

He truly deserved respect.


came the segment for entrepreneurs to make donations.

The least anyone donated was several million.

Zhao Yingjun donated ten million.

It was apparent that those invited here today were no ordinary entrepreneurs.

Chu Shanhe's circle was truly not something just anyone could enter into. Being wealthy or noble was merely the most basic ticket in. At least up to now, Zhao Yingjun hadn't managed to exchange a single word with Chu Shanhe.

Following the donation segment was the traditional dance event.

Various high-end snacks and food were placed on tables around the outskirts of the hall, leaving the center clear as a dance floor. The second-floor symphony orchestra officially started, and the classical and elegant sound of string music filled the entire hall.

Chu Shanhe had disappeared at some point, and Professor Xu Yun had left when the dance started.

Nowadays, most of the guests were dancing in the center, tangoing with their chosen partners.

A few were sitting at the surrounding tables enjoying the food, chatting, and having fun.

Zhao Yingjun sat elegantly by the dining table, savoring pastries and sipping red wine. Lin Xian just stood behind her.

He noticed… that many people wanted to ask Zhao Yingjun to dance, including quite a few young and old.

But as everyone saw Lin Xian's presence, they all seemed to have a sudden realization, then smiled slightly and turned away.

"… Should I stand further away?"

Lin Xian bent down and said.

Zhao Yingjun dabbed her lips with a napkin, eyes closed,

"If you stand further away, what would be the point of me bringing you here?"

"Sit down and have something to eat."

The time that followed was quite boring.

Zhao Yingjun sat there, eyes closed, deep in thought.

Lin Xian guessed she must be contemplating how to persuade Professor Xu Yun.

She had taken out ten million for the donation today, probably to curry favor with Professor Xu.

But Lin Xian felt that her money was likely wasted…

Professor Xu Yun was so stubborn, so obstinate, not someone easily persuaded by others.

Perhaps Chu Shanhe could, after all, he was the benefactor funding Xu Yun.

But Chu Shanhe was such a figure, he surely wouldn't intercede on Zhao Yingjun's behalf; the two of them were clearly not on the same level.

"No chance."

Lin Xian stopped pondering the matter, unable to help.

In front of these tycoons and magnates, he was just an insignificant nobody.

In his dreams, he too was that untamed overlord of the city.

But in Donghai, he couldn't stir a single ripple, not even attract any attention.

He might as well return to his dreams to handle real business.