
The start

Once upon a time, there lived a young girl with extraordinary intelligence. She was gifted at math, science, and computer programming, and she was known in her village as the genius of the town. She was named as Sakuhi.

One day, while taking a walk in the nearby forest, she stumbled upon a mysterious castle. Intrigued by its beauty, she decided to explore it and eventually found herself inside the grand throne room.

Sitting on the throne was a handsome young man who was dressed in fine clothes and had a regal air about him. He introduced himself as the King of the Mafia. He was named Conan Doyle.

He said : « Hi sweetheart ! Do you know where you are ? » in a flirty way~

Sakuhi said while having her ears red : «  First of all, don't call me sweetheart ! And are you an idiot ? Don't you know that this is a castle ? »

Conan was shock that for the first time someone speak with him like that . At the same time, he was interested in this little girl and

and was in search of a special princess who could help him lead his kingdom. So he decided why not her.

Conan said seriously « sorry I didn't mean like that . I was just wondering how you get here and by the way I know this is a castle where I am the king »

Sakuhi was shocked as well knowing that he was a king while she was thinking that maybe he was an imposter.

Im saying sorry in advance for my bad English.

bk_winnercreators' thoughts