

Sylas didn't look back as he pressed forward. It was only as his back was about to leave the Basilisk King's sight that he slowed down. He wanted to pressure the creature, but he didn't want it to actually die.

The Basilisk King was still an excellent trump card. So long as he fused with it, he would gain 50% of its stats. That could save his life one day.

But as he progressed, if the Basilisk King stayed the same, it would quickly become useless.

There was a deeper reason as well…

The Basilisk King was just a beast… but it seemed to carry intelligence no worse than a human child. It wasn't just an animal, and it was because of that Sylas expected more from it.

Just by virtue of having pride, it wasn't a normal beast. An animal couldn't have such a vice.

But there were downsides to emotions as well. This beast wouldn't just charge blindly and unconditionally listen to Sylas' orders due to this, and that was a problem.