

[600 GT Bonus]

"Thank you for gathering, everyone. This is a momentous occasion for us all, and I wanted you all to be here to witness it."

Cassarae stood on a makeshift podium, probably one she had gotten the militiamen to put together casually. To her side and a step back, there stood Olivia, while before her and down on the ground before the podium, there was a line of militiamen.

Although the scene was a bit shabby, it got the point across and raised her prestige in their eyes. Cassarae could practically feel the popularity rising.

"Today, we will move forward, leaving behind the dregs of the Rudimentary Village rank and move to the stage of a true Village. The security, our number of helping hands, and our quality of life will all increase."

Cassarae waved a hand and there was a flash of light that cabin from the cabin behind her. The people gasped in awe as a ripple of light spread through the surroundings.