

That night, the boys did what Sienna had told them to. The moon was high, casting a soft silver glow over the Academy grounds, and a cool breeze rustled the curtains of the windows. Lucas went to the bathroom in his office, a privilege of being the Student Council President. 

Noah and Derek, not sharing that luxury, had to rent private bathrooms. They were both more than a little uneasy about what was to come, but they agreed on one thing: they didn't want to startle anybody in case they started screaming. No matter how much pride they had, they were fully aware that what they were about to do was unlike anything they'd faced before.

Each boy drew a hot bath, the steam curling up toward the ceiling, and they hesitated for just a moment before adding ten spoons of the dry concoction, as Sienna had instructed. As soon as the powder touched the water, it dissolved instantly, swirling and mixing into the liquid without any need to stir.