
Genderbent Madara in other worlds lol

re written from my old one. as a fan fiction this time cuz i accidently put the other one as a novel. ----- A random dude is reborn as Madara.buuuut...something unexpected happened....because the first thing he heard while being born was: "Its a healthy babygirl." -----

SaintenBetelgeuse · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chap 1

Jack was just a normal guy. He was too normal actually. Mainly because he was normal. Why? Because of the normalnesseser. (A/N: what is this word??)

He was just normally walking on a normal road when suddenly something not normal happened. A not normal truck appeared while he was trying to cross the road. He tried to run away from it but it followed him. People around him didn't seem to panic. They didn't even look in the direction of the truck.

Then it hit him. They couldn't see it. He was the only one panicking and poeople around him were looking at him weirdly.

'What the hell is that kid panicking about.' was their thoughts. Suddenly the kid infront of them just disappeared.

But what really took place was that the truck stopped right infront of him. About 2 cm infront of him. Then it talked.

"Our god known as Truck-kun has summoned you." said the truck in a trucky voice.

Jack was about to reply when suddenly the scenery around him changed. Now he was infront of a throne with a man-truck sitting on it.

"Are you the god known as truck-kun?" asked Jack.

"Hahaha, you thought it was truck-kun but...it was me, Dio!" said the man truck. Jack didn't know what to say anymore. Jack knew this was a Jojo reference. Why did the first introduction have to be that. He only liked looking at those memes. Not watch people do it themselves. It looked creepy as f*ck.

"So what does the All mighty truck-kun want with a normal guy like me."

"Well...straight to the point i see, i invited you here to ask if you wanted to travel multiverses so that the readers can watch you destroy anyone in the way." he said while taking out something out of nowhere. "I want you to spin this wheel 12 times. You will get 8 abilities, an appearance with experiences, race, and 2 equipments...and this wheel mainly associates with the Naruto world but a small few abilities from other worlds are there."

Jack was too shocked to say anything. He thought his life would be normal but instead it took a big turn.

"Ok fine, i'll do it." he said and then proceeded to spin the wheels.

First was the appearance which spun for like 10 minutes then landed on Madara Uchiha. Jack was a big fan of Madara. Especially the way he destroys a lot of people alone in a war.

Then he spun for the race. Of course he wanted something with great abilities. An example would be a saiyan. Every time they are about to die they get upgraded. It was somewhat op. When he spun it, it landed on 'Demon Queen.'

"What does this race do?" he asked Truck-kun.

"You wont be able to know yet but this race itself it one of the strongest ones to be created." he said as if this is the most important information in the world.

I then spun the next one which is the abilities, 7 times.

They landed on:

-Gate of Babylon (Downgraded)

-Rinnegan (Upgraded)

-Instant Mastery

-Tenseigan (Modified)


-System (Downgraded)


-Six Eyes

Jack was too shocked to say anything. It landed on very op things.

He then spun the equipment which landed on:

-Crimson Rose (Modified)

-Gunbai (Modified)

He didnt know what the modification of the weapons were but decided to ignore it for now then turned towards Truck-kun.

"Ok, now what you are ready, bye." he said then the scenery around him changed yet again.

Jack was now staring into a wooden ceiling. Looking around he saw that he was in a room with not much around him. Information of everything suddenly came into his head. He could analyse anything and everything, so he decided to look at his status to find out what it was.

'Status' he said in his mind.


Name: Kurohime

Gender: Female

Age: 8 Years Old

Race: Demon Queen (Evolveable)


-Gate of Babylon

-Similar to Gate of Babylon but sadly there are no noble phantasms, so you can now create portals and store anything inside then sent it at high speed anywhere.


-The rinnegan is upgraded and is now able to use every single ability that a rinnegan and EMS can do. The Ki usage is decreased by a large margin.

-Instant Mastery

-Able to master everything at a single glance. Something new that has been created can't be instantly mastered.



-Gain stats/abilities of everything you kill.



-Inherited technique passed down the gojo family.

-Six eyes

-Extreme perception and ability to utilise Limitless to its fullest potential.

Race Abilities:

-Immortality- Is able to die but will be revived after a certain amount of time.

-Adaptable Body- The body can adapt to any environment.

-Eternal youth- Body doesnt change after the age of 18.

-Demon Body- Able to change into demon form.

-No limit- Even if you trained forever, power level can never reach a limit.

-Ki manipulation

-Throne of the Demon Queen (Evolveable)- Able to summon a throne that can only be used by the Demon Queen.

-Demon Queen's presence (Evolveable)- Everyone can feel the presence of the demon queen who has the power to destroy all. (Not passive).

-Blessing of the Demon Goddess- ???


-Gunbai (Modified):

-Able to absord and reflect an attack.

-Colour changed to black and red instead of white and red.

-Crescent Rose (Modified)

-Able to change the scythe into a sniper, handgun and daggers.

-No bullets required- Able to use Ki or any type of energy.

-Scythe looks cooler.


Everything was too op for every world he was going to go to. Suddenly someone barged inside the room.