

Scarlett looked overwhelmed as she read the note. It read: Dear Liam,

do not look for the gem of Death. it's a

bad decision . Please do not look for it! Stay safe..,

love, L.J

They looked shocked when they finished reading.

" we have to tell Rick." said Scarlett.

" yeah but he's off with his grandma." replied Mike. " so, how do we find this Gem of Death thing." asked Scarlett.

" no idea. "

" I have an idea."

" what?!"

" remember the detective movie where the campers used a candle to get a hidden clue?"

Mike gave a silly grin." yeah, they put the paper over the candle and some hidden words showed up." he replied.

"Brilliant." cried Scarlett as she brought out a lighter from her pockets.

" you keep a lighter in your pocket?" asked Mike shocked

" yeah, for self defense."

Mike: ('-')

He collected the lighter and put it a little near the paper. The light revealed the hidden clue. " woah.." they said in unison

the clue read: the next clue is where the silvery wolves howl above the waters.

they looked puzzled and then Mike cracked the code " you know there are ash colored wolves, almost silvery, right?"

" yeah, why?"

" because I read in a book that most of them are populated at Clinton Forest, at the outskirts of town."

" yeah!!! there's a cliff above water at the edge of Clinton Forest. That's where some wolves howl when my mom is filming movies ."

said Scarlett. Her mom was a film director.

" so we need to go there. it's gonna take a few days and our parents wouldn't allow it. Especially my dad." said Mike

" so let's runaway..." said Scarlett deviously.

Mike nodded " tomorrow morning, I'll be ready."

" rest well , Mike. we're going on an adventure!"