
The war for the nightmare gate

As Dennis and Heartless waited for their opponent. They had an unexpected surprise from someone. It started to mess with their detecting skills and had no clue what could happen.

"Dennis do you feel that?" Heartless asked.

"I don't feel or sense anything. What about you?"


Dennis turned around and took a look at the gate. It had a sinister energy that was spilling out. But Dennis was seen something trying to come out of the gate. He had his right hand ready to call out his weapon and his left arm to ignite his black flames.

"Is something wrong?" Heartless asked.

"Something is coming out of the gate, and its big."

They both took a few steps back to get some distance incase something came out of the gate. Heartless set a trap using his own ability incase things got serious.

"Now what?"

"That's odd, this place seems way to quiet."

The city was too silent. It made Dennis uneasy, making him to be on his guard. Heartless had a suspicion that someone was messing with them. He as soon as he took a look at the gate.

"I think he is Amaltus is here." Dennis said.

Heartless raise a up a black force field to protect them from any attack. Dennis sat down on the ground and saw something coming right at them at high speed. He figured out that it was an enemy attack by Amaltus.

"We must stand our ground. We cant let Amaltus have the gate!"

Dennis got out of the force field to take care of the problem. With close inspection, Dennis saw that it was two missiles coming right at them. He pulled out his pistol, aimed and pulled the trigger to take down both projectiles. After that, the ground started to shake, making Dennis stumble on to the ground.


Heartless got out of his own force field to help Dennis. But he didn't realized that he felt into the enemies trap. He quickly turned around and saw two hands come out from the gate. Heartless snapped his fingers to make the force field bigger. It managed to block the hands for now but it wont last long.

"Dennis get the hell up! You shouldn't be slacking off in the middle of combat!"

Dennis got up and called out Obliviona. He grabbed it with his right hand and prepared the black flames with his left hand.

"Heartless! Run on my signal!"

Dennis started to prepare a black fireball it was going to take time to have it ready. While he was charging it, a bunch of ns attempted to make a move on him. As the ns where approaching, they got blocked by Heartless.

"Think again!"

Heartless punched the ground once. It started to light with the color dark red and black. He gave sinister smile and lifted his left hand. When he did that, he pointed his left arm at the ns as black thorn came out of the ground. This gave enough time for Dennis to finish up charging the fireball.


Dennis let go of his fireball into the air. He then throwed Obliviona at the fireball. As it started to absorb it. Dennis got surprised for a moment after sensing Amaltus walking at them.

"Finally, we've been waiting for you here for the longest time." Heartless said.

He was getting ready for his next move. Amaltus started to look around and noticed the small fight that made him almost laugh. He started to look down at them as if they were weaklings.

"How many hits will it take for you to beat him?"

"Id say... About a few punches, one fireball and a finisher."

Dennis looked at Amaltus in the distance. He had something planed for a situation like this.

"Darkest rain..."

Dennis snapped his fingers to make the fire ball turn into multiple swords. By doing that, he was able to get a hold of Obliviona in his hands to turn the battlefield into his playground. He pointed the sword at Amaltus, giving a command to the rest of the swords. As the swords got in range. Amaltus looked at them to make them stop.

"Not even close!"

Dennis snapped his fingers one more time and it made the swords to self-destruct. He then aimed with his left arm to send a fire blast to add it in the equation. As Heartless saw what Dennis is attempting to do. He sent his black turn to make it into a combo. Amaltus didn't try to dodge it, he just took it in.

"That isn't right." Dennis said.

"Is there like another problem?" Heartless asked. He was being aware of the situation and had a few moves ready.

"Yes. Amaltus took a direct hit, but his getting stronger by the second!" Dennis said.

By the moment Heartless realized what Dennis said. It was already to late to even put his guard up. Amaltus appeared right in front of Heartless and punch him. With that single punch. Heartless was sent flying into the gate. Dennis raised his guard but Amaltus got a hold of him by the neck.

"Dennis, you poor little thing. Why did you think you had a chance to beat me? Sending your friends away so that they could be safe was the worst mistake that you did."

"You don't get it do you?"


Dennis looked Amaltus with a blank stare. His left eye started to glow. As he slowly got a hold of Amaltus face, his expression changed as he was filled with madness.

"You screwed up the moment you got close..."

Dennis smiled at Amaltus as he was being consumed by madness. Amaltus soon realized that he fell into a trap. As the hands that came out of the gate broke free from Heartless barrier. Heartless got control over the hands and grabbed Amaltus. As he was being held in the air. Dennis had the perfect chance to end it.

"Time for me to end this..."

Dennis got in position and crossed his arms to form an x. Obliviona was held on the right hand. The gun was held in the left hand as it infused itself with the black flames.

"Hear my call... grant me the power to destroy... the true that I may call destruction.. show me what it means to give my enemies true oblivion..."

Obliviona started shine with a graceful silver tone. His gun was granted a mark of Obliviona, identifying that it belongs with the sword. While as the flames engulfed Dennis entire body.

"Oblivion strike x Omega flare!!"

Dennis released one full shot of high concentrated black flames with his gun. Then he swing his sword with full strength as it released an energy slash at Amaltus.

"Ill be back for you soon... Dennis!!!"

As Amaltus got struck by Dennis attack. He was sent into the gate, but in exchange, the gate spitted out Heartless.

"Dennis you better wrap this up!!"

Heartless screamed at Dennis. He was limited on the moves he had to use but only one came in mind. Dennis focused his remaining energy on his left eye. He then aimed his left arm to concentrate his last move.

"This wont be enough power..."

Dennis said. He wasn't able to build enough power to close the gate.

"Don't worry, I got your back!"

Heartless placed his right hand on Dennis left shoulder. Dennis looked at Heartless and nodded. As they both focused all of their remaining strength into the attack. The color of the flame was mixing the color red.

"Unison attack: Darkest flare!!"

When they released the attack. The impact able to close the gate. But the impact was to powerfull that it could almost destroy an entire continent.

"Time to go!"

Heartless absorbed Dennis and opened a dimesional rift to get out of the simulation. Soon in the outside. In the computer that was monitoring the simulation showed that nothing remained. When Heartless got out he ended up on a beach chore and released Dennis.

"Give a warning next time you do that!"

Dennis was mad at Heartless since he got absorbed. But he quickly changed his attention to the place they ended in.

"Heartless... Did you sent us to a different world."

"I don't even know recall this place."

Heartless stranded Dennis in another world with no way to return back. They didn't know what to do until it was slowly getting dark and they needed a place to stay for the night.

"Man... should we build a-"

Dennis got interrupted by a sudden alert from his phone. It indicated that the house was nearby. He got confused since the trees where different from the place he came from. When he looked at the sudden turning night sky, he realized that he was in this place before.

"Theres two versions of the house... meaning that we can get back!"

Dennis and Heartless ran on the nearest path until they started to get closer to the house. In the short few minutes of running they reached a divided pathway. Dennis took another look at his phone and the house was indicating that was to their left. When they turned to that direction, they saw a house been over taken by nature in the outside.

"Get us to the room and lets call it a day..."

Heartless grabbed Dennis and teleported into one of the bedrooms. Dennis got confused at first for a moment and ignored it when he saw Heartless lay down on his lap. Dennis started to smile and lay down on the bed to go to sleep as he started to wonder how was X doing during this past few days.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts