
The Tower of a forgotten world (i)

Back on with Dj and the others. They were still in the same room with Kronos. As soon as the clock makes a noise. Dj could calm down, but he was still with fatigue. Owen had his weapons out and was pointing it at Kronos while Yen and Ace were checking on Dj.

"Tell me right now what you want before I shoot!" Owen yelled. Kronos then laughed, and it threw Owen off.

"Your friend is fine. It was just a small cleansing. Besides... you are in no position to threaten a god..." Kronos said to Owen and they all soon realized that she was holding them all hostage.

"Now, I'll make my intentions simple. I want you to bring me your friend... He has been a troublesome person for the past month and has been disrupting the flow of time for quite a while..."

Kronos said. After that, Owen thought of the only person he could think of and lowered his weapons.

"Nah... If you want him, then u better help us cause we can't find him. We lost him the moment he sacrificed himself for us. The only thing we know is that HE is still alive!!"

Owen said. He attempted to calm himself down, but he couldn't hold it no longer. Owen screamed and walked out of the room. Kronos then took her leave by creating a door behind her, but Yen stood in the way with open arms. Stopping her from leaving.

"Mam... I know we are in no position to become your enemies... But please, if you help us find my father, we can convince him to have a talk with you..."

Yen said to Kronos in a soothing tone. It was enough to make Kronos blush. She gave a small cough and thought of Yen's deal.

"Well... I guess... U have yourself a deal, kid."

Kronos said. She then makes the door she made vanish and soon after, Owen returns half flustered, but the moment he is about to say something. Ace covered his mouth, stopping Owen from saying anything that could make the situation worse.

"So, Kronos... Do you by any chance where my father could be?"

Yen asks.

"Well, I know his location, but I can't go to him. Another god trapped me here and I can't escape this endless dimension. It's been a long time since I had company... But your father may get me out of here, child."

Kronos said to Yen. She hands over a pocket a silver pocket watch onto Yen's hands. He then opens it and seed that each number is in Roman numbers. The arrows on the clock pointed at the number six. Kronos then explained its primary function to him.

"Once both arrows hit twelve, you will be sent back here. Please find your father before time runs out... The place your father is has a chaotic energy roaming around."

As soon as Kronos finished explaining. She created a door that led to the world that Dennis was in. From what they could see, they saw Dennis walking in the woods in the middle of a dark sky alongside Sin. Yen raised an eyebrow and looked back at Kronos with doubt.

"Hey... You can make a door that can't take us to any certain?"

Yen asked. Kronos soon nodded while the others got close to the door, trying to understand where their friend ended up.

"Then that's all I need to know..."

Yen said. He went over to Kronos and gave her a hug. She soon panicked when she got a hug after a long time of not having no physical contact with any other living beings. While that happened, Dj and Owen went first and ended up in the open streets of the city. Ace followed them while holding the door for Yen to come through.

"Will see you soon, Kronos!"

Yen shouted as he goes through the door. Kronos waves at him as the door closes and doubted herself interacting with mortals.

Meanwhile, back with Dennis. He was walking on a pathway made of yellow bricks while being relaxed. Sin was right behind him while felling that something wasn't right, but as they kept walking, Dennis suddenly stops and senses someone in the far distance.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Sin asks.

"We have company..."

Dennis said. He then grabs Sin and drags him into the nearest bush, heading to the left side. From there they heard footsteps getting loud and stopped on nearby.

"Did we get tracked down...?"

Dennis said in his mind. He looked through the bush and saw three men in black uniforms wearing helmets with red visors. They all carried weapons and radios.

"Have you heard... The boss is looking for two runners... Said that whoever finds them will gain a paycheck..."

The first guy said.

"No way! Did you even read the reports of a few hours ago? They destroyed like at least 50 puppets!"

The second guy said. And suddenly, the third guy receives a call from the radio and passes down a message to the other two.

"We got orders from command. They are going to move with the gate project and want everyone active for security."

The third guy said. They all then prepared to head back. Once the coast was clear, Dennis and Sin got out of the bushes. Judging by what they overheard, they followed them to the place they had to guard.

Meanwhile, with the others. Dj, Owen, Yen and Ace were surprised by what they saw. A city plunged in with the moonlight sky and in the far distance a tower that had light building up the sky.

"Alright, where should we look first...?"

Owen said. He thought until Dj pulled out his phone and called Dennis. It rang two times and suddenly he got a response.

"Dj...? It's a miracle that I got the call, but I'm in the middle of something right now..."

Dennis said to Dj over the phone.

"Dennis, tell me where you at right now and we will head to you? Me, Owen, Ace and your son are in the middle of this city."

Dj said to Dennis.

"Oh, no... You guys need to head to the tower now before the puppets find you... I can't explain, but I got to go!"

Dennis said. He then hangs up on the call and left Dj in confusion. Dj then informed the rest to head towards the tower as soon as they can. Meanwhile, Dennis and Sin hid in the forest. Following the guys that they spotted, they ended up in a compound and had an enormous tower that reached the sky while being heavily guarded.

"Dennis... I don't think we can break through their defenses..."

Sin said to Dennis, but when he looked at him. He saw Dennis was preparing his gun while his left eye glowed.

"We just need a full assault... Each corned of this area has at least a thousand soldiers waiting for orders... Sniper towers with heavy artillery with well-trained snipers and active turrets. And I almost forgot about the footsoldiers. Each one of them either have a shock baton or with a riot shield..."

Dennis said. It shocked Sin for a moment and he attempted to snap Dennis back to his senses. Dennis looked at Sin, all confused, wondering if something had happened.

"Are you okay? Do you show what came out of your mouth!?!"

Sin asked.

"I... Don't know... usually it's all blasphemy when I say stuff like this, but it's more of what is being expected..."

Dennis then prepared himself and walked into the base with all the weapons that he had got.