
The Shadows of Reality

As Dennis and Dj saw a remnant of a shadow of the future Dj. They wondered what happened to him. Dennis took a step back and the shadow reacted and it went for the attack. It was going at Dennis with its left hand shaped as a claw.

"What in gods name is this!?"

Dennis asked. As the shadow aproached, Dennis went into the defensive and called out his weapon. As a mechanical short sword apeared in his hand, the first thing he did was to parry the hit. They then continued clashing while Dj was left in shock.

"Wait... If he was able to do that... Oh no... Dennis!!"

"I know!! But we can't have this guy running around while looking for Spike!"

Dennis said. He then slashed the shadow but it seems that it had no effect.

"So normal weapons won't work on you... Then let's see if it magic works."

Dennis said. He calls off his weapon and focuses magic on his hands, but as soon as he focuses a bit more fire in his hands. His overdrive shutdowns. At that moment, Dennis knew that they had one option remaining.

"Well then... Dj, I need you to step back for a bit..."

Dennis said to Dj. Dj then nodded at him and stepped back. The next thing he saw was Dennis dropping his coat and throwing away his glasses.

Meanwhile in current time. Dwight and the others where walking towards the gate looking for Spike. As they got closer, they seem to notice that something was wrong.

"Hey is it me or is there something on top?"

Owen said to everyone. They then looked up and saw something falling. As they focused their eyesight. The only thing that they saw was someone falling. Eventually, the person landed on their feet, but didn't felt the fall.

"Wait... Spike?"

Dwight asked. He was able to recognize him by his face and hairstyle. His body seemed different and was growing dragon wings the moment they made eye contact.

"You shouldn't have came to save me... I am beyond salvation..."

Spike said to his friends. They didn't care what he said. There only goal was to bring him back before Dennis saw what happened to him. As they all looked at each other, they nodded to one another understanding what they need to do.

"You are coming with us one way or another Spike!!"

Dwight said to him. He quickly charged in with his sword in hand, but Spike stepped back to prepare himself. As Dwight approached. Spike had his left hand ready and took a swing at him, but he stopped halfway after seeing Owen take aim at him and pulled the trigger. He placed his right hand in front of him and blocked the shots, leaving himself open for Dwight's attack.

"Take this!!"

Dwight said. His blade was charged up with electricity and soon as it landed on Spikes. He recieved a full shockwave that coursed throughout his entire body. Leaving him standing while unconscious.

"Well, that takes care of him."

Dwight said. Owen and Donte felt that something was wrong. For a moment, Dwight believed that he knocked him down and he could easily bring him back. But he soon realized that his attack didn't work. He saw Spike smiling at him as his eyes glowed emerald green.

"Oh come on! Why when Dennis does something like this seems to easy!"

Dwight shouted. He then stepped back and went into the defensive.

"There is a lot that you don't know about him... So let me show you one of the things he did..."

Spike said. He then gave one step forward and it made Dwight fall on his knees.

"Hey stop that!!"

Donte said. He went to go help Dwight but as soon as he got close. He was affected by the same thing and ended up on his knees. Owen was the last one standing and wanted to negotiate before taking any other actions.

"Spike, your not being yourself... Now stop this now and we won't have to hurt you..."

Owen said to Spike.

"I wish... But I don't have a choice..."

Spike said. He then gave another step forward and it made Donte and Dwight touch the ground as if they were facing gravity.

"Alright then... You asked for this..."

Owen said. He then aimed his pistols at Spike but was holding it sideways as gangster.

"What you going to do, shot me?"

Spike asked.

"On the contrary, I'm going to blast you."

Owen said. He pulled the trigger and beam of purple light went towards Spike. It then hit him and pushed him at the nightmare gate of the simulation. At that time, Donte and Dwight where able to stand up from the ground.

"Are you two okay?"

Owen asks. Showing concern for his friends while going at them.

"We good..."

Donte said. Dwight didn't respond to Owen's question. He simply grabbed his sword and went into a readied stance. Keeping an eye on Spike.

Meanwhile, back with Dennis and Dj. Dennis was moving around and dodging the shadows attack while thinking of counter attack. As the shadow came at him. He saw that it was doing repeated attacks that were easy to move around.

"Right claw... Left punch... Right punch centerd... Dash..."

Dennis said in his head. As he mentioned each action, he was dodging the shadows current attack until it stopped.

"Alright this should be enough distance..."

Dennis said to himself. He looked around at his surroundings and saw that he was in a different part of the city, but closer to the nightmare gate. Dj then came over to Dennis while holding on to his coat and glasses.

"Hey Dennis!! I think I see Spike!"

Dj shouted. Dennis then turned around and noticed that he ended up on right side of the gate. He as well saw Spike almost down, but on his knees.

"Dj!! Go check it out! I have this under control!!"

Dennis said.

"Alright!! Also, catch!!"

Dj throws Dennis's coat and glasses at him and he puts them back on. He then goes off to help the others while Dennis deals with the shadow.

"It's a beautiful day in here... Law number two... A menace doesn't stop until the enemy is down..."

Dennis said outloud. His left eye glowed while his where being covered with a similar glow. He then extended his left hand and felt as if he grabbed something. But saw a bright golden brown trace around the shadow.

"Hmm... now that's interesting..."

Dennis said. He then moved his left hand all the way to left and it lifted the shadow and sent into a building. Then he moved his hand all the way to the right and sent the shadow to another building on his right.

"Tell me, where is the Emperor and I may spare your life."

Dennis said to the shadow, but it didn't respond. Sudenly, Dennis felt that something was coming, but he didn't know from what direction. He turned at all directions until a bright red light was being emitted from the shadow.

"What in the world is going on?"

Dennis asked himself. At the time it happened. He saw something coming out from the shadow. It was light colored red shaped star. It gave Dennis a bad feeling and he moved his left hand down. Forcing the shadow hit the ground while applying force. Then the star fell in the middle of Dennis and the shadow.

"I'll be taking that!"

Dennis said. He then lifted his left hand and pushed the shadow away. Making sure that it won't return in time. Dennis then went to the star and picked it up.

"Well then... What's a shadow holding on to something like this?"

Dennis asked himself. He took another look at the star and shrugged. The star was the same size as the palm of his hands, but it was causing a strange energy that was calling out to him. But Dennis was able to control the temptation of power and putted the star on his right pocket.

"Now time to deal with what we came for..."

Dennis said. He then turned around and went to go help his friends.

Meanwhile at the nightmare gate. Dj arrives to scene and sees Spike almost injured while the others where getting tired.

"What in the world happened here?!"

Dj asked. But nobody answered him. He looked over at friends and noticed what was going on and decided to step in. As he walked towards Spike, Owen started screaming at him.

"Dj!! Don't get to close to him!!"

Owen shouted, but by the time he warned Dj. He was already in Spikes range, but he was not affected by gravity. Spike looked over at Dj and was confused for a moment.

"I'm sorry for this pal..."

Dj said to Spike. He then punched Spike in the face so hard that it knocked him out. At that time, Dennis shows up and understood what happened. Without asking anything. Dennis simply opened an exit out of the simulation and they all get out while bringing Spike with them.