
The Second Encounter

Here we find Dj heading to the woods where he haves a big cabin for himself secured for training and the enjoyment of view, with all the free time he had he went fishing. Before he could get all his things ready, he heard a voice calling for help deep in the woods. He saw a few branches broken, so it led to a small trail of whoever got injured. A male werewolf was crying for help for his leg injury.

"Hey... can you help me out here...? I can't barely move..."

As the werewolf was asking for help, Dj dint know what to do but he couldn't just leave the poor guy alone, so he carried him to his cabin.

"Thank you for helping me, by the way..."

The werewolf said.

"No need, I'm just doing what's supposed to be right."

Dj was getting excited to find a rare creature in a place like this but he understands if the society finds out about it they will do experiments to him.

"So um... where are you taking me?"

The Werewolf wanted to know where he was being taken to since he doesn't know nothing and where he has at that moment.

"Well for starters, my name is Dj and what is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Wulf, I came here in look for an old pal of mine called Dennis."

Dj heard that name before and he was sure that he knows the guy.

"You are looking for the infamous Dennis the Menace?"

Wulf got scared since he recalled Dennis called himself like that for a while back.

"Y-yea... that's the one."

"I know where you can find him, but I won't let you go with that injury."

Dj finally carried Wulf to the cabin and laid him down on the couch to make a question to Wulf.

"Hey, can I go with you? I can help you out on the search."

Wulf was thinking if to let Dj come with him while he was dealing with the leg injury.

"You can come if you want to."

"OK, I think you're good to go tomorrow."

Wulf got confused but to not make his new friend worry he played along with it. DJ went out to catch some air while going for a walk around the lake, leaving Wulf alone in the cabin.

"Dang it, I should have asked him if he knew something about the others..."

Wulf worried that something must have happened on the long turn of events of not seen each other after their last mission that may have caused some sort of memory loss. Dj recently returned with a few logs of wood for the chimney while figuring out what to cook.

"I should have brought a recipe book with me when I was on the store."

Wulf saw Dj having a bit of trouble, luckily, he knew a few recipes.

"Dude, if you want to make something, do it right!"

Wulf gotten up from the couch to do all the cooking, he had his claws already out to cut everything.

"Step aside, friend."

Wulf pushed Dj out of the kitchen so he can do the cooking without delay. He tossed the vegetable above him to cut them down, landing on fresh bowls. He carefully mixed them to create a salad to focus on the main dish.

"What ingredients do you have here?"

Wulf asked.

"There're spices on the cabinets and there's supposed to be meat in the fridge."

"That won't do!"

Wulf took off his shirt and hastened into the lake to hunt down some fish.

"The actual hell?! Be careful!!"

Dj followed Wulf to make sure he was fine. Wulf could get the fishes, but he couldn't swim so he got stuck underwater until Dj pulled him out. Wulf was out cold and wasn't responding until nighttime, leaving all the cooking into DJ's hands.

"What happened...?"

Wulf tried to get up, but he tripped.

"You almost drowned, we are heading out tomorrow so eat up and rest."

With Wulf's bad luck, he was sure that it was one of the missing links with Dennis, but there are others on their way to meet him.