
The calling of Power (4)

A few hours later at the house. Dj brought a mysterious person back to the house. When they arrived, they saw Spike sitting at the entrance of the house with the door open. They saw this as strange behavior and one of them needed to check it out. Everyone approached Spike, but Owen and Donte stopped their guest from approaching leaving Dj to handle the situation.

"Hey what's wrong?"

He asked. Dj saw a sad face on Spike. It even seems as if he was losing his hair color.

"Oh? It's nothing... I'm just bored..."

Spike said. He then stood up and went inside.

"Okay... I'm going to talk to Dennis. Keep an eye out for him till I get back."

Dj said. He then went inside while the rest followed.

"Don't worry, if he tries to run away I'll shoot his leg."

Owen said to Dj. He then aimed at the guy and made him sit on the couch without saying a word.

Meanwhile back in the simulation. Dennis was done explaining everything and was laying down on the ground trying to relax before going out. Suddenly Lota walks up to him and she was carrying a first aid kit.

"Why did you brought that?"

Dennis asked. He was confused for a moment, but he recalled that he didn't get hurt.

"You took off your bandages. I need to put them back on before you get hurt."

Lota said to Dennis. She then proceeded and put on the bandages on Dennis hands and feet.

"Fine, but don't expect them to stay on for too long."

Dennis then went out of the simulation to see how everything was going. When he got out, he found Dj barely getting in the room.

"Hey, how was your training with Dwight?"

Dj asked.

"Not much, he learned how to activate an overdrive."

Dennis said to Dj, avoiding what happened after.

"Well... There is a person outside that wants to speak with you."

"That's odd. Why would someone want to speak with me?"

Dennis asked. Trying to think of a reason why someone wanted to talk to him.

"Technically, you're the one in charge, making you the leader."

Dj said. Dennis then moved Dj out of the way to open the door. When he opened it, he saw Owen and Donte keeping an eye on the stranger. Then Dennis wondered why the guy looked a lot like Dj.

"Now that's strange... But before I talk to him I need to make a call."

"Alright, I'll let you be for now."

Dj then went out and Dennis sat down on the chair. He then started to call X, but he didn't respond. He then tried to call Kiwi, but she didn't respond.

"Wait a minute... Did I forgot to update my phone to the network?"

Dennis then took a better look at the phone screen and he saw that it had no signal. He wanted to give it another go, this time he called F.

Meanwhile in Retronia. F was resting on the rooftop of HQ. He then felt his phone vibrating in his right pocket. Surprisingly he answered Dennis call in second without looking.

"Well hello, Dennis, what seems to be the problem today?"

F asked.

"Obliviona wanted me to call X, but right now I have a question."

"Ask away."

Dennis then stood up and opened the door and was keeping track of the others.

"Do you know something about the future version of Dj?"

"Yeah, why? Did something come up?"

Dennis then saw the man stand up when F asked.

"A strange guy that looks like Dj showed up."

Dennis then closed the door and sat down on the chair. F then stood up and looked up at the sky.

"Dennis... Listen very carefully... Whatever he says to you... Don't believe a word."

F then hanged up and left the building. Dennis on the other hand placed his phone in his pocket. With F's warning. It gave him enough reason to not trust their guest.

"Let's get this over with..."

Dennis then left the room and slowly began to take off the bandages from his hands while walking towards the others. The man then looked to his right and saw Dennis walking towards them, but he felt an uncomfortable atmosphere with each passing moment. Even Owen and Donte could feel it.

"Oh, are you their leader? For such a young man you seem to know how to handle this thing."

The man asked.

"You got one minute..."

Dennis said. He then started to take off the bandages on his feet.

"For starters... My name is... Dj and I are from the future..."

The future version of Dj said. Dennis left eye glowed in rage. Forcing him to activate his shadow mode by instinct.

"I believe you on that, but be careful with what you say next."

"Look, I am here to solve things for you all. To make it everything right once and for all."

With what future Dj said, it made Dennis snap. Dennis then vanished and reappeared. Standing in front of the future Dj with his left hand prepared to cast a spell.

"Dennis, what are you doing!?!"

Owen said. He then aimed at Dennis and future Dj for safety.

"Taking care of a threat!"

Dennis said. He then readied his left fist and took a swing at him, but future Dj grabbed the punch with his right hand.

"Not enough strength... Someone needs to teach you a lesson..."

The future Dj then gently pushed Dennis then punched him right in right on his guts. Future Dj's punch was too hard that it even broke the already broken tv and wall with Dennis body. Dennis then stood up and realized that he was outside. He looked at the hole in the house and saw the future Dj walking towards him.

"So... A twenty-five percent punch didn't kill you? That just means I need to crank it up..."

The future Dj then came out and his body was covered by a black fog. Then it vanished and revealed that the future Dj was wearing only black long pants, a simple white shirt, and gray shoes.

"Well then... I take it that your version of a shadow mode?"

Dennis asked.

"It's more like a variant... You see, I possess a self enhancer while you have an uncontrollable one."

Future Dj then did a small demonstration by concentrating a small portion of his power in the palm of his left hand. It then turned the color of his hand into black.

"That's odd... That's the same thing that Spike has right now..."

Dennis said in his mind. He then looked at the sky and noticed that it's barely noon.

"So, are you ready to die?"

"Okay... You know all too well that I won't die that easy..."

Dennis then took off his coat and tied it on his waist.

"Not even to you..."

Dennis left eye glowed and his shadow mode deactivated. He was ready to fight and he got into a fighting stance. Future Dj then smirked and both his eyes began to glow bright red. Causing a disruption of power that made the sky cloudy. Suddenly a thunderbolt landed on the ground and it was there indicated to start their fight.